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[原版] 《渔夫的鞋子/The Shoes of the Fisherman》(1968) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《渔夫的鞋子/The Shoes of the Fisherman》(1968) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

基里尔·拉科塔(安东尼·奎恩饰)是一名政治犯,一直被关押在西伯利亚,在户外为苏联重工业做体力劳动。二十年后的一天,他被叫去见监狱长,并被带到某个地方。然后,他惊讶地出现在苏联总理彼得·伊里奇·加米涅夫面前。我们知道加米涅夫多年前就是基里尔的酷刑者。两人都承认他们彼此很了解。加米涅夫告诉拉科塔,他将在不回答任何问题的情况下被释放,条件是他永远不会说出是谁释放了他。基里尔想要拒绝这个提议,但他被告知这些条件已被他接受。卡马涅夫向基里尔展示了一些有关中国即将入侵韩国、香港、越南和其他产小麦的亚洲国家的新闻报道,因为在短短三个月内,这位共产党领导人将无法养活他的人民和数百万人民。人们会饿死。美国潜艇装备重型武器中国海地区已经部署了核武器。大卫·泰勒蒙德(奥斯卡·维尔纳饰)出现并给了基里尔一本梵蒂冈护照。基里尔在离开苏联之前将享有外交豁免权。他们在飞往梵蒂冈的飞机上交谈,并告诉他,他写了一本被梵蒂冈正式视为异端的书,第二天他必须捍卫他的最后一本书。他还告诉基里尔,他患有一种致命的疾病,所以他很快就会死。乔治·费伯(大卫·詹森饰)是第一个采访他的记者。现任教皇(约翰·吉尔古德爵士饰)坚持任命他为红衣主教。基里尔说,他保持着坚定的信仰,但他只为其他囚犯担任过牧师,因此并没有准备好担任这一职位。教皇坚持要求基里尔别无选择,只能服从。 乔治本人的个人生活很复杂,他的妻子露丝·费伯博士(芭芭拉·杰福德饰)非常嫉妒,她希望他摆脱情人基娅拉(罗斯玛丽·德克斯特饰)。在当爱管闲事的玛切萨(伊莎·米兰达饰)告诉基娅拉安定下来并在一场高级派对上结婚时,激动人心的时刻发生了。基里尔告诉大卫,他在他的书中没有看到太多传统信仰。然而,大卫坚持自己的观点:他想继续当一名牧师,并努力有目标地完成他活着的最后几年。大卫向审判他的法庭负责。据他说,在审讯期间,他强调上帝的设计包括邪恶的行为。然而,随着教皇倒下的消息传来,目前还没有任何判决。乔治是第一个现场宣布教皇去世消息的人。每个人都想知道下一任教皇会是谁。两位最受关注的候选人,红衣主教里纳尔迪(Vittorio De Sica)和红衣主教莱昂内(Leo McKern)并不认为自己配得上这个职位,因为他们太老了,而且有点守旧。他们需要20世纪的新鲜血液和新思想。教皇被安葬在三口棺材中,一棺在另一棺内,所有红衣主教都被安葬在三口棺材中。教会紧闭大门,直到选出新教皇。基里尔坚持让大卫担任他的秘书,尽管大卫本人指出了正在进行的法庭的事实——一旦选出新教皇,就会做出决定- 他相信判决将对他不利,但基里尔坚持认为。他们开玩笑说,唯一确定的是下一任教皇将是意大利人。 一群人开始聚集在圣彼得大教堂周围,而投票前的所有仪式都已完成:锁上门,聚集所有红衣主教。莱昂内和里纳尔迪都无法获得足够的选票当选。由于第六次投票——每天两票,即三天后——仍然没有显示出决定性的解决方案,乔治和其他人想知道可能需要多长时间才能选出一个人。甚至加米涅夫也在新闻中观看乔治。他们还想知道将选出哪位枢机主教,因为合适的人选可以帮助他们达到自己的目的。加米涅夫承认中国的局势可能会打击世界之外。他的助手笑了,因为他正在请求魔法来解决他的问题。加米涅夫说他已经没有数学和事实了。 在一次投票间隙的会议上,基里尔说共产主义已经变得非常保守。一些红衣主教害怕革命,而基里尔是唯一承认暴力是实现某些目的和社会正义的手段的人。在进一步询问下,他承认自己在西伯利亚集中营偷了面包来喂一名下巴骨折的战俘,并且差点杀死了袭击该战俘的警卫。当被问到如果他杀了那个警卫他会有什么感受时,他说他不知道,但坚持认为有时暴力可能是唯一的出路。当夜幕降临,每个人都入睡时,基里尔继续祈祷,备受折磨第二天,在第七次投票也无效后,红衣主教里纳尔迪(维托里奥·德·西卡饰)利用教会法的特权,公开宣布基里尔·拉科塔为他的选择。里纳尔迪说,拉科塔有他因信仰传教而遭受监禁,他有人格力量使天主教信仰的教义适应现代。尽管拉科塔不太情愿,但其他枢机主教也加入了宣布的行列,枢机主教们站起来,最后拉科塔接受了。 格拉西奥(阿诺多·福阿)按照惯例准备了三件长袍,以适应新当选的教皇,无论他的身材如何。当大卫和其他秘书一起将基里尔视为新教皇时,他感到非常震惊。基里尔选择了自己的名字,因为这是第一位“将福音”带入乌克兰的传教士的名字。当所有公众看到基里尔时,他们都沉默了。然后,公众欢呼起来,费伯说,世界正处于危机的边缘,不可能知道未来可能产生的后果。 中场休息 - 进入比赛 基里尔想让大卫靠近他,尽管其余红衣主教不同意。基里尔认为他是一个诚实的人,尽管他有错意见。他还希望有时间采取行动和祈祷,改变现状。伊戈尔·布宁(弗兰克·芬莱 饰)带着加米涅夫送给他的礼物——一些葵花籽前来与他交谈。加米涅夫仍然认为基里尔能够在正确的地方看到正确的词。布宁(Bonin),化名,是受审讯的基里尔的酷刑者之一。布宁代表加米涅夫表示,两个月后就会爆发战争,唯一的解决办法就是基里尔代表西方国家向中国讲话,代表中国向西方国家讲话。基里尔口述了他的答案:这是一件冒险的事情,需要更多时间考虑。基亚拉在动物园遇见了乔治。他的妻子跟着他们到了那里,看到他们在一起。基里尔想和总是忙着做家务的杰拉西奥谈谈。杰拉西奥说,罗马居民会拿外国教皇开玩笑,但随着时间的推移,他们会习惯的。基里尔灵机一动,要求杰拉西奥给他像普通牧师一样的黑色礼服和贝雷帽。基里尔出去参观罗马,看到一位画家在画画,交通拥挤,人们出去玩,贫穷吵闹的社区,露丝·费伯博士差点把他撞倒。她请他去附近的药店买一些药。他去了,但没有钱付。药剂师信任他并给了他药物。垂死者和他的家人(莱奥波尔多·特里斯特饰)是犹太人,所以他以典型的希伯来方式祈祷。基里尔和露丝告别,他对每个人说“平安”。基里尔曾经在西伯利亚营地与一位拉比一起工作。出去的时候,他们看到一对情侣正在接吻、爱抚。露丝只担心他失败的婚姻。他们聊。他告诉他去寻找她曾经感受到的爱。然而,教皇的保安正在外面等候,所以他们不能去吃晚饭。当露丝回到家时,乔治正在收拾行李。所有记者都被召集到巴黎。与此同时,红雀队建议基里尔等待,但他不想拖延。大卫必须回答红衣主教的问题法庭。大卫在试图回答时似乎感到头晕。 (他实际上病得很重;他的大脑里有一个无法手术的动脉瘤。)大卫对基督的概念是不同的。他们要求大卫·泰勒蒙德以明确的声明表达他的信念。他说他也相信这个世界。基里尔本人会告诉大卫,法庭已决定他的意见不可泄露,而且很危险。大卫彻底沮丧了,因为他注定要保持沉默。基里尔命令他接受医疗护理并保持沉默。大卫说他对教会既恨又爱。基里尔身着便装去见中国领导人彭(郭伯特饰)和加米涅夫。加米涅夫说基里尔不能太谦虚或太骄傲。基里尔表示,他将努力实现和平,并为中国开放周边国家的市场。彭要求基里尔在失败的情况下冒点险。回到罗马后,基里尔请求大卫的帮助。基里尔说他不应该接受。基里尔祈祷并说他唯一的令人安慰的是,无论他犯了什么蠢事,他都不会犯错。大卫说他对基里尔没有怨恨,尽管他仍然坚持自己的信仰。当他们祈祷时,大卫突然倒下,捂着头尖叫。他的脑动脉瘤破裂了。当教皇把他抱起来并送往医务室时,他在画面外去世了。红衣主教利昂对他对待大卫的方式感到内疚,要求基里尔听听他的忏悔。莱昂内承认他嫉妒大卫,因为基里尔爱他并信任他。基里尔承认,他与莱昂保持距离是因为莱昂反对他。莱昂内说基里尔必须采取行动,但他不应该指望得到批准或理解。所有教皇在必须做出决定时都会感到孤独。莱昂内说这是无法避免的。乔治是基里尔加冕典礼的记者。所有红衣主教都反对基里尔的想法。基里尔提出退位。莱昂当即表示不。加冕后基里尔立即承诺用教会的全部财富为中国支付粮食的人。

