
1960年,蒙帕亚尔,一个安静的法国小镇,以优质葡萄酒而闻名。它自称为“法国最安静的小镇”。唯一不觉得这里如此安静的是帕朱(弗朗索瓦-亚历山大·加勒皮德斯饰,绰号“小胡子”饰),他是该镇的官方猎场看守人,也是当地偷猎者布莱罗(路易·德·菲内斯饰)不断的受害者。当他走回市中心时,他的制服被布莱罗的最后一个笑话搞得一团糟,每个人都取笑他:木桶制造商奥古斯特(卢西恩·休伯特饰)、法官勒雷奇尼厄先生(罗伯特·瓦蒂埃饰)、扭索大师(让-马里·阿马托饰) )一名律师兼镇议会反对党领袖,当地监狱长布卢特先生(皮埃尔·蒙迪饰),以及镇上的大多数居民。唯一不觉得有趣的是镇上的保守派市长。镇上的杜伯努瓦先生 (Frédéric Duvallès)。他热爱和平与秩序,他想除掉镇上唯一的麻烦制造者——偷猎者布莱罗。在告诉帕朱尽一切努力抓住布莱尔之后之后,他和布鲁特先生一起去他朋友莱昂·德·沙维尔伯爵(罗兰·阿蒙特尔饰)和他的妻子伯爵夫人(玛德琳·巴尔布利饰)的城堡里打桥牌。在城堡里,他们遇到了阿拉贝拉·德·沙维尔(诺埃尔·诺埃尔饰)。亚当),伯爵的女儿,她骑着摩托车在镇上行驶,吓坏了人们。伯爵告诉他的朋友市长,他想尽快娶她。 在进入她的房间之前,阿拉贝拉从仆人的托盘上偷了一瓶酒。然后仆人把托盘端到牌桌上,询问伯爵夫人想要如何烹制野鸡。当市长得知这只野鸡来自偷猎者布莱罗时,他有点生气。与此同时,布莱罗正在森林里行走,在他的黑白小狗的帮助下,从他设置的各种陷阱中捕获猎物。影片中,四个人还在打桥牌,却被阿尔芒·弗莱查德(克劳德·里奇饰)的到来打断了。 Fléchard 是阿拉贝拉的 pi阿诺老师。他也非常爱阿拉贝拉,但从未告诉过她,只给她发匿名情书。 在她的卧室里,阿拉贝拉抽烟、喝酒、读惊悚小说、听音乐。当弗莱查德走进房间时,她停止了音乐。她开始弹钢琴,但是,弗莱沙尔的评论让她很恼火,她用手指猛击钢琴盖。布莱罗回到了他在树林里的小木屋里。他与他的狗和他驯服的喜鹊分享食物。然后,他开始穿好衣服,准备去向顾客分发他偷猎的野味。喜鹊会说话,帮他把游戏藏在夹克下面。在离开家之前,他会去花园里喂他的猪,他称之为“Parju”。真正的人类帕朱躲在灌木丛中看着他,似乎不喜欢有一头以他的名字命名的猪。但帕朱的金属徽章在阳光下闪闪发光,布莱罗发现了他。离开之前,布莱罗对他的狗低声说了些什么。布莱罗和他的狗艺术穿过森林,帕朱小心翼翼地跟在后面。但突然间,帕朱再也见不到布莱罗了。偷猎者躲在一棵空心树里。帕朱听到狗叫,就跟着它。当帕朱离开后,布莱罗从藏身之处走出来,朝与帕朱相反的方向走开。狗继续躲藏,让帕朱在森林里跑来跑去。与此同时,布莱罗可以谨慎地将他的游戏提供给他的客户。其中一家是蒙帕亚尔最著名的餐厅,他养了两只野兔和两只野鸡。 当布莱罗见到最后一位顾客时,他走进一家小酒馆喝了一杯酒。不久,他的狗也跟着进来了,帕朱紧随其后,浑身大汗。帕朱慢慢地走到酒吧,点了一杯啤酒,布莱罗似乎看到了啤酒泡沫上的一只苍蝇,于是把泡沫吹到了帕朱的脸上。 在查维尔城堡,父母双方都想为女儿找到一个未婚夫,但没有一个蒙帕亚的年轻人对她来说足够男性化。伊拉德市政厅,镇议会正在开会,市长和他的对手 Maître Guilloche 正在为 Blaireau 发生争执,Guilloche 指责市长没有采取必要措施除掉 Blaireau。 在 Montpaillard 附近的一条河中,Blaireau 正在抓捕 Blaireau。徒手钓鳟鱼。躲在一堆芦苇后面的帕朱看到了他,脱下靴子和腰带,准备下水去抓他,但他把金属徽章掉到了一块石头上,布莱罗发现了他。所以,当帕朱到达河边时,布莱罗就不见了。躲在水下的布莱罗扭伤了帕朱的脚趾,帕朱以为自己被蛇咬伤了,于是逃跑了。第二天是蒙帕亚的集市日。布莱罗正在卖蘑菇,但实际上,他的矮凳下藏着两个篮子,里面装满了他前一天捕获的鳟鱼。帕朱感觉到有什么事情正在发生,躲在附近的一个摊位后面,看到布莱罗正在给市长的仆人莱昂廷(莫内特·迪奈饰)大量的鱼。他走路绕过摊位,来到布莱罗坐的地方,他往长凳下看去,但鱼篮不见了。帕朱拼命寻找篮子,打破了附近屠夫的摊位。他必须走开,当他离开时,布莱罗向他的狗吹口哨,后者把篮子带回来。 稍远一点的地方,在一家书店附近,市长正在斥责帕朱破坏了肉店的摊位,而且没有抓住布莱罗。阿拉贝拉进入书店购买新的惊悚小说。弗莱查德进入她身后,试图将一封情书藏在其中一本书中,但是,由于阿拉贝拉不断改变她对她想买的书的想法,他没有成功。稍远一点,他最终成功地将信放入她买的一束玫瑰花中。 过了一会儿,弗莱查德独自一人在阿拉贝拉的房间里,并在阿拉贝拉的桌子上看到了他的便条。他还看到了很多照片,甚至还有一尊非常有男子气概的年轻人的雕像。当阿拉贝拉告诉他蒙帕亚没有一个真正的男性时,他走了过来第二天,市长邀请他的朋友们共进午餐:布鲁内特先生、法官和德·夏维尔伯爵。 Léontine 给他们端上前一天买的鳟鱼,但当市长知道这些鳟鱼来自布莱罗时,他几乎要窒息了。今天是蒙帕亚尔的捕鱼季节正式开始,大家都聚集在镇上的主要小酒馆里,参加钓鱼比赛。帕朱坐在一张桌子旁,写下所有参赛者的名字。当布莱罗不想把布莱罗的名字写在名单上时,Maître Guilloche 就得命令他这么做。 比赛在蒙帕亚尔附近的一条大河上举行,比赛主席 Maître Guilloche 坐在一张桌子旁。一座桥,帕朱在他身边。镇上的每个人都在那里,包括布卢特先生、法官、弗莱沙尔,当然还有坐在河边并排坐着的市长和布莱罗。如果市长带来了非常重的设备,布莱罗就会双手插在口袋里。他用树枝制作了一条钓鱼线,并用一根火柴和一个夹克纽扣制作了钓鱼线的浮子。布莱罗将他的业余钓鱼线扔进水中,用脚在地上跺了三下,然后拉了一个非常大的绳子。大鱼。用同样的跺脚方法,他钓到了十几条大鱼,而其他参赛者却什么也没钓到,或者钓到了几条很小的鱼。Maître Guilloche 拥有一份当地报纸《L'Eveil de Montpaillard》,他在该报上发表了自己的观点。讲述钓鱼比赛的故事,让蒙帕亚尔全城的人都笑了起来。唯一没有笑的是市长,但当帕朱走进市政厅告诉他已经抓住了布莱罗时,他感觉好一点了。不幸的是,他只抓住了布莱罗的狗,但他希望能抓住布莱罗和狗。弗莱查德厌倦了阿拉贝拉糟糕的表现,将她赶出了家门,并决定是时候向她证明他是一个真正的男人了。布莱罗沿着湖边行走,没有成功地打招呼的狗。突然,他看到帕朱骑着自行车过来,狗绑在车把上。 Parju 还没有看到他,Blaireau 可以向 Parju 报仇。Parju 放下自行车,让狗引导他去找一只被隐藏陷阱困住的兔子。他告诉狗把兔子带到布莱罗并跟着它。狗把他带到了湖边,布莱罗显然正在湖中央的一艘小划艇上睡觉。湖边还有另一艘划艇,帕朱带着狗和死兔子爬上划艇。帕朱不知道的是布莱罗在船上设下陷阱。当沉重的帕朱一进入船内,船底部的塞子就会弹出,水开始涌入船内。当帕朱到达布莱罗的船时,他自己的船被水淹没了,而狗则被淹死了。游到主人的船上。布莱罗带着他的狗划船离开。傍晚时分,帕朱正试图烘干他的衣服,但布莱罗躲在附近一棵树的高处,用钓鱼线钓鱼。现在是晚上 11:30。帕朱穿着用草和树枝制成的缠腰布,试图偷偷回家,但他遇到了市长,市长立即明白发生了什么事。市长让他去拿新衣服去抓布莱罗,即使他必须整晚都在外面。 