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[原版] 《白教堂吸血鬼事件/The Case of the Whitechapel Vampire》(2002) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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有人……或什么东西……正在杀害白教堂修道院的僧侣,夏洛克·福尔摩斯 [马特·弗里沃] 和华生医生 [肯尼思·威尔士] 被叫去调查。有传言说这是最近从圭亚那执行任务带回来的吸血鬼的杰作。在所有案件中,受害者的脖子上都有两处大的刺伤。墙上通常用血写着这样的信息:“既然你得罪了我,那么我就要报仇。”马斯托克修士(肖恩·劳伦斯饰)认为,这些杀戮可能是来自南方的凶猛恶魔德斯莫多的报复。美国通常以巨型吸血蝙蝠的形象出现。他解释说,在圭亚那期间,他因杀死一群蝙蝠而与查加斯博士发生争执,马斯托克被告知这群蝙蝠携带了瘟疫。赫克托·德拉·罗莎(丹尼·布兰科·霍尔饰)确实看到了凶手,并确认其长着德斯莫多的脸,正如马斯托克收藏的南美神祇中的德斯莫多雕像所描绘的那样第二天早上,福尔摩斯和华生直接去上班。他们做的第一件事就是与发现第一具尸体的 Sra de la Rosa [Isabel Dos Santos] 交谈。当他们提到查加斯博士的名字时,斯拉·德拉·罗莎因恐惧而紧张起来。她认为恰加斯是“吸血鬼”,因为他与吸血蝙蝠一起工作。当圣拉·德拉·罗莎低声向福尔摩斯讲述查加斯的事时,地面突然开始颤抖。预兆?接下来是调查教堂场地。福尔摩斯检查了地下室。除了天花板上挂着的一群蝙蝠之外,什么也没有。根据这些发现以及凶杀案发生时修道院门是锁着的,福尔摩斯推断凶手可能就在修道院里。那天晚上,他召集了所有兄弟姐妹开会,询问了那些参加圭亚那传教团的人的名字(马斯托克、考尔德弟兄、辛克莱弟兄(最先去世的人之一)、约翰弟兄、亚伯、海伦修女和玛格丽特修女),因为他们回来后屠杀就开始了。福尔摩斯想知道是否存在某种联系。他还建议每个人,无论是否执行任务,都要格外小心,永远不要独自去任何地方。不幸的是,阿贝尔(汤姆·拉克饰)从圭亚那回来后一直生病,所以只能独自睡觉。福尔摩斯、华生和马斯托克冲进亚伯的卧室,发现赫克托正在安慰受惊的亚伯,亚伯说他被一个巨大的黑色东西吵醒了,它试图咬他,但当他尖叫时它飞出了窗外。华生向窗外望去,但天色太暗,什么也看不见。接下来的调查工作是华生对墙上的文字所用的血液进行分析,而福尔摩斯则与“吸血鬼”查加斯交谈,查加斯已经采取了行动。住宿位于 Whitechapel 的 Renfield Place 4 号。原来查加斯[内维尔·爱德华兹]是一位研究蝙蝠的博物学家。他称他们为他的“孩子”,这引起了许多人的注意。在圭亚那,把他视为“吸血鬼”。就连白教堂当地人也认为恰加斯是吸血鬼,因为众所周知他会在晚上在街上游荡。事实上,在与查加斯交谈后仅仅几分钟,福尔摩斯就发现他离开了自己的公寓。现在是晚上 9 点 15 分,海伦修女 [卡里·劳伦斯] 和约翰弟兄 [马修·蒂芬] 正离开他们的一个慈善机构,返回慈善机构。当海伦(盲人)听到巷子里的呻吟声时,修道院。约翰前去帮忙,却遭到德斯莫多的攻击。德斯莫多随后转向海伦,但当有人进入小巷并赶走袭击者时,她得救了。不幸的是,约翰死了,脖子上有两个洞。 第二天早上,福尔摩斯去调查发生凶杀案的小巷。当福尔摩斯发现琼斯探长将查加斯逮捕为凶手时,理由是有人看到他昨晚在凶杀案发生前离开了自己的公寓,而他回来时手套上沾满了血迹,福尔摩斯对这个想法嗤之以鼻,因为他和查加斯在一起,直到不久之后9点之后,之后几分钟后,他看到恰加斯离开,向北前往怀特卡斯尔路。由于杀戮发生在德米特街的相反方向,没有人能够在十分钟内原路返回并走完这段距离……除非他会飞。琼斯不相信,但同意对血液进行分析。就在这时,琼斯发现恰加斯从一扇开着的窗户逃走了。福尔摩斯和华生前去调查约翰兄弟的尸体。沃森注意到他脖子上的两个洞有些奇怪……下牙没有留下任何痕迹。他推断,这些伤口要么是下颌骨缺失的人造成的,要么是通过其他方式造成的。 接下来是采访海伦修女,但首先他们停下来看看亚伯在昨晚受到惊吓后情况如何。他身体状况很好,正在制作冬宫的模型,没有进一步的信息可提供。与此同时,马斯托克正在教堂祈祷,地面再次开始震动。地震?还有海伦修女完全不知道修道院里的任何人如何可能得罪其他人,无论是神还是人类。关于她的袭击,她只记得听到一声呻吟和类似刮擦的声音,然后当凶手接近她时,她闻到了一股轻微刺鼻的油味。现在要采访考尔德弟兄[乔尔·米勒],但他已经去看望他的妹妹了,被称为卡拉夫斯基夫人[凯瑟琳·费]的通灵者。她试图从她哥哥带给她的物品中了解有关杀戮的信息。福尔摩斯并不相信她的见解,但他确实了解到考尔德认为查加斯是魔鬼的门徒,并认为马斯托克收集的文物是亵渎的。考尔德还告诉福尔摩斯,是亚伯兄弟指出了蝙蝠是瘟疫的根源,并坚持要消灭它们,这与马斯托克告诉福尔摩斯的说法相矛盾……是他(马斯托克)坚持要消灭蝙蝠。在返回修道院的路上,福尔摩斯被推到了帕特区几匹马快跑,但他设法滚开,正好看到一个黑斗篷的人影逃跑了。此后不久,正在教堂周围散步的沃森看到一个戴着兜帽的人影从地下室的门溜了进来。沃森尾随而至,发现考尔德刚刚从他姐姐家回来。华生询问他是否总是使用地下室门,但考尔德声称他是从前门进来的,赫克托证实了这一不在场证据。 嫌疑人太多,证据却很少,但福尔摩斯开始看到线索。尽管如此,还是需要进行一些验证。首先拜访了阿贝尔,他正在为他的模型涂上最后的油漆。然后,参观恰加斯……但不是去他的公寓,而是去一栋老房子,他在那里饲养濒临灭绝的蝙蝠群。然而,正当福尔摩斯说他可以为恰加斯洗清罪名时,琼斯探长突袭了房子并逮捕了他们两人。 回到修道院后,华生收到了福尔摩斯的一张纸条,内容涉及他的被捕以及他在被监禁期间无能为力的事实。马斯托克决定唯一剩下的就是离开修道院,希望能带走诅咒。他打算过夜祈祷,第二天早上离开。当马斯托克祈祷时,德斯莫多攻击了他。什么嗬!这不是马斯托克在祈祷,而是在祈祷。这是福尔摩斯。就在琼斯探长拔出枪出现时,地面再次开始颤抖,一座巨大的雕像落在德斯莫多身上,杀死了他。福尔摩斯摘下德斯莫多面具,露出了亚伯兄弟。他还戴着一只手掌上有花园爪的手套,福尔摩斯将其命名为用于刺穿受害者脖子的工具。 在结语中,华生解释说,拯救福尔摩斯的地震实际上是由于地震延长而导致的地面沉降。修道院正下方正在修建的地铁。福尔摩斯讲述了当琼斯探长得知查加斯手套上的血是蝙蝠血而不是人类血时,他同意帮助福尔摩斯完成他的小欺骗。关于查加斯是否与马斯托克或阿贝尔争论查加斯说,在消灭蝙蝠时,两者都是如此。首先,阿贝尔坚持要消灭它们。马斯托克是在阿贝尔染上瘟疫之后才开始争论的。福尔摩斯怎么知道那是阿贝尔呢?福尔摩斯解释说,他看到亚伯用左手喝茶,因为墙上的字向左倾斜,亚伯成为头号嫌疑人。此外,海伦修女闻到的刺鼻油味被证实与阿贝尔为他的模型使用的油漆气味相同。最后,看到一名园丁拿着双管园艺工具,证实了福尔摩斯的怀疑:海伦爵士听到的刮擦声是金属工具造成的,而且还被用来在受害者的脖子上打洞。就这样,白教堂吸血鬼被安息了。[bj_kuehl 的原始剧情简介]