Kiril Lakota (Anthony Quinn) is a political prisoner who has been imprisoned in Siberia doing manual work outdoors for the USSR heavy industry. One day, after twenty years, he is called to the commander of the prison's office, and he was taken somewhere. Then, he is surprised to be in front of the premier of the USSR, Piotr Ilyich Kamenev. We come to know that Kamenev was Kiril's torturer years ago. Both recognized that they came to know each other well. Kamenev tells Lakota that he will be released, no questions answered, on condition that he will never say who freed him. Kiril wants to reject the offer, but he is told that the conditions had been accepted for him. Kamanev shows Kiril some news reports about China being about to invade Korea, Hong Kong, Viet Nam, and other wheat-producing Asian nations because, in only three months, the Communist leader will not be able to feed his people and millions and millions of people will starve to death. American submarines armed with heavy and nuclear weaponry have already been deployed the area of the China Sea. David Telemond (Oskar Werner) appears and gives Kiril a Vatican passport. Kiril will be subject to diplomatic immunity until he leaves the USRR. They talk in the plane out to the Vatican, and tells him that he's written a book which the Vatican officially has considered heresy, and the next day he has to defend his last book. He also tells Kiril that he has a deadly disease, so it won't take long for him to die. George Faber (David Janssen) is the first journalist who interviews him.The present Pope (Sir John Gielgud) insists on making him a cardinal. Kiril says that he kept a steadfast faith, but that he has only worked as a priest for his fellow prisoners, so is not prepared for the position. The Pope insists so Kiril has not option but to obey.George himself has a complex personal life, with a very jealous wife, Dr Ruth Faber (Barbara Jefford), who wants him to get rid of his lover Chiara (Rosemary Dexter). A tense moment happens when the nosy Marchesa (Isa Miranda) tells Chiara to settle down and get married during a high-class party.Kiril tells David that he didn't see much conventional faith in his book. However, David insists in his views: he wants to remain a priest, and is trying to fulfill his last years alive with purpose. David answers to the court who is judging him. During the interrogatory, he stresses that the design of God includes evil acts, according to him. However, there is no verdict, as news arrives that the Pope has collapsed. George is the first who gives live the news that the Pope has died. Everybody wonders who the next Pope will be. The two most thought-of candidates, Cardinal Rinaldi (Vittorio De Sica) and Cardinal Leone (Leo McKern) do not deem themselves worthy of the position, as they are too old and a bit old-fashioned. They need new blood and new ideas for the 20th Century. After the burial of the Pope in three coffins, one inside another, all the cardinals of the church move behind locked doors until they have chosen a new pope.Kiril insists on taking David as his secretary, although it's David himself who points to the fact of the ongoing court -the decision will be taken as soon as the new Pope is elected- and he believes the verdict will be against him, but Kiril insists. They joke that the only sure thing is that the next pope would be Italian.A crowd starts gathering around Saint Peter's while all the rituals before the votation are completed: the