《愤怒徽章/Badges of Fury》(2013) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/xzjlp/8939pic/2024106/1011/1110cbsbvjwkoof.jpg《狂怒徽章》是一部犯罪惊悚片,由李连杰(无需介绍)、周科林(《黑客帝国:重装上阵》、《闪点》)和吴京(《杀破狼》/《杀戮地带》)领衔主演。当香港爆发一连串令人毛骨悚然的谋杀案时,两名制造麻烦的警察被指派处理此案。年轻特立独行的王和头发花白的兽医黄厌倦了他鲁莽的年轻伙伴总是让他们陷入困境。在发现所有受害者都是有抱负的明星刘的前男友后,侦探们陷入了死胡同,必须玩一场致命的游戏。其中一人必须以刘的情人身份卧底,以引诱凶手。李、周和吴是世界上最优秀的三位银幕斗士,《功夫》和《卧虎藏龙》的兽医 Po Chu Chui 担任制片人,我们相信他们会得到很好的利用。-IFTEKHAR HUSAIN SIR
Badges Of Fury, a crime thriller featuring one hell of a martial arts trio with Jet Li (needs no introduction), Collin Chou (The Matrix Reloaded, Flashpoint) and Wu Jing (SPL / Kill Zone) in the lead roles. When a spate of eerie murders erupts across HK two troublemaking cops are assigned to the case. Young maverick WANG and grizzled vet HUANG who is fed up with his reckless younger partner always landing them in hot water. Reaching a dead end after discovering all the victims were former boyfriends of aspiring starlet LIU, the detectives must play a deadly game. One of them must go undercover as Liu's lover to lure the killer out. Li, Chou and Wu are three of the finest screen fighters in the world and with Kung Fu Hustle and Crouching Tiger vet Po Chu Chui in the producer's chair here's betting they're put to good use.—IFTEKHAR HUSAIN SIR
《愤怒徽章/Badges of Fury》(2013) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
《愤怒徽章/Badges of Fury》(2013) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
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