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[原版] 《谢赫扎达/Shehzada》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2023-11-18 11:25:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

瓦尔米基(帕雷什·拉瓦尔饰)和兰迪普(罗尼特·罗伊饰)的职业生涯始于阿迪亚·金达尔(萨钦·赫德卡饰)的公司,担任文员。兰迪普与金达尔的女儿雅舒达“亚舒”(玛尼沙柯伊拉腊饰)结婚后变得富有,而瓦尔米基仍然贫穷。在他们两个孩子出生的那天,兰迪普的儿子似乎已经死了。当护士苏洛查娜将此事告知瓦尔米基时,瓦尔米基同情兰迪普和亚舒,并提出用自己的孩子与死者交换。他说他生命中所拥有的一切都归功于金达尔一家,并且很高兴做出这种牺牲。然而,在交换他们之后,那个显然已经死了的孩子开始哭泣。苏洛查娜(Sulochana)试图将它们切换回去,但瓦尔米基(Valmiki)意识到他的儿子有机会在富裕家庭长大,可以过上更好的生活,阻止了她切换,不小心将她推下了窗台。瓦尔米基 (Valmiki) 对兰迪普 (Randeep) 嫁入金达尔 (Jindal) 家族并瞬间从一名微不足道的雇员变成了合伙人感到愤怒,而瓦尔米基 (Valmiki) 却一直贫穷。o 昏迷,而瓦尔米基则腿部抽筋,导致他永久跛行。两个男孩以不同的方式成长。在金达尔家里长大的拉吉(安库尔·拉蒂 Ankur Ra​​thee 饰)胆小、天真、说话轻声细语,而在瓦尔米基家长大的班图(卡蒂克·阿利安 Kartik Aaryan 饰)聪明、诚实、直言不讳、勤奋。瓦尔米基(Valmiki)偏爱拉吉(瓦尔米基自己的儿子),但由于班图的真实出身而对班图感到厌恶。拉吉的数学成绩为9/100,但瓦尔米基在向雅舒出示成绩单之前得到了97/100。班图得分为 98/100,瓦尔米基因他丢了 2 分而对他大喊大叫。尼莎(德巴塔玛·萨哈饰)是班图的妹妹。随着时间的推移,班图的母亲去世了。在他的 MBA 学位被瓦尔米基拒绝后,班图前往一家律师事务所面试,该律师事务所由一位名叫萨马拉(克里蒂·萨农 饰)的年轻女子领导。萨马拉最初拒绝了他的这份工作(班图来自阿姆利则政府法学院,而所有其他申请者都来自哈佛或剑桥),但后来对他的知识和机智印象深刻(萨马拉要求班图通过在离婚案件中为妻子获取赡养费来证明自己。相反,班图人会找出他们的问题并让他们和解。他让丈夫意识到他的妻子想要工作和独立……而妻子只想组建家庭)并雇用了他。班图开始对萨马拉产生浪漫的感情。与此同时,拉吉从国外归来,在多次失败的尝试后终于完成了他的 MBA 学业。他用了 7 年时间完成了 4 年课程。Jindal 派 Raj 拒绝 Sarang(Sunny Hinduja 饰),Sarang 是一位富有、有权势且有影响力的人,他提出购买他们公司 50% 的股份。 Sarang 从事玩具出口业务,并使用 Jindal 的货机进行出口。有一天,在一次突袭中,萨朗被发现在他的玩具中进行毒品交易。金达尔停止了生意,现在萨朗正派他的兄弟重新启动协议。兰迪普在一家餐馆里观看这笔交易,萨马拉在那里与卡卡会面,卡卡试图贿赂她,让她推动案件对他兄弟有利(萨马拉有证据表明卡卡的兄弟曾殴打一名妇女)。当萨马拉拒绝而他一再坚持时,班图在此事上干涉并支持萨马拉。兰迪普对拉杰的犹豫和无法拒绝萨朗的弟弟维克兰特感到失望,但为班图和萨马拉对卡卡说不感到自豪。此后,拉吉在金达尔的建议下与萨马拉订婚,但萨马拉已经爱上了班图。与此同时,瓦尔米基知道兰迪普靠呼吸器维持了苏洛查纳的生命,并在她生下他的孩子时支付了她的医疗费用。当萨马拉透露她的感受时对于班图来说,他说服她要求兰迪普取消与拉吉的婚姻。萨朗试图杀死兰迪普(用雨伞刺伤兰迪普的胸部),因为兰迪普在萨马拉和班图到达取消婚姻之前拒绝出售股份。尽管萨朗的手下多次试图阻止,班图还是将兰迪普送往医院救了他。他们(他们封锁了大楼的电梯,锁住了楼梯上的所有紧急出口门。班图带着兰迪普乘坐大楼外的窗户清洁电梯下来)。在那里,他遇到了苏洛查纳(他看到班图把兰迪普带进医院,并发现他是瓦尔米基的儿子),她从昏迷中醒来并透露了班图的真实出身。苏洛查纳想要向兰迪普透露真相,但不久就去世了。愤怒的班图扇了瓦尔米基一巴掌,告诉他自己得知了自己出生的秘密。然后班图设法进入兰迪普的家(当医生建议兰迪普周围需要积极的情绪,并询问带他去医院的那个人时。原来班图威胁医生的孩子在家人面前说这句话)。金达尔喜欢班图拯救兰迪普。金达尔向班图提供了 50,000 卢比的工资。班图开始解决困扰这个家庭的问题,修补兰迪普与亚舒破裂的关系(正如兰迪普之前所说,这种关系很脆弱)7年前与一名女子有过一次外遇),解决了与萨朗的纠纷,并改造了腐败的家庭成员凯拉什(阿什温·穆什兰饰)和阿伦(阿里·阿斯加尔饰),他们都是金达尔的儿子。 Kailash 将医院账单从 12 万卢比增加到 100 万卢比,向账单人员提供 5% 的佣金,其余的留给自己。班图已经看到了这一点。班图将他们暴露给金达尔,金达尔剥夺了他们所有的经济权力。班图想帮助与萨朗冰释前嫌,并带金达尔去见他的兄弟维克兰特。但维克兰特的部下袭击了金达尔,因此班图消灭​​了他们。在出去的路上,他们也遇到了Sarang,很明显Sarang没有心情和平。Bantu和Samara也向Raj说出了他们的关系的真相,而Raj则呼吁他与Samara结婚,这也让他的父母意识到自己是成年人,应该被允许对自己的生活和事业做出自己的决定。 在他们家举办的聚会上,萨朗利用这种情况来绑架并威胁杀死亚舒是一种优势,除非兰迪普除了让萨朗使用金达尔货机走私毒品外,还给他价值 50 亿卢比的股票。班图殴打萨朗(他让萨朗用雨伞杀死自己的兄弟维克兰特) )和他的暴徒并拯救了亚舒。班图和瓦尔米基到达金达尔的家,金达尔打了瓦尔米基一巴掌,并透露他在苏洛查娜去世前无意中听到了她和班图之间的对话。这就是金达尔把班图带回家的原因。班图与他的亲生父亲兰迪普团结起来,但要求他不要向亚舒透露真相,担心她会因为知道拉吉不是她亲生孩子而感到沮丧。 Yasuh 没有意识到这一点,他说班图与 Raj 是平等的,因为他拯救了她和家人,从而给了班图 50% 的股份。 Yashu随后要求Valmiki训练Raj五年,使其能够像Bantu一样有能力并成为公司的首席执行官。班图也原谅了瓦尔米基并修复了与他的关系。

Valmiki (Paresh Rawal) and Randeep (Ronit Roy) start their career as clerks in the company of Aditya Jindal (Sachin Khedekar). Randeep, who marries Jindal's daughter Yashoda "Yashu" (Manisha Koirala), becomes wealthy while Valmiki remains poor. On the day of the birth of both their children, Randeep's son appears to be dead. When nurse Sulochana informs Valmiki about this, he pities Randeep and Yashu and offers to exchange his baby with the dead one. He says everything he has in life is due to the Jindal family and is happy to make this