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[原版] 《杀戮者/Killdozer》(1974) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《杀戮者/Killdozer》(1974) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

这部 1974 年制作的电视电影以太空为背景。一块岩石在与地球相撞的过程中翻滚。脉动的蓝色岩石降落在非洲东海岸附近的一个岛屿上。冷却后呈浅锈棕色。沃伯顿石油资源公司在岛上有一个小型施工队,为石油勘探作业准备场地。劳埃德·凯利(克林特·沃克饰)正在驾驶吉普车检查进展情况。他经过了查布·福斯特(内维尔·布兰德饰),他是一名维修技工,正在给一辆皮卡车加油。他经过正在操作一把大型橙色铲斗的丹尼斯·霍尔维格(卡尔·贝茨饰)。他停在一台闲置的卡特彼勒平地机附近。贝尔特兰(小詹姆斯·T·沃森饰)坐在挡泥板上。凯利问道:“有什么事吗,贝尔特兰?”平地机似乎需要 D9 推土机的帮助才能让他爬上山,但它并没有出现提供帮助。凯利通过无线电给麦克打电话,但无人接听。麦卡锡(罗伯特·乌里希饰)和达奇·克拉斯纳(詹姆斯·温赖特饰)一起检查一栋废弃的建筑。该岛曾是一个二战期间的加油站。该岛面积六平方英里,距非洲海岸两百英里。凯利开车去寻找失踪的男人。凯利发现麦卡锡和达奇正在翻阅一个废弃的储物柜。船员们还有五天的时间来准备石油钻探作业的大本营。麦卡锡登上他的卡特彼勒 D9 推土机。凯利命令达奇去帮助贝尔特兰修建通道。麦卡锡将 D9 瞄准他的目标并发出命令:“好吧,亲爱的,摧毁。”标题和制作人员名单展示了推土机对旧 Quonset 小屋的拆除。麦卡锡从他的钻机上下来检查金属岩石。他无法将其驱逐。凯利主动向年轻人展示如何操作推土机。麦克听到岩石中传来嗡嗡声。凯利开始奔跑,但岩石纹丝不动。岩石开始发出明亮的电蓝色光芒,然后将其能量转移到 D9 的刀片中。一道闪光将麦卡锡击倒他接地。凯利从 D9 上跳下来去救助倒下的人。 那天晚上,在帐篷里,达奇、丹尼斯和贝尔特兰讨论了麦卡锡的状况以及凯利无理地推动完成岛上的工作。凯利通过无线电呼叫公司总部寻求帮助。麦卡锡躺在床上,严重烧伤,手臂缠着绷带。麦克想单独和凯利谈谈。其他人退出帐篷,但丹尼斯在外面忍住了。麦克问道:“你看到了吗?我不太清楚。当你撞到岩石时,蓝色的。不管它是什么,你一定看到了。”凯利否认看到任何东西。麦克呼吸困难,告诉凯利,“蓝光。它就在刀片里。”麦克死了。丹尼斯站在帐篷外,听到了整个对话。凯利通知达奇和贝尔特兰麦克已经死了,他们必须暂时埋葬他。凯利出去检查推土机。他爬上车并启动。当它似乎有自己的想法时,他感到很惊讶。由于无法控制机器,他切断了燃油管,但在他倒地后 D9 追赶他。在它有机会碾压凯利之前,D9 就停了下来。除了凯利之外,所有人都出席了海滩上为麦克举行的即兴墓地葬礼。达奇是麦克的非常亲密的朋友,并且对凯利特别生气。他将麦克的死归咎于凯利。凯利将平地机用作拖车,将 D9 拖回营地。丹尼斯告诉其他人,凯利以前是个酒鬼,这份工作几乎是他最后的机会。凯利在 D9 上受伤。在他的帐篷里,他一边和查布说话,一边包扎手臂上的烧伤。他指示 Chub 查看 D9 并告诉他出了什么问题。丹尼斯·霍尔维格出去在推土机旁边抽烟。 D9 的头灯亮起,刀片开始缓慢升起。刀片迅速掉落,吓了一跳丹尼斯。第二天早上,凯利回到电台,向总部提供每日状态报告。 Chub 正在研究 D9,并向 Kelly 概述了他的发现。丘布让凯莉阿瓦刀片发出奇怪的嗡嗡声。凯利走进丹尼斯·霍尔维格的帐篷,叫他回去工作。丹尼斯想首先讨论“蓝光”。在丹尼斯离开帐篷之前,他向凯利报告道:“昨晚我还在想。我可以发誓 D9 刀片移动了。它差点把我的脚弄断了。”当 Chub 正在修理发电机时,Beltran 登上了 D9 并启动了它。根据凯利关于禁止任何人操作 D9 的严格命令,查布命令他离开 D9。贝尔特兰假装没有听到机械师的声音。贝尔特兰开车离开,然后注意到机器不会响应命令输入。这台任性的机器碾碎了收音机,然后冲进了灌木丛。凯利开着吉普车追赶。尽管贝尔特兰尽了最大努力来控制这头机械猛兽,但 D9 仍继续穿过灌木丛。贝尔特兰 (Beltran) 从 D9 上跳下来。推土机转向该男子并穿过灌木丛追赶他。贝尔特兰 (Beltran) 爬进一根松动的镀锌排水管,但 D9 却从上面滚了下去,导致他身亡。 He 被埋在 Mac 旁边,然后还有四个人。剩下的四个人聚集在凯利的帐篷里聊天,而 D9 则在岛上的某个地方等待再次杀人。丹尼斯刮胡子,达奇则在帐篷里踱步。达奇想在午夜出去游泳,但他却坐在小床上听音乐。丹尼斯走到外面与凯利交谈。他询问贝尔特兰究竟发生了什么事。凯利回答道:“当 D9 把他撞倒时,它正在自行操作——节流、旋转、浮动刀片。”丹尼斯溜出帐篷去散步。现在天已经黑了,他亲眼看到 D9 在周围徘徊。它闪烁着头灯,然后朝那个男人走去。丹尼斯跑回营地,D9 继续在木桩下犁地。第二天早上,凯利正在吃早餐。当丹尼斯进入厨房帐篷时,他倒了一杯咖啡。他断然向凯利宣称,“我不相信 Mac 神志不清。我看到 D9 自己运行。你也看到了,不是吗?当它得到贝尔特兰时?”丹尼斯递给凯利一块引发这一切的岩石。两人都同意这是一块金属陨石。丹尼斯最终说服凯利必须销毁 D9。他建议使用炸药。在营地附近,丘布和达奇正在给平地机加油。达奇告诉查布,他们很可能会加入埋在海滩附近的另外两个人的行列。凯利和丹尼斯开着吉普车停下来,四个人目睹了 D9 盗贼摧毁了他们的营地、帐篷等一切。四个人前往地势较高的地方,观看 D9 有计划地摧毁营地中的一切。当人们检查营地受损情况时,D9 停在灌木丛中。丹尼斯报告说,罐头食品和水足够几天使用——足够供应船几天后抵达。达奇终于有了答案:“远程控制。一定是这样。那东西是通过远程控制来运行的。”达奇向凯利和丹尼斯建议,岛上肯定还有其他人在操作 D9。凯利决定四人应该前往更高的地方。他们开着两辆吉普车皮卡车。 D9 启动并跟随这些人。皮卡车达不到等级。男人们就分开了。凯利和查布探索地势较高的地方。凯利在山顶上看到 D9 驶上峡谷。凯利和查布堆了一些引火物,然后浇上汽油。他们的计划是生一个信号火,希望能吸引船只或飞机。他们点燃火后开车离开。楚布有一个主意。他建议将皮卡车撞上推土机。卡车上的所有燃油桶都会着火,这会毁坏所有橡胶部件并熔化电线。 D9 摧毁信号火。 D9 伏击了这些人。它摧毁了皮卡车。 Dutch 成功跳了出来,但 Chub 无法在 D9 摧毁卡车之前离开卡车。然后海滩旁边有三个坟墓。 Dutch 确信 D9 知道这个计划。他告诉凯利,“它知道。那次伏击。它知道我们要做什么,而且它先做了。”丹尼斯和凯利都认为荷兰人失去它了。 D9 的下一步行动是用一堆石头铲倒海滩上的人。一块石头击中了丹尼斯。在第二处岩石坠落处,三人驾驶橙色吉普车离开。当 D9 潜伏在灌木丛中时,人们在峡谷中等待。他们可以听到它,但他们看不到地狱般的东西。他们决定离开。