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[原版] 《拉吉尼蒂/Raajneeti》(2010) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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Ramnath Rai 是 UP 的首席部长,但女儿 Bharti Rai 加入了魅力领袖 Bhaskar Sanyal(Naseeruddin Shah 饰)领导的青年运动,并反对她的父亲。 Ramnath Rai 的顾问是 Brij Gopal(Nana Patekar)。当巴蒂与巴斯卡发生性关系时,巴斯卡正处于政治动荡的风口浪尖,巴斯卡感到内疚。巴蒂生下一个男孩,被布里吉带走并漂流到恒河。然后,Brij 安排了 Bharti 与 Rastrawadi 领袖 Bhanu Pratap 的兄弟 Chandra Pratap 的婚礼。距今已有 30 年了,孩子叫 Sooraj(阿贾耶·德乌干),他现在是 Chandra 司机的儿子,也是当地达利特社区的名人。钱德拉的儿子萨马尔(兰比尔·卡普尔饰)从美国回来参加巴努的生日。有抱负的政治家 Indu Saxena(卡特里娜·卡芙饰)是巴努家族朋友 Saxena 的女儿,她想嫁给他并与他发生激烈的性行为。但他没那么感兴趣。巴努的政党过去 3 次当选执政党,但上次没有获得多数席位,因此支持拉姆纳特的政党继续执政。我是一名政府,现在希望拉姆纳特辞职,但他拒绝了。因此,巴努撤回了支持。正当拉姆纳特辞职时,巴努中风了。他任命钱德拉为党主席,任命钱德拉的长子普里特维(阿琼·拉姆帕尔饰)为塞西将军。巴努的儿子维伦德拉(Manoj Bajpai)很生气。随着选举的临近,维伦德拉向钱德拉展示了他的候选人名单,并将自己的名字放在了巴努的旧席位上。但钱德拉拒绝了这份名单,并表示他本人将竞选巴努的旧席位。随着选举的临近,苏拉吉宣布自己是其选区拉斯特拉瓦底党的候选人。他甚至冲进了党的核心委员会会议,并在会议上受到普里特维的侮辱,但维伦德拉支持苏拉吉并让他成为党的核心成员。与此同时,Indu 表达了她对 Samar 的爱,但 Samar 拒绝了。 Brij 说服 Chandra 将他喜欢的座位让给 Veerendra,然后密谋让他松绑。 Brij 玩弄政治,并为 Sooraj 的父亲 Ram Charitra 提供了达利特席位。 Veeru 和 Sooraj 被告知 Chandra wi将成为首席部长候选人,但维鲁认为这份工作理应属于他自己。钱德拉威胁维鲁取消聚会资格。萨马尔·普拉塔普即将返回美国与他的爱尔兰裔美国女友莎拉在一起并获得博士学位,但钱德拉被枪杀后取消了行程。他决定留在原地,为这次杀戮报仇。普里特维因粗暴对待医院执勤的警察而被判入狱。维鲁接近瘫痪的巴努来指挥队伍。然后,他利用一名心怀不满的女党员向普里特维提起强迫性行为案件。萨马尔找到维伦德拉并承诺,为了换取普里特维的自由,全家人将离开这个国家。但在钱德拉的葬礼上,普里特维和萨马尔发誓复仇。萨马尔和普里特维闯入了维鲁的集会,他在那里宣布了自己的总理候选人资格。萨马尔上台并进行同情投票,并公开宣布普里特维为该党的首席候选人。无奈之下,维鲁让巴努将普里特维开除出党,这正是萨马尔想要的。萨mar 负责管理新的 Jan Shakti 政党的整个启动过程。维鲁垄断商界,导致他们资金匮乏。 Sooraj 与 Veeru 合作非常密切。为了赚钱,萨马尔甚至同意嫁给 Indu,因为她的父亲是一位富商。但 Saxena 要求 Indu 嫁给 Prithvi。萨马尔坚持,普里特维同意。苏拉吉告诉媒体,当普里特维参加竞选活动时,萨马尔正在与因杜发生性关系。与此同时,莎拉从美国抵达。普里特维的竞选活动陷入困境,萨马尔勒索拉斯特拉瓦底党的一名高级官员,对维鲁和苏拉吉提出腐败指控。该人还告诉萨马尔,苏拉吉策划了暗杀钱德拉。萨马尔随后用手机炸弹杀死了他。然后他与莎拉发生了性关系。莎拉怀疑萨马尔参与了手机炸弹事件。维鲁计划利用警察和女孩再次提起强迫性行为案件,因此普里特维杀死了他们两人。莎拉看着女孩被萨马尔的工作人员绑架。她婉她已经怀孕了,我们该离开了。萨马尔承诺选举后会抛下一切与她同行。萨马尔贿赂拉斯特拉瓦底党成员提交错误的提名文件,导致 97 名候选人被拒绝。维鲁绝望之际,他下令进行炸弹爆炸,莎拉和普里特维丧生。 Brij 去杀死 Sooraj,然后发现 Sooraj 是 Bharti 的儿子,因此是 Samar 的继兄弟。巴蒂去见 Sooraj 并告诉他真相,但 Sooraj 说 Veeru 在没人支持他的情况下支持他,而且他永远不会抛弃他。 Samar 将 Indu 拉入竞选并赢得了同情票。维鲁怀疑萨马尔操纵了电子投票机,并根据线报来到了一家废弃的工厂。这是一个陷阱。苏拉杰紧随其后。他对萨马尔有攻击,但让他走了。 Samar 射杀了 Veeru,然后逼迫 Sooraj 从后面杀死了他。Indu 成为 CM,并怀上了 Prithvi 的孩子。萨马尔回到美国照顾莎拉的妈妈并完成他的博士学位

Ramnath Rai is the CM of UP, but daughter Bharti Rai joins a youth movement led by charismatic leader Bhaskar Sanyal (Naseeruddin Shah) & opposes her father. Ramnath Rai advisor is Brij Gopal (Nana Patekar). Bhaskar is at the cusp of political upheaval when Bharti has sex with Bhaskar & Bhaskar leaves under guilt. Bharti gives birth to a boy which is taken away by Brij & floated away in Ganga. Then Brij arranges Bharti's wedding with Rastrawadi leader Bhanu Pratap's brother Chandra Pratap.Its 30 yrs since & the baby is Sooraj (Ajay Devgan) who is now son of Chandra's driver & a local celebrity in a strong Dalit community. Samar (Ranbir Kapoor), Chandra's son comes back from US for Bhanu's BDay. Aspiring politician, Indu Saxena (Katrina Kaif) is daughter of Bhanu's family friend Saxena, wants to wed him & have vigorous sex with him. But he ain't that interested. Bhanu's party was voted to power the last 3 times, but last time it didn't get majority so it supported Ramnath's party to form a Govt, and now want Ramnath to resign which he refuses. So, Bhanu withdraws support. Just as Ramnath resigns Bhanu has a stroke. He appoints Chandra as party president & Chandra's elder son Prithvi (Arjun Rampal) as General Secy. Bhanu's son Veerendra (Manoj Bajpai) is angry.As election looms Veerendra presents his list of candidates to Chandra, & puts his own name on Bhanu's old seat. But Chandra refuses the list & says that he himself