sacrifice.After switching them, however, the apparently dead child begins to cry. Sulochana tries to switch them back, but Valmiki, sensing an opportunity that his son would have a better life growing up in a rich family, prevents her from switching, pushing her accidentally off a ledge. Valmiki was angry at Randeep marrying into the Jindal family and going from an measly employee to a co-owner in an instant, while Valmiki stayed poor.Sulochana goes into a coma, while Valmiki gets a leg cramp that makes him limp permanently. The two boys grow-up in different ways. Raj (Ankur Rathee), raised at Jindal's house, is timid, innocent, and soft-spoken, while Bantu (Kartik Aaryan), who is raised at Valmiki's house, is smart, truthful, outspoken, and hard-working. Valmiki, who favors Raj (who is Valmiki's own son), treats Bantu with disgust due to his true parentage.Raj scores 9/100 in maths, but Valmiki makes it 97/100 before showing the report-card to Yashu. Bantu scores 98/100 and Valmiki yells at him for losing 2 marks. Nisha (Debattama Saha) is Bantu's sister. With time, Bantu's mother passes away.After his MBA was denied by Valmiki, Bantu heads to an interview for a job at a law firm headed by a young woman named Samara (Kriti Sanon). Samara initially rejects him for the job (Bantu is from Govt Law College in Amritsar, while all other applicants are from Harward or Cambridge) but is later impressed by his knowledge and quick-wittiness (Samara asks Bantu to prove himself by getting alimony for the wife in a divorce case. Instead Bantu figures out their issues and gets them to reconcile instead. He makes the husband realize the his wife wants to work and be independent.. while the wife only wants to start a family) and hires him. Bantu starts to develop romantic feelings for Samara.Meanwhile, Raj returns from abroad, having finally completing his MBA after multiple failed attempts. He has completed a 4 yr course in 7 yrs.Jindal sends Raj to reject Sarang (Sunny Hinduja), a wealthy, powerful and influential man who offers to buy 50% of their company's shares. Sarang had a business of exporting toys and used Jindal's cargo planes for the same. One day, during a raid, it is exposed that Sarang was doing drugs trade stuffed in his toys. Jindal stopped the business and now Sarang is sending his brother to restart the agreement.Randeep watches the deal from a restaurant where Samara has a meeting with Kakkar, who attempts to bribe her to move a case in his brother's favor (Samara had evidence that Kakkar's brother had assaulted a woman). When Samara refuses and he keeps on insisting, Bantu interferes and supports Samara in the matter. Randeep is disappointed by Raj's hesitance and inability to say no to Sarang's brother Vikrant, but is proud of Bantu and Samara for saying no to Kakkar. Following this, Raj is engaged with Samara on Jindal's suggestion, but Samara has fallen in love with Bantu.Meanwhile Valmiki knows that Randeep has kept Sulochana alive on respirator and pays for her medical bills, as she delivered his baby.When Samara reveals her feelings for Bantu, he convinces her to ask Randeep to call-off her marriage with Raj. Sarang attempts to kill Randeep (by stabbing Randeep in the chest with an umbrella) for refusing to sell the