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[原版] 《维鲁巴克沙/Virupaksha》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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1979 年,鲁德拉瓦南 (Rudravanam)、文卡塔·查拉帕蒂 (Venkata Chalapathy) 和他的妻子遭到愤怒的居民的残酷袭击、带走和自焚,他们推测他们的怪异仪式(黑魔法)导致村里多人死亡;垂死的女人诅咒鲁德拉瓦南,并预计十二年后村庄将被毁灭。随后,在 Sarpanch Harishchandra Prasad 的要求下,这对夫妇的小儿子 Bhairava 被送进了一家孤儿院。 1991 年,居民 Siddhaiah 因超自然乌鸦袭击而失踪一周后,Anasuyamma 在儿子 Surya 和侄子的护送下失踪,访问她的家乡鲁德拉瓦南 (Rudravanam),捐出一块土地建造一所学校,并参加该村为纪念莫达姆巴女神而举办的一年一度的狂欢节。苏里亚(Surya)与哈里什钱德拉·普拉萨德(Harishchandra Prasad)的女儿南迪尼(Nandini)相遇并产生了爱情,她显然做出了回报,但犹豫是否接受他的求婚。西达亚 (Siddhaiah) 患上了恶性痘,出现在进入圣殿并死在内殿中,这被认为是一种亵渎。寺庙的首席祭司分析了传统的法令,宣布女神和她的孩子(村民)被亵渎,为了遏制西达雅死后的灾难,有必要在接下来的八天内封锁村庄的八个方向;禁止通勤,所有宗教标志都应存放在寺庙内。考虑到苏里亚和他的家人已经十八年没有去过村子了,他们被允许离开。然而,苏里亚重新进入鲁德拉瓦纳姆,送去一瓶可以治疗南迪尼的药,南迪尼容易抽搐,八天内无法在这个地方行走。南迪尼的密友苏达越界与情人库马尔私奔,她目睹了她的悲惨死亡,并回到村庄,走进蜂箱,激怒了蜜蜂攻击并杀死了她。不知道苏达的安静,她的 p阿伦特隐瞒了她私奔的事,害怕丢脸。送奶工苏瑞(Suri)和苏里亚(Surya)的表弟帕瓦蒂(Parvathi)涉嫌自杀,引起了苏里亚的兴趣,苏里亚不相信这些假设,并与一名贼法牧医生一起调查这起杀戮事件。阿古拉警告村庄即将到来的危险,并认识到他们实施封锁是一个错误。苏里亚发现了苏达的尸体并发现了库马尔的死亡;意识到苏里目睹了苏达的死亡,帕瓦蒂看到苏里割断了自己的喉咙,就像苏达看到库马尔的死亡一样,苏里亚推断死亡正在从一个人传染给另一个人,并找到了最新的可能受害者:南迪尼,她最终考虑自杀,但苏里亚的及时干预救了她。苏里亚吸收了查拉帕西及其家人的过去,并与贼法牧一起潜入他们破旧的住所;苏里亚(Surya)最近曾到过该地,因此怀疑是拜拉瓦(Bhairava)。祭司长评估了法令并宣布牺牲南迪尼将结束这一切。雷西苏里亚(Surya)叮咬了村民后,给南迪尼(Nandini)注射了镇静剂,并发誓要在八小时内解决问题。他拜访了拜拉瓦的孤儿院,发现拜拉瓦在使创始人瘫痪后潜逃了。苏里亚在带头搜寻拜拉瓦藏身处的过程中找到了几名阿古拉。早些时候警告过村民的阿古拉帮助他发现了一个施放咒语的洞穴。苏里亚发现了 Bhairava 的物品,这帮助他认识到 Kumar 就是 Bhairava,以及 Rudravanam 的实际法令,该法令已被假法令取代:目前正在使用的法令。苏里亚意识到一名村民一直在协助并实际上指导库马尔执行诅咒,并确定南迪尼的牺牲是一个旨在消灭村庄的骗局。苏里亚带着阿古拉出发去阻止村民,但邻近村庄的迷信居民阻止了他们,担心在各自的家乡死亡。他最终设法返回并惊讶地看到由于苏里亚的迟钝,村民们在进行仪式后就着了魔。苏里亚猜测哈里斯钱德拉·普拉萨德是库马尔的秘密同谋,于是前去质问他,并意识到南迪尼是查拉帕蒂的女儿,而哈里斯钱德拉·普拉萨德的存在已被秘密同谋。苏里亚认为南迪尼是主犯,于是将南迪尼的阴谋告知哈里什钱德拉·普拉萨德,并赶回牺牲地点。他质问南迪妮屠杀无辜,但她拒绝后退,命令他离开并试图继续进行仪式。她告诉他,查拉帕蒂是阿塔瓦那吠陀的修行者,她试图治愈瘫痪的妻子,但被误解为疯狂的邪恶行为,她一直在和拜拉瓦一起向村庄报仇。尽管南迪尼坚持,苏里亚拒绝离开,并试图帮助她实现对他的爱,要求她停止仪式。南迪尼(Nandini),收入由于吊坠而想要攻击他,回报他的感情并要求他杀死她,这将阻止仪式。他亲自刺伤了她,结束了死亡瘟疫,并拯救了村民免遭杀害。 在南迪尼的火葬过程中,苏里亚要求村民们放弃对邪恶行为的禁忌,并将查拉帕蒂的房子改造成一所学校。他看着南迪尼的吊坠,眼睛里发出超自然的光芒。

In 1979 Rudravanam, Venkata Chalapathy and his wife are brutally assaulted, whisked away and immolated by the outraged inhabitants, who surmise that their eerie rituals (Black magic) induced multiple deaths in the village; the dying woman curses Rudravanam and anticipates destruction of the village after twelve years. The couple's young son Bhairava is subsequently admitted into an orphanage at the Sarpanch Harishchandra Prasad's behest.In 1991, a week after the disappearance of a resident Siddhaiah in the aftermath of a supernatural crow mauling him, Anasuyamma, escorted by her son Surya and nephew, visits Rudravanam, her hometown, to contribute a tract of their land for construction of a school and attend the village's annual carnival, organized in the honor of Goddess Modamamba. Surya's encounter with Nandini, Harishchandra Prasad's daughter, results in love and she apparently reciprocates but hesitates to accept his proposal. Siddhaiah, who has developed a sinister pox, shows up at the temple and dies in the inner sanctum, which is deemed to be a sacrilege. The temple's head priest analyzes the customary edict, declaring that the Goddess and her children (the villagers) are desecrated and to contain the debacle with Siddhaiah's death, it is necessary to seal the village in eight directions for the next eight days; commuting is prohibited and all the religious emblems are supposed to be stored in the temple. Surya and his family are permitted to exit, considering the fact that they have not been to the village for eighteen years. Nevertheless, Surya reenters Rudravanam to deliver a vial that could cure Nandini, who is prone to convulsions, rendering him incapable of traversing the extremities of the place for eight days.Sudha, Nandini's close friend, transgresses the