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[原版] 《海角/The Cape》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《海角/The Cape》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

澳大利亚热带河口鳄鱼和红树林沼泽的双重谋杀案瓦解了强大渔业部落之间的王朝联盟。一段不幸的爱情遭遇了严重的错误,罪恶感和共谋的问题远远超出了凶手的范围。我们在生活中所做的微小选择会产生哪些不可预见的后果?不屈的风景给我们留下了怎样的印记?在一个没有规则的世界里,我们会成为谁?《海角》是一段痛苦的心理旅程,讲述了我们在生活中做出的微小选择所产生的毫无戒心的力量所产生的内疚和同谋的本质。这些选择一旦累积起来,就会产生一股级联的力量。它设定在一个无边无际的小世界里。这是一个由顽强的捕鱼部落组成的小社区,他们在澳大利亚偏远的西约克角半岛的卡奔塔利亚湾水域工作,生活在红树林沼泽中摇摇欲坠的沿海营地中。他们是一种看不见的文化他们有自己的规则和节奏,就连澳大利亚人也不知道它们的存在。他们的土地充满了鳄鱼、鲨鱼,一年中有五个月的雨季吞没了整个地区。他们的工作是艰苦且不间断的。人们在摇摇欲坠的小船上撒网,然后在巨型鳄鱼和掠食者漫游时收获珍贵的澳洲肺鱼。这些家庭自食其力;由于与世隔绝,他们的孩子只能通过学校的双向无线电接受教育;在季节结束时,每个部落只会遇到另一个部落;外来者很少,而且通常是短暂的。然而,有些人确实认识这些氏族。至少任何人都可以。那些尝试过巴拉渔民生活并从中吸取教训的人。至今仍在耕种土地的传统业主。前甲板水手。渔业监察员长期以来一直试图监督他们的作业。原住民委员会市长。为子孙后代保护河流的护林员。一位头发花白的乡村警察多年来一直把他们关在里面检查一下。他们是我们海湾地区的声音。他们带领我们完成我们的旅程。他们是我们的向导、我们的圣人、我们的知己、我们的希腊合唱团。我们转向他们。帮助我们了解眼前发生的事情,并在行动完成后权衡它们。这些声音也将我们的故事带入了原住民世界。因为海湾是原住民的土地。这是一个包裹着白人故事的黑人社区。在整部影片中,这些海湾声音播下了我们的主题种子:孤立、不受社会规范束缚的小社会、压倒性的景观塑造生活在其中的人们的生活的力量,以及我们罪孽的本质。当一个 10 岁男孩和他的父亲在异常平静的海面上失踪,变成了一起谋杀案调查时,一个隐藏的故事被揭露了。男孩的母亲与童年的一个人有染。来自另一个家族的朋友从未停止过对她的思念。故事讲述了两位女族长千方百计将这对不正当恋人聚在一起的故事。两个王朝的联盟。王朝的旅程从温暖的聚会和家庭聚会的地方进入了唯利是图的阴影和黑暗。一个计划的出现,让被谋杀的父亲,一个被带到这个世界的局外人,被悄悄地拒之门外。随着婚姻恶化而做出的选择如何在不知不觉中导致一个小男孩的死亡——这肯定是计划非常非常失败的意外后果。错误。我们看到一种暴力行为如何让凶手产生远远超出的负罪感。通过整个家庭。贯穿整个社区。同谋问题和罪咎的本质笼罩着他们所有人。在《海角》中,我们审视这些主题和这些人。微妙地。但这个故事需要新闻报道的凶猛。隐藏的野心被挖掘出来。希望变成了丑陋的展示。人们灵魂的秘密密室被揭露。这些王朝的和谐为何会出现如此严重的错误?我们的选择是如何产生有意或无意的影响的?许多生命?在这个陌生的地方,存在着人类显而易见的日常痛苦。我们都可以在这些部落中看到我们自己生活的一些片段。意外怀孕、婚姻缓慢而痛苦的破裂、不正当关系的诱惑。但我们很少有人生活在一个如此缺乏文明护栏的世界里。这就是这些人与凶手一起生活的方式。对于所有生活在海湾地区的人来说,这是一个迄今为止还没有解决方案的故事。这是海角的奇异而黑暗的旅程。进入一个如此超凡脱俗的土地,居住着看似如此不同的人们,他们的生活不可能反映我们自己受宠爱的人类的生活。然而,他们确实做到了。观众在这些现实生活中的角色身上发现了共同的人类经历,但也发现了我们所有人内心的黑暗。