午夜时分,帕朱衣冠楚楚地从他的房子里出来,而阿拉贝拉在她的卧室里正在读弗莱查德的匿名信,告诉她半夜到榨酒厂附近。与此同时,弗莱查德正从家里出来迎接阿拉贝拉。阿拉贝拉走到城堡公园的压榨机附近,而弗莱查德则翻过公园的围墙去见她。但是,在墙的另一边,他没有落在坚实的地面上,而是落在一个小玻璃温室上。他发出的噪音吓坏了阿拉贝拉,她跑回自己的房间,但也吸引了帕朱,当弗莱查德爬回墙时,帕朱跳到了他身上。弗莱查德赢得了比赛,给帕朱打了一记青眼,并窃取了他的官方坏名第二天,市长要 Parju 告诉他,他遭到了 Blaireau 的袭击,但 Parju 回答说,天太黑了,他根本不知道是谁袭击了他。市长命令他指控帕朱,并要求上级部门派出增援人员逮捕布莱罗。几个小时后,十几名宪兵到达市政厅帮助市长逮捕他。与此同时,在城堡里,伯爵夫人告诉女儿布莱罗夜间来到公园殴打帕朱的事。当布莱罗在湖边钓鱼后回到他在森林里的木屋时,他被宪兵逮捕并带了进来。在法官 Lerechigneux 面前,法官将他送进监狱一个月。 在监狱里,监狱长 Bluette 先生非常热烈地欢迎布莱罗。这是一座奇怪的监狱,所有的门都是敞开的,囚犯们在那里做木匠、裁缝甚至足病医生。他们看起来都很高兴,并告诉布鲁特先生他们的小健康问题或他们的家人。布鲁特让布莱罗选择自己的牢房,然后将他托付给狱长维克多(保罗·费弗尔饰),维克多和布鲁特先生一样,似乎也是一个非常和蔼可亲的人,对囚犯也非常友好。 阿拉贝拉讲述她的父亲她将嫁给布莱罗。市长听说后差点窒息而死。 夜里,布莱罗的狗在监狱外哀嚎。布鲁特正在读法国监狱的规定书,他撕下了关于囚犯不允许养宠物的那一页,并让狗进来。 与此同时,弗莱查德做了关于布莱罗和阿拉贝拉的噩梦。 在沙维尔城堡里,阿拉贝拉放了很多东西将好东西(葡萄酒、萨拉米香肠、蛋糕等)装进盒子里,以“帮助囚犯”的标签匿名送给布莱罗。当她的父亲看到她这样做时,他非常生气,但无法阻止她这样做。弗莱查德正在读一本关于囚犯日夜被锁在监狱墙上的老书。r细胞,只给予面包和水吃和喝。但布莱罗的实际情况却大不相同。他的牢房里摆满了美食和美酒,他甚至还有雪茄可以抽。 市中心的帕朱因为没有布莱罗在身边而感到无聊透顶。 Maître Guilloche 认为,如果没有布莱罗,这座小镇看起来就像一群贝类。镇上最好的餐厅,没有布莱罗的偷猎,就没有他惯常的特色菜来招待顾客。镇上唯一高兴的人就是市长。 监狱里,布卢特带着布莱罗来到穿过监狱花园的小溪,让他去里面抓小龙虾。第二天,所有囚犯都在吃小龙虾作为午餐,这时狱长维克多走进来,手里拿着阿拉贝拉的另一个匿名包裹。布莱罗打开它,向狱友们展示了里面的所有好东西。维克多回到监狱门口,弗莱沙德给了他另一个包裹给布莱罗。它被标记为“保护我”布莱罗很高兴,在里面,布莱罗发现了一件漂亮的丝绸睡袍。几天后,布莱罗告诉布鲁特,现在是新月,他藏在森林里的所有陷阱都将满了。布鲁特先是拒绝让他在森林里过夜,然后又邀请他一起去。 Bluette 很高兴扮演业余偷猎者。当帕朱在森林里漫无目的地散步时,看到他们俩在空地上跳舞,他以为自己病了,回家躺在床上。 与此同时,布鲁内特和布莱罗回到了监狱门口,但布鲁内特意识到他忘记了钥匙。然后他们看到所有其他囚犯在维克多的带领下回到监狱,维克多带他们去了电影院。但维克多也忘记了他的钥匙。幸运的是,一名囚犯能够用他的小刀打开门!几天后,医生告诉帕朱,他现在可以下床出去了。他还告诉他布莱罗即将出狱第二天,他也病了。事实上,布莱罗生病了,因为他吃了太多阿拉贝拉和弗莱查德送给他的美食。顺便说一句,阿拉贝拉和弗莱查德各自给布莱罗带来了另一个包裹,她骑着摩托车,他骑着速度较慢的 Solex 自行车。他们在两条街的拐角处碰面,发现他们都在寄包裹。弗莱查德解释说,他才是真正袭击帕朱的人,并出示了帕朱的官方徽章来证明这一点。然后他告诉阿拉贝拉,他也是给她寄匿名情书的人。阿拉贝拉回答说,如果他入狱,她会立即爱上他。听到谈话的市长试图阻止他,但他不想听他的。 Maître Guilloche 也听到了谈话,并想告诉全镇的人这起误判。但是当弗莱查德要求“Procureur de la République”(在美国是“检察官”或“地方检察官”)派出检察官(皮埃尔·斯蒂芬饰)回答说,他目前正在考虑与家人一起度假,而不是送人入狱。 第二天,在沙维尔城堡,阿拉贝拉正在为她的新人制作包裹。未婚夫阿尔芒·弗莱查德 (Armand Fléchard) 的举动让她的父亲大为恼火。 与此同时,布莱罗 (Blaireau) 正在向布鲁内特 (Bluette) 告别,因为他要离开监狱了。但是,当他快要走出大楼时,布鲁特给他回了电话,因为他刚刚收到一封信,解释说袭击帕朱的罪名是弗莱查德,而不是布莱罗。法国法官太奇怪了,现在布莱罗必须回到监狱,直到他的清白被正式证实。阿拉贝拉想把她的包裹带给弗莱沙尔,但她看到弗莱沙尔仍然在监狱外的街道上,并试图进去。他甚至把他的徽章还给了 Parju,Parju 亲吻了他以示感谢!最终,弗莱查德前往布鲁内特的办公室,要求他将自己关进监狱。布莱罗也走进办公室询问布鲁内特让他出狱。布鲁特生气了,把布莱罗关进了一间真正上锁的牢房,并将弗莱夏尔踢出了监狱大楼。扭索大师在他的报纸上讲述了布莱罗的整个故事,然后他为布莱罗出狱组织了一场庆祝活动。蒙帕亚尔的全体居民都走上街头,向布莱罗表示胜利,他驾驶着一辆敞篷车,身边有扭索饰纹,从监狱到游乐场。蒙塔帕亚尔位于葡萄园区的中心,已经摆好了许多酒桶供人们享用。 一位搞笑的市长告诉吉洛什,蒙塔帕亚尔的下一任市长既不是他自己,也不是吉洛什,而是布莱罗。扭索切并不觉得这个前景好笑。布莱罗被要求开始自行车比赛,但他不想使用他们给他的枪,他把枪放在口袋里。然后他帮助阿拉贝拉爬上旋转木马,在那里她遇到了弗莱查德,并询问弗莱查德何时入狱。帕朱不能当他看到布莱罗与市长、法官和扭索装饰一起喝酒时,相信他的眼睛。但布莱罗必须离开他的新朋友,去将他的奖品颁发给自行车比赛的获胜者。然后布莱罗与伯爵夫人跳了一会儿舞,然后他与弗莱沙尔聊天,弗莱沙尔告诉他他的爱情问题。为了帮助他,布莱罗用他放在口袋里的枪强迫阿拉贝拉亲吻弗莱沙尔。布莱罗让他们仍然互相亲吻,阿拉贝拉告诉弗莱沙德她不想再让他进监狱了。但是,如果伯爵夫人对她的女儿嫁给弗莱沙德感到非常高兴,她的丈夫就会拒绝让她这样做。他甚至告诉法官尽快将弗莱沙德关进监狱。但布莱罗引诱伯爵喝了太多的酒,当伯爵喝醉时,布莱罗让他答应让他的女儿嫁给弗莱夏尔。 弗莱夏尔和阿拉贝拉结婚了,但当他们在婚礼后走出教堂时,检察官告诉宪兵将弗莱沙尔带回入狱后,他开车和家人一起去度假。 夜晚,阿拉贝拉还穿着婚纱,在监狱门口哭泣。布莱罗加入了她并打电话给布鲁特,布鲁特打开门,向布莱罗展示了法国监狱条例书,更具体地说,是关于年轻新婚妻子不得与丈夫一起入狱的页面。布莱罗撕下纸页,布鲁内特让阿拉贝拉进入监狱。