那天晚上,达奇紧张地来回踱步。他注意到海浪的声音。他又回到了午夜游泳的想法。他问丹尼斯:“它在外面做什么?”为了安抚达奇紧张的神经,凯利给了他一瓶酒,并建议他小睡一会儿。第二天早上,我们看到一个空酒瓶和一个醉得很厉害的荷兰人。他把吉普车开走并宣称:“我要去游泳。”他径直冲进了等待的D9。他们在一片沙地空地上对峙。 D9 直奔达奇而去,他自然在启动吉普车发动机时遇到了麻烦。 D9很快就把吉普车变成了一堆6英寸厚的废品。然后有两个。 D9 追赶凯利和丹尼斯,他们现在徒步。他们发现了,然后跑向铲子。 D9 后退以开始攻击铲子。 D9 与丹尼斯熟练操作的铲子较量。它尝试了几个不同的角度,但两台机器看起来旗鼓相当。丹尼斯将铲斗放到推土机铲刀下方,但拉力拉断了电缆。男人们跑向平地机。他们最终推断出机器无法被杀死,但控制它的实体可以被杀死,但是用什么来杀死呢?在回答如何杀死杀手的问题时,丹尼斯说道:“它太重了,无法悬挂。它太大了,无法放入毒气室。”凯利建议用电——触电。他们继续使用发电机和金属格栅安装陷阱。他们计划使用平地机作为诱饵,将 D9 引诱到格栅上,格栅上覆盖着棕色防水布作为伪装。 D9 接近凯利,凯利现在坐在平地机上。 D9 停在距离陷阱不远的地方。 D9 转向发电机,丹尼斯站在它后面。凯利抓起一根撬棍,走到怪物面前嘲笑它。撬棍精准投掷,将其中一盏车头灯炸掉,这激怒了推土机。它直奔凯利并越过陷阱。丹尼斯打开发电机开关并油炸机器。它在垂死的剧痛中嚎叫、猛烈地挥动、举起和放下剑。刀片变成亮蓝色,然后变成紫色。刀片恢复正常颜色并且嗡嗡声停止。它看起来已经死了,两人小心翼翼地接近 D9。丹尼斯建议向公司讲述一个关于四名男子在山体滑坡中丧生的可信故事,但凯利坚持事实真相——尽管这很难解释或相信。两人都同意他们很高兴还活着。凯利把他的红色安全帽抛向空中。它降落在D9上。片尾字幕滚动到 D9 和凯利安全帽的定格画面上。

This 1974 made for TV movie opens out in space. A rock tumbles on a collision course with Earth. The pulsating blue rock lands on an island off the east coast of Africa. It cools to a light rusty brown. The Warburton Oil Resources Company has a small construction crew on the island preparing the site for an oil exploration operation. Lloyd Kelly (Clint Walker) is driving a jeep to check on progress. He passes Chub Foster (Neville Brand), a maintenance mechanic pumping fuel into a pickup truck. He passes Dennis Holvig (Carl Betz) operating a large, orange Bucket Shovel. He stops near an idled Catepillar Grader. Beltran (James T. Watson Jr.) is sitting on the fender. Kelly asks, "What's the hang up, Beltran?" Seems the Grader needs the assistance of a D9 Bulldozer to get him up a hill but it hasn't shown up to assist. Kelly calls Mac on the radio, but there is no answer. McCarthy (Robert Urich) is with Dutch Krasner (James Wainwright) checking out an abandoned building. The island was a refueling station during World War II. The island is six square miles in size and two hundred miles off the coast of Africa. Kelly drives off in search of his missing man. Kelly finds McCarthy and Dutch rummaging through an abandoned locker. The crew has five days left to prepare a base camp for an oil drilling operation. McCarthy climbs aboard his Catepillar D9 Bulldozer. Kelly orders Dutch to go and help Beltran building the access road. McCarthy aims the D9 towards his objective and commands, "Ok, sweetheart, destroy." Title and credits roll over the demolition of the old Quonset hut by the Bulldozer. McCarthy gets off his rig to examine a metallic rock. He is unable to dislodge it. Kelly offers to show the younger man how to handle the Bulldozer. Mac hears a humming sound coming from the rock. Kelly gets a running start, but the rock won't budge. The rock begins to glow a bright electric blue, then transfers its energy into the blade of the D9. A flash of light knocks McCarthy to the ground. Kelly jumps off the D9 to assist the fallen man.In their tent that evening, Dutch, Dennis and Beltran discuss McCarthy's condition and Kelly's unreasonable push to complete work on