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[BT电视剧3区] 剧情影视剧《无间双龙:这份爱,才是正义(2015)/ ウロボロス~この愛こそ、正義。/无间双龙:爱的正义战士 / Ouroboros: Konoaikoso, Seigi》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









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剧情影视剧《无间双龙:这份爱,才是正义(2015)/ ウロボロス~この愛こそ、正義。/无间双龙:爱的正义战士 / Ouroboros: Konoaikoso, Seigi》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
剧情影视剧《无间双龙:这份爱,才是正义(2015)/ ウロボロス~この愛こそ、正義。/无间双龙:爱的正义战士 / Ouroboros: Konoaikoso, Seigi》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

影视剧《无间双龙:这份爱,才是正义(2015)》,这部影视剧在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《ウロボロス~この愛こそ、正義。》,《无间双龙:爱的正义战士 》,《 Ouroboros: Konoaikoso, Seigi》。本片的发行语言是日语。本片导演是石井康晴,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员生田斗真、小栗旬、上野树里、吉田羊、泷藤贤一、室毅、清野菜名、武田久美子、光石研、吉田钢太郎、中村桥之助、广末凉子、茂吕师冈、山口祥行、滨田学、森下能幸、水野智则、山田望叶、中村苍、尾上松也、冈本玲、山本学、北村有起哉、大地康雄、笠原秀幸、野村将希、高桥惠子、中野裕太、绫野刚、藤浦惠等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是日本地区。本片的豆瓣评分是8.4分,本片在IMDB上的评分则是7.8分。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:无间双龙:这份爱,才是正义是一部剧情片,看起来吊儿郎当的龙崎郁夫(生田斗真 饰)是新宿第二警署破案率最高的王牌刑警,这一天令系出名门的搭档日比野美月(上野树里 饰)大为光火。与此同时,盘踞在新宿的松江组若头段野龙哉(小栗旬 饰)以生意人身份从事各种违法犯罪勾当,他总能在适当的时刻得到情报,逃脱警方一次次的搜捕。看起来分明行走在黑白两条道路上而没有任何交集的两人,竟然有着难以割舍的渊源。郁夫和小龙在少年时均在孤儿院长大,他们曾度过快乐无忧的童年,但是最最敬爱的结子老师(广末凉子 饰)遇害给两人以沉痛打击。他们发誓一定要找出真正的凶手报仇,这对好兄弟以警察和黑道的身份,分头朝着最终的目标前进。                                                                      绵亘多年的复仇之战,无间双龙蓄势待发……Ikuo and Tatsuya are orphans. They live at Mahoroba's house which is a child and family services home. At their elementary school, they see Teacher Yuko, who took good care of them like a real older sister, killed right in front of them. Ikuo and Tatsuya tell the police what they saw, but the case is covered by a police officer wearing a gold watch. 15 years later, Ikuo (Toma Ikuta) now works as a detective. He is a good person and his arrest rate is the highest at the police station. Meanwhile, using his handsome appearance and cleverness, Tatsuya (Shun Oguri) becomes a high ranking yakuza. Detective Ikuo and Yakuza Tatsuya have a singular purpose, which is to find the man wearing the gold watch, dig out the truth and reveal the dark side of the police organization.一句话评论:请把未来的三个月当作庆典。用二十年时间为郁夫铺平走向终结的路。如何让两个帅爆的男人念你一生还不争风吃醋?你只有去死。卡司很丰满,剧情很骨感,看完结局后怒摔!!。演员的魅力。霸道总裁龙哉每周路线汇总。段野龙哉与龙崎郁夫。对于结局我觉得很赞。颇受争议的结局:从一开始,他们的人生就已经结束了 【涉及剧透】。他们终究没有见到下一年的繁花似锦。

剧情影视剧《无间双龙:这份爱,才是正义(2015)/ ウロボロス~この愛こそ、正義。/无间双龙:爱的正义战士 / Ouroboros: Konoaikoso, Seigi》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

Ido Shuanglong: This love is justice is a plot. It seems that Tomoshi Ryo Ryomaki (Tomita Takamoto) is the most criminal police officer of the newly -known case of Shinjuku Second Police Station. Ribiyano Miyuki (Ueno Tree) is a lot of light. At the same time, the Ruokou Duanyo (Kobayashi) in the Songjiang group in Shinjuku was engaged in various illegal crimes as a businessman. He could always get information at appropriate moments and escape the police's arrests again and again. It seems that walking clearly on the two roads of black and white without any intersection has an indifferent source of rest. Yu Fu and Xiaolong both grew up in the orphanage when they were young. They had spent happy and worry -free childhood, but the most beloved teacher (Hiroshiko Ryoko) killed the two of them and hit the two. They vowed to find out the real murderer to revenge, and the good brothers marched towards the final goal as the police and underworld.绵亘多年的复仇之战,无间双龙蓄势待发……Ikuo and Tatsuya are orphans. They live at Mahoroba's house which is a child and family services home. At their elementary school, they see Teacher Yuko, who took good care of them like a real older sister, killed right in front of them. Ikuo and Tatsuya tell the police what they saw, but the case is covered by a police officer wearing a gold watch. 15 years later, Ikuo (Toma Ikuta) now works as a detective. He is a good person and his arrest rate is the highest at the police station. Meanwhile, using his handsome appearance and cleverness, Tatsuya (Shun Oguri) becomes a high ranking yakuza. Detective IkuO And Yakuza Tatsuya Have a Singular Purpose, Which is to find the man wearing the Gold Watch, do the truth and reverk side of the police organization.Twenty years of paving the road to the end of Yufu.How to make two handsome men still jealous in your life?You only have to die.The card is full, the plot is very skinny, and after watching the ending!IntersectionEssenceThe charm of the actor.Domineering President Longzhang's weekly line summary.Duanyan Roman and Ryosaki Yufu.I think it is great for the ending.The controversial ending: From the beginning, their lives have ended [involved spoilers].After all, they did not see the flowers of the next year.

剧情影视剧《无间双龙:这份爱,才是正义(2015)/ ウロボロス~この愛こそ、正義。/无间双龙:爱的正义战士 / Ouroboros: Konoaikoso, Seigi》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


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金曜ドラマ「ウロボロス~この愛こそ、正義。」_第7話 ごめんね、イクオ.mp4 【0.4 GB】
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上一篇:电影《极趣物语(1988)/ うれしはずかし物語/Ureshi hazukashi monogatari》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
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