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[原版] 《二十二存在/Twenty Two Presence》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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一位不知名的年轻女孩(诺拉·伍尔西饰)在剧院通过投影仪和笔记本电脑观看旧电视节目。 《好莱坞过去的鬼魂》是一部廉价的深夜超自然电视剧,由通灵调查员戴尔·托伦斯(阿尔·卡雷塔饰)和他的女演员联合主持人塔琳·斯普林(弗雷娅·帕森斯饰)推出。女孩一边吃着巧克力和薯片,一边着迷于这部剧,该剧详细介绍了塔琳和戴尔的绑架事件,并重述了与珍·哈洛有关的故事,以及在戴尔的剧中扮演她的女演员失踪的故事。 随着部分片尾字幕开始滚动,戴尔·托伦斯发表讲话他的研究团队通过网络摄像头。戴尔显然比电视节目摘录中的年龄大几岁,并告诉他的在线观众要仔细检查他的拍摄对象所说的每一个字。这位年轻女孩以采访形式出现在电视屏幕上,并开始对她的生活做出重要陈述。研究人员;萨姆·福特(卡梅隆·文斯饰)和朱莉(艾玛·德·欧斯饰),像戴尔一样仔细分析每一个字确定核心事实;这个女孩在三岁时被绑架,此后过着复杂的生活。在一张缩放地图上,片尾字幕滚动显示,这个女孩从 2007 年的英格兰南海岸开始,一生都在欧洲各地漂泊。片尾字幕结束时,一张标题卡上写着“16 年后”,女孩开始与戴尔进行一对一的采访,使情况成为焦点。女孩展示了带有日记和照片的存储卡,详细介绍了她以前的昵称,并解释了她在十岁之前遭受的虐待,其中包括一个最重要的细节;她的眼睛在六岁之前就被绑架者挖掉了,她有一只玻璃眼,但将伤势隐藏在梳理的头发后面。随着戴尔从第一次采访中提供的记忆卡中确定了女孩的说法的有效性,他的制片人,霍莉·马奇(夏洛特·雷迪饰)将女孩安顿在卡姆登的一家酒店,等待更多的排练采访和审查。霍莉从这里详细介绍了如何接下来的几天将会展开。最终,如果女孩的说法得到证实,她将出现在电视直播观众面前。戴尔和研究人员继续对这个女孩进行详细采访。心理学家哈尔医生(肖恩·奥格雷迪饰)坚持他的专业观察,在审查中,戴尔通过网络电话提醒大家,即使知道这个女孩的真名,也只能被称为“存在”。 按照霍莉的计划,戴尔和普莱森斯去了一个可能是她童年最喜欢的公园。高智商的存在立刻就知道他们故意带她去了错误的公园。了解事态发展后,潜在的存在之母(扎拉·哈迪什安饰)联系了我们,渴望知道发生了什么。戴尔解释了他所知道的一切,并邀请她接受采访,他将在采访中介绍案件并可能将她介绍给 Presence。当研究人员为母亲的到来做准备时,存在提供了另一张包含更多照片的存储卡。冬青米普森斯再次知道这次会议取决于前联邦调查局数据分析师里克(保罗·凯莱赫饰)对此案的看法。与戴尔会面时,里克解释说,他对所提供证据的一致性感到震惊,并确定了确定情况可能真相的场景。自信不断增强的存在,毫不掩饰地向霍莉承认,她选择了戴尔而不是其他记者,因为她在波兰观看了他的电视节目,并且知道他会听她的。霍莉对此不以为然,对存在采取了严厉的态度,后者透露她知道一些事情戴尔对此非常感兴趣。普莱斯森斯催促她透露真相,并解释说她波兰母亲的朋友是在戴尔的节目中扮演“吉恩·哈洛”的女演员,但在接受大型整容手术后失踪了。霍莉明白这些信息与戴尔几年前的实际绑架事件有关的重要性,但无法及时提醒戴尔,因为对母亲的采访我无法及时通知戴尔。戴尔向母亲介绍了“在场”案,并向她讲述了证据,其中包括失踪时她家人和丈夫的照片。戴尔表示他不相信这个女孩就是她失踪的女儿,他也承认事实比小说更奇怪。戴尔要求母亲回答一个关键问题,为这次充满感情的会议画上了圆满的句号。大部分要素都一致后,戴尔退出采访并询问存在,后者给出了与母亲相同的答案和推理。尴尬的停顿之后,工作室的红色窗帘被拉开,普莱森丝与她的母亲面对面。

An unnamed young girl (Nora Woolsey) watches an old television programme via a projector and laptop in a theatre. 'Ghosts Of Hollywood Past' is a cheap, late night supernatural TV series presented by Psychic Investigator Dale Torrance (Al Carretta) and his actress co-host Taryn Spring (Freya Parsons). Eating chocolate and crisps, the girl is enamoured with the show that details Taryn and Dale's kidnapping and the retelling of stories associated with Jean Harlow and the disappearance of the actress who portrayed her on Dale's show.As partial credits begin to roll, Dale Torrance addresses his research team via webcam. Dale is clearly a few years older than he was in the television show excerpts and tells his online audience to scrutinise every word his subject says. The young girl appears on a television screen in an interview format and begins to make key statements about her life. The researchers; Sam Ford (Cameron Vince) and July (Emma De Ouse), consume and dissect every word as Dale determines the core facts; the girl was abducted at age three and has led a complex life ever since.Over a zooming map, the credit sequence rolls to indicate the girl has spent her life on the move around Europe from a start point in the South coast of England in 2007. As the credits close, a title card indicates '16 years later' and the girl begins a one on one interview with Dale that pulls the situation into focus. The girl presents memory cards with a diary and pictures, details her former nicknames and explains the abuse she suffered before the age of