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[BT-3区] 电影《古镜怪谈/怪谈之魔镜/午夜凶镜》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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发表于 2022-7-28 04:02:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
电影《古镜怪谈/怪谈之魔镜/午夜凶镜》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


《古镜怪谈/怪谈之魔镜/午夜凶镜》是由著名导演内详导演的于1998年香港地区上映的一部类型的恐怖片,由谢霆锋林心如傅芳玲罗兰梁智强黄百鸣主演,该片主要讲述了明末,一名妓女死于生疏杀手刀下,临死前她才知道原来是自己的情人李大人所为。她笑将终生积蓄的细软悉数送给了杀手后气绝身亡。杀手来到等候已久的李大人处。李大人得知结果圆满,便将早已预备好的银子交给杀手后,急于离开,却被杀手意外拦住。杀手抖抖手中拎着的妓女临死前送给它的细软的布袋,说:我也收了她的钱!言外之意他只认钱不认人。李大人大惊失色,未等反应过来,已经成为刀下鬼。  第一节30年代上海  马丽和管家王小姐、女佣人哑妹住在偌大的别墅里,生活平静,枯燥。生日这天马丽意外收到一份来自表姐的希罕礼物--一个古董梳妆台,而她的表姐三年前就自杀身亡了。这沟起她不安的回忆。原来,几年前年轻貌美的马丽嫁给了着名教授陆先生。陆先生的妻子早逝,留下两个女儿。虽然她年届50,但和马丽结合可以算是朗才女貌。  婚后的生活并不尽如人意。由于年龄的悬殊,他们貌和神离,直到有一天马丽终于发现丈夫有了外遇,而这个情敌正是表姐!于是她怀恨在心,一向险恶的她开始了疯狂的报复。她设计逼迫表姐吞枪自杀,又在丈夫的咖啡里落毒,将他无情杀害。而她则独占了丈夫的遗产包括这所价值不菲的别墅。以为得计的马丽没想到报应姗姗来迟,最后死在她曾经送给表姐逼迫她自杀的同一支枪下。  第二节90年代新加坡  着名律师詹辛挡不住重金诱惑,为一个犯有杀人罪的富家子弟辩护,并成功替他脱罪。大功告成后的詹辛预备去度假,尽情享受得来的不义之财。没想到天有不册,她车祸受伤,严重毁害了她的面容。好在她有的是钱,请来着名整容师为他整容。一切进行得非常顺利,终于等到拆线的日子,被包裹了很久的尊容得以重见天日。但一切出乎意料,由于阴差阳错,被整容过的詹辛居然换上了被富家子弟残杀的受害人的面容。这可以说是对詹辛的绝佳惩罚。  第三节世纪末香港  蓝姨早年和丈夫含辛茹苦积攒了一份可观的家业。丈夫早逝,她孙子麦迪是她的唯一牵挂。她将孙子送到外国上学。终于盼来孙子学成归来的那一天。但他却领回来一个洋气十足的未婚妻梅,她的做派和蓝姨格格不入,蓝姨不快。功于心计的梅意外发现蓝姨原来坐拥可观家业,一反常态地极力讨好蓝姨,并狠毒地将她杀害,还嫁祸于他人。以为可以和麦迪分享家业的她却露出了马脚,被麦迪识破。  树欲静而风不止,子欲孝而亲不在。当麦迪懂得了亲情的珍贵时,一切都悔之晚矣惟有凭着小时候的回忆,重温亲情的温馨。



\"Ancient Mirror Talking/Magic Mirror/Midnight Merid Mirror\" is a type of horror film released by the famous director in 1998 in Hong Kong. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, a prostitute died under the knife of a sparse killer. Before she died, she knew that it was her lover. She laughed and gave all the fine softness of her lifelong savings. The killer came to Lord Li who had been waiting for a long time. When Li learned that the results were successful, he handed over the silver that had been prepared to the killer and was anxious to leave, but was accidentally stopped by the killer. The killer shaking the soft cloth bag that the prostitute in his hand was dying and said: I also collected her money! He only recognizes money or not. Lord Li was frightened and did not wait for the reaction to become a ghost under the knife. In the first quarter of the 30th, Shanghai Ma Li and the housekeeper Miss Wang and the maid dumb girl lived in a huge villa. Life was calm and boring. On his birthday, Ma Li accidentally received a rare gift from his cousin-an antique dressing table, and her cousin committed suicide three years ago. This ditch raised her disturbing memories. It turned out that Ma Li, who was light and beautiful a few years ago, married Mr. Lu, a famous professor. Mr. Lu's wife died early and left two daughters. Although she is 50 years old, it can be regarded as a woman's appearance with Ma Li. Life after marriage is not satisfactory. Due to the disparity of age, their appearance and divine departure, until one day Ma Li finally found that her husband had an affair, and this love enemy was the cousin! So she was hated, and she had always began a crazy revenge. She designed to force her cousin to swallow the gun and commit suicide, and then poisoned in her husband's coffee, killing him ruthlessly. And she monopolized her husband's legacy, including this valuable villa. Mali, who thought she had to have a long time, was late, and finally died under the same gun she had given her cousin forcing her to commit suicide. In the 290s, Singapore's famous lawyer Zhan Xin couldn't stop the temptation of heavy money, defended a rich child who had a murderer, and successfully sinned him. After the success, Zhanxin was ready to go for vacation and enjoy the unjust money that can be enjoyed. Unexpectedly, there was no volume, and she was injured in a car accident and severely destroyed her face. Fortunately, she has money, and please come to a famous cosmetic master for cosmetic surgery. Everything was very smooth, and finally waited for the day of the line to dismantle, and the respectful respect for a long time was to see the sun. But everything was unexpected. Due to the errors of the yin, Zhan Xin, who had been cosmetic, actually replaced the face of the victims killed by the rich children. This can be said to be a great punishment for Zhanxin. At the end of the third century, Hong Kong Aunt Lan and her husband suffered a considerable family business in the early years. Her husband died early, and her grandson McGrady was her only care. She sent her grandson to school. Finally hoped that the day when the grandson returned. But he led back a fiancee plum, and her faction was incompatible with Aunt Lan, and Aunt Lan was unhappy. Mei, who was in the heart of the heart, found that Aunt Lan was sitting at a considerable family business. She tried to please Aunt Lan, and killed her viciously, and married others. She thought she could share her family business with McGrady, but she was exposed and was broken by McGrady.The tree wants to be quiet and the wind is more windy, and the child is filial and the kiss is not there.When McGrady knew the preciousness of family affection, everything regretted that he had relieved the warmth of family affection with his childhood memories.



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