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[原版] 《阿育王/Asoka》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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电影以缓慢的开场开始,为观众提供了一些背景信息。当阿育王还是个孩子的时候,他的祖父旃陀罗笈多·孔雀 (Chandragupta Maurya) 决定放弃王位,成为一名耆那教僧侣。出发前,阿育王的祖父发现阿育王偷了他的剑,并与他对质。旃陀罗笈多告诉阿育王,他的剑被诅咒,每次拔出时都会尝到血的味道,然后他把剑扔进了小溪。他离开后,阿育王找到了这把剑并保留了下来。王位传给了阿育王的父亲宾杜萨拉,电影跳到了阿育王的成年时期。宾杜萨拉即将将王位让给他的继任者。他给儿子取名苏西玛,苏西玛得到了除阿育王以外所有兄弟的支持。电影开始时,阿育王正率领部队与数量上占优势的塔克西拉军队作战。阿育王获胜并杀死了塔克希拉的首领。他安然无恙地回到家,这激怒了苏西玛。苏西玛命令席夫拉特将军让阿育王以半兵力征服塔克希拉。军队,期望阿育王在战斗中死去。苏西玛下令杀死希夫拉特,并雇佣一名刺客在阿育王洗澡时刺杀他。阿育王轻松杀死了刺客,并去看望了他的母亲。他的母亲表达了担忧,并要求阿育王离开这座城市,并威胁说如果他不这样做,她就发誓保持沉默。阿育王不想让母亲再和任何人说话,于是不情愿地离开了。阿育王化名帕万四处游荡,遇到了一位美丽的女子。他立即被爱所震撼,并跟随了她。在听到逮捕考瓦基公主和卡林加王子艾莉亚的请求后,阿育王从想要领取奖励的袭击者手中救出了这名女子。他发现这名女子是考瓦基公主,在总理刺杀他们的父母后,她正在逃离首都。在认识了考瓦基和艾莉亚后,考瓦基的保镖决定离开,留下阿育王独自一人。第二天,考瓦基和艾莉亚遭到赏金猎人的袭击。钍保镖挡开了一些人,但离开去消灭他们。在等待他回来的过程中,考瓦基和艾莉亚遇到了更多的敌人,当阿育王出来并击败他们时,他们试图自卫。阿育王继续陪伴考瓦基旅行,训练她保护自己,同时努力赢得她的爱。与此同时,考瓦基对阿育王产生了感情。保镖比玛反对这些感情,在与考瓦基激烈争吵后,透露考瓦基是一个被收养的孩子,这让她震惊。他告诉阿育王,阿育王决定他们应该结婚。婚后,阿育王母亲的仆人告诉他她病了。他独自一人回家,寻找健康状况良好的母亲。她见到他欣喜若狂,并惊讶但高兴地发现他已经结婚了。然而,国王告诉阿育王他必须攻击卡林加以防止叛乱。他去找考瓦基,考瓦基躲在一个忠诚农民的家里。他们的村庄遭到试图袭击的男子的袭击寻找Kaurwaki和Arya,农民的女儿和孙子代替Kaurwaki和Arya保护他们。阿育王回到被烧毁的村庄废墟。他找到了受伤的比玛。阿育王相信考瓦基和艾莉亚已经死了,并失去了生存的意志。他开始了一场毁灭性的战役,并赢得了一场又一场的战斗,直到他受伤并被送往佛教寺院。在那里,他遇到了一位名叫德维的女人,她在一场斗争中杀死了一名试图刺杀阿育王的男子。由于她犯了谋杀罪,她与另一位佛教徒的婚姻被取消,所以阿育王决定娶她为妻。失去考瓦基后,他仍然感到痛苦,但对黛维忠诚。考瓦基和艾莉亚返回卡林加并罢免了总理的权力。阿育王的妻子怀孕了,阿育王相信这一定是一个儿子,并表现出意图训练他谋杀的艺术,这违背了女神的意愿。苏西玛不顾一切地阻止阿育王继承王位,雇了一名刺客杀死阿育王的孩子。在在这次尝试中,阿育王的母亲去世了,阿育王陷入了一场凶残的狂暴之中,最终导致了苏西玛的死亡。阿育王杀死了苏西马斯兄弟中的一名成员,并夺取了王位。阿育王率领大军进攻卡林加,卡林加关押着最后一个兄弟。当他攻入卡林加时,他获得了暴君的名声。比玛试图刺杀他,但失败并在尝试中死亡。考瓦基决定为纪念比马的牺牲而战。战斗开始,考瓦基被击倒。阿育王赢得了这场战斗。战斗结束后,他听说黛维生下了双胞胎,一个女孩和一个男孩,但她不承认阿育王是他的父亲,因为他犯下了罪恶。阿育王在战场上徘徊,心碎不已,这时他无意中听到两名士兵讨论考瓦基以及他们如何夺走她的马。阿育王牵回马并寻找考瓦基。阿育王亲眼目睹了他在战场上的恐怖行径,最终找到了考瓦基。她试图攻击他,但放弃并拥抱了他。作为他们拥抱在一起,艾莉亚向阿育王喊道。他走近了,摔倒了;他的背部被三箭射中。战斗结束后,阿育王回忆起自己造成的悲剧。他回到家中,将剑扔进了他之前发现的那条小溪中。电影以讲述阿育王传播佛教的故事结束。

The movie begins with an opening crawl, giving the viewer some context. Asoka is a child when his grandfather, Chandragupta Maurya, decides to renounce the throne to become a Jainist monk. Before his departure, Asoka's grandfather finds out that Asoka stole his sword and he confronts him. Chandragupta tells Asoka that his sword is cursed to taste blood whenever it is drawn, and he throws it into a creek. After he leaves, Asoka finds the sword and keeps it. The throne goes to Asoka's father, Bindusara, and the movie skips to Asokas adulthood. Bindusara is about to renounce the throne to his successor. He names his son Susima, who has the support of all his brothers except Asoka. When the movie picks up, Asoka is leading his troops in battle against the Takshila army, who have an advantage in numbers. Asoka prevails and kills the leader of the Takshilas. He comes home alive and unharmed, which angers Susima. Susima had ordered General Shivrath to make Asoka conquer Takshila with half an army, expecting Asoka to die in the struggle. Susima orders Shivrath dead and hires an assassin to kill Asoka while he is bathing. Asoka kills the assassin with ease and goes to visit his mother. His mother expresses concern and tells Asoka to leave the city, threatening to take a vow of silence if he does not. Not wanting his mother to never speak to anyone again, Asoka reluctantly leaves. Asoka wanders around, going under the name Pawan, and encounters a beautiful woman. He is immediately stricken with love, and he follows her. After hearing a request for the capture of Princess Kaurwaki and Prince Arya of Kalinga, Asoka saves the woman from attackers who wanted to collect the reward. He discovers that the woman is Princess Kaurwaki and she is escaping from