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[原版] 《骗局/The Hoax》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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作家克利福德·欧文(理查德·基尔饰)与麦格劳-希尔出版商的高管讨论他最新的图书项目。他的上一本关于艺术品伪造者的书销量不佳。麦格劳-希尔的董事会对他的最新成果印象深刻,欧文相信这将是他的突破性工作。他庆祝了这一消息,但随后得知一位杂志编辑已阅读并打折了这项工作,麦格劳- 希尔现在决定不发表这篇文章,这让欧文非常痛苦。凌晨 1 点,欧文与朋友兼研究员理查德·苏斯金德(阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳饰)一起度假,霍华德·休斯到来,要求清空整栋大楼的客人,欧文被赶出酒店。返回纽约与出版商会面时,他很沮丧地发现自己被骗到了公司的一名助理。欧文冲进董事会,宣布他已经写出了这本“世纪之书”,并威胁说,如果麦格劳-希尔不感兴趣,他就会把它带到别处。欧文很难想出答案。这是一个适合他宏伟的世纪之书主张的主题,拒绝了迪克·萨斯金德的众多建议。就在那时,他看到了一本关于霍华德·休斯秘密世界的杂志封面和文章,并决定这就是全世界想要的书。他联系了他以前的出版商,声称自己受到了休斯的召唤并被选中来写他的书。传记,提供休斯伪造的手写笔记作为“证据”。笔迹专家被愚弄了,宣布这些笔记是真实的,董事会以 50 万美元的价格购买这本书,接受了因隐居的亿万富翁休斯的怪癖而强加的稍微奇怪的条件。对于克利福德·欧文来说,这几乎是完美的犯罪。鉴于休斯自我孤立和对诉讼的强烈厌恶,欧文相信自己不会受到这位亿万富翁的法律诉讼。休斯的怪癖将导致他对这本书真实性的任何否认受到怀疑。由此产生的书将赚到一大笔钱,更多的钱来自连载权,所有这些都将是他的,不必与休斯分享。 欧文目前与艺术家伊迪丝·欧文(马西娅·盖伊·哈登饰)正经历婚姻问题。克利福德·欧文(Clifford Irving)和百万富翁的妻子、女演员尼娜·范·帕兰特(Nina Van Pallandt,朱莉·德尔佩饰)最近发生了一段恋情,这让伊迪丝感到受伤,并对克利福德产生了怀疑。他向伊迪丝保证他会忠诚,然后离开去开始他的研究。欧文花了几个小时研究休斯的文件、演讲和其他录音,以创造出甚至可以欺骗专家的真实性。欧文和萨斯金德非法获得休斯退休助手诺亚·迪特里希的传记草稿副本,其中提供的细节增加了该作品表面上的真实性。欧文开始以休斯的身份对着录音机背诵书中的段落,甚至在这些过程中打扮成休斯,并在自己身上画上休斯式的小胡子。在他写作时,一盒神秘的文件到达,其中包含有关休斯和理查德·尼克松总统之间可疑交易的爆炸性信息,暗示休斯向尼克松的竞选活动提供了金钱上的好处,并向尼克松的兄弟提供了个人贷款以换取优惠待遇由行政部门。欧文假设包裹来自休斯,并说服自己休斯现在支持虚假自传,并希望包含破坏性材料,以便推翻总统,而总统对休斯的支持已经减弱。随着出版日期的临近,欧文加强了他的伪装,包括在休斯和出版商之间举行一次失败的会议。然而,休斯总部开始否认他以任何方式参与了这本书。压力开始增大,但出版商确信这是一部真正的作品。欧文的剧本经过了如此令人信服的研究,并带有真实且非常秘密的披露色彩s,它使专家相信是真实的。欧文还利用出版商对畅销书日益增长的渴望,为自己和“休斯”谋取更高的薪水。欧文和他的妻子策划了一个计划,让她使用伪造的护照和“赫尔加·R·休斯”的名字,将休斯应得的那部分付款存入瑞士银行账户。欧文开始有了越来越宏大的想法,包括酒精引发的幻想被休斯的人绑架并被蒙上眼睛带到拿骚,在那里他被命令将有关尼克松的信息写入工作中,然后被扔出窗外并扔进游泳池。与此同时,他与范帕兰特的恋情仍在继续,而假装与妻子保持忠诚的压力增加了欧文的压力和偏执。最后,休斯通过电视电话会议公开否认对此事有任何了解。欧文或这本书。随着骗局的揭开,欧文发现自己独自一人在房间里与休斯的助手“交谈”他在这件事中所扮演的角色以及维持复杂的欺骗网络的压力。欧文被捕,当记者们通过警车紧闭的车窗大声提问时,欧文在车窗上潦草写下了“恶作剧”一词,最终承认了这一骗局。在新闻发布会上,政府发言人透露,欧文、伊迪丝·欧文和萨斯金德所有人都被判处短期监禁。无意中听到的一份广播报道详细介绍了短时间内突然出现的有利于休斯的法律决定,含糊地暗示欧文的书确实被休斯用作向尼克松施压的工具。文字覆盖声称,这个骗局加剧了尼克松对休斯的偏执,并直接导致了水门丑闻:窃贼试图收回他们认为包含尼克松和休斯之间金融交易信息的文件。

Author Clifford Irving (Richard Gere) discusses his latest book project with executives with publishers McGraw-Hill. His last book, about an art forger, has sold poorly. The board of McGraw-Hill is more impressed by his latest effort, and Irving is led to believe that this will be his breakthrough work.He celebrates this news, but is then informed that a magazine editor had read and discounted the work, and McGraw-Hill have now decided not to publish it, leaving Irving extremely bitter.Vacationing with friend and researcher, Richard Suskind (Alfred Molina), Irving is ejected from his hotel at 1 a.m. when Howard Hughes arrives demanding the entire building be emptied of guests. Returning to New York to meet his publishers, he is upset to find that he has been fobbed off onto one of the firm's assistants. Irving storms into the boardroom and announces he has written the "book of the century," threatening to take it elsewhere if McGraw-Hill is not interested.Irving struggles to come up with a suitable topic for his grandiose book-of-the-century claim, rejecting numerous suggestions from Dick Suskind. It is then that he catches sight of a magazine cover and article about the secret world of Howard Hughes and decides that this is the book that the world wants.He approaches his former publishers and claims to have been summoned by Hughes and selected to write his biography, providing forged handwritten notes from Hughes as "proof". Handwriting experts are fooled and pronounce the notes genuine, and the board strikes a $500,000 deal for the book, accepting the slightly bizarre conditions imposed as the eccentricities of the reclusive billionaire Hughes.For Clifford Irving it comes close to being the perfect crime. Given Hughes's self-imposed isolation and deep aversion to litigation, Irving believes himself safe from legal action from the billionaire. And Hughes's eccentricities will cause any denials by him of the book's authenticity to be doubted. The resulting