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[原版] 《当猫来的时候/When the Cat Comes》(1963) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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罗伯特是一个秘密的波西米亚村庄的一名学校老师。他承受着来自查理的压力,查理是控制镇上发生的事情的镇长,也是他不忠且冷漠的情人。罗伯特向孩子们传授“黑白”的生活观和现实主义的艺术观,扼杀了想象力。“艺术”绘画课邀请了城堡主(兼讲故事的人)奥利瓦作为主题。奥利瓦没有冒充模特,而是讲述了一只戴着墨镜的猫的故事——它的眼睛通过颜色揭示了人类状况的真实本质。重要的是,红色是“恋人”的颜色——善意的人,而黄色和紫色等颜色则为不忠、嫉妒和不守规矩的人保留。 “普通”人最终杀死了猫,因为他们不想让别人知道谁是好人或坏人。 在镇上的马戏团表演中,罗伯特的猫失踪了,他被带到了戴安娜 - 一位女演员,是表演的一部分。他遇到了带罢工的MC与奥利瓦很相似,并与罗伯特谈论他的“本性” - 开玩笑罗伯特选择了“正常”的衣服。在向整个城镇表演期间,当这只猫向每个观看者展示时,奥利瓦关于猫的故事得以实现 -戴安娜摘下了墨镜。当每个人的颜色被暴露的那一刻,整个小镇都变得疯狂,为自己而战。罗伯特的本性是红色的,他发现自己迷上了戴安娜 - 两人开始了一次浪漫、田园诗般的郊游。后来这只猫被树林里的孩子们发现,学校仆人抢走了它并试图杀死它 -由查理精心策划。罗伯特的任务是在查理面前教孩子们了解一只被剥制的鹳鸟,但他被猫的力量所感动,给孩子们一个感人的段落,让他们知道他们不应该研究这只死去的动物。这激怒了查理和镇上的上级,他们试图诬陷罗伯特杀了猫。 有一次,孩子们失踪了与罗伯特一起,要求如果猫的安全得到保证,他们就会回来。这让小镇陷入了混乱,许多家庭在树林里争吵着寻找失去的亲人。但是,孩子们却无处可寻——连罗伯特也找不到他们,罗伯特让他们回来。最终,仆人归还了猫,孩子们也从躲藏处走了出来(多亏了奥利瓦)。当人群争论如何处理这只猫时,戴安娜和马戏表演再次出现,暴露了查理的真面目——一个性格“变色龙”,他被赶出了小镇,重新点燃了小镇最初的混乱。当罗伯特试图追戴安娜陪伴她时,他被疯狂的人群搭讪,并在演出出城时失去了她。罗伯特失败了,独自走回城镇广场,却受到了孩子们的欢迎,他们手里拿着猫的艺术品和画作。

Robert is a school teacher in an undisclosed Bohemian village. He is under stress from Charlie, the foreboding town mayor who controls the happenings in town and from his unfaithful and uncaring lover. Robert teaches the children a 'black and white' view on life and a realist view on art, stifling imagination.For an 'artistic' painting class, Oliva, a castellan (and storyteller) is invited as the subject. Instead of posing as a model, Oliva recounts a story of a cat with sunglasses - whose eyes revealed the true nature of the human condition through colour. Red, importantly, was the colour of 'lovers' - well-meaning people, whilst colours like yellow and purple were reserved for the unfaithful, envious and unruly. The 'normal' people eventually killed the cat, for they didn't want others to know who was good or bad.In the midst of a circus act coming to town, Robert's cat goes missing and he is led to Diana - an actress who is part of the performance. He meets the MC who bears a striking resemblance to Oliva and talks to Robert about his 'nature' - joshing Robert about his choice of 'normal' clothes.During the performance to the entire town, Oliva's tales of the cat come to fruition when the cat is revealed to everyone watching - and Diana takes off its sunglasses. The moment of everyone's colours being revealed drives the entire town insane, fighting over themselves. Robert, who's true nature is red, finds himself entranced with Diana - and the two embark on a romantic, idyllic outing.Whilst the cat is later found by children in the woods, the school servant snatches it and attempts for it to be killed - orchestrated by Charlie. Robert is tasked to teach children about a taxidermized Stork in front of Charlie, but moved by the cat's power, gives a moving passage to the children that they shouldn't have to study the dead animal. This angers Charlie and the superiors in the town, who attempt to frame Robert for killing the cat.At one point, the children go missing along with Robert, demanding they'll come back if the cat's safety is ensured. This sends the town amok, with families squabbling in the woods to find their lost loved ones. But, the children are no where to be found - not even Robert can find them, who tells them to come back. Eventually, the servant returns the cat and the children come out from hiding (with thanks to Oliva). When the crowd debates what to do with the cat, Diana and the circus act reappear to expose Charlie's true colors - a 'chameleon' of personalities, who is chased out of the town, reigniting the initial chaos in the town. When Robert tries to chase after Diana to accompany her, he is accosted by the frenzied crowd and loses her as the act travels out of town. Defeated, Robert walks alone back into the town square, only to be greeted by the children, who are holding art and paintings of the cat.

《当猫来的时候/When the Cat Comes》(1963) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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