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[原版] 《香格里拉套房/Shangri-La Suite》(2016) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《香格里拉套房》也被称为《杀死国王》,开头有一段旁白解释说,这部电影是根据离家出走的夫妇凯伦·伯德和杰克·蓝血的生活故事改编的。凯伦·伯德(Karen Bird)是一个“健康”的婴儿,出生在阿巴拉契亚山脉,而杰克·布鲁布拉德(Jack Blueblood)则是一个“混血儿”,出生在南达科他州的印第安保留地。杰克的父亲是拉科塔苏族人,自从杰克的母亲(爱尔兰天主教徒)在生杰克时去世后,他对年幼的儿子非常愤怒和虐待。在醉酒发作时,杰克的父亲几乎每天都会用皮带野蛮地殴打杰克,并将他深爱的妻子的死归咎于他。另一方面,凯伦过着健康的生活,她唯一的问题是厌恶教堂和 CCD,以及对枪支的痴迷。杰克得到了母亲的唱片,并爱上了炙手可热的新歌手埃尔维斯·普雷斯利。多年后,两人在密歇根州弗洛德伍德的一个康复中心相遇。凯伦 (Karen) 出生时,她的父母把她送到了那里。由于与尼古丁和伏特加的斗争,她从高中退学。杰克因吸毒成瘾和对猫王的痴迷而被州政府送到那里。杰克接受了双倍电压的电击疗法。杰克和凯伦在大厅里互相徘徊,他躲在浴室里,以避免以殴打他为乐的保安。凯伦泄露了他的藏身之处,他与她对峙,意在威胁她。然而,她却不为所动,反而喜欢他。两人开始了一段充满激情的关系。凯伦的精神科医生戈登博士警告凯伦提防杰克·布鲁布拉德,并告诉她他对猫王的痴迷,而凯伦对此并不担心。据透露,杰克有一次不小心倒听了猫王的一张唱片,并以为他听到了母亲告诉他“杀死猫王”。凯伦告诉杰克,她的梦想是有一天踏入太平洋。杰克告诉她,他梦想着带领埃尔维斯走上拯救正义的道路,如果是这样的话杀了他。保安将他与凯伦分开,并遭受了无法忍受的电击,当凯伦来到他的房间时,杰克大发雷霆,哭着告诉他戈登医生猥亵了她。杰克杀死了一名虐待的保安,并开枪打死了戈登医生,他说:“我认为这种治疗效果非常好。”在搜查了纳什的药品库存后,他释放了所有病人,并与凯伦一起沿路逃走。两人的关系达到了完美,并开着一辆改装车沿路出发。纳什博士是一名心理学家,他解释了杰克为何会做出这样的行为,但无法理解凯伦·纳什为何会抛弃一切,加入杀手行列。与此同时,39岁的猫王埃尔维斯·普雷斯利(Elvis Presley)情绪低落,失去了他的魅力和青春的感觉。他希望辞去职务,但由于合同、义务和粉丝的原因而不能。他与自己的灵感、体重、声音和暴力爆发作斗争。杰克和凯伦开车前往黑水保留地,在那里他们见到了杰克的朋友T-Joe 梦想有一天成为一名变性人。杰克去获取 T-Joe 藏匿的钱来资助他们的旅程。然而,当杰克得知 T-Joe 为他的“手术”购买了雌激素药丸时。愤怒的杰克别无选择,只能前往父亲家,拿走家里的钱来资助他们的旅行。他不情愿地来到父亲家,敲门。父亲答应了,但不让他进去。杰克破门而入,发现父亲已经报了警。杰克说,“我不想有任何麻烦”,而他的父亲冷冷地说道,“你从出生那天起就一直是麻烦。”杰克勃然大怒,向父亲的腹部开枪,并立即后悔自己的行为。凯伦冲进去试图帮助杰克的父亲,但无能为力。杰克收集他的钱。在杰克的父亲平静去世之前,杰克和他的父亲达成了相互理解。 T-Joe 请求带 Jack 和 Karen 去洛杉矶,Jack 不情愿同意。他们遭到县警察的袭击和追捕,但杰克设法杀死了其中一人,并困住了另一辆警车。这对夫妇被《新闻报》称为“恋人、梦想家、连环杀手”。 在得知他的客户在即将举行的音乐会上精神崩溃后,汤姆·帕克上校前往洛杉矶与埃尔维斯交谈并保护他的投资。埃尔维斯表示,尽管他的音乐会还有两天就要开始,但他却失去了热情。他向上校解释说,他曾经是“有史以来最闪亮的明星”,但现在不再是了。他想退出,但上校说服他不要这样做,而是在音乐会结束后与女儿路易丝和妻子一起休息。埃尔维斯不情愿地同意了,他正与抑郁症作斗争。杰克、凯伦和 T-Joe 遇到了一位曾经在猫王大会上工作过的人。该男子解释说,他曾经讨厌埃尔维斯,但现在原谅了他,只是杰克用枪指着他,迫使他说出真相。那人告诉杰克在哪里猫王在贝弗利峡谷酒店的伍德罗·威尔逊套房参加音乐会,然后告诉杰克猫王现在只是一个“悲伤孤独的人”。在前往洛杉矶的整个旅程中,凯伦越来越不喜欢杰克和他的决定。她抛弃了他,却发现杰克和T-乔遭到一辆警车的袭击。杰克设法杀死了一名警官,但 T-Joe 被警长多次射击。警长占了上风,准备杀死杰克,但凯伦用步枪射杀了警长,意识到自己和杰克有多么相似的杀手。 T-Joe 因伤势过重而死亡,并被杰克放在火葬柴堆上烧死。杰克和凯伦抵达洛杉矶,入住香格里拉套房。在那里,凯伦告诉杰克,她怀了他们的孩子,她现在必须离开杰克,因为她只会减慢他的速度。两人含泪分道扬镳,杰克进入埃尔维斯下榻的酒店。凯伦去海滩,沿着太平洋漫步,在海滩上遇见了一个不为人知的小女孩对她来说,是埃尔维斯的女儿。杰克杀死门卫后进入伍德罗·威尔逊的套房。猫王在浴室里,与深度抑郁作斗争,并考虑通过服药过量自杀。杰克用枪指着埃尔维斯的许多工作人员,包括上校,为埃尔维斯大喊大叫。埃尔维斯带着手枪出现,射杀了杰克,将他杀死。为了保护埃尔维斯的声誉,这一事件被掩盖了,而埃尔维斯则与站在一旁的骄傲的上校一起出现。杰克·布鲁布拉德对他的袭击成为都市传奇。凯伦偷了一辆车并离开了洛杉矶。她漫无目的地度过了余生,然后消失了。

Otherwise known as "Kill the King," "Shangri-La Suite" begins with a narration explaining that the film is based on accounts of the lives of runaway couple Karen Bird and Jack Blueblood. Karen Bird was born as a "healthy" baby in the Appalacian mountains whereas Jack Blueblood was born as a "half-breed" in an Indian reservation in South Dakota. Jack's father was a Lakota Sioux who became very angry and abusive of his young son since Jack's mother, an Irish Catholic, died in childbirth delivering Jack. In his drunken fits, Jack's father would beat Jack savagely with a belt and blame him for the death of his beloved wife, nearly every day. Karen on the other hand lived a healthy life, her