ten, including a paramount detail; her eye was cut out by her captors before she was six, she has a glass eye but has hidden the injury behind swept hair.With Dale having established the validity of the girl's claims from the memory cards presented in the first interview, his producer, Holly March (Charlotte Reidie) settles the girl at a hotel in Camden pending more rehearsal interviews and scrutiny. From here, Holly details how the next few days will unfold. Ultimately, the girl will be presented before a live TV audience if her claims are verified. Dale and the researchers continue their detailed interview with the girl. Doctor Hal (Sean O'Grady), a psychologist, asserts his professional observations and in review, Dale reminds everyone via a webcall that the girl is only to be called 'Presence' even though they know her real name.As planned by Holly, Dale and Presence go to a park that might have been her childhood favourite. The highly intelligent Presence knows instantly that they have taken her to the wrong park deliberately. Learning of the developments, the potential Mother (Zara Hadeshian) of Presence gets in touch, eager to know what is happening. Dale explains everything he knows and invites her to an interview where he will present the case and potentially introduce her to Presence. As the researchers prepare for the Mother's arrival, Presence offers up another memory card with more pictures. Holly meets with Presence again knowing that the meeting hinges on what Rick (Paul Kelleher), the former FBI data analyst thinks of the case. Meeting with Dale, Rick explains that he is blown away by the consistency of the evidence presented and identifies the scenarios that lock down the likely truth of the situation. Presence, growing in confidence, unashamedly acknowledges to Holly she chose Dale over other journalists because she watched his TV show in Poland and knew he would listen to her.Not impressed by this, Holly takes a stern approach with Presence who reveals that she knows something that would be of great interest to Dale. Pushing her to reveal what, Presence explains that her Polish mother's friend was the actress who played 'Jean Harlow' in Dale's show but disappeared after undergoing heavy plastic surgery. Holly understands the significance of this information in relation to Dale's actual kidnapping years previously but can't alert Dale in time as the interview with the Mother is about to begin.Dale presents the case of Presence to the Mother and talks her through the evidence, which includes photographs of her family and her husband at the time of the disappearance. Stating that he doesn't believe the girl to be her missing daughter, Dale also acknowledges that truth is stranger than fiction. Drawing a quick conclusion to the emotionally charged meeting, Dale asks the Mother to answer one key question. With most elements aligned, Dale exits the interview to question Presence who gives identical answers and reasoning as the mother. After an awkward pause, the red studio curtains are drawn back for Presence to come face to face with her Mother.

《二十二存在/Twenty Two Presence》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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