1960. Montpaillard, a quiet little French town, known for his good wines. It calls itself «The quietest town in France». The only one not to find it so quiet is Parju (François-Alexandre Galepides, known as Moustache), the official gamekeeper of the town, who is the constant victim of Blaireau (Louis de Funès), the local poacher. When he walks back downtown, with his uniform all messed-up by Blaireau's last joke, everyone makes fun of him : Auguste (Lucien Hubert) the barrel-maker, Mr Lerechigneux (Robert Vattier) the judge, Maître Guilloche (Jean-Marie Amato) a lawyer and the head of the opposition at the town council, Mr Bluette (Pierre Mondy) the director of the local prison, and most of the inhabitants of the town.The only one not to find it funny is the conservative Mayor of the town, Mr Dubenoît (Frédéric Duvallès). He loves peace and order, and he would like to get rid of the only troublemaker of the town, the poacher Blaireau. After telling Parju to do everything to catch Blaireau, he goes, along with Mr Bluette, to a bridge game in his friend's castle, the Count Léon de Chaville (Roland Armontel) and his wife, the Countess (Madeleine Barbulée).At the castle, they meet Arabella de Chaville (Noëlle Adam), the Count's daughter, who drives around town on her motorcycle, frightening the population. The Count tells his friend the Mayor he would like to marry her as soon as possible.Before going up to her room, Arabella steals a bottle of alcohol from a servant's tray. The servant then brings the tray to the card table and asks the Countess how she wants the pheasant cooked. The mayor gets a bit mad, when he understands the pheasant comes from the poacher Blaireau.Meanwhile, Blaireau is walking in the forest, getting game from the various traps he has set around, with the help of his small black and white dog.Meanwhile, the four same people are still playing bridge when they are interrupted by the arrival of Armand Fléchard (Claude Rich). Fléchard is Arabella's piano teacher. He is also very much in love with Arabella, but never told her and only sends her anonymous love letters.In her bedroom, Arabella is smoking, drinking, reading thrillers and listening to music. She stops the music when Fléchard enters the room. She starts playing the piano, but, annoyed by Fléchard's comments, she slams the lid of the piano on his fingers.Blaireau is back in his little wooden house in the woods. He shares his meal with his dog and with his tame magpie. Then, he starts dressing to go and give out his poached game to his customers. The magpie knows how to talk a little and helps him to hide the game under his jacket. Before he leaves his house, he goes in his garden to feed his pig, whom he has called «Parju». The real human Parju watches him, hidden in a bush, and doesn't seem to like to have a pig named after him. But Parju's metal badge shines in the sun and Blaireau spots him. Before leaving, Blaireau whispers something to his dog.Blaireau and his dog start walking across the forest, discreetly followed by Parju. But suddenly, Parju doesn't see Blaireau anymore. The poacher is hiding inside a hollow tree. Parju hears the dog barking and follows it. When Parju is