Someone... or something... is killing the monks at the abbey in Whitechapel, and Sherlock Holmes [Matt Frewer] and Dr Watson [Kenneth Welsh] have been called to investigate. Rumor is that it's the work of a vampire brought back from a recent mission in Guiana. In all cases, the victims have been found with two large puncture wounds on their necks. On the wall, written in blood, is usually a message like "As you have sinned against me, so shall I exact my revenge."Brother Marstoke [Shawn Larence] believes that the killings might be retribution from Desmodo, a fiercesome demon from South America who usually appears as a giant vampire bat. He explains that, while in Guiana, he had a falling out with Dr Chagas over the killing of a colony of bats, which Marstoke was led to believe carried a plague. Hector de la Rosa [Danny Blanco Hall] actually saw the killer and confirms that it had the face of Desmodo, just as depicted in a statue of Desmodo in Marstoke's collection of South American gods and demons that he brought back from Guiana.The next morning, Holmes and Watson go right to work. The first thing they do is speak with Sra de la Rosa [Isabel Dos Santos] , who was the one to discover the first body. When they mention the name of Dr Chagas, Sra de la Rosa tightens in fear. She considers Chagas a 'vampiro' because of his work with vampire bats. As Sra de la Rosa, in a whispered voice, tells Holmes about Chagas, the ground suddenly starts to tremble. An omen?Next is to investigate the church premises. Holmes checks out the crypt. Nothing there except for a colony of bats hanging from the ceiling. Upon these discoveries and the knowledge that the abbey doors were locked at the time of the killings, Holmes deduces that the killer may be in the abbey itself. That evening, he calls a meeting of all the brothers and sisters and asks for the names of those who were on the Guiana mission (Marstoke, Brother Caulder, Brother Sinclair (one of the first to die), Brother John, Brother Abel, Sister Helen, and Sister Margaret) as the killings began just after their return. Holmes wonders whether or not there is some connection. He also advises everyone, whether or not they were on the mission, to be extremely careful and to never go anywhere alone.Unfortunately, Abel [Tom Rack] has been left alone to sleep as he has been ill since returning from Guiana. Holmes, Watson and Marstoke rush to Abel's bedroom where they find Hector comforting a terrified Abel, who says that he was awakened by a big, dark thing that tried to bite him but flew out the window when he screamed. Watson looks out the window, but it is too dark to see anything.Next on the list of investigations is for Watson to get an analysis of the blood used in the writing on the wall while Holmes talks with "vampiro" Chagas, who has taken lodging at 4, Renfield Place in Whitechapel. It turns out that Chagas [Neville Edwards] is a naturalist