only problem being her aversion to church and CCD, as well as her obsession with guns. Jack was given his mother's records and grew a loving for Elvis Presley, a hot new singer. Years later, the two met at a rehabilitation center in Floodwood Michigan. Karen had been sent there by her parents when she dropped out of High School due to her struggles with nicotine and vodka. Jack was sent there by the state for his drug addiction and obsession for Elvis. Jack was prescribed electro-shock therapy at double the voltage.Jack and Karen wander into one another in the halls and he hides in a bathroom to avoid security guards who take delight in beating him. Karen gives away his hiding place and he confronts her about it meaning to threaten her. However, she instead is unswayed and takes a liking to him. The two begin a passionate relationship. Dr, Gordon, Karen's psychiatrist warns Karen against Jack Blueblood, telling her of his obsession with Elvis which Karen is unfazed by. It is revealed that Jack had once accidentally listened to one of Elvis's records backwards and thought he heard his mother tell him to "kill Elvis." Karen tells Jack that her dream is to step into the Pacific ocean one day. Jack tells her that he has dreams of leading Elvis to the righteous path to salvation, if so by killing him. After being separated from Karen by the security guards and electro-shocked beyond toleration, Jack snaps when Karen comes to his room, weeping and telling him that Dr. Gordon molested her. Jack kills an abusive security guard and shoots Dr. Gordon to death saying, "I think that therapy is working out real great." He frees all the patients and escapes down the road with Karen, after raiding Nash's inventory of drugs.The two consummate their relationship and drive off down the road in a hot rod. A psychologist, Dr. Nash identifies as to why Jack acted the way he did, but cannot understand how Karen Nash would throw away everything she had to join a killer. Meanwhile, a depressed Elvis Presley, at age 39 has lost his charm and feeling of youth. He hopes to resign his status, but cannot due to his contracts, obligations, and fans. He struggles with his inspiration, weight, voice, and violent outbursts. Jack and Karen drive to Blackwater reservation where they meet Jack's friend T-Joe who dreams to one day be a transsexual. Jack goes to gain T-Joe's stash of money to finance their journey.However, when Jack learns that T-Joe bought Estrogen pills for his "operation." An enraged Jack has no choice but to go to his father's home and take his family money to finance their trip. Reluctantly he arrives at his father's home and pounds on the door.His father answers but refuses to let him in. Jack breaks down the door and sees that his father has already called the police. Jack states, "I don't want any trouble" to which his father coldly states, "You've been trouble since the day you were born." In a violent outburst, Jack shoots his father in the stomach, regretting his action immediately. Karen