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[原版收藏] 【蓝光|原版】《完全杀手/Totally Killer》(2023)









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1987 年 10 月 27 日、29 日和 31 日,在弗农小镇,蒂芙尼·克拉克 (Tiffany Clark)、玛丽莎·宋 (Marisa Song) 和希瑟·埃尔南德斯 (Heather Hernandez) 三个十几岁的女孩分别被甜蜜 16 杀手杀害,她们在 1987 年 10 月 27 日晚上分别被刺了 16 刀。他们的 16 岁生日。 如今,青少年杰米·休斯 (Jamie Hughes) 在万圣节之夜与她的朋友阿米莉亚 (Amelia) 一起去听音乐会,而她的母亲帕姆 (Pam) 则留在家里。帕姆曾经是“甜蜜16杀手”的三名受害者的朋友,在分发糖果时,她遭到凶手袭击,凶手将她刺死。杰米为帕姆的死感到悲痛,她帮助阿米莉亚对她为学校项目创建的时间机器进行最后的润色,记者克里斯·杜巴斯奇找到她,告诉她帕姆收到了凶手发来的一张她保密的字条:“你”晚上,杰米被杀手追赶,躲进了时间机器,时间机器启动并把她送回了 1987 年。她意识到,如果她阻止甜蜜 16 杀手的原作疯狂,她可以拯救帕姆的生命。杰米伪装成来自加拿大的交换生,发现帕姆和她的朋友们被镇上的每个人鄙视,因为他们是恶霸。杰米设法说服阿米莉亚的母亲劳伦和一个名叫道格的青少年(她学校的现任校长)来帮助她。尽管杰米设法混入蒂芙尼举办的派对,但她无法阻止谋杀。她利用这次创伤与帕姆建立了联系,潜入了他们的团队并说服他们离开去度周末,尽管这适得其反;他们最终来到了原始时间线中玛丽莎被杀的小屋。当杰米努力保护玛丽莎时,希瑟却被谋杀了,这改变了时间线。 万圣节之夜,大家在游乐园重新集合,而劳伦则致力于将一个受欢迎的景点变成杰米前进的临时时间机器。现在,克里斯帮助阿米莉亚修理他们的时间机器,因为他们意识到时间线正在改变。该团体引诱甜蜜16 杀手进入鬼屋并攻击他们,却被现任镇警长卡拉用镰刀刺穿。道格被揭露为凶手,他要为女友崔西的死向众人报仇。玛丽莎透露,她、蒂芙尼和希瑟有一天晚上把崔西灌醉了,并让她开车回家,而她却在一场事故中丧生;然而,帕姆并不在场。当杰米想知道帕姆为什么会收到这张纸条时,第二个杀手出现并割断了玛丽莎的喉咙。第二个杀手追赶杰米,一路杀死了克里斯的父亲。当新时间机器启动时,两人在新时间机器中对峙,凶手被发现是现在的克里斯。道格是最初的凶手,但克里斯谋杀了帕姆并伪造了这张纸条,以便为他的播客生成更多内容。两人打斗,杰米把他踢进纺纱机,杀死了他。回到现代后,她发现帕姆还活着。由于杰米的父母比他们原定的时间更早聚在一起最后,她现在有一个哥哥,名叫杰米,她现在的名字叫科莱特。

In the small town of Vernon, on October 27, 29, and 31, 1987, three teenage girls named Tiffany Clark, Marisa Song, and Heather Hernandez were respectively killed by the Sweet 16 Killer, each having been stabbed 16 times on the nights of their 16th birthdays.In the present day, teenager Jamie Hughes goes to a concert with her friend Amelia on Halloween night while her mother, Pam, stays at home. Pam used to be friends with the three victims of the Sweet 16 Killer, and while handing out candy, she is attacked by the killer, who stabs her to death. As Jamie grieves Pam's death, she helps Amelia put the finishing touches on a time machine she created for a school project and is approached by reporter Chris Dubasage, who tells her that Pam received a note from the killer that she kept secret: "You're next, one day."At night, Jamie is chased by the killer and hides in the time machine, which activates and sends her back to 1987. She realizes that if she stops the Sweet 16 Killer's original spree, she can save Pam's life. Jamie, masquerading as an exchange student from Canada, discovers that Pam and her friends were despised by everyone in the town as they were bullies. Jamie manages to convince Amelia's mother, Lauren, and a teenager named Doug, her school's present-day principal, to help her. Although Jamie manages to infiltrate a party hosted by Tiffany, she is unable to stop her murder. Using the trauma to bond with Pam, she infiltrates their group and convinces them to leave for the weekend, although this backfires; they end up at the cabin where Marisa was killed in the original timeline. As Jamie works to protect Marisa, Heather is murdered instead, changing the timeline.On Halloween night, the group reconvenes at the amusement park while Lauren works on turning a popular attraction into a makeshift time machine for Jamie to travel forward. In the present, Chris helps Amelia fix their time machine as they realize the timeline is changing. The group lures the Sweet 16 Killer into a haunted house where he attacks them, only to be impaled by Kara, the town sheriff in the present, with a scythe. Doug is revealed as the killer, seeking revenge on the group for the death of his girlfriend Trish. Marisa reveals that she, Tiffany, and Heather got Trish drunk one night and let her drive home, with her dying in an accident; Pam, however, was not present. As Jamie wonders why Pam received the note, a second killer appears and slits Marisa's throat.The second killer chases after Jamie, killing Chris' father along the way. The two face off in the new time machine as it activates and the killer is revealed to be Chris from the present. Doug was the original killer, but Chris murdered Pam and forged the note in order to generate more content for his podcast. The two fight and Jamie kicks him into the spinning machine, killing him. Upon returning to the present day, she finds that Pam is still alive. Since Jamie's parents got together earlier than they had originally, she now has an older brother named Jamie and her name is now Colette.

【蓝光|原版】《完全杀手/Totally Killer》(2023)


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