the capital after the prime minister assassinated their parents. After getting to know Kaurwaki and Arya, Kaurwaki's bodyguard decides to go, leaving Asoka alone. The next day, Kaurwaki and Arya are assaulted by bounty hunters. The bodyguard fends off some but leaves to fnish them off. While waiting for him to come back, Kaurwaki and Arya encounter more enemies and try to defend themselves when Asoka comes out and defeats them all. Asoka continues to accompany Kaurwaki in her travels, training her to defend herself while trying to earn her love. At the same time, Kaurwaki develops feelings for Asoka. Bheema, the bodyguard, objects to these feelings, and after a heated argument with Kaurwaki, reveals that Kaurwaki is an adopted child, which shocks her. He tells Asoka, who decides that they should get married. After the marriage, a servant of Asokas mother tells him she is ill. He travels home alone to find his mother in full health. She is ecstatic to see him, and surprised but pleased to find that he has gotten married. However, the king tells Asoka that he must attack Kalinga to prevent an uprising. He goes to find Kaurwaki, who are hiding in the home of a loyal peasant. Their village is attacked by men trying to find Kaurwaki and Arya, and the daughter and grandson of the peasant take the place of Kaurwaki and Arya to protect them. Asoka returns to the burnt remains of the village. He finds Bheema, who is injured. Asoka believes Kaurwaki and Arya are dead and loses his will to live. He begins a devastating campaign and wins battle after battle until he is wounded and taken to a Buddhist monastery. There, he meets a woman named Devi, who, in a struggle, kills a man trying to assassinate Asoka. Because she committed murder, her marriage to another Buddhist is cancelled, so Asoka decides to marry her instead. He remains aching after the loss of Kaurwaki but loyal to Devi. Kaurwaki and Arya return to Kalinga and remove the prime minister from power. Asokas wife is pregnant, and Asoka believes it must be a son and shows intent to train him in the art of murder, which is against the will of Devi. Susima, desperate to stop Asoka from getting the throne, hires an assassin to kill Asokas child. In the attempt, Asokas mother dies, driving Asoka into a murderous rampage culminating in the death of Susima. Asoka kills all but one of Susimas brothers and takes the throne. Asoka leads a massive assault into Kalinga, who is holding the last brother. As he fights into Kalinga, he gains a reputation as a tyrant. Bheema tries to assassinate him but fails and dies in the attempt. Kaurwaki decides to fight in honor of Bheemas sacrifice. The battle commences and Kaurwaki is struck down. Asoka wins the battle. After the battle, he hears that Devi gave birth to twin, a girl and a boy, but she does not recognize Asoka as the father because of the evil he has commited. Asoka wanders the battlefield, heartbroken, when he overhears two soldiers discussing Kaurwaki and how they took her horse. Asoka takes the horse back and searches for Kaurwaki. While witnessing the horrors of his actions in the battlefield, Asoka finally finds Kaurwaki. She tries to attack him, but gives up and embraces him. As they hug, Arya calls out to Asoka. He comes closer and falls; he had been hit by three arrows to the back. After the battle, Asoka reminisces about the tragedies he caused. He returns to his home and throws his sword into the same creek he found it before. The movies ends with a closing crawl telling Asoka's spread of Buddhism.

《阿育王/Asoka》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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