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[原版] 《越位:哈罗德巴拉德的故事/Offside: The Harold Ballard Story》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2023-11-25 11:22:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

哈罗德·巴拉德的故事是加拿大最具标志性的人物之一的故事。巴拉德拥有多伦多枫叶队长达二十年的欢乐时光、引人注目的混乱,他最喜欢的就是美好时光、满满的收银机和任何愿意倾听的人的关注。如果你不听,他太有趣了,你别无选择。从他取得所有权的那一天起直到 1990 年去世,哈罗德·巴拉德一直是公众关注的磁石,是主导加拿大媒体的自然力量,而这部纪录片本书针对的是那些熟悉巴拉德的人和那些不熟悉他的史诗故事的人。巴拉德与一生挚爱结婚,是三个孩子和三千个故事的父亲。我们的影片将从他作为独生子的早期经历,到他在上加拿大学院的一段时间,再到他随多伦多万宝路来到管理层,最终控制多伦多枫叶队以及枫叶花园和所有球队。随之而来的是摇滚音乐会,Muhammad 阿里、比利·格雷厄姆复兴;巴拉德在花园里拥有一切。他是一位无与伦比的推广者,无论你是巴拉德的教练之一(他雇佣并解雇了十几位教练)、名人堂中锋达里尔·西特勒(Darryl Sittler),还是披头士乐队——巴拉德说服他在枫叶花园——成功的压力是无情的。友谊开始,伙伴关系解散;巴拉德一度因白领犯罪而入狱。但在这一切过程中,他为慈善事业捐赠了数百万美元(确实数不胜数——他从不喜欢公开自己的慷慨),他的一生就像坐过山车一样。当尘埃落定时,哈罗德·巴拉德是一个非常富有的人,过着非常富裕的生活。底线:巴拉德因非传统而蓬勃发展——当巴拉德试图获得巨额银行贷款来购买叶子队时,巴拉德使用了抵押品。 ..枫叶队?他试图购买的资产?这个计划是如此大胆、荒唐、非凡,以至于它奏效了。因为哈罗德·巴拉德是如此大胆他的工作是愚蠢的、荒谬的、非凡的。

The story of Harold Ballard is the story of one of Canada's most iconic characters. Owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs for two decades of rollicking, headline-grabbing mayhem, Ballard liked nothing more than a good time, a full cash register, and the attention of anyone who'd listen. And if you weren't listening, he was so interesting, you had no choice.From the day he assumed ownership until his death in 1990, Harold Ballard was a magnet for publicity, a force of nature who dominated Canadian media, and this documentary is aimed at both those familiar with Ballard and those new to his epic story. Married to the love of his life, Ballard was the father of three children and three thousand stories. Our film will span from his early days as an only child to a stint at Upper Canada College and then to when he arrived in the front office with the Toronto Marlboros, eventually gaining control of the Toronto Maple Leafs --plus Maple Leaf Gardens and all that went with it.Rock concerts, Muhammad Ali, Billy Graham revivals; Ballard had it all at the Gardens. He was a promoter without peer, and whether you were one of Ballard's coaches (he hired and fired a dozen of them), Hall-of-Fame centreman Darryl Sittler, or The Beatles --who Ballard talked into doing a double-bill at Maple Leaf Gardens --the pressure to succeed was relentless. Friendships started, partnerships dissolved; at one point, Ballard ended up in prison for white collar crimes. But through it all, he gave untold millions to charity (untold indeed -he never liked to publicize his largess), during a life that was a true roller coaster ride. And when the dust settled, Harold Ballard was a very rich man who'd led a very rich life.Bottom line: Ballard thrived on being unconventional --when trying to secure a massive bank loan to buy the Leafs, for collateral Ballard used... the Leafs? The asset he was trying to buy?? The plan was so audacious, absurd, and remarkable, that it worked.Because Harold Ballard was so audacious, absurd, and remarkable that he worked.

《越位:哈罗德巴拉德的故事/Offside: The Harold Ballard Story》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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Offside: The Harold Ballard Story 1080p Torrent




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