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动漫影片《光晕:传奇》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


《光晕:传奇》是由著名导演内详导演的于2009年日本地区上映的一部类型的动画片,由Xunbo.cc主演,该片主要讲述了《光晕》主角士官长;的动画形象依然英雄气十足  在美国圣地亚哥动漫展会(Comic-Con)上传来一条振奋人心的消息,微软的有名畅销第一人称射击游戏《光晕》即将推出动画版,预告片于今日首度公开。  这套类似《黑客帝国动画版》和08年的《蝙蝠侠:哥谭骑士》的《光晕》动画版由六部短片组成,将被冠名为《光晕:传奇》。微软邀请了五家日本大社担任制作,他们是曾制作《星际牛仔》剧场版《天国之扉》的Bones、制作《大日本人》的CasioEntertainment、大名鼎鼎的ProductionI.G.和Studio4C,以及制作过《美少女战士》、《七龙珠》等经典TV动画的东映动画;。《攻壳机动队》名导押井守和《苹果核战记》导演荒牧伸志也将分别执导其中两部短片。  微软还公布将在XBOXLIVE上开辟一个名叫光晕路点(HaloWaypoint);的《光晕》讯息专区,会从秋季开始在上面节选发布这套动画版以及制作花絮等。华纳家庭娱乐预定于2010年初发售这套动画版的DVD和蓝光光碟。  《光晕》动画版将向我们展示宏大的星际战争画面  作为一款科幻题材的射击类游戏,《光晕》在微软的游戏主机XBOX上拥有超高人气,目前共推出了三代游戏以及一款即时战略游戏《光晕战争》。《光晕》游戏的故事发生在2552年,地球已经由名叫联合国太空指挥总署;(UNSC)的联合政府进行行政治理,人类面对的敌人是被称为星盟;(Covenant)的外星生物。《光晕》1代的故事开始,人类的旗舰秋之柱号;(PillarofAutumn)由于受到星盟的攻击,舰上人员不得不弃舰逃生,迫降在太空中的一个巨型环状带上,也就是光晕;(Halo)。淘宝网游戏玩家控制的角色,便是人类超级战士;计划的成功作品:士官长(MasterChief)。他有着比普通人类突击队员更强的作战和生存能力,并拥有更厚的护甲和能量护盾。士官长在光晕;上开始与星盟的外星生物和被称作Flood的寄生生物展开战斗。  《光晕战争》则是光晕系列的前传,讲述了殖民船火之精神;(SpiritofFire)在星际旅途中到访丰饶星;(Harvest),并在该行星上意外获得古代文物,但在那里UNSC部队第一次遭遇星盟;的攻击,这些外星种族甚至扬言要消灭人类。游戏玩家要带领火之精神;的人类和斯巴达军队,投入到与星盟的全面战争中。所谓斯巴达战士;(Spartan)指的是超级特种兵的一种精英作战单位。不是人人都能加入斯巴达小队。  斯巴达计划分三期执行  加入第一期斯巴达计划的士兵被进行了强化手术,可以延长寿命、肌肉强度以及反应速度和灵敏度,但是成效不明显,这次秘密计划没有公开;第二次斯巴达计划,HALO的主角士官长(John)加入其中,七十多人从小进行地狱式练习,又进行了大胆的超级强化手术,最后只有半数能从手术中存活并能参加战斗。这次的行动,大大地鼓舞了人类的士气,斯巴达被视为不死之师,因此在与星盟的惨烈战争中,除了存活下来的士官长外,失踪的一名斯巴达成员、随着斯巴达计划发起者之一的哈尔茜博士进入盾世界的琳达,以及所有死去的斯巴达战士全都在军方记录上留下了失踪;的信息,而非阵亡;,得以延续斯巴达的不死神话;第三期斯巴达计划可以由普通人类加入,装备比人类第二精英部队ODST精良,但是由于所有成员都是普通人类,所以无法装备具有能量护盾的雷神锤护甲,只能装备几乎毫无预防能力的隐形盔甲或是防护能力不强的护甲。最后第三期战士全体阵亡。动画版电影下载《光晕:传奇》将对《光晕》游戏剧情作怎样的补充和延展,值得《光晕》游戏迷们关注。此外,早在三年前微软便欲将这部看家大作推上大银幕,还公布将由彼得杰克逊监制,并由彼得钦点的尼尔布洛姆坎普执导,之后影片却一直开拍遥遥无期。这次动画版的推出让游戏迷和影迷再次将目光投向这款有名游戏,让人不禁遐想:《光晕》真人电影到底还有多远?



