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[原版] 《傲慢、偏见与槲寄生/Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe》(2018) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2023-11-25 11:18:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

达西·菲茨威廉 (Darcy Fitzwilliam) 是她自己的华尔街投资公司 Avery, Carson and Fitzwilliam (ACF) 的一位成功合伙人,她决定走这条路,而不是回到家乡俄亥俄州彭伯利 (Pemberley) 父亲爱德华·菲茨威廉 (Edward Fitzwilliam) 的公司工作,以向世界证明:她可以自己做到。尽管她取得了成功,但她对自己的生活感到不安,这就是为什么她最近与爱德华纽约办事处负责人卡尔唐斯分手,并在今年圣诞节三年来第一次回到彭伯利的家,以便她可以逃离卡尔,工作一段时间,哪怕只是一小会儿,同时她帮助母亲格洛丽亚·菲茨威廉组织下周举行的彭伯利联盟年度拍卖会,为彭伯利青年中心筹款。达西发现她不能离开卡尔或工作,因为爱德华和卡尔在达西逗留期间在彭伯利举行了一些会议,她了解到另一位合伙人奥斯汀·艾弗里引发了一些工作骚乱,他看到公司搬迁与达西不同的方向。达西在这次旅行中的情况变得更糟,她被迫与高中竞争对手卢克·贝内特共度时光,因为她得知她最好的朋友凯莉现在与卢克的哥哥吉姆有认真的关系,而且格洛丽亚雇佣了卢克,而卢克是卢克的弟弟。最近开设了自己的餐厅,为筹款活动提供餐饮服务,同时也为达西所需的任何援助提供额外的帮助。和达西一样,卢克也试图在生活中留下自己的印记,打造自己的餐厅,同时需要商业和/或投资者来使其成功。虽然达西和卢克在高中辩论队的时间从辩论舞台转移到了当时生活中的方方面面,但他们发现,在共同筹款活动中,他们仍然在意见分歧中发生冲突,尤其是当他们必须扑灭了一场又一场意想不到的火灾。通过这一切,达西也许能够理清生活本身,包括如果卡尔和 ACF 适合的话无论如何,尤其是因为可能有一个理由——以卢克的形式——留在彭伯利。——雨果

Darcy Fitzwilliam, a successful partner at her own Wall Street investment firm of Avery, Carson and Fitzwilliam (ACF), decided on this path instead of working for her father Edward Fitzwilliam's firm back in her hometown of Pemberley, Ohio to prove to the world that she could make it on her own. Despite her success, she feels unsettled in her life, which is why she recently broke up with Carl Downs, who heads Edward's New York office, and is heading back home to Pemberley this Christmas season for the first time in three years so that she can escape Carl and work if only for a little while, while she helps her mother Gloria Fitzwilliam organize the Pemberley League Annual Auction to be held the next week, a fundraiser for the Pemberley Youth Center. Darcy discovers that she can't leave either Carl or work behind as Edward and Carl have some meetings in Pemberley during Darcy's stay, and she learns of some work turmoil initiated by another partner Austin Avery, who sees the firm moving in a direction different than Darcy. Things get worse for Darcy on this trip when she is forced to spend time with her high-school rival Luke Bennett as she learns that her best friend Caylee is now in a serious relationship with Luke's older brother Jim, and that Gloria hired Luke, who has recently opened his own restaurant, to cater the fundraiser, but also to provide an extra pair of hands with any assistance Darcy requires. Like Darcy, Luke is trying to make his mark in life in making the restaurant his own while needing business and/or investors to make it a success. While Darcy and Luke's time on the high-school debate team migrated off the debate stage to everything in their lives at the time, they find that they are still butting heads in differences of opinions in working together on the fundraiser, especially as they have to put out one unexpected fire after another. Through it all, Darcy might be able to clear her head about life itself, including where Carl and ACF fit if at all, especially as there might be a reason--in the form of Luke--to stay in Pemberley.—Huggo

《傲慢、偏见与槲寄生/Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe》(2018) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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