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[原版] 《漂流/Drifting》(1923) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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卡西·库克(Cassie Cook)是中国的鸦片走私犯。在香港,她遇到了竞争对手儒勒·列宾。两人同意成为合作伙伴。他们继续前往上海,在杨斯蒂路上的 Polly Voo 女士咖啡馆见面。卡西与列宾争论;她把钱投入了列宾所说的一大批货物中,但货物却无处可寻。此外,列宾还诱使她购买了很多她现在无力支付的礼服。在罂粟田边缘的一个小村庄洪州,一名采矿工程师来到这里,表面上是为了打开和开采一个长期废弃的矿井。事实上,新来者确实是阿瑟·贾维斯船长,他是来阻止鸦片贸易的。列宾怀疑这位新来者是政府特工。他试图说服Cassie去洪州调查,但她拒绝了。卡西与莉莲·莫顿成了朋友,莉莲·莫顿是一个来自美国的女孩,她对鸦片上瘾。卡西终于意识到她的生意的丑陋,并告诉列宾她已经结束了并将返回美国。她决定卖掉她未付钱的礼服,并在比赛上下注,并计划用奖金带莉莲回美国。然而,她的马输了,她的结局更糟。卡西一贫如洗,但仍希望履行对莉莲的承诺,她决定重新从事走私,直到她能筹集到足够的钱回家。她到达洪州并遇到了李医生,并从李医生那里购买了鸦片。两人还计划与贾维斯搞清楚事情的来龙去脉。卡西遇见了贾维斯,并冒充小说家。贾维斯上当受骗,并对卡西产生了兴趣。与此同时,李博士的女儿罗丝爱上了贾维斯。但贾维斯的助手墨菲爱上了罗斯。当罗丝看到卡西趁贾维斯不在时前往他的小屋时,她尾随观看。她看到卡西从信封中取出一份报告,然后用一张白纸替换它。当贾维斯回来时,罗斯告诉他她所看到的,但他拒绝相信她,d 邮寄信封。现在卡西已经赢得了贾维斯的信任,他告诉她他在那里做什么以及他对所有毒品贩子的看法。卡西开始爱上贾维斯,并害怕有一天他会得知关于她的真相。列宾和李拜访贾维斯,试图让他同意以一定的价格让鸦片通过。当他拒绝时,他们告诉他他们知道他是谁,如果他不同意帮助他们,整个城镇将被罂粟工人消灭。就在那时,贾维斯得知了卡西的真相。贾维斯决定反击袭击,并诱使村民武装起来,抵制任何摧毁城镇的行动。随后发生了一场可怕的战斗,卡西和列宾被阻止带着鸦片离开。墨菲英勇作战,但当他看到自己的一方正在失败时,他急忙前去召集军队。镇上的传教士和他的妻子被杀,但他们的小儿子布鲁斯逃脱并随后返回他的小屋。卡西,寻求庇护,锁她自己和布鲁斯在小屋里。罗斯在她父亲的家里看到贾维斯和列宾陷入了殊死的战斗。罗丝知道卡西对贾维斯的感受,找到了她并告诉她,如果她不帮助他,他就会被杀。罗斯离开后,卡西试图跟踪,但工人们发现了她,并放火烧了小屋。罗丝回到家中,发现父亲已经去世。当列宾准备用刀刺贾维斯时,她拿起他的枪向他开枪。罗斯告诉贾维斯卡西有危险,贾维斯冲出去救她。罗丝晕倒在她父亲的尸体旁。就在部队到达平息袭击之前,贾维斯救出了卡西和布鲁斯。两人互相宣誓相爱。墨菲赶到罗丝的家并救活了她。

Cassie Cook is an opium smuggler in China. In Hong Kong, she meets Jules Repin, her competitor. The two agree to become partners. They move on to Shanghai, where they meet at Madam Polly Voo's café on the Yangsti Road. Cassie argues with Repin; she has sunk her money into a big shipment that Repin said he had, but the merchandise is nowhere to be found. In addition, Repin induced her to purchase a lot of gowns that she is now unable to pay for. At Hong Chow, a small village at the edge of the poppy fields, a mining engineer arrives, ostensibly to open and work a long abandoned mine. In fact, the newcomer is really Captain Arthur Jarvis, who is there to stop the opium trade. Repin suspects the newcomer of being a government agent. He tries to persuade Cassie to go to Hong Chow to investigate, but she refuses. Cassie has befriended Lillian Morton, a girl from the States who has become addicted to opium. Cassie finally realizes the ugliness of her business, and tells Repin she is through and is going to return to the States. She decides to sell off her unpaid-for gowns, and place a bet on the races, with plans to use the winnings to take Lillian with her back to the States. However, her horse loses, and she ends up worse off. Destitute but still wishing to keep her promise to Lillian, Cassie decides to return to smuggling until she can raise enough money for the trip home. She arrives in Hong Chow and meets Dr. Li, from whom she buys her opium. The pair also plan to find out with Jarvis is up to. Cassie meets Jarvis, and poses as a novelist. Jarvis falls for the deception, and becomes interested in Cassie. Meanwhile, Dr. Li's daughter Rose has fallen for Jarvis. But Jarvis' assistant, Murphy, is in love with Rose. When Rose sees Cassie going to Jarvis' cabin while he is away, she follows and watches. She sees Cassie remove a report from an envelope and hen replace it with a blank sheet. When Jarvis returns, Rose tells him what she saw, but he refuses to believe her, and mails the envelope. Now that Cassie has gained the confidence of Jarvis, he tells her what he is doing there and what he thinks of all dope peddlers. Cassie has started to fall for Jarvis, and dreads the day when he learns the truth about her. Repin and Li call on Jarvis in an attempt to get him to agree to let the opium through for a price. When he refuses, they tell him they know who he is, and that if he does not agree to help them, the whole town will be wiped out by the poppy workers. It is then that Jarvis learns the truth about Cassie. Jarvis decides to fight the attack and induces the villagers to arm themselves and resist any effort to destroy the town. A terrific battle ensues, and Cassie and Repin are prevented from leaving with their opium. Murphy fights bravely, but when he sees his side is losing, he rushes off to summon troops. The town's missionary and his wife are killed, but their young son Bruce escapes and later returns to his cabin. Cassie, seeking refuge, locks herself in the cabin with Bruce. Rose sees Jarvis and Repin at her father's home, locked in deadly combat. Knowing how Cassie feels about Jarvis, Rose finds her and tells her he will be killed if she doesn't help him. After Rose leaves, Cassie tries to follow, but the workers discover her and set the cabin on fire. Returning to her home, Rose discovers her father is dead. She picks up his gun and shoots Repin just as he is about to knife Jarvis. Rose then tells Jarvis that Cassie is in jeopardy, and Jarvis rushes out to save her. Rose faints next to the body of her father. Jarvis rescues Cassie and Bruce, just before the troops arrive to quell the attack. The two pledge their love to each other. Murphy rushes to Rose's home and revives her.

《漂流/Drifting》(1923) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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