locking of doors, the gathering of all the cardinals. Neither Leone nor Rinaldi are able to get enough votes to be elected. As the 6th vote -at two votes per day that means three days later- still shows no decisive solution, George and other people wonder how long it may take to elect someone. Even Kamenev watches George on the news. They wonder also what Cardinal will be elected, as the right person could help them to their own ends. Kamenev admits that the situation in China could blow the world out. His assistant laughs because he is asking magic to solve his problems. Kamenev says that he has run out of maths and facts.In one of the meetings between votes, Kiril says that Communism has become really conservative. Some cardinals are afraid of revolutions, and Kiril is the only one who admits violence as a means to certain ends and social justice. Questioned further, he admits that he stole bread in the Siberian camp to feed a fellow prisoner with a broken jaw, and he almost killed the guard who attacked that prisoner. When questioned how he would have felt if he had killed that guard, he says that he doesn't know, but insists that sometimes violence may be the only way out.When nighttime arrives and everybody goes to sleep, Kiril keeps on praying, tormented by his memories.The next day, after the 7th vote having been void as well, Cardinal Rinaldi (Vittorio de Sica) takes a privilege of church law to openly proclaim Kiril Lakota as his choice. Lakota, Rinaldi says, has preached and suffered imprisonment because of his faith, and he has the strength of personality to adapt the doctrine of the Catholic faith to modern times. Although Lakota is reluctant, other cardinals join in the proclamation, and Cardinals stand up and finally Lakota accepts.Gelasio (Arnodo Foà) has set out three robes, as is the custom, to accommodate the newly elected pope, whatever his size. David feels completely shocked when he, with all the rest of secretaries, sees Kiril as the new Pope. Kiril chooses his own name to carry, as it was the name of the first preacher who "carried the Gospel" into Ukraine.All the public falls silent when they see it's Kiril. Then, the public cheers, and Faber says that, with the world on the verge of a crisis, it's impossible to know what the possible ramifications may be in the future.INTERMISSION - ENTR'ACTEKiril wants to keep David close to him, although the rest of the cardinals disagree. Kiril thinks he's an honest man in spite of his wrong opinions. He also wants time to act and pray, changing things. Igor Bounin (Frank Finlay) comes to talk to him, with a gift from Kamenev, some sunflower seeds. Kamenev still thinks that Kiril could see the right word at the right place. Bounin, under other name, was one of the torturers of Kiril under his interrogation. Bounin, on behalf of Kamenev, says that in two months' time there will be war, and that the only solution is that Kiril speaks to China on behalf of the Western countries, and to the Western countries in behalf of China. Kiril dictates his answer: it's a risky thing to do and needs more time to think about it.Chiara meets George at the zoo. His wife has followed them there, and sees them together.Kiril wants to talk with Gelasio, who's always busy with housekeeping. Gelasio says that Rome inhabitants will make jokes about the foreign pope, but in time they will get used to it. Kiril has an idea and asks Gelasio to give him a black dress and