gone, Blaireau comes out of his hiding place and walks away, in the opposite direction from Parju.The dog keeps on hiding, making Parju run all around the forest. Meanwhile, Blaireau can discreetly give his game to his customers. One of them is the most famous restaurant in Montpaillard, who takes two hares and two pheasants.When he has seen his last customer, Blaireau enters a bistro to drink a glass of wine. His dogs comes in shortly after him, followed by Parju, dripping with sweat. Parju walks slowly to the bar, orders a beer, and Blaireau, supposedly seeing a fly on the beer foam, blows all the foam in Parju's face.At the Chaville castle, both parents are trying to find a fiancé for their daughter, but none of the young men in Montpaillard is male enough for her.In Montpaillard town hall, the town council is in session and the mayor and his opponent, Maître Guilloche, are fighting over Blaireau, Guilloche accusing the mayor not to do what is necessary to get rid of Blaireau.In a river near Montpaillard, Blaireau is catching trouts with his bare hands. Parju, hidden behind a bunch of reeds, sees him and takes off his boots and his belt to go in the water to catch him, but he drops his metal badge on a stone, and Blaireau spots him. So, when Parju reaches the river, there is no more Blaireau in sight. Blaireau, who is hiding underwater, twists Parju's toe, and Parju runs away, thinking he has been bitten by a snake.Next day is market day in Montpaillard. Blaireau is selling mushrooms, but actually, hidden under his low bench, are two baskets full of the trouts he caught the day before. Parju, who feels that something is afoot, hides behind a nearby stall and sees Blaireau giving plenty of fish to Léontine (Monette Dinay), the mayor's servant. He walks around the stalls to the place where Blaireau is sitting and looks under the bench, but the fish baskets are gone. Looking desperately for the baskets, Parju breaks the stall of a nearby butcher. He has to walk away, and, when he is gone, Blaireau whistles at his dog, who brings the baskets back.A little further away, near a bookshop, the mayor is telling off Parju for breaking the butcher's stall and not catching Blaireau. Arabella enters the bookshop to buy new thrillers. Fléchard enters behind her and try to hide a love letter in one of the book, but, as Arabella keeps changing her mind about the books she wants to buy, he doesn't succeed. A little further away, he eventually succeeds in putting his letter in a bunch of roses she is buying.A little later, Fléchard is alone in Arabella's room, and sees his note on Arabella's desk. He also sees a lot of pictures and even a statue of very manly young men. And when Arabella tells him that there is not one real male in Montpaillard, he walks away.Next day, the mayor has invited his friends for lunch : Mr Bluette, the judge and the Count de Chaville. Léontine serves them the trouts she had bought the day before, but when the mayor understands they come from Blaireau, he almost suffocates.To-day is the official