the island. Kelly calls company headquarters on their radio for help. McCarthy lays on his cot, severely burned, his arm wrapped in bandages. Mac wants to talk to Kelly alone. The other men exit the tent, but Dennis holds back just outside. Mac asks, "Did you see it? I don't know exactly. When you hit the rock, blue. Whatever it was, you must have seen it." Kelly denies seeing anything. Struggling to breathe, Mac tells Kelly, "Blue light. It's there in the blade." Mac dies. Dennis, standing just outside the tent hears the entire exchange. Kelly informs Dutch and Beltran that Mac is dead and they will have to bury him temporarily. Kelly goes out to examine the Bulldozer. He climbs aboard and starts it. He is surprised when it seems to have a mind of its own. Unable to control the machine, he cuts a fuel line, but the D9 chases after him after he falls to the ground. Before it has a chance to crush Kelly, the D9 just stops. All except Kelly are present for an impromptu graveside service on the beach for Mac. Dutch was very close friend to Mac, and is especially angry with Kelly. He blames Kelly for Mac's death. Kelly drags the D9 back to camp using the Grader as a tow truck. Dennis tells the others that Kelly is a former alcoholic and this job is pretty much his last chance. Kelly was injured on the D9. In his tent he is talking to Chub while dressing the burn on his arm. He directs Chub to look over the D9 and tell him what was wrong with it. Dennis Holvig goes out for a cigarette next to the Bulldozer. The D9's headlights come on and the blade starts to slowly rise. The blade quickly drops startling Dennis.The next morning Kelly is back on the radio providing headquarters his daily status report. Chub is working on the D9 and outlines his findings to Kelly. Chub makes Kelly aware of the weird humming coming from the blade. Kelly goes into Dennis Holvig's tent to roust him back to work. Dennis wants to discuss the "blue light" first. Before Dennis leaves the tent he reports to Kelly, "Still last night I wondered. I could have sworn that D9 blade moved. It almost took my foot off." While Chub is working on the generator, Beltran boards the D9 and starts it up. Chub orders him off the D9, per Kelly's strict orders for no one to operate it. Beltran pretends not to hear the mechanic. Beltran drives off, then notices that the machine will not respond to command inputs. The wayward machine crushes the radio then heads off into the brush. Kelly gives chase in the jeep. The D9 continues through the brush despite Beltran's best efforts to control the mechanical beast. Beltran jumps off the D9. The bulldozer turns towards the man and chases him through the underbrush. Beltran crawls into a piece of loose galvanized drainage pipe, but the D9 rolls over it killing him. He is buried next to Mac, and then there were four.The four remaining men gather in Kelly's tent to talk while the D9 waits somewhere on the island to kill again. Dennis shaves while Dutch paces around