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[原版收藏] 【蓝光|原版】《爱无所不在/Love Is in the Air》(2023)









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发表于 2023-11-14 11:25:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

达纳·兰德尔(达塔·古德雷姆饰)是昆士兰一家小型公司的飞行员,该公司为偏远地区的人们提供帮助,既帮助那里的居民,也帮助来访的游客。她的父亲杰夫(罗伊·比林饰)斥责她,因为她的账单不断增加,她拒绝了高薪访客,而是将居民的狗(被蛇咬伤,如果不及时接受医疗护理就会死亡)送到兽医那里。威廉·米切尔(约书亚·萨斯饰)被他父亲邓肯(休·帕克饰)的英国投资公司 ITCM Financial 从伦敦派到澳大利亚热带地区,去关闭富勒顿航空公司。他对他们一直支持的公司进行了研究,并指出小型、摇摇欲坠的家族经营水上飞机企业由于缺乏收入而成为清算的理想选择。他有一周的时间去参观公司,亲自检查他们的财务状况,然后返回董事会会议以关闭他们,向他的父亲证明他已经准备好在公司晋升。邓肯说,如果威廉做得很好,他就会将b尼基(斯蒂芬·蒂斯德尔饰)是富勒顿的飞机机械师,她催促达纳抽出时间约会,但她坚称自己太忙了。 Dana 致力于维持富勒顿航空公司的运营,因为这是她已故母亲的愿景和愿望。第二天早上,Jeff 警告他们 ITCM Financial 的代表将前来检查。达纳被要求去渡轮接威尔,一开始他们的关系很紧张。杰夫不遗余力地试图给威廉留下深刻印象。她很快就捍卫了他们的远程空中支援,尽管杰夫试图淡化这一点。威廉说政府补贴远程空中支援航班的燃油成本。但由于富乐顿航空公司只有一架运营飞机,因此利润空间不大。达纳带着威尔前往昆士兰州远北海岸附近的一个社区,为有需要的人运送包裹,她每两周就会去那里一次。否则他们就会被完全切断。这架飞机已经52岁了,威廉已经退休了他们再次说服他第二天陪她巡视。这次发动机熄火了,但幸运的是,达娜设法保持冷静,并安全着陆了飞机。她解决了问题,飞机再次飞了起来。 之后,达纳的前任希斯(西蒙·布鲁克·麦克拉克伦饰)在富勒顿喝酒时看到了她与威尔的化学反应,他和尼基都鼓励她追求他。因此,他们一起穿过停机坪、观星并分享生活故事。达娜分享了她的家庭以及她与社区的联系。这就是她的人生目标。 帮助达纳的第三天,威尔的父亲对他失去了耐心。威廉现在应该已经审计了财务,但他还没有开始,因为他正忙着帮助达纳。威尔试图说服邓肯,他们想要注销这家小型航空公司是错误的,但尼基无意中听到了。当确认飓风即将来临时,达纳正在咀嚼这个消息威尔帮助达纳找到受伤的杰夫,他一直在努力帮助其他人寻求安全以抵御飓风。富勒顿航空公司的三名工作人员和威尔一起躲在机库的储藏室里等待暴风雨过去。他承诺在总部为他们的公司而战,因为他关心达纳。第二天早上,风暴过去后,威尔帮助达纳向许多偏远地区运送紧急物资。辛苦了一天,到了晚上,她就和他和解了。然而,当他们准备晚上关门时,杰夫宣布 ITCM Financial 已发送一封电子邮件,立即关闭他们。威廉已返回伦敦,但未能成功影响董事会。达纳突然到来,带着改造和扩张富勒顿航空公司的计划。为了回应邓肯的负面反应,威尔辞职并向达纳提出自己的要求,以帮助他们扩张。ITCM Financial 支持他们的努力,富勒顿航空公司已被证明已经扩张,现在已经这是一个更专业的外观,威尔很高兴地与公司和达纳一起坐在那里,因为两人已经爱上了彼此。

Dana Randall (Delta Goodrem) is the pilot for the tiny Queensland company which aids people in the remote area, both for the people living there and for visiting tourists. Her dad Jeff (Roy Billing) chides her for blowing off high-paying visitors to transport a resident's dog (who had been bitten by a snake and would die if it did not receive timely medical care) to the vet, as their bills are mounting.William Mitchell (Joshua Sasse) is sent all the way from London by ITCM Financial, his father Duncan's (Hugh Parker) UK investment firm, to the tropics of Australia to shut down Fullerton Airways. He'd researched companies they have been backing, and pinpoints the small, flailing, family-run seaplane business as ideal for liquidation as it lacks income. He's given a week to visit the company, go over their financial in person and return to the board meeting to shut them down, proving to his father he's ready to move up in the company.Duncan says that if William does a good job, he will be made Junior Director at the company.Nikki (Steph Tisdell), Fullerton's airplane mechanic, pushes Dana to find time to date but she insists she's too busy. Dana is dedicated to keeping Fullerton airways going as this was her dead mother's vision and wish.The next morning, Jeff warns them a rep from ITCM Financial is coming for an inspection. Dana is asked to pick up Will from the ferry, and initially they have a testy relationship. Jeff goes out of his way to try and impress William.She is quick to defend their remote air support, although Jeff tries to downplay it. William says that Government subsidizes the cost of fuel for the remote air support flights. But since Fullerton Airways has only one operational plane, it doesn't leave much room for profits.Dana whizzes Will around to a community off the coast of far-north Queensland to deliver parcels to people in need, which she visits every two weeks as otherwise they'd be totally cut off. The plane is 52 years old, and William is claustrophobic.Again, they convince him to accompany her on her rounds a second day. This time the engine kicks out, but luckily Dana manages to keep her cool and lands the plane safely. She fixes the problem and the plane flies again.Afterwards, having drinks in Fullerton, Dana's ex Heath (Simon Brook McLachlan) sees her chemistry with Will and both he and Nikki encourage her to pursue him. So, they spend time together while crossing the tarmac, stargazing and sharing stories about their lives. Dana shares how much her family, and she are connected with the community. This is her purpose is life.A third day of helping Dana, and Will's father loses patience with him. William was supposed to have audited the financial by now, but he hadn't even started yet, as he was busy helping Dana.Will tries to convince Duncan that they were wrong to want to write off the small aeronautical company, but Nikki overhears. Dana is chewing out over the news when confirmation of an impending cyclone reaches them.Will helps Dana find an injured Jeff, who'd been trying to help others seek safety against the cyclone. The three-person staff of Fullerton Airways hole up with Will in the hangar's storage room to wait out the storm. He pledges to fight for their company at his headquarters, as he cares about Dana.The next morning, after the storm has passed, Will helps Dana deliver emergency supplies to many remote locations. Working hard all day, by nightfall she has made peace with him. However, as they're closing up the hanger for the night, Jeff announces that ITCM Financial has sent an e-mail, shutting them down immediately.William has returned to London and has been unsuccessful in swaying the board. Dana arrives unannounced, armed with a plan to revamp and expand Fullerton Airways. In response to Duncan's negative response, Will resigns and offers himself to Dana to aid them in their expansion.ITCM Financial backs their endeavor, and Fullerton Airways is shown to have expanded and now has a more professional look, with Will happily installed there with the company and Dana, as the two had fallen for each other.

【蓝光|原版】《爱无所不在/Love Is in the Air》(2023)


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