opening of the fishing season in Montpaillard, and everyone is gathered in the town main bistro, to join the fishing contest. Parju is seated at a table to write the names of all the contestants,. When he doesn't want to write Blaireau's name on the list, Maître Guilloche has to order him to do it.The contest is held on a large river near Montpaillard, and Maître Guilloche, president of the contest, is seated at a table on a bridge, with Parju at his side. Every man in the town is there, including Mr Bluette, the judge, Fléchard, and of course, the mayor and Blaireau, who are seated next to each other on the riverside. If the mayor has brought a very heavy equipment, Blaireau came with his hands in his pockets. He makes a fishing line out of the branch of a tree, and the float of his line out of a match and one of his jacket buttons.Blaireau throws his amateur line in the water, stamps his foot three time on the ground and pulls a very big fish. With the same method of foot-stamping, he catches a good dozen of big fishes, when all the other contestants catch nothing or a few very small fishes.Maître Guilloche owns a local newspaper, «L'Eveil de Montpaillard», in which he tells about the fishing contest, making the whole population of Montpaillard crack up laughing.The only one who doesn't laugh is the mayor, but he feels a little better when Parju walks in the town hall to tell him he has caught Blaireau. Unfortunately, he has only caught Blaireau's dog, but he expects to catch Blaireau with the dog.Fléchard, fed up with Arabella's poor playing, kicks her out of his house, and decides it is time to prove her he is a real man.Blaireau is walking along the side of a lake, unsuccessfully calling his dog. Suddenly, he sees Parju coming on his bicycle with the dog tied to the handlebar. Parju has not seen him and Blaireau can work out his revenge on Parju.Parju drops his bicycle and lets the dog guide him to a rabbit caught in a hidden trap. He tells the dog to bring the rabbit to Blaireau and follows it. The dog leads him to the lake, where Blaireau is apparently sleeping in a small rowboat in the middle of the lake. There is another rowboat by the side of the lake, and Parju climbs in it with the dog and the dead rabbit. What Parju doesn't know is that Blaireau has set a trap on the boat. As soon as the heavy Parju is inside the boat, the plug in the bottom of the boat pops off and water starts pouring into the boat.When Parju reaches Blaireau's boat, his own boat is so full of water that it drowns, while the dog swims to his master's boat. Blaireau takes his dog and rows away.Later in the evening, Parju is trying to dry his clothes, but Blaireau, hidden high in a nearby tree, steals them with a fishing line.It is now 11:30 p.m. and Parju, dressed with a loincloth made out of grass and twigs, is trying to sneak back home, but he meets the mayor, who immediately understands what happened. The mayor tells him to go and get new clothes and catch Blaireau, even if he has to be out all night.At midnight, Parju, fully