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[原版] 《大写 C 的圣诞节/Christmas with a Capital C》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2023-11-3 01:33:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

当成功的律师米奇·布莱特(丹尼尔·鲍德温饰)阔别 20 年后回到阿拉斯加州特拉珀福尔斯小镇时,他遇到了他高中时的老对手:里德兄弟丹(泰德·麦克金利饰)和格雷格(布拉德·斯坦因饰)。 )。丹正在为该镇的传统耶稣诞生场景建造一个新的平台,但他是该镇的市长,该平台是用市政府的资金建造的,并且是在市政府的财产上。最重要的是:丹甚至还娶了克里斯汀(南希·斯塔福德饰),克里斯汀是丹和米奇在高中时喜欢的女孩。米奇做的第一件事就是以政教分离为由,对耶稣诞生提出法律禁令。他做的第二件事是决定与他的主要竞争对手丹竞选市长;丹担任市长已有多年。米奇指责丹将他的基督教信仰强加给整个城镇,然后米奇对所有基督徒的傲慢和虚伪大发雷霆。米奇善于与人交往,并计划为小镇带来更多生意,很快他就成为了小镇上的一员。例如,影响全镇的企业主放弃“圣诞快乐”而转而“节日快乐”。两个次要情节涉及丹和克里斯汀的孩子。他们的儿子科迪是一名滑雪运动员,正在与一个女孩竞争即将到来的圣诞节比赛。他们的小女儿玛凯拉(Makayla)很高兴第一次成为教会基督教选美比赛的天使。法官来到镇上审查禁令并确认他们没有合法权利将耶稣诞生放在城市财产上后,丹和克里斯汀与他们的牧师和其他一些人会面,决定如何处理耶稣诞生。克里斯汀将人们的注意力从耶稣诞生转向圣诞节的真正意义。牧师同意了,他们决定开始像基督徒一样行事,“用大写的C”,他们开始以实用和有益的方式接触社区。这些行为创造了一种不同的氛围,蔓延到整个城镇……甚至最终影响了米奇。——塔娜·科尔伯恩

When successful attorney, Mitch Bright (Daniel Baldwin), returns home after more than 20 years to the small town of Trapper Falls, Alaska he runs into his old high schools rivals: the Reed brothers, Dan (Ted McGinley) and Greg (Brad Stein). Dan is building a new platform for the town's traditional nativity scene, but he is the mayor of the town, the platform is being built with city money, and it's on city property. To top things off: Dan is even married to Kristen (Nancy Stafford) the girl both Dan and Mitch liked in high school. The first thing Mitch does is file a legal injunction against the nativity citing separation of church and state. The second thing he does is decide to run for mayor against his main rival Dan; Dan has been the mayor for years. Mitch accuses Dan of forcing his Christianity upon the entire town, then Mitch goes on a rant about the arrogance and hypocrisy of all Christians. Mitch has a way with people, and plans to bring more business to the town, and soon he begins swaying business owners all over town to abandon "Merry Christmas" for "Happy Holidays." Two sub plots involve Dan and Kristen's children. Their son, Cody, is a skier in competition with a girl for the upcoming Christmas race. Their young daughter, Makayla, is excited to be the angel in the church Christian pageant for the first time. After a judge comes to town to review the injunction and confirms they do not have a legal right to put the nativity on city property, Dan and Kristen have a meeting with their Pastor and a few other people to decide what to do about the nativity. Kristen draws the attention away from the nativity and toward the real meaning of Christmas. The pastor agrees, and between them the group decides to start acting like Christians "with a capital C," and they begin reaching out to the community in practical and helpful ways. These actions create a different atmosphere that spreads throughout the town...even, eventually, effecting Mitch.—Tana Colburn

《大写 C 的圣诞节/Christmas with a Capital C》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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