who studies bats. He calls them his "children," which caused many in Guiana to think of him as a "vampiro". Even the Whitechapel locals think Chagas is the vampire,since he is known to roam the streets at night. Indeed, only a few minutes after speaking with Chagas, Holmes observes him leaving his flat.It is now 9:15 pm, and Sr Helen [Cary Lawrence] and Bro John [Matthew Tiffin] are leaving one of their charities to return to the abbey when Helen (who is blind) hears moaning in an alley. John goes to help and is attacked by Desmodo. Desmodo then turns on Helen, but she is saved when someone enters the alley and chases away her attacker. Unfortunately, John is dead, with two holes in his neck.The next morning, Holmes goes to investigate the alley where the killing took place. When Holmes finds out that Inspector Jones has arrested Chagas as the killer, on the basis that he was seen leaving his flat last night just before the killing and he returned with blood on his gloves, Holmes poopoohs the idea since he was with Chagas until shortly after 9, after which he observed Chagas leaving several minutes later and going north to Whitecastle Road. Since the killing took place on Demeter Street, in the opposite direction, no one could backtrack and cover that distance in 10 minutes... unless he could fly. Jones isn't convinced but does agree to have the blood analyzed. Just then, Jones discovers that Chagas has escaped through an open window.Holmes and Watson go to investigate Bro John's body. Watson notices something peculiar about the two holes on his neck... there are no marks from the lower teeth. Either the wounds were made by someone missing a lower mandible, he deduces, or they were made by some other means.Next is to interview Sr Helen, but first they stop to see how Abel is faring after the fright he received last night. He's quite well and is working on a model of the hermitage and has no further information to offer. Meanwhile, Marstoke is praying in the church when the ground starts to shake again. An earthquake? And Sr Helen doesn't have any idea how anyone in the abbey might have sinned against anyone else, either gods or humans. All she can remember about her attack is hearing a groaning and a sound like something scraping and then smelling a slightly pungent, oily odor as the killer approached her.Now to interview Brother Caulder [Joel Miller] but he has gone to visit his sister, the psychic known as Madame Karavsky [Kathleen Fee]. She is attempting to getinsights about the killings from objects her brother has brought her. Holmes puts no stock in her insights, but he does learn that Caulder considers Chagas to be the devil's disciple and sees Marstoke's collection of artifacts as sacrilegious. Caulder also tells Holmes that it was Brother Abel who pinpointed the bats as the source of the plague andinsisted on their irradication, a contradiction of what Marstoke told Holmes... that it was he (Marstoke) who had insisted on irradicating the bats.On