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[原版] 《禁止驶入/No Entry》(2005) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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基山·辛哈尼亚(阿尼尔·卡普尔饰)是一位富有的印刷媒体老板,他嫁给了多疑的卡加勒(劳拉·杜塔饰),卡加勒认为自己与另一个女人有染,但他对她忠诚,无论如何都不愿意背叛她。他的朋友普雷姆·卡纳(萨尔曼·汗饰)是一位富商,但情况恰恰相反,他与其他女孩有很多婚外情,尽管他娶了非常信任别人的普贾(艾莎·德尔饰)。基山的雇员谢卡尔·“桑尼”·古普塔(法丁·汗(Fardeen Khan)(基尚报纸的明星摄影师,总是能获得最丑闻的故事)意外地爱上了桑贾娜·萨克塞纳(塞琳娜·贾特利 Celina Jaitly 饰)。谢卡尔当时正在写一篇关于自杀的文章,他把纸撕下来扔掉了。它降落在桑贾纳身上,她认为谢卡尔试图自杀。她追捕谢卡尔,以阻止他结束自己的生命(他当时正处于自杀边缘,为他的文章拍了一些照片)。桑贾纳找到了谢卡尔,并告诉他的房主谢卡尔计划与他合作自杀。谢卡尔被赶出了家门。谢卡尔认为基尚是他的哥哥,他们愿意为对方做任何事。基尚允许谢卡尔留在他的户外厕所,直到他能够解决自己的生活。谢卡尔去市场购买外屋用的老鼠药。桑贾娜看到了这一点,认为这是谢卡尔的新自杀方式。她带着整个邻居闯入外屋,阻止谢卡尔自杀。桑贾娜爱上了谢卡尔,因为她觉得这个时代没有男孩对自己的女朋友有如此奉献。基尚发布了部长帕拉姆·库马尔·古普塔的猥亵照片/PK(博曼·伊拉尼),谢卡尔拿走了,而 PK 正在和随机的女孩嬉戏。达米尼·古普塔(普拉蒂玛·卡兹米饰)是 PK 的妻子,对他的管束很严。基尚拍下了普雷姆和女友的照片,并威胁要通知普贾,普雷姆派了应召女郎鲍比·考希克(比帕莎·巴苏饰)去勾引基尚(他打赌) rs 2 L,如果鲍比与基尚)。计划是他会落入 Prem 的陷阱。Kajal 开始监视 Kishan,并看到他给一名妇女和她的孩子钱。她指责基尚有第二个家庭。但基尚打了卡加尔一巴掌,并解释说这是他的员工的家人,他在几个月前的一次事故中失去了双腿。他不会接受基尚的钱,所以基尚通过妻子购买他的画来养家糊口。卡加尔对自己的行为感到羞愧,并决定更加信任基尚。 Prem 利用这一点说服 Kishan 与 Bobby 有染。Kishan 计划在 Kajal 前往阿杰梅尔时在他家与 Bobby 见面。当她的票落在家里时,她回来后发现鲍比和基尚在他们的外屋里,他们给谢卡尔住在那里。基尚告诉她鲍比是谢卡尔的妻​​子。桑贾娜讨厌谎言,不能容忍男人生活中的其他女人。卡加尔让鲍比和谢卡尔参加最佳情侣大赛,谢卡尔担心桑贾娜会不知何故发现。 PK为首席嘉宾他在活动中认识了鲍比,他经常从他雇用女儿的伴游服务机构中认识鲍比。他将 Bobby 视为 Shekhar 的妻子。 接下来的周末,Kishan 与 Shekhar 一起去见 Sanjana 的父亲 Mrityunjay Saxena 法官(Anjan Srivastav 饰),请求 Sanjana 为 Shekhar 求婚。基尚说,他的妻子近距离目睹了 9/11,受到了精神创伤。所以她不会陪他去任何地方。与此同时,鲍比和她的客户在一家酒店被捕。她声称自己已经结婚了,并带着督察去法官家见基尚,因为她知道基尚和谢坎会在那里。 Kishan 上前说 Bobby 是他的妻子,她的客户是她的兄弟。 几天后,Sanjana 在购物时遇到了 Kajal,两人一起去喝咖啡。 Sanjana 邀请 Kajal 参加她的婚礼。在婚礼上,PK 再次受到邀请,并困惑地发现 Bobby 是 Kishan 的妻子,而 Shekhar 即将与 Sanjana 结婚。就在这时,卡加尔到达了婚礼现场。 Kajal 找到 Shek哈尔在婚礼上穿着新郎的礼服。谢卡尔说这是他朋友的婚礼,他为他买了一件一模一样的衣服。基尚假装胸痛,设法让卡哈尔退出婚礼。医生送基尚和卡哈尔去毛里求斯度假。不幸的是,谢卡尔在同一家酒店度蜜月。原来鲍比也和她的客户住在同一家酒店。谢卡尔和基尚以某种方式控制住了局势。 PK 抵达毛里求斯。当 Kajal 看到 Bobby 和她的客户以及 Shekhar 和 Sanjana 时,事情出了问题。她认为谢卡尔和鲍比都在互相欺骗。卡贾尔质问桑贾娜,指责她和一个陌生人(谢卡尔饰)四处游荡。 SAnjana 指责 Kajal 引诱一名陌生男人(Kishan,他已经抛弃了妻子 Bobby)。Kishan 和 Shekhar 制定了一个计划,去拜访对方的妻子并称赞对方。但回到家后,桑贾纳去了卡哈尔家道歉,反之亦然。所以,当 Kishan 认为他正在见到 Sanjana 时,他就采取了行动盟友遇见了卡加尔(他藏在书架后面),并说他很调情,而谢卡尔很纯洁。谢卡尔(Shekhar)对桑贾娜(Sanjana)做了同样的事情(写给基尚)。当这个计划失败时,男人们制定了一个计划,用离婚来吓唬他们的妻子。但妻子们却向他们发送了离婚通知。 为了拯救 Shekhar 和 Kishan,Prem 告诉 Kajal 和 Sanjana,Bobby 是他的第一任妻子。在他秘密与鲍比结婚后(因为他们的父母完全反对这桩婚事),他的父亲在一家咖啡店找到了普贾,并将普雷姆与普贾结婚(作为他的第二任妻子)。当普雷姆讲述他的故事时,普贾到达并伤心欲绝。普雷姆告诉她,他只是为了保护与鲍比有染的朋友。谢卡尔说普雷姆是让基尚与基尚纠缠在一起的人。 Pooja 因信任被背叛而离开而感到受伤。Prem 得知 Bobby 的丈夫处于昏迷状态,她必须每天向医院提供 20000 卢比,以维持他的生命。这就是她做她所做的事情的原因。 Prem 承诺支付治疗费用。S赫卡和基尚向妻子道歉,但普雷姆决定自杀。基尚和谢卡尔去救他,但谢卡尔最终和普雷姆一起从悬崖上晃来晃去。在试图拯救他们的过程中,基尚也最终从悬崖上晃来晃去。女士们原谅了男人们,安排了一根绳子,救了她们的丈夫。普贾告诉普雷姆,她一直都知道他在对她撒谎。普雷姆感到羞愧,决定从此忠于她。 然而,影片结尾暗示,随着妮莎/海滩女孩(萨梅拉·雷迪饰)的出现,这三个朋友还没有完全翻开新的一页。客串。

