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[BT电视剧3区] 影视剧《勇者义彦与恶灵之钥(2012)/ 勇者ヨシヒコと悪霊の鍵/勇士闯魔城2 / 勇者义彦第2章 / 勇者ヨシヒコ 第2章》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

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影视剧《勇者义彦与恶灵之钥(2012)/ 勇者ヨシヒコと悪霊の鍵/勇士闯魔城2 / 勇者义彦第2章 / 勇者ヨシヒコ 第2章》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
影视剧《勇者义彦与恶灵之钥(2012)/ 勇者ヨシヒコと悪霊の鍵/勇士闯魔城2 / 勇者义彦第2章 / 勇者ヨシヒコ 第2章》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

影视剧《勇者义彦与恶灵之钥(2012)》,这部影视剧在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《勇者ヨシヒコと悪霊の鍵》,《勇士闯魔城2 》,《 勇者义彦第2章 》,《 勇者ヨシヒコ 第2章》。本片的发行语言是日语。本片导演是福田雄一,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员山田孝之、木南晴夏、ムロツヨシ、佐藤二朗、宅麻伸等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是日本地区。本片在IMDB上的评分则是8.3分。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:勇者义彦与恶灵之钥是一部片,距离魔王被义彦(山田孝之 饰)、团丈(宅麻伸 饰)、美列布(穆罗刚 饰)和阿紫(木南晴夏 饰)一行人打败后,已经过去了百年,曾经的勇者们早已经化作了白骨,为了纪念他们的壮举,村民们特地为他们修缮了奢华的陵墓。好景不长,魔王的封印再度被解开,人间即将面临毁灭的危机,可是村中却再无能够独当一面的勇者站出来为民除害,无奈下,佛祖(佐藤二朗 饰)只得将英勇的四人复活,命其再度踏上冒险的旅途。                                                                      好友相见固然高兴,可是等级早已归零的他们能够担负起这艰巨的任务吗?为了打败魔王,义彦一行人必须找到传说中的恶灵之匙,可是跟随着佛祖模棱两可的指引,他们似乎离真相越来越远了。时间渐渐紧迫起来,这样真的没问题吗?加油啊,义彦!The Hero Yoshihiko returns with his three companions to find the evil key and seal away the monsters.一句话评论:勇者之路。我想把自己奉獻給人妻。没打过游戏但是莫名被戳到了点啊哈哈哈。所谓冒险啊,就是在对所有事物未知的情况下勇敢的探索。这个结局有点暖。

影视剧《勇者义彦与恶灵之钥(2012)/ 勇者ヨシヒコと悪霊の鍵/勇士闯魔城2 / 勇者义彦第2章 / 勇者ヨシヒコ 第2章》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

The key to the brave Yiyan and the evil spirit is a film, from the demon king being by Yiyan (Nasaki Takayuki), Tuanzhang (House Maida), Meilebu (Mu Luogang) and Azi (Mu Nan Qingxia) After defeating, a hundred years have passed, and the former brave people have already turned into white bones. In order to commemorate their feats, the villagers have repaired the luxurious tomb for them. The good times didn't last long, the seal of the demon king was unlocked again, and the world was about to face a crisis of destruction, but the village could no longer be able to stand up alone to remove harm to the people. The four were resurrected and ordered their journey to adventure again. If you see each other, you are happy, but can they take this difficult task when they have already returned to zero? In order to defeat the demon king, Yiyan and his party must find the spoon of the legendary evil spirits, but follow the guidance of the Buddha model, and they seem to be farther and farther from the truth. Time is gradually urgent, is this really okay? Come on, Yiyan! The Hero Yoshihiko Returns with His Three Companions to find the Evil Key and Seal Away The Monsters. I want to dedicate myself to my wife. I haven't played the game but I was pierced somehow hahaha. The so -called adventure is to bravely explore without knowing everything. This ending is a bit warmer.

影视剧《勇者义彦与恶灵之钥(2012)/ 勇者ヨシヒコと悪霊の鍵/勇士闯魔城2 / 勇者义彦第2章 / 勇者ヨシヒコ 第2章》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


[BT下载][勇者义彦与恶灵之钥 勇者ヨシヒコと悪霊の鍵 (2012)][日语中字][百度离线秒传] 【2.21 GB】
勇者义彦与恶灵之匙.Yusha.Yoshihiko.to.Akuryou.no.Kagi.Ep04.Chi_J 【349.85MB】
勇者义彦与恶灵之匙.Yusha.Yoshihiko.to.Akuryou.no.Kagi.Ep03.Chi_J 【349.91MB】
勇者义彦与恶灵之匙.Yusha.Yoshihiko.to.Akuryou.no.Kagi.Ep02.Chi_J 【349.86 MB】
勇者义彦与恶灵之匙.Yusha.Yoshihiko.to.Akuryou.no.Kagi.Ep01.Chi_J 【349.84 MB】
勇者义彦与恶灵之匙.Yusha.Yoshihiko.to.Akuryou.no.Kagi.Ep04.Chi_J 【169.45MB】
勇者义彦与恶灵之匙.Yusha.Yoshihiko.to.Akuryou.no.Kagi.Ep03.Chi_J 【175.73MB】
勇者义彦与恶灵之匙.Yusha.Yoshihiko.to.Akuryou.no.Kagi.Ep02.Chi_J 【213.85MB】
勇者义彦与恶灵之匙.Yusha.Yoshihiko.to.Akuryou.no.Kagi.Ep01.Chi_J 【198.13MB】




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上一篇:电影《驯龙高手:九大王国 第三季 Dragons: The Nine Realms Season 3 Season 3‎ (2022)》 - 1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载
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