\"Halo: Legend\" is a type of cartoon released by the famous director in the Japanese region in 2009. Starred by Xunbo.cc. It is still heroic at the COMIC-Con on the American San Diego Animation Exhibition. Microsoft's famous best-selling first-person shooting game \"Halo\" is about to launch an animated version. The trailer is released for the first time today. This \"Halla\" animation version similar to the \"Batman: Gotham Cavaliers\" animated version of \"Batman: Gotham Cavaliers\" in 2008 consists of six short films and will be named \"Halo: Legend\". Microsoft invited five Japanese -Japan agencies as production. They were BONES who had produced the theater version of \"Star Cowboy\", \"CasionterTainment\", which produced \"The Great Japanese\", the famous Productioni.g. And Studio4C, and produced \" Classic TV animation of classic TV animations such as Beautiful Sailor \"and\" Dragon Ball \"; \"The Shell Motor Team\" director Jiu Jingui and the director of \"Apple Nuclear War\" Director Araki Mu Shenzhi will also direct two of them. Microsoft has also announced that it will open a Halowaypoint on XboxLive; the \"Halo\" message zone will be released from the above section to release this set of animated versions and production tidbits from autumn. Warner Family Entertainment is scheduled to release the animated version of the DVD and Blu -ray discs in early 2010. The animated version of \"Halo\" will show us the magnificent Star Wars as a science fiction -themed shooting game. \"Halo\" has a very high popularity on Microsoft's game console Xbox. Currently, three generations of games and a model are launched The real -time strategy game \"Halmon War\". The story of the \"Halo\" game occurred in 2552, and the earth had been called by the United Nations General Agency called the United Nations Space Command; Star creatures. At the beginning of the story of the 1st generation of \"Halo\", the pillar of the human flagship autumn; (Pillarofautumn) was attacked by the Star League, and the staff on the ship had to abandon the ship to escape and forced it to fall on a giant ring belt in space, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt, which is also the giant ring belt. Halmon; (Halo). The role controlled by Taobao game players is a human super soldier; a successful work of the plan: MasterChief. He has stronger combat and survivability than ordinary human assault players, and has thicker armor and energy shields. The chief of the commissioned officers started fighting with the alien creatures of Star League and parasitic creatures called Flood. \"Slash War\" is the prequel of the halo series, telling the spirit of colonial ship fire; For the first time in the UNSC troops, the attacks of these alien races even threatened to destroy humansEssence Game players must lead the spirit of fire; the human and the Spartan army are devoted to the comprehensive war with the Star League. The so -called Spartan warrior; (Spartan) refers to an elite combat unit of a super special forces. Not everyone can join the Spartan team. Sparta plans to perform three phases to implement the first phase of the Spartan plan for strengthening surgery, which can extend life, muscle strength, and response speed and sensitivity, but the results are not obvious. This secret plan is not made public; second At the time of Sparta, Halo's protagonist (John) joined it. More than 70 people conducted hell exercises from an early age and performed a bold super -enhanced surgery. In the end, only half could survive from the operation and participate in the battle. This operation greatly encouraged the morale of human beings. Sparta was regarded as an undead division. Therefore, in the tragic war with the Star League, in addition to the commissioned officer who survived, a member of the missing Sparta, a member of the disappeared As Dr. Hargie, one of the sponsor of Sparta's plan to enter the Shield World Linda, and all the dead Sparta soldiers left disappeared in the military records, instead of death; Continuing the immortal myth of Sparta; the third phase of the Spartan plan can be added by ordinary humans. The equipment is better than the ODST of the second elite force of the human beings, but because all members are ordinary humans, they cannot be equipped with Thunder Hammer with energy shields Armor can only be equipped with invisible armor or armor with almost no prevention capabilities. The last third soldier was killed. The animated version of the movie \"Halo: Legend\" will supplement and extension the plot of \"Halo\" game. In addition, as early as three years ago, Microsoft wanted to push this viewing masterpiece to the big screen. It also announced that it will be produced by Peter Jackson and directed by the Nilblom Kampite, which was clicked by Peter. Essence The launch of this animated version of the game fans and fans once again set their sights on this famous game, which makes people think about it: How far is the live -action movie \"Halo\"?







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上一篇:电影《柠檬和罂粟籽蛋糕 Pan de limón con semillas de amapola(2021)》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘百度云BT种子磁力迅雷下载
下一篇:电影《如翼之舟 Comme un avion(2015)》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘百度云BT种子磁力迅雷下载



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