his way back to the abbey, Holmes is pushed into the path of trotting horses but manages to roll away just in time to see a black-cloaked figure running away. Shortly thereafter, Watson, who is walking around the church, sees a hooded figure sneak in through the crypt door. Watson follows and comes upon Caulder just returning from hissister's house. Watson inquires as to whether he always uses the crypt door, but Caulder claims that he came in through the front door, an alibi that Hector confirms.So many suspects, so little evidence, but Holmes is beginning to see a thread. Still, a little verification is in order. First a visit to Abel who is putting the finishing paint to his model. Then, a visit to Chagas... but not to his flat, rather, to an old house where he nurtures his colony of endangered bats. Just as Holmes says he can clear Chagas' name, however, Inspector Jones raids the house and arrests them both.Back at the abbey, Watson gets a note from Holmes regarding his arrest and the fact that he can do no more while he is incarcerated. Marstoke decides that the only thing left is to leave the abbey in hopes of taking the curse with him. He intends to spend the night in prayer and leave the next morning. As Marstoke prays, Desmodo attacks him. What ho! It is not Marstoke praying; it is Holmes. Just as Inspector Jones shows up, guns drawn, the ground begins to tremble again and a large statue falls on Desmodo, killing him. Holmes removes the Desmodo mask to reveal Brother Abel. He is also wearing a glove with a garden claw in the palm, which Holmes names as the implement used to puncture the necks of his victims.In the epilogue, Watson explains that the earthquake that saved Holmes was actually a subsidence due to an extension of the Underground which is being constructed right under the abbey. Holmes tells how, when Inspector Jones learned that the blood on Chagas' glove was bat blood, not human blood, he agreed to help Holmes in his little deception. With regards to whether Chagas argued with Marstoke or Abel regarding theirradication of the bats, Chagas says that it was both. First Abel insisted on their irradication. Marstoke took up the argument only after Abel was stricken with the plague.How did Holmes know it was Abel? Holmes explains that he saw Abel drinking tea with his left hand and, because the writing on the wall slanted to the left, Abel became the prime suspect. Also, the pungent, oily smell that Sr Helen smelled was confirmed as the same odor as the paint Abel was using for his model. Finally, the sight of a gardener witha two-pronged garden tool confirmed Holmes' suspicion that a metal implement made the scratching that Sr Helen heard and was also used to make the holes in his victims' necks. And, thus, the Whitechapel vampire was laid to rest.[Original synopsis by bj_kuehl]

《白教堂吸血鬼事件/The Case of the Whitechapel Vampire》(2002) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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