book will generate a massive sum of money, with more coming through serialisation rights, all of which will be his, not having to share it with Hughes.Irving is currently undergoing marital problems with Edith Irving (Marcia Gay Harden), an artist. A recent affair between Clifford Irving and Nina Van Pallandt (Julie Delpy), an actress and wife of a millionaire, has left Edith hurt and skeptical of Clifford. He assures Edith he will be faithful, and leaves to begin his research.Irving spends hours studying documents, speeches and other recordings of Hughes to create an authenticity that will fool even the experts. Irving and Suskind illicitly obtain a copy of a draft biography of Noah Dietrich, a retired Hughes aide, which provides details that add to the apparent authenticity of the work. Irving begins reciting passages for the book into a tape recorder in character as Hughes, going so far as to dress as Hughes and draw a Hughes-like moustache on himself during these sessions.At one point during the writing of his work, a mysterious box of documents arrives, containing explosive information about questionable dealings between Hughes and President Richard Nixon, implying that Hughes had provided monetary favors to Nixon's campaign and made a personal loan to Nixon's brother in exchange for favorable treatment by the administration. Irving assumes the package is from Hughes and convinces himself Hughes now supports the false autobiography and wants the damaging material included in order to bring down the President, whose support for Hughes has eroded.As the publication date draws closer, Irving steps up his pretense, including staging an aborted meeting between Hughes and the publishers. However, denials start to filter out from Hughes headquarters that he is involved in any way with the book. The pressure begins to build, but the publishers are convinced it is a genuine work. Irving's script has been so convincingly researched, and tinged with real and very secret disclosures, that it convinces the experts to be genuine. Irving also uses the publishers' increasing desire for the hit book to leverage larger paychecks for himself and "Hughes"; Irving and his wife concoct a scheme for her to deposit Hughes' share of the payments into a Swiss bank account using a forged passport and the name "Helga R. Hughes".Irving begins to have increasingly grandiose notions, including alcohol-fueled fantasies about being kidnapped by Hughes's people and taken blindfolded to Nassau, where he is ordered to put the disclosure about Nixon into the work, before being thrown out a window and into a swimming pool. At the same time, his affair with Van Pallandt has continued, and the pressure of keeping of a pretense of fidelity with his wife adds to Irving's stress and paranoia.Finally, Hughes goes public, via a televised conference call, to deny any knowledge of Irving or the book. As the hoax unravels, Irving finds himself alone in his room "conversing" with Hughes' aide about his role in the affair and the pressures of keeping up the complex web of deceits. Irving is arrested and, as reporters shout questions through the closed window of the police car, scrawls the word "HOAX" on the window, finally admitting the con.At a press conference, a government spokesman reveals that Irving, Edith Irving, and Suskind all received short jail sentences. An overheard radio report details a sudden wave of legal decisions in favor of Hughes in a short span of time, ambiguously implying that Irving's book had indeed been used as a tool by Hughes to pressure Nixon.Against a backdrop of archival footage of Nixon, a text overlay claims that the hoax fueled Nixon's paranoia with Hughes, and led directly to the Watergate scandal: The burglars were attempting to recover documents they believed held information of the financial dealings between Nixon and Hughes.

《骗局/The Hoax》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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