rushes in and tries to help Jack's father but can do nothing. Jack collects his money. Jack and his father come to a mutual understanding of one another before Jack's father dies peacefully. T-Joe begs to be taken to Los Angeles with Jack and Karen, and Jack reluctantly agrees. They are attacked and chased by the county police but Jack manages to kill one of them and strand the other squad car. The couple becomes well known as "lovers, dreamers, serial killers" by the News.Upon learning that his client is suffering a nervous breakdown for his upcoming concert, Colonel Tom Parker goes to LA to speak with Elvis and protect his investments. Elvis expresses his loss of zeal though his concert begins in 2 days. He explains to the Colonel that he was once "the brightest star that ever did shine" but is not any longer. He desires to quit but the Colonel convinces him not to, and instead take time off after the concert with his daughter Louise and his wife. Elvis reluctantly agrees, struggling extensively with depression. Jack, Karen, and T-Joe meet up with a man who once worked at Elvis' convention. The man explains that once his did hate Elvis but now has forgiven him, only for Jack to pull a gun on him and force the truth from him. The man tells Jack where Elvis is staying for the concert in Beverly Canyon hotel in the Woodrow Wilson Suite, before telling Jack that Elvis is now just a "sad lonely man."Throughout the journey to LA, Karen grows less fond of Jack and his decisions. She walks out on him only for Jack and T-Joe to be attacked by a squad car. Jack manages to kill one of the officers but T-Joe is shot many times by the sheriff. The sheriff gains the upper hand and prepares to kill Jack but Karen shoots the sheriff with a rifle, realizing how much of a killer she is like Jack. T-Joe dies of his wounds and is burned on a funeral pyre by Jack. Jack and Karen arrive at LA where they stay at the Shangri-la Suite. While there, Karen tells Jack that she is pregnant with their child and that she must now leave Jack as she will only slow him down. The two part ways tearfully and Jack enters the hotel where Elvis is staying. Karen goes to the beach and walks along the pacific ocean, meeting with a little girl on the beach who unbeknownst to her, is Elvis' daughter.Jack enters the Woodrow Wilson suite after killing the doorman. Elvis is shown in the bathroom, struggling with deep depression and contemplating suicide via overdose. Jack holds many of Elvis' staff at gunpoint, including the Colonel, shouting for Elvis. Elvis appears with a pistol and shoots Jack fatally, killing him. The incident is covered up to protect Elvis' reputation and Elvis appears on concert with the proud Colonel standing by. The attack on him by Jack Blueblood becomes an urban legend. Karen steals a car and leaves LA. She lives the rest of her life aimlessly and disappears.

《香格里拉套房/Shangri-La Suite》(2016) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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