beret like a normal priest. Kiril goes out to visit Rome, and sees a painter painting, the heavy traffic, people going out having fun, the poor noisy neighborhoods, where Dr Ruth Faber almost runs him over. She asks him to go the a chemist's nearby for some medicines. He goes, but hasn't got any money to pay. The pharmacist trusts him and gives him the medicines. The dying man and his family (Leopoldo Trieste) is a Jew, so he prays in the typical Hebrew way. Kiril and Ruth bade goodbye, and he says "shalom" to everybody. Kiril used to work with a rabbi in the Siberian camp. On their way out, they see a couple kissing and caressing. Ruth is only worried about his failing marriage. They talk. He tells him to find the love she used to feel. However, the Pope's security is awaiting outside, so they can't go have dinner.When Ruth arrives home, George is packing. All correspondents have been called to Paris. Meanwhile, the Cardinals advice Kiril to wait, but he doesn't want to delay. David has to answer the Cardinal's court. David seems to go dizzy when trying to answer. (He is actually fatally ill; he has an inoperable aneurysm in his brain.) David's concept of Christ is different. They ask David Telemond to put his beliefs in a clear statement. He says he also believes in the world. Kiril himself will tell David that the court has decided that his opinions are not to be divulged and are dangerous. David is completely frustrated, because he has been condemned to silence. Kiril orders him to get medical care and stay silent. David says that he hates and loves the church at the same time.Kiril dresses in civil clothes to meet with Peng (Burt Kwouk), the Chinese leader, and Kamenev. Kamenev says that Kiril cannot be too humble or too proud. Kiril says he'll try to make peace, and open the markets of surrounding countries for China. Peng asks for Kiril to risk something if he fails.Back in Rome, Kiril asks for David's help. Kiril says that he should have not accepted. Kiril prays and says that his only consolation is that he cannot be mistaken, no matter what folly he commits. David says that he has no grudge against Kiril, although he'll still hold his beliefs. As they pray, David suddenly collapses, clutching his head and screaming. His brain aneurysm has burst. He dies offscreen as the Pope picks him up and rushes him to the infirmary.Cardinal Leone, feeling guilty about the way he treated David, asks Kiril to hear his confession. Leone admits he was jealous of David because Kiril loved and trusted him. Kiril admits he kept Leone at a distance because Leone opposed him. Leone says that Kiril must act, but he shouldn't expect approval or understanding. All popes felt lonely when they had to make decisions. Leone says that it can't be avoided.George is the reporter on the coronation of Kiril. All cardinals oppose Kiril's idea. Kiril offers his abdicadtion. Leone immediately says no.Immediately after being crowned, Kiril pledges all the wealth of the church to pay for food for China's people.

《渔夫的鞋子/The Shoes of the Fisherman》(1968) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《渔夫的鞋子/The Shoes of the Fisherman》(1968) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《渔夫的鞋子/The Shoes of the Fisherman》(1968) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《渔夫的鞋子/The Shoes of the Fisherman》(1968) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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