boundary to elope with her lover Kumar, whose tragic death she witnesses and returns to the village, walks into a beehive, provoking the bees to attack and kill her. Unaware of Sudha's quietus, her parents conceal her elopement, dreading disgrace. Alleged suicides of Suri, a milkman, and Parvathi, Surya's cousin, intrigue Surya, who distrusts the assumptions and investigates the killings with an RMP doctor. An Aghora cautions the village of forthcoming perils and comprehends that they've made a mistake by imposing the lock down. Surya discovers Sudha's corpse and detects Kumar's demise; realizing that Suri witnessed Sudha's death and Parvathi saw Suri slitting his throat just as Sudha viewed Kumar's death, Surya deduces that death is being infected from one to another and locates the latest possible victim: Nandini, who eventually contemplates suicide but Surya's timely intervention rescues her. Surya assimilates the past involving Chalapathy and his family and infiltrates their dilapidated residence with the RMP; discerning a recent visit to the place, Surya suspects Bhairava. The head priest assesses the edict and proclaims that sacrificing Nandini will end the occurrences. Resisting the villagers, Surya sedates Nandini and vows to resolve the problem within eight hours. He visits Bhairava's orphanage, where he discovers that Bhairava absconded after paralyzing its founder. Surya locates a few Aghoras in the process of spearheading a search for Bhairava's hideout. The Aghora, who has warned the villagers earlier, assists him in discovering a cave, where the spell has been cast. Surya uncovers Bhairava's belongings, which help him realize that Kumar is Bhairava, and the actual edict of Rudravanam, which was replaced with a fake one: one that is being utilized currently. Grasping that a villager has been aiding and in fact, directing Kumar to execute the curse, Surya ascertains that Nandini's sacrifice is a hoax to exterminate the village.With the Aghora, Surya departs to desist the villagers but the superstitious residents of neighboring villages prevent them, fearing deaths in their respective hometowns. He eventually manages to return and is stunned to see the villagers possessed, since they have proceeded with the ritual, owing to Surya's retardation. Conjecturing that Harishchandra Prasad is Kumar's secret accomplice, Surya goes to confront him and realizes that Nandini is Chalapathi's daughter, whose existence has been secreted by Harischandra Prasad. Perceiving Nandini to be the principal perpetrator, Surya informs Harishchandra Prasad of Nandini's conspiracies and rushes back to the site of sacrifice. He confronts Nandini for decimating the innocents but she refuses to back off, commands him to leave and tries to proceed with the ritual. She tells him that Chalapathy was an Atharvana Veda practitioner, whose attempts to cure his paralyzed wife were misinterpreted to be evil practices in a frenzy and that she has been exacting revenge from the village along with Bhairava. Despite Nandini's insistence, Surya refuses to leave and attempts to aid her in realizing her love for him, requesting her to cease the ritual. Nandini, who is incompetent to attack him due to the pendant, reciprocates his feelings and asks him to kill her, which will intercept the ritual. He brings himself to stab her, ending the death plague and rescuing the villagers from getting killed.During Nandini's cremation, Surya requests the villagers to retire from their taboo regarding evil practices and transform Chalapathy's house into a school. He looks at Nandini's pendant, prompting his eyes to glow in a paranormal way.

《维鲁巴克沙/Virupaksha》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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