dressed comes out of his house, while, in her bedroom, Arabella is reading Fléchard's anonymous letter, telling her to be at midnight near the wine press. Meanwhile Fléchard is coming out of his house to meet Arabella.Arabella goes near the wine press in the castle park, while Fléchard climbs over the park wall to meet her. But, on the other side of the wall, instead of dropping on solid ground, he drops on a small glass greenhouse. The noise he makes frightens Arabella who runs back to her room, but it also attracts Parju who jumps on Fléchard as he climbs back over the wall. Fléchard wins the fight, gives Parju a black eye and steal his official badge away from him.Next day, the mayor wants Parju to tell he was attacked by Blaireau, but Parju answers that it was so dark that he doesn't really knows who attacked him. The mayor orders him to charge Parju, and calls higher authorities to send him some reinforcement to arrest Blaireau. A few hours later, a dozen gendarmes arrive at the town hall to help the mayor make his arrest. Meanwhile, at the castle, the Countess tells her daughter about Blaireau coming in the park during the night and beating Parju.When Blaireau comes back to his wooden house in the forest after fishing on the lake, he is arrested by the gendarmes and brought in front of the judge Lerechigneux, who sends him to jail for a month.In the prison, Mr Bluette, the director makes a very warm welcome to Blaireau. It is a strange prison, where all the doors are open, and where prisoners are working as carpenters, tailors or even podiatrists. They all seem very happy, and tell Mr Bluette about their little health problem or their families. Bluette tells Blaireau to choose his own cell and then trusts him to Victor (Paul Faivre), the head-guard, who, like Mr Bluette, seems to be also a very sweet and nice man, and very friendly with the prisoners.Arabella tells her father she is going to marry Blaireau. When the mayor hears about it, he almost suffocates to death.During the night, Blaireau's dog is whining outside the prison. Bluette is reading the French prisons regulations book, and he tears off the page concerning the prisoners not being allowed to have pets, and lets the dog in. Meanwhile, Fléchard makes nightmares about Blaireau and Arabella.In the Chaville castle, Arabella is putting plenty of good things (wine, salami, cakes, etc.) into a box to give it anonymously to Blaireau, under the label «Helping the prisoners». When her father sees her doing it, he gets very mad, but can't prevent her doing it.Fléchard is reading an old book about prisoners being chained day and night to the walls of their cells and given only bread and water to eat and drink. But Blaireau's actual situation is quite different. His cell is full of good food and wine, and he even has cigars to smoke.Downtown, Parju is getting bored stiff not having Blaireau around anymore. Maître Guilloche thinks that, without Blaireau, the town looks like a school of shellfishes. The best restaurant in town, without Blaireau's