in their tent. Dutch wants to go out for a midnight swim, but instead sits on his cot listening to music. Dennis goes outside and talks to Kelly. He asks exactly what happened to Beltran. Kelly replies, "The D9 was operating by itself when it ran him down - throttling, pivoting, floating the blade." Dennis slips out of the tent for a walk. It is dark now and he sees for himself the D9 prowling around. It flashes its headlights, then moves towards the man. Dennis runs back to camp and the D9 continues to plow under wood pilings.The next morning Kelly is having breakfast. He pours a cup of coffee when Dennis enters the kitchen tent. He flatly proclaims to Kelly, "I don't believe Mac was delirious. I saw the D9 operating all by itself. You saw it too, didn't you when it got Beltran?" Dennis hands Kelly a piece of the rock that started it all. Both agree it's a metallic meteorite. Dennis finally convinces Kelly the D9 must be destroyed. He suggests dynamite. Near camp, Chub and Dutch are refueling the Grader. Dutch tells Chub that they are both likely to join the other two buried near the beach. Kelly and Dennis pull up in the jeep and the four men witness the rogue D9 destroy their camp, tents and all. The four men head up to higher ground and watch the D9 systematically destroy everything in camp. The D9 sits out in the brush as the men survey the damage to camp. Dennis reports that there is enough canned food and water for a couple days - enough until the supply ship arrives in a few days. Dutch finally has his answer, "Remote control. That's got to be it. That thing is running by remote control." Dutch suggests to Kelly and Dennis that someone else must be on the island operating the D9. Kelly decides the four should head for higher ground. They take the two jeeps and the pickup truck. The D9 starts up and follows the men. The pickup truck can't make it up the grade. The men split up. Kelly and Chub explore the higher ground. From the top of the hill Kelly spots the D9 coming up a ravine. Kelly and Chub pile some kindling and douse it with gasoline. Their plan is to build a signal fire in hope of attracting a boat or airplane. They drive away after lighting the fire. Chub has an idea. He suggests ramming the pickup into the bulldozer. All the fuel barrels on the truck will catch fire and that should destroy any rubber parts and melt the electrical wiring. The D9 destroys the signal fire. The D9 ambushes the men. It destroys the pickup truck. Dutch was able to jump free, but Chub was unable to exit the truck before the D9 destroys it. And then there were three graves next to the beach. Dutch is convinced the D9 knew the plan. He tells Kelly, "It knew. That ambush. It knew what we were gonna do and it did it first." Both Dennis and Kelly think Dutch is losing it. The D9's next move is to plow a pile of rocks down on the men on the beach. One rock strikes Dennis. At the second rock fall the three men drive off in the orange jeep. The men wait in a ravine