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[原版] 《成为无名小卒/Becoming Nobody》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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1988 年,当时 20 岁的杰米·卡托 (Jamie Catto) 胸怀大志,成为伦敦电影制片人和音乐家,在参加瑜伽课后听到了一盘拉姆·达斯 (Ram Dass) 的录音带。 1994 年,他在英国的一处度假胜地遇见了拉姆·达斯 (Ram Dass),当时他的女友正怀着他三个女儿中的第一个女儿。从此之后,杰米就不再是原来的自己了。2001 年,卡托在电影《一次巨大的飞跃》(One Giant Leap,2002 年) 中首次采访了拉姆·达斯,该片随后通过 Palm Pictures 发行。这次采访之后是第二次 Giant Leap 的采访,我呢? (2005)。 在多次拜访夏威夷拉姆·达斯的过程中,杰米结识了《成为无名小卒》的制片人兼爱服务记住基金会的执行董事拉古·马库斯。杰米与拉古分享了他制作“拉姆·达斯电影”的愿望。拉古拥有音乐行业的背景,他了解创作一部反映拉姆·达斯生活观察和分享经历的开创性电影的历史价值。超越核心群体的目标拉姆·达斯已经很熟悉了,因此需要一部更全面的长片,一部具有更广阔视角和吸引力的电影,能够综合和凝聚他的工作生涯和智慧。在随意交谈的背景下的机智和幽默似乎是传达令人兴奋的好方法以简单、有趣且富有启发性的方式提供信息。拉姆·达斯拥有令人愉快且善于表达的银幕个性,他完全可以胜任这项任务。即使经历了严重中风的后遗症,拉姆·达斯仍然讲述了一个引人入胜的故事,触及了他工作的本质和相关性的快乐、缺点和诚实。通过导演的采访,以他自己的生活为例,伴随着档案片段和原创音乐,拉姆·达斯探索了我们普遍的人类状况和行为,这些状况和行为与灵魂之旅和我们所有人生活的共同统一有关。最初的核心采访于 2015 年 3 月在拉姆·达斯 (Ram Dass) 位于夏威夷毛伊岛的家中拍摄。Becom《无人》代表了拉姆·达斯的教义和人生的核心弧线:无论是作为哈佛著名心理学家理查德·阿尔珀特博士,还是作为东西方哲学桥梁的拉姆·达斯,他都定义了一代内心探索者和真理和智慧的追求者。拉姆·达斯 (Ram Dass) 曾担任波士顿著名犹太家庭的后裔、哈佛摇滚明星心理学家、反主流文化的无赖冒险家、东方圣人、中风幸存者和富有同情心的护理人员,在他的旅程中身兼数职,其叙述如下:在《成为无名之辈》中,历史性的片段平衡了与导演杰米·卡托的引人入胜的对话。我们开始了解我们的旧角色和伪装如何变得越来越沉重。影片描绘了一个充满欢乐、机智、诚实和智慧的充满爱心的男人,在轻松交谈的同时分享他的痛苦和快乐。那些使他摆脱了“大人物”的执着的生活经历将他转变为如今激励新一代的光辉灵魂。

In 1988, aspiring London filmmaker and musician, Jamie Catto, then 20 years old, heard a cassette of Ram Dass after attending a yoga class. In 1994, he met Ram Dass at a UK retreat while his girlfriend was pregnant with the first of his three daughters. Jamie was never the same person after that.Catto interviewed Ram Dass for the first time in 2001 in a wonderful moment in the film One Giant Leap (2002), which was subsequently released through Palm Pictures. This interview was followed by another for the second Giant Leap installment, What About Me? (2005).In the course of his many visits with Ram Dass in Hawaii, Jamie met Raghu Markus, Producer of Becoming Nobody and Executive Director of Love Serve Remember Foundation. Jamie shared his desire to make "THE Ram Dass film" with Raghu. With a background in the music industry, Raghu understood the historic value of creating a seminal film of Ram Dass' life of observations and shared experience. The goal of reaching out beyond a core group already familiar with Ram Dass would require a more comprehensive feature length film, one with a broader perspective and appeal that would synthesize and coalesce his life of work and wisdom.Wit and humor in the context of a casual conversation seemed a good way to deliver heady information in a simple, entertaining, and illuminating fashion. Blessed with a delightful and articulate on-screen personality, Ram Dass would be up to the task. Even with the after-effects of a severe stroke, Ram Dass delivers an engaging narrative, touching the joy, the foibles, and the honesty for the very essence of his work and relevance.Using his own life as an example through the director's interview, accompanied by archival footage and original music, Ram Dass explores our universal human condition and behaviors in connection to the journey of the soul and the shared unity of all of our lives. The initial core interview was filmed in March of 2015 at Ram Dass' home on the island of Maui, Hawaii.Becoming Nobody represents the core arc of Ram Dass' teachings and life: whether as Dr. Richard Alpert, the eminent Harvard psychologist, or as Ram Dass who serves as a bridge between Eastern and Western philosophies, he has defined a generation of inner explorers and seekers of truth and wisdom. Through his turns as scion of an eminent Jewish family from Boston, rock-star Harvard psychologist, counter-culture rascally adventurer, Eastern holy man, stroke survivor and compassionate caregiver, Ram Dass has worn many hats on his journey, the narrative of which is revealed in this film.In Becoming Nobody, historic clips balance an engaging conversation with director Jamie Catto. We come to understand how our old roles and disguises become increasingly burdensome. The film captures a loving man full of joy, wit, honesty and wisdom, at ease in conversation while sharing his considerable pains and pleasures. The life experiences that have freed him from the attachments of his 'somebody-ness' have transformed him into the radiant soul who now inspires a new generation.

《成为无名小卒/Becoming Nobody》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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