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[原版] 《对位法/Counterpoint》(1967) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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1944 年 12 月,德国进攻比利时期间,一支为前线美军表演的 USO 交响乐团被德军俘获。最初,德国人希望按照柏林的命令处决他们。然而,乐团领队、世界著名指挥家莱昂内尔·埃文斯却劝说德国人饶他们一命,理由是他的乐团成员只是平民非战斗人员。莱昂内尔·埃文斯和他的乐团成员被带到德国坦克师的总部,会见了德国指挥官席勒将军,他是一位狂热的音乐爱好者。席勒将军尊重音乐家,但他对处决所有囚犯的现行命令犹豫不决。然而,将军的副手阿恩特上校是一位嗜血、循规蹈矩的狂热军官,他希望枪杀囚犯。将军请求埃文斯和他的管弦乐队再为他个人表演一次。出于自豪和爱国主义,埃文斯拒绝了。但有些会员他的管弦乐队成员认为为将军表演可以让他们活下去。将军和指挥埃文斯之间展开了一场意志之战。囚犯被关押在该师总部附近的一座城堡教堂里。在接下来的几天里,囚犯们得到食物并被允许在教堂里练习音乐。当一名管弦乐队成员惊慌失措并试图逃跑时,德国警卫杀死了他。这促使埃文斯同意为德国将军和他的军官们举办最后一场音乐会。与此同时,两名在被捕前躲在音乐家中间的美国士兵不顾阿恩特上校的怀疑,继续假装自己是音乐家。埃文斯秘密同意让两名士兵逃跑并向最近的盟军寻求帮助。在逃跑过程中,一名士兵被抓获并被枪杀。另一人被比利时抵抗组织发现死在田野里。随着音乐会日期的临近,一名比利时抵抗运动成员冒充当地农民联系了伊娃告诉他即将到来的抵抗袭击将试图解放乐团。抵抗袭击将与德国人的音乐会同时发生。席勒将军的坦克师收到燃料并接到加入进攻的命令。席勒命令他的部门撤离,而他则留下来参加音乐会。然而,阿恩特上校和几个人也留下来在城堡的庭院里挖掘万人坑,并准备音乐会结束后的处决。当管弦乐队成员身着官方音乐会服装,列队经过乱葬坑,前往即将举行音乐会的教堂时,气氛变得紧张起来。指挥埃文斯想知道席勒将军是否真的会处决或释放他们。埃文斯还想知道比利时抵抗运动的进攻是否会及时到来来拯救他们。 —nufs68

During a December 1944 German offensive in Belgium, a USO symphonic orchestra entertaining the front-line American troops is captured by the Germans. Initially, the Germans want to execute them, in accordance with orders received from Berlin. However, the orchestra leader, world-famous conductor Lionel Evans, persuades the Germans to spare their lives, arguing that his orchestra members are just civilian non combatants. Taken to the HQ of a German tank division, Lionel Evans and his orchestra members meet the German commanding officer, General Schiller, an avid music lover. General Schiller has respect for the musicians and he's hesitating about the standing order of executing all prisoners. However, the general's second-in-command, Colonel Arndt, is a blood-thirsty, by-the-book, type of fanatical officer who wants the prisoners shot. The general requests that Evans and his orchestra perform one more time, for him personally. Evans, out of pride and patriotism, refuses. But some members of his orchestra feel that performing for the General would keep them alive. A battle of wills between the General and conductor Evans ensues. The prisoners are kept in a castle's chapel, near the division's HQ. In the following days, the prisoners are fed and are allowed to practice their music in the chapel. When an orchestra member panics and tries to run, the German guards kill him. This prompts Evans to agree to perform one last concert for the German general and his officers. In the meantime, 2 American soldiers who had hid among the musicians before their capture, continue to pretend to be musicians, despite suspicions from the part of Colonel Arndt. Evans secretly agrees to allow the 2 soldiers to escape and seek help from the nearest Allied troops. During the escape attempt, one soldier is caught and shot. The other, is found dead in a field by the Belgian resistance. As the day of the concert approaches, one Belgian resistance member, posing as a local peasant, contacts Evans to tell him that an upcoming resistance attack will try to free the orchestra. The resistance attack would coincide with the concert for the Germans. General Schiller's tank division receives fuel and orders to join the offensive. Schiller orders his division out, while he remains behind for the concert. However, Colonel Arndt and a few men also remain behind to dig a mass grave in the castle's courtyard and to prepare the execution, after the concert. Tension builds up as the orchestra members, dressed in their official concert attire, file past the mass grave, to the chapel where the concert is to be performed. Conductor Evans wonders whether General Schiller will really have them executed or freed. Evans also wonders if the Belgian resistance attack will come in time to save them. —nufs68

《对位法/Counterpoint》(1967) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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