Kishan Singhania (Anil Kapoor), a wealthy print-media owner is married to the suspicious-minded Kajal (Lara Dutta), who thinks he is having an affair with another woman, though he is faithful to her and never wills to betray her anyway.His friend Prem Khanna (Salman Khan), a rich businessman has the opposite situation has many affairs with other girls, even though he is married to Pooja (Esha Deol), who is very trusting.Kishan's employee, Shekhar "Sunny" Gupta (Fardeen Khan) (who is the star photographer of Kishan's newspaper and always gets the most scandalous stories), accidentally falls in love with Sanjana Saxena (Celina Jaitly). Shekhar was writing an article on suicides and tears off the page and throws it away. It lands on Sanjana, who thinks Shekhar is trying to commit suicide. She pursues Shekhar to prevent him from taking his own life (he was at suicide point to take some pics for his article). Sanjana tracks down Shekhar and tells his house owners about Shekhar's plans to commit suicide. Shekhar is thrown out of the house.Shekhar considers Kishan his elder brother and they both would do anything for each other. Kishan allows Shekhar to stay in his outhouse, till he is able to sort his life out. Shekhar goes to market to buy rat poison for the outhouse. Sanjana sees this and thinks this is Shekhar's new way of committing suicide. She brings the entire neighborhood to break into the outhouse to stop Shekhar from committing suicide.Sanjana is in love with Shekhar as she feels that no boy has such dedication for their girlfriend in this day and age.Kishan publishes sleazy photos of minister Param Kumar Gupta/PK (Boman Irani), which Shekhar had taken, while PK was frolicking with random girls. Dhamini Gupta (Pratima Kazmi) is PK's wife and keeps on a tight leash.As Kishan takes Prem's photos with his girlfriend and threatens to inform Pooja, Prem sends Bobby Kaushik (Bipasha Basu), a call girl to seduce Kishan (he makes a bet for rs 2 L, if Bobby has sex with Kishan). The plan is that he'll fall into Prem's trap.Kajal starts spying on Kishan and sees him giving money to a woman and her kid. She accuses Kishan of having a 2nd family. But Kishan slaps Kajal and explains that this is the family of his employee who lost both his legs in an accident a few months ago. He would not accept money from Kishan, so Kishan would buy his paintings via his wife, to support the family. Kajal is ashamed at her behavior and decides to trust Kishan more. Prem uses this to convince Kishan to have an affair with Bobby.Kishan plans to meet Bobby at his home while Kajal travels to Ajmer. As her ticket is left at home, she returns and finds Bobby with Kishan in their outhouse, which they'd given Shekhar to live in. Kishan tells her that Bobby is Shekhar's wife. Sanjana hates lies and doesn't tolerate other women in a man's life.Kajal enters Bobby and Shekhar in the best couples contest and Shekhar is afraid that somehow Sanjana will find out. PK is the chief guest at the event and knows Bobby from the escort services that he usually hires his girls from. He sees Bobby as Shekhar's wife.The following weekend Kishan goes with Shekhar to Judge Mrityunjay Saxena (Anjan Srivastav), who is Sanjana's father, to ask for Sanjana's hand in marriage for Shekhar. Kishan says that his wife saw 9/11 from up close and is mentally traumatized. Hence she doesn't accompany him anywhere. Meanwhile Bobby is arrested with her client at a hotel. She claims she is married, and takes the inspector to meet Kishan at the Judge's house, as she knew Kishan and