poaching, has none of his usual feature dishes to serve to its customers. The only one to be happy in the town is the mayor.In the prison, Bluette leads Blaireau to the small stream crossing the prison gardens, and asks him to catch crawfishes in it. Next day, all the prisoners are eating crawfishes for lunch, when Victor, the head-guard walks in with another of Arabella's anonymous parcels in his hands. Blaireau opens it and shows his fellow-prisoners all the goodies inside. Victor goes back to the prison gate, where Fléchard gives him another parcel for Blaireau. It is labelled «Protection of Innocence» which pleases Blaireau, and inside, Blaireau finds a beautiful silk night-robe.A few days later, Blaireau tells Bluette it is the new moon, and that all the traps he hid in the forest are going to be full. Bluette first refused to let him spend a night in the forest and then asks him to go with him. Bluette is very happy to play the amateur poacher. When Parju, who was walking aimlessly in the forest, see them both dancing in a clearing, he thinks he is ill and goes back home to lie in his bed.Meanwhile, Bluette and Blaireau are back at the prison gate, but Bluette realizes he has forgotten his keys. Then they see all the other prisoners coming back to the prison, led by Victor, who has taken them to the movie theatre. But Victor has also forgotten his keys. Fortunately, one the prisoners is able to open the door with his pocket knife !A few days later, the doctor tells Parju he is now fit to leave his bed et go out. He also tells him that Blaireau is coming out of jail the next day and that he, too, has been ill. Actually Blaireau is ill because he ate too much of the good food sent to him by Arabella and Fléchard.Incidentally Arabella and Fléchard are each bringing another parcel to Blaireau, she riding her motorcycle, and he on his slower Solex bicycle. They hit each other at the corner of two streets, and find out they are both sending parcel. Fléchard explains he is the one who actually attacked Parju and he shows Parju's official badge to prove it. Then he tells Arabella he is also the one who is sending her anonymous love letters. Arabella answers that, if he goes to jail, she will immediately fall in love with him. The mayor, who heard the conversation, tries to stop him, but he doesn't want to listen to him. Maître Guilloche also heard the conversation and wants to tell the whole town about this miscarriage of justice.But when Fléchard asks the «procureur de la République» (which would be the «prosecutor» or «district attorney» in the US) to send him to jail, the procureur (Pierre Stephen) answers that, for the moment, he is thinking about his holidays with his family and not about sending people to jail.Next day, in the Chaville castle, Arabella is making a parcel for her new fiancé, Armand Fléchard, to the great annoyance of her father.Meanwhile, Blaireau is saying good-bye to Bluette, because he is leaving the prison. But, as he is almost out of the building, Bluette calls him back because