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[原版] 《大学教师/Don》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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2006年,毒品贸易蓬勃发展;亚洲和欧洲之间的贩运活动处于历史最高水平。正是在这个时候,印度同行呼吁马来西亚情报和缉毒部门提供援助。有传言称该团伙最近搬迁了行动总部。该贩毒集团由令人畏惧的辛哈尼亚 (Singhania) 领导,但许多人不知道的是,该组织真正由他的副手唐 (Don) 管理。唐生活在边缘,他不断扩大帝国的规模,同时逃避法律内外敌人的逮捕或死亡。他对绝对权力的追求是不可阻挡的。他的主要追捕者是印度警官德西尔瓦。他发誓要结束这种邪恶的联系,并且知道抓住唐就是解开这个谜题的关键。有一天他成功了。唐被捕,德西尔瓦将他的计划付诸实施。甚至连他自己的部门也不知道的是,佩西尔瓦招募并训练了一个与唐一模一样的人。他的名字叫维杰。维杰渗透到卡特尔内部,并设法向德西尔瓦提供了摧毁该卡特尔所需的所有信息。但命运却发生了离奇的转折,德西尔瓦在一次突袭中被杀,而唐实际上是警察线人维杰的秘密也被埋藏在他内心。唯一意识到他实际上是冒名顶替者的是唐的卡特尔成员,他们想要报复。维杰设法逃脱,现在正在寻找能让他摆脱困境的最后一个证据。帮助他完成任务的是两个人。第一个是一名罗姆人,一名年轻女子,她在帮派中工作,但只是为了为她哥哥的死报仇。当他决定加入这个帮派时,他就被唐无情地杀死了。另一个是Jasjit,Vijay的养子Deepu的真正父亲。他欠维杰在监狱里照顾这个男孩的恩情。被警方通缉,日夜追捕,永远在逃。查斯e 已经开始。—gAvInDrA([电子邮件受保护])

In 2006, the drug trade is booming; trafficking between Asian and Europe is at an all time high. It is at this time that the Malaysian intelligence and Anti-Narcotic department are called upon for assistance by their Indian counterparts. There are rumors that the gang recently moved their operational headquarters. The cartel is headed by the dreaded Singhania, but what many people do not know is that the business is truly managed by his lieutenant, Don. A man who lives life on the edge, Don is constantly expanding the size of his empire while evading arrest or death at the hands of his enemies, both within and outside the law. He is unstoppable in his pursuit of absolute power. His chief pursuer is an Indian police officer, Desilva. He is a man who has sworn to put an end to this nexus of evil and knows that in capturing Don lies the key to unlock this puzzle. And one day he succeeds. Don is captured and Desilva puts his plan into action. Unknown to even his own department, Pesilva has recruited and trained a man who is a spitting image of Don. His name is Vijay. Vijay infiltrates the cartel and manages to give Desilva all the information he needs to bring it down. But in a bizarre twist of fate, Desilva is killed during a raid and the secret that Don is in fact Vijay, a police informer, is buried within him. The only people who realize that he is in fact an imposter are the members of Don's cartel, and they want their revenge. Vijay manages to escape and is now on the lookout for the one last piece of evidence that can get him out of this mess. Helping him on the quest are two people. The first is a Roma, a young woman who was working in the gang, but only to avenge her brother's death. He had been mercilessly killed by Don when he had decided join the gang. The other is Jasjit, the real father of Vijay's adopted son, Deepu. He owes Vijay for having looked after the boy while he was in prison. Wanted by the police, hunted day and night, forever on the run. The chase has begun.—gAvInDrA ([email protected])

《大学教师/Don》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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