will contest Bhanu's old seat. As election looms Sooraj announces himself as a candidate for the Rastravadi party from his constituency. He even storms the party core committee meeting where he is insulted by Prithvi, but Veerendra supports Sooraj & makes him a core party member. Meanwhile Indu professes her love for Samar, but he refuses.Brij convinces Chandra to give Veerendra his preferred seat & then conspire to make him loose. The Brij plays politics & offers the Dalit seat to Sooraj's father Ram Charitra. Veeru & Sooraj are told that Chandra will be the CM candidate, but Veeru thinks that job should be rightfully his own. Chandra threatens Veeru with suspension from party.Samar Pratap is about to return to his Irish-American girlfriend, Sarah, in the U.S. and obtain a PhD, but cancels his trip when Chandra, is shot dead. He decides to stay put and avenge this slaying. Prithvi is jailed for manhandling the police officer on hospital duty. Veeru approaches paralyzed Bhanu to take command of party. He then uses a disgruntled female party worker to lodge a forced sex case on Prithvi. Samar approaches Veerendra with a promise that in exchange of Prithvi's freedom the whole family will leave country. But at Chandra's funeral Prithvi & Samar swear revenge.Samar & Prithvi crash Veeru's rally where he was to announce his CM candidature. Samar takes stage & takes the sympathy vote & the public announces Prithvi as the CM candidate of the party. In desperation Veeru gets Bhanu to expel Prithvi from party, which is what Samar wanted. Samar manages the entire launch of the new Jan Shakti party. Veeru starves them of funds by cornering the business community. Sooraj works very closely with Veeru. To get money Samar even agrees to marry Indu as her dad is a rich businessman.But Saxena demands that Indu be married to Prithvi. Samar insists & Prithvi agrees. Sooraj tells media that while Prithvi is on campaign trail, Samar is having sex with Indu. Meanwhile Sarah arrives from US.As Prithvi's campaign falters, Samar blackmails a high official of Rastravadi party to lay corruption charges against Veeru & Sooraj. The same person also tells Samar that Sooraj had planned the assassination of Chandra. Samar then proceeds to kill him using a mobile phone bomb. He then has sex with Sarah. Sarah suspects Samar to have a hand in the mobile phone bomb escapade.Veeru plans to use the cop & the girl to raise the forced sex case again, so Prithvi kills them both. Sarah watches the girl being kidnapped by men who work for Samar. She wants to leave as she is preggers. Samar promises to leave everything & go with her after the election.Samar bribes Rastravadi party members to file wrong nomination papers due to which 97 candidates get rejected. As Veeru gets desperate, he orders a bomb blast which claims Sarah & Prithvi. Brij goes to kill Sooraj & then finds that Sooraj is Bharti's son & hence Samar's step-brother. Bharti goes to meet Sooraj & tells him the truth, but Sooraj says that Veeru supported him when no-one else would, & he will never desert him.Samar pulls Indu into the campaign & rides the sympathy vote. Veeru suspects Samar of rigging the electronic voting machines & follows a tip to an abandoned factory. Its a trap. Sooraj follows. he has the drop on Samar, but lets him go. Samar shoots Veeru & then corners Sooraj & kills him from behind.Indu becomes CM & is preggers with Prithvi's child. Samar goes back to US to care for Sarah's mom & to complete his PhD

《拉吉尼蒂/Raajneeti》(2010) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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