he just got a letter explaining that Fléchard, and not Blaireau, is guilty of assaulting Parju. The French justice is so weird that now, Blaireau has to go back to jail until his innocence becomes official.Arabella wants to bring her parcel to Fléchard, but she sees Fléchard still in the street outside the prison and trying to get inside. He even gives his badge back to Parju, who just kisses him to thank him ! Eventually Fléchard goes to Bluette's office to ask him to put him in jail. And Blaireau also walks into the office to ask Bluette to put him out of jail. Bluette gets mad, puts Blaireau in a real locked cell and kicks Fléchar out of the prison building.Maître Guilloche tells the whole Blaireau story in his newspaper, and then he organizes a celebration for Blaireau's coming out of jail. The whole population of Montpaillard is in the streets, making a triumph to Blaireau, who is driven in an open convertible car, with Guilloche at his side, from the prison to the fun-fair. Montpaillard being in the heart of a vineyard district, many barrels of wine have been set for the population to enjoy them.An hilarious mayor tells Guilloche that the next mayor of Montapaillard will be neither himself, nor Guilloche, but Blaireau. Guilloche doesn't find the prospect funny.Blaireau is asked to start the cycle race, but he doesn't want to use the gun they give him, and which he puts in his pocket. Then he helps Arabella to climb on the merry-go-round, where she meets Fléchard, whom she asks when he is going to jail.Parju can't believe his eyes when he sees Blaireau having a drink with the mayor, the judge and Guilloche. But Blaireau has to leave his new friends to go and give his prize to the winner of the cycle race. Then Blaireau dances a bit with the Countess, and then he has a chat with Fléchard, who tells him about his love problems. To help him, Blaireau uses the gun, he kept in his pocket, to force Arabella to kiss Fléchard. Blaireau leaves them still kissing each other, and Arabella tells Fléchard she doesn't want him to go to jail anymore.But, if the Countess is very happy about her daughter marrying Fléchard, her husband refuses to let her do it. He even tells the judge to put Fléchard in jail as soon as possible. But Blaireau lures the Count to drink too much wine and, when the Count is drunk, Blaireau makes him promise to let his daughter marry Fléchard.Fléchard and Arabella get married, but when they go out of church after their wedding, the procureur tells the gendarmes to bring Fléchard to the prison, and then he drives off to his holidays with his family.At night, Arabella, still wearing her wedding dress, is crying at the gate of the prison. Blaireau joins her and calls Bluette, who opens the door and shows Blaireau the French prisons regulations book, and more specifically, the page concerning young newly-married wives not being allowed to join their husband in jail. Blaireau rips the page off and Bluette lets Arabella inside the prison.



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