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[原版] 《比赛2/Race 2》(2013) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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兰维尔·辛格(赛义夫·阿里·汗饰)深爱的妻子索尼娅(比帕莎·巴苏饰)被追随者杀害后,他发誓要为她报仇。兰维尔得知亿万富翁阿曼·马利克(约翰·亚伯拉罕饰)是索尼娅之死的幕后黑手。兰维尔决定追求阿曼,在此过程中,他结识了阿曼同父异母的妹妹兼商业伙伴埃琳娜(迪皮卡·帕度柯妮饰)和未婚夫奥米莎(杰奎琳·杰奎琳饰)。费尔南德斯),自称是索尼娅的妹妹塔尼娅。他假装爱上他们,以更接近阿曼杀死索尼娅的原因。阿曼是一个冷酷而精明的商人,为了钱可以做任何事,他不能容忍商业上的不诚实行为。兰维尔通过朋友兼退休警察罗伯特认识了阿曼。德科斯塔(阿尼尔·卡普尔饰)和他的助手切里(阿米莎·帕特尔饰)。 Ranvir 提出了一项商业计划,其中 Arman 最终将以实际价值的 10% 拥有 3 家赌场。兰维尔利用欧元原纸被盗的消息。他走近赌场的主人os Vikram 表示,Ranvir 将以 500 万欧元的价格向他提供价值 1500 万欧元的货币。维克拉姆向阿曼寻求贷款,条件是如果 15 天内不归还钱,赌场将被没收。金钱交换发生了,维克拉姆很快意识到兰维尔欺骗了他。兰维尔告诉维克拉姆,他毁了他,因为他对索尼娅实施了打击。现在兰维尔与阿曼关系密切,并很快与假装是索尼娅妹妹的奥米莎交往。兰维尔向奥米沙透露了他摧毁阿曼的真正计划,奥米沙又向阿曼转告。罗伯特也决定玩双重游戏,并向阿曼透露了兰维尔的真正野心。兰维尔和埃琳娜互相吸引并发生了性关系。阿曼下令打击埃琳娜以控制公司,但埃琳娜在兰维尔的帮助下逃脱。埃琳娜(Elena)明白阿曼(Arman)试图摆脱她和合作伙伴兰维尔(Ranvir)。比赛已经确定。兰维尔告诉阿曼,他将安排盗取都灵裹尸布。 Arman 将分出 100 亿美元,Ranvir 将分出 50 亿美元拥有这块裹尸布,其市场价值将达到 500 亿美元。阿曼向黑社会老大头目借钱。兰维尔亲自偷走了裹尸布,并安排他的主唱将裹尸布送到交换地点。钱兑换完毕后,主唱带着 Omisha 离开。阿曼庆祝并在兰维尔的饮料中下了毒。阿曼透露,他总是领先于兰维尔,现在拥有裹尸布和 150 亿美元,奥米莎带着钱回来了,这表明了她对阿曼的忠诚。阿曼、埃琳娜和奥米莎乘坐阿曼的私人飞机离开。当兰维尔从货舱中出现时,阿曼决定向埃琳娜开枪,并透露埃琳娜一直和兰维尔在一起,兰维尔知道奥米莎从来都不是索尼娅的妹妹(他看过她的照片)。兰维尔还透露,罗伯特在兰维尔的坚持下接近了阿曼,作为他让阿曼过度自信的计划的一部分。 在枪战中,阿曼和奥米沙带着裹尸布和钱通过降落伞逃脱。兰维尔和埃琳娜乘坐一辆装有降落伞的奥迪逃跑了:)。现在是一场盛大的会议阿曼在大老头面前展示裹尸布出售。裹尸布被发现是假的,钱也是假的。唐很生气,决定拿走阿尔曼拥有的一切,包括奥米沙。兰维尔透露他从未偷过裹尸布,真正的裹尸布藏在意大利教堂内。此外,埃琳娜在枪战期间在飞机内交换了装有真钱的袋子。现在,兰维尔还透露,他做的这件事导致阿曼杀死了索尼娅。阿曼说他杀了索尼娅,因为他爱她,但她决定偷他的钱并与别人住在一起。

After his beloved wife, Sonia (Bipasha Basu) is killed by a henchmen, Ranvir Singh (Saif Ali Khan) vows to avenge her death. Ranvir learns that a billionaire businessman, Arman Malik (John Abraham) is behind the death of Sonia.Ranvir decides to pursue Arman and in the process, he befriends Arman's half-sister and business partner, Elena (Deepika Padukone) and fiance Omisha (Jacqueline Fernandez), who claims to be Sonia's sister, Tanya. He pretends to fall in love with them to get closer to Arman's reason for killing Sonia.Arman is a ruthless and shrewd businessman who can do anything for money and he cannot tolerate dishonesty in business.Ranvir gets introduced to Arman via friend & retired cop Robert D'Costa (Anil Kapoor) and his assistant Cherry (Ameesha Patel). Ranvir makes a business proposition in which Arman will end up owning 3 casinos for only 10% of their real value. Ranvir makes use of the news that euro currency raw paper has been stolen. He approaches the owner of the casinos Vikram, & says that for 500 MN Euros, Ranvir will supply him 1500 MM Euros worth off currency. Vikram approaches Arman for a loan under condition that casinos will be forfeited if money is not returned in 15 days. The money exchange takes place & soon Vikram realizes that Ranvir has duped him. Ranvir tells Vikram that he ruined him because he executed the hit on Sonia.Now Ranvir is close to Arman & soon hooks up with Omisha who pretends to be Sonia's sister. Ranvir reveals his real plan of ruining Arman to Omisha who in turn relays to Arman. Robert also decides to play the double game & reveals Ranvir's true ambitions to Arman.Ranvir & Elena are attracted to each other & have sex. Arman orders a hit on Elena to take control of the business, but Elena escapes with the help of Ranvir. Elena understands that Arman is trying to get rid of her & partners Ranvir. The game is set.Ranvir tells Arman he will arrange for the Shroud of Turin to be stolen. Arman will fork 10 Bn $ & Ranvir 5 Bn $ to own the shroud, whose market value will be 50 Bn $. Arman approaches underworld don kingpin for a loan.Ranvir steals the shroud himself & arranges for his frontman to deliver the shroud at the exchange location. Once the money is exchanged, The frontman leaves with Omisha. Arman celebrates & poisons Ranvir's drink. Arman reveals that he always ahead of Ranvir & now has the shroud & the 15 Bn $ as Omisha returns with the money, revealing her loyalty to Arman.Amran, Elena & Omisha leave on Arman's private jet. Arman decides to shoot Elena when Ranvir emerges from the cargo hold & reveals that Elena had always been with Ranvir & that Ranvir knew Omisha was never Sonia's sister ( he had seen her photos). Ranvir also reveals that Robert had approached Arman at Ranvir's insistence, as part of his plan to make Arman over confident.In a shootout, Arman & Omisha escape via parachute with shroud & the money. Ranvir & Elena escape in an Audi which deploys chutes :).Now the big meeting where Arman presents the shroud for sale in front of the big don. The shroud is revealed as a fake & so is the money. The don is angry & decides to take away everything Arman has, including Omisha.Ranvir reveals that he never stole the shroud, the real shroud was hidden inside the Italian church itself. In addition Elena switched the bags with the real money inside the plane during the shootout. Now, Ranvir also reveals that he did this cause Arman killed Sonia. Arman says that he killed Sonia, cause he loved her, but she decided to steal his money & go to live with someone else.

《比赛2/Race 2》(2013) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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