shares moments before Samara and Bantu arrive to call off the marriage. Bantu saves Randeep by taking him to the hospital despite several attempts by Sarang's men to stop them (they block the building's elevator, lock all the emergency exit doors to the staircase.. Bantu takes Randeep down in the window cleaning lift outside the building).There he meets Sulochana (who had seen Bantu bring Randeep into the hospital and finds that he is Valmiki's son), who comes out of her coma and reveals Bantu's true parentage. Sulochana wants to reveal the truth to Randeep, but dies shortly thereafter.The furious Bantu slaps Valmiki, telling him that he learned the secret about his birth. Bantu then manages to enter Randeep's house (when the doctor recommends that Randeep needs positivity around him, and asks for the man who brought him to the hospital.. Turns out Bantu had threatened the doctor's kid to say this in front of the family). Jindal is fond of Bantu for saving Randeep. Jindal offers Bantu a salary of Rs 50,000 pm.Bantu begins to address the issues plaguing the house by patching up Randeep's broken relationship with Yashu (which was fragile, as Randeep had an affair once with a woman 7 years ago), settling the dispute with Sarang, and reforming the corrupt family members Kailash (Ashwin Mushran) and Arun (Ali Asgar), who are sons of Jindal. Kailash had increased the hospital bill from Rs 1.2 lakhs to 10 lakhs by giving 5% commission to the billing person and keeping the rest for himself. Bantu had seen this. Bantu exposes them to Jindal, who takes away all financial powers away from them.Bantu wants to help bury the hatchet with Sarang and takes Jindal to meet his brother Vikrant. But Vikrant's men attack Jindal, so Bantu cleans them up. On their way out, they run into Sarang as well, and it is clear that Sarang is in no mood for peace.Bantu and Samara also tell the truth to Raj about their relationship and Raj calls of his marriage with Samara, also making his parents realize that he is an adult and should be allowed to take his own decisions regarding his life and career.At a party thrown at their house, Sarang uses the situation to his advantage by kidnapping and threatening to kill Yashu unless Randeep gives away shares worth Rs 500 crores to him in addition to letting Sarang use Jindal cargo planes for smuggling drugs.Bantu thrashes Sarang (he gets Sarang to kill his own brother Vikrant, with the umbrella) and his goons and saves Yashu. Bantu and Valmiki arrive at Jindal's house, where Jindal slaps Valmiki and reveals that he overheard the conversation between Sulochana and Bantu right before her death. This is why Jindal got Bantu home.Bantu unites with his biological father, Randeep but asks him not to reveal the truth to Yashu, fearing she might be disheartened to know that Raj is not her real child. Unaware of this, Yasuh remarks that Bantu is equal to Raj as he saved her and the family, thereby giving Bantu 50% of its shares. Yashu then asks Valmiki to train Raj for five years to be as competent as Bantu and become the CEO of the company. Bantu also forgives Valmiki and mends his relationship with him.

《谢赫扎达/Shehzada》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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