Shekhan would be there. Kishan steps forward and says that Bobby is his wife, and that her client is her brother.A few days later Sanjana meets Kajal while shopping and the 2 go for coffee. Sanjana invites Kajal to her wedding.At the wedding, PK is again invited and is confused to see that Bobby is Kishan's wife and that Shekhar is getting married to Sanjana. Thats when Kajal arrives at the wedding. Kajal finds Shekhar at the wedding in a groom's dress. Shekhar says that its his friends wedding, who has bought an exact duplicate dress for him. Kishan manages to get Kajal out of the wedding by faking chest pains.The doctor sends Kishan and Kajal away for vacation to Mauritius. Unfortunately, Shekhar is at the same hotel for his honeymoon. Turns out Bobby is also staying at the same hotel with her client. Somehow Shekhar and Kishan manage the situation. PK arrives in Mauritius.Things go wrong when Kajal sees Bobby with her client & Shekhar with Sanjana. She believes Shekhar & Bobby are both cheating on each other. Kajal confronts Sanjana, and accuses her of roaming around with a strange man (Shekhar). SAnjana accuses Kajal of seducing a strange man (Kishan, who has abandoned his wife Bobby).Kishan and Shekhar make a plan to go to each other's wife and praise the other. But back home, Sanjana had gone to Kajal's house and vice-versa to apologize. So, when Kishan thinks he is meeting Sanjana, he actually meets Kajal (who was hidden behind a bookshelf) and says he is flirt, while Shekhar is pure. Shekhar does the same (wrt Kishan) with Sanjana.When this plan fails, the guys make a plan to scare their wives with divorce. But the wives send them divorce notices instead.To Save Shekhar and Kishan, Prem tells Kajal and Sanjana that Bobby is his 1st wife. After he married Bobby in secret (as their parents were totally opposed to the match), his father found Pooja at a Barista and married Prem to Pooja (as his 2nd wife). While Prem is narrating his story, Pooja arrive and is heartbroken. Prem tells her that he was only protecting his friends, who were having an affair with Bobby. Shekhar says that Prem was the one who got Kishan tangled with Kishan. Pooja is hurt as her trust has been betrayed and leaves.Prem learns that Bobby's husband is in coma and she has to give the hospital rs 20000 per day, to keep him alive. This is why she does what she does. Prem promises to pay for treatment.Shekhar and Kishan apologize to their wives, but Prem decides to commit suicide. Kishan and Shekhar go to save him but Shekhar ends up dangling off a cliff with Prem. While trying to save them, Kishan also ends up dangling off a cliff.The ladies forgive the men, arrange a rope and save their husbands. Pooja tells Prem that she knew all along that he was lying to her. Prem is ashamed and decides to be loyal to her from then on.It is hinted at the film end, however, that the three friends haven't fully turned over a new leaf with the entrance of Nisha/Beach Girl (Sameera Reddy) in a cameo.

《禁止驶入/No Entry》(2005) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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