while the D9 lurks in the bushes. They can hear it, but they can't see the hellish thing. They decide to leave.That night Dutch paces back and forth nervously. He notes the sound of the surf. He returns to his midnight swim idea. He asks Dennis, "What's it doing out there?" To calm Dutch's frayed nerves, Kelly gives him a bottle of alcohol and suggests he take a nap. The next morning we see an empty liquor bottle and a very drunk Dutch. He drives the jeep off and proclaims, "I'm going swimming." He runs straight into the waiting D9. They face off in a sandy clearing. The D9 heads straight for Dutch, who naturally has trouble starting the jeep engine. The D9 quickly turns the jeep into a 6-inch thick pile of scrap. And then there were two. The D9 chases Kelly and Dennis, who are now on foot. They spot and then run to the Shovel. The D9 backs away to get a running start to attack the Shovel. The D9 jousts with the Shovel, skillfully operated by Dennis. It tries a couple of different angles, but the two machines seem evenly matched. Dennis gets the bucket under the bulldozer's blade, but the strain snaps a cable. The men run to the Grader. They finally deduce that the machine can't be killed, but the entity controlling it can be, but with what? In answer to the question how do you kill a killer, Dennis remarks, "It's too heavy to hang. It's too big to fit in a gas chamber." It is Kelly who suggests electricity - electrocution. They proceed to rig a trap using the generator and metal grating. They plan to use the Grader as bait to lure the D9 onto the grating, which is covered with brown tarps as camouflage. The D9 approaches Kelly, who is now sitting in the Grader. The D9 stops just short of the trap. The D9 turns to face the generator and Dennis standing behind it. Kelly grabs a crowbar and walks over to the monster and taunts it. A well-aimed throw of the crowbar takes out one of the headlights which infuriates the bulldozer. It makes straight for Kelly and right over the trap. Dennis throws the generator switch and fries the machine. It howls and thrashes and lifts and lowers the blade in its death throes. The blade turns a bright blue, then violet. The blade returns to normal color and the humming stops. It would appear to be dead and the two men cautiously approach the D9. Dennis suggests a plausible story to tell the company about the four men dying in a landslide, but Kelly insists on the truth - hard as it will be to explain or believe. Both agree they are glad to be alive. Kelly tosses his red hardhat up in the air. It lands on the D9. End Credits roll over a freeze frame of the D9 and Kelly's hardhat.

《杀戮者/Killdozer》(1974) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《杀戮者/Killdozer》(1974) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《杀戮者/Killdozer》(1974) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《杀戮者/Killdozer》(1974) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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