A double murder in a tropical Australian bayou of crocodiles and mangrove swamps unravels a dynastic alliance between formidable fishing clans. An ill-fated love gone horribly wrong sees questions of guilt and complicity ripple out far beyond the killers. What are the unforeseen consequences of the small choices we all make in our lives? How does an unyielding landscape imprint upon us? And who do we become in a world without rules?THE CAPE is a wrenching psychological journey into a story about the nature of guilt and complicity born of the unsuspecting power of the small choices we all make in our lives. Choices that, once accumulated one upon the other, become possessed of a cascading force.It is set in a small world within an unending expanse. A tiny community of hard-bitten fishing clans who work the waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria in Australia's remote, Western Cape York Peninsula and live in ramshackle coastal encampments amid the mangrove swamps.They are an unseen culture to themselves, with their own rules and rhythms, that even Australians do not know exist.Theirs is a land of crocodiles, sharks, and wet seasons that swallow the region whole for five months of the year. Their work is gruelling and ceaseless. Nets are laid from precarious dinghies, then harvested of prized barramundi as giant crocs and predators roam.These families raise themselves; so isolated, their children are educated by schools over two-way radios; for seasons on end each clan only encounters the other; outsiders are few, and usually transient.Some, however, do know these clans. At least as anyone can. Those who've tried their hand at the life of a Barra fisherman and learned the hard way. The Traditional Owners who forage the land to this day. Former deckhands. The fisheries inspector who has long tried to monitor their operations. The Mayor of the Aboriginal Council. The Ranger who protects the rivers for future generations. A grizzled country cop who's spent years keeping them in check.They are our voices of The Gulf. They carry us through our journey. They are our guides, our sages, our confidantes, our Greek chorus. We turn to them. To help us understand what's happening before us and to weigh the deeds as they are done. These voices, too, navigate our story through an Indigenous world. For the Gulf is a land of First Peoples. It is a black community with white stories encased within.Throughout the film these Gulf voices sow our thematic seeds: of isolation, of a small society unbound by societal norms, of an overwhelming landscape's power to shape the lives of those who live in it, and of the nature of our guilt.For when the disappearance on an eerily calm sea of a 10-year-old boy and his father turns into a murder investigation, a hidden story is revealed.The boy's mother is having an affair with a childhood friend from another clan who'd never stopped pining for her. A tale unravels of two matriarchs manoeuvring to bring the illicit lovers together in an alliance of the two dynasties. Dynasties on a journey from a place of warm gatherings and family get-togethers into the shadows and darkness of mercenary plotting. The emergence of a scheme for the murdered father, an outsider brought into this world, to be quietly shut out.And how choices made as a marriage deteriorates unconsciously leads to a little boy's death - surely an unintended consequence of a plan gone very, very wrong.We see how one act of violence radiates guilt far beyond the killers. Through whole families. Through an entire community.Questions of complicity, and the very nature of guilt, shroud them all. In THE CAPE we interrogate these themes, and these people. With subtlety. But with the journalistic ferocity this story demands. Hidden ambitions are unearthed. Hopes metamorphosed into ugly display. Secret chambers of people's souls revealed.How do these dynastic harmonies go so terribly wrong? How do our choices, with effects both intended and unintended, tear apart so many lives? Within this foreign place there is the recognisable, everyday pain of humanity. We can all see some piece of our own lives within those of these clans. Unexpected pregnancies, the slow and gut-wrenching breakdown of a marriage, the seduction of illicit affairs. But few of us exist in a world so absent the guardrails of civilization.This is how these people have come to live with murderers amongst them. For all those living in The Gulf, this is a story - so far - without resolution.This is the bizarre, dark journey of THE CAPE. Entering a land so other-worldly, inhabited by people seemingly so different, that their lives cannot possibly mirror those of our own cosseted humanity. And yet, they do. Within the shared threads of the human experience the audience finds in these real-life characters, comes also the darkness that dwells within us all.

《海角/The Cape》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《海角/The Cape》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《海角/The Cape》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《海角/The Cape》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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