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[原版] 《动物标本剥制术/Taxidermia》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《动物标本剥制术》的重点是情绪、基调和视觉效果,而不是具体的情节叙述。这里呈现的摘要转述了电影中的事件,但电影中呈现这些事件的方式与事件本身同样重要,甚至更重要。此摘要不应被视为足以替代实际观看电影的体验。注意:电影中的匈牙利名字和此摘要均按“东方顺序”(姓氏在前)。Morosgoványi Vendel(Csaba Czene)是一名低等士兵/二战期间,有序驻扎在匈牙利偏远农舍。这座农舍住着巴拉托尼·拉约斯卡中尉(马克·比肖夫饰)、他肥胖的妻子(维克多利亚·基斯饰)和两个十几岁的女儿。莫罗斯戈瓦尼住在一间简陋的猪棚里,他花了很多时间对这些年轻女孩产生性幻想,通常是在监视她们、自慰或试验他从阴茎末端射出火焰的非凡能力时。 t果然,巴拉托尼夫人向莫罗斯戈万尼求婚,巴拉托尼夫人将莫罗斯戈万尼拉到装着猪尸体的木制浴缸里压在她身上。他们的性爱充满活力且大声,莫罗斯戈瓦尼幻想着他实际上正在和巴拉托尼的女儿们上床。完成后,莫罗斯戈瓦尼睡着了,很明显,他在幻想整个遭遇,同时实际上正在与死猪交配。第二天早上,巴拉托尼中尉踢开棚子的门,向慢慢醒来的莫罗斯戈瓦尼的后背开枪。头,把他的脑浆炸出来。巴拉托尼夫人随后生下了一个又大又胖的婴儿。中尉检查了躺在木制浴缸里的男孩,发现他身上有一条猪尾巴。他一言不发地从棚子里拿出一把钳子,平静地剪掉尾巴,然后拍打男孩的臀部。三十年后,巴拉托尼·卡尔曼(特罗克萨尼·格尔戈饰)仍然有他的尾巴残端,并且已经长成了一个粗壮的尾巴。专业的速食者。在体育场内在欢呼雀跃的球迷中,卡尔曼和他的朋友米斯莱尼·贝拉 (Koppány Zoltán) 代表匈牙利队与俄罗斯队比赛,他们将一大勺内脏和其他恶心的东西塞进嘴里,试图先吃完他们的巨量食物。在这一轮比赛中,卡尔曼因被女子速食冠军阿泽尔·吉兹 (斯坦泽尔·阿德尔饰) 分散注意力而受到叔叔/教练的斥责,后者在观众席上为卡尔曼和同样喜欢吉兹的贝拉加油。在每轮比赛的休息时间,卡尔曼和贝拉一边互相嘲笑吉兹,一边随意地吐出刚刚吃完的饭菜。擦掉嘴后,选手们面向下一轮比赛——俄罗斯人选择了一大团明胶。 /脂肪,里面凝结着各种恶心的动物部位。卡尔曼仍然被吉兹分心,他下颌发紧,无法把勺子从嘴里拿出来,向后倒下。贝拉拜访了卡尔曼,卡尔曼正在接受治疗。他在医院里,胸口有一道巨大的伤疤,吉兹就在他身边。贝拉和吉兹明目张胆地调情,但卡尔曼似乎并不介意,而是享受着吉兹毛茸茸的腋下滴到脸上的汗珠。在随后与吉齐的婚礼上,卡尔曼唱了一首关于单恋的弗洛恩歌曲,而贝拉则说服吉齐与他“私奔”。 “私奔”包括把她带到外面,在她透过窗户看着她的丈夫时,醉酒地从后面操她。 接下来我们看到一家体育工厂,胖男孩在那里接受政府项目的学徒,以培养世界级的速食者。严厉的教练坐在一个巨大的粗面粉槽前,在槽上铺上几勺可可粉,然后开始训练。在工厂车间楼上的一间办公室里,卡尔曼正在接受培训,但他很沮丧。正当他试图从伤病中恢复职业生涯时,国际奥委会却拒绝承认体育运动吃。当他向回收机呕吐时,他向教练抱怨。吉兹发现自己怀孕了。她和卡尔曼的喜悦是显而易见的,但他们对共产党的规定感到担忧,这些规定要求孕妇被重新分配到特定的工厂,这会对她的卡路里摄入量产生负面影响,从而影响她在运动饮食方面的竞争力。他们贿赂产科医生,产科医生让他们在“囊肿”和“肌瘤”之间做出选择,作为一种诊断,这显然可以实现特殊治疗。 在海边度假时,著名的卡尔曼和吉兹开玩笑地为他们的孩子建议名字。 “邀请”登上来访的俄罗斯政要的游艇。登机前,一名随从解释说,他们需要展示自己的运动。具体来说,这需要在 20 分钟内吃掉 45 公斤的鱼子酱(加上一些培根飞节)。吉兹显然很挣扎,也许是担心孩子。在甲板下,卡尔曼通过提醒她注意她的行为来支持她显而易见的荣耀。他们回到楼上去吃晚饭,但吉兹病得很重,脸朝下倒在盘子上。又三十年过去了。我们看到巴拉托尼·拉约斯卡(马克·比肖夫饰)在他的动物标本剥制厂工作,他瘦得令人痛苦。工作室里堆满了各种动物,展示了一个致力于工作的人。拉约斯卡离开他的商店,前往杂货店,在那里购买了大量黄油和巧克力。他显然被收银员女孩迷住了,但收银员无视了他令人毛骨悚然的目光接触尝试。拉约斯卡拜访了他父亲卡尔曼的公寓,他现在已经变成了一个巨大得可笑的、赤裸裸的、不成形的肉团。这些巧克力棒是送给 Kálmán 的,他夸口说,只要保留银色包装纸,他就能将每小时的摄入量从 400 块增加到 570 块。黄油是为卡尔曼的超大猫准备的,它们在瓷砖巢穴的铁栅栏后面凶猛地潜伏着。卡尔曼显然鄙视他的儿子,部分原因是他的职业(“尸体填充物”)但主要是因为他太瘦了。拉约斯卡在打扫房子和笼子时,忍受着父亲的一系列侮辱。卡尔曼太胖了,无法动弹,甚至需要儿子帮他换便盆。卡尔曼的生活围绕着他的大猫和他的电视,当他观看他的前妻吉兹训练一位美国冠军速食者时,他对着电视发誓。 回到他的动物标本剥制店,一位衣冠楚楚的商人向拉约斯卡寻求关于一个特殊项目的帮助。 “家养的还是野生的?”商人傻笑着承认“国内”。拉约斯卡凝视着顾客的纸袋,点点头并接受了工作。再次来到杂货店,同样的购物清单和同样令人不安的结账眼神。在卡尔曼的公寓里,他的父亲不断地侮辱拉约斯卡。当他称儿子为“囊肿”时,拉约斯卡愤怒地质问他是多么忘恩负义。两人发生了一场可怕的争吵,互相扔巧克力棒。拉约斯卡风暴突然,他告诉父亲他可以为自己所关心的一切而死。拉约斯卡全身心投入到工作中。当他准备各种动物进行安装时,我们可以看到他在放大镜下的作品的极端特写。几天后,拉约斯卡回到杂货店,买了少量黄油和巧克力;与他父亲的争斗可能是一系列事件中最新的一场。女职员不见了,取而代之的是一名男子。 在卡尔曼的公寓里,拉约斯卡意识到出了什么问题。在这场可怕的战斗之后,猫们把笼子打开,攻击并杀死了卡尔曼,把他巨大的内脏咬出了一个洞。一串内脏通向笼子,两只心满意足的猫坐在笼子里舔着自己的排骨。拉约斯卡给他的父亲涂了防腐剂,把稻草从猫咬过的洞里塞进他的肚子里。接下来我们看到他被绑在车间地下室的一个精致的装置上。泵慢慢地叹息,液体流过透明的管子,注射器潜入肉中,托盘里装满了液体。手术刀和其他恶性医疗器械通过铰接臂移动。在镜子、夹子和杠杆的帮助下,拉约斯卡开始了艰苦而艰苦的自掏内脏工作。他的意图和进展是毫无疑问的;我们以精确的细节展示手术刀切肉、打开体腔、切除器官。拉约斯卡在我们面前剖开自己的内​​脏。拉约斯卡的双手明显因工作而疲惫不堪,他的双手颤抖着,最终缝合了自己出汗的躯干。完成标本剥制后,他按下按钮,我们看到一个锋利的刀片曲柄慢慢地绕到他的脖子前面。平静地呼吸了几次后,刀片被释放,并通过弹簧在后面旋转,将拉约斯卡斩首。过了一会儿,一把锯子落在了他的右臂上,肩膀以下的部分被锯断,鲜血喷涌而出。镜头切到商人返回商店的画面。由于找不到主人,他走进后面的房间,在同一个纸袋里发现了他要求拉乔完成的作品ska:一个玻璃球,里面有一个微小的人类胎儿。他心满意足地正要在长凳上留下一叠现金,这时他改变了主意。他进一步冒险进入商店,最终来到地下室,在那里他发现了拉约斯卡。我们立即切到同一位商人在一家前卫艺术画廊,称赞巴拉托尼·拉约斯卡的艺术天才。上层人士正在喝着香槟,吃着瓷猪的开胃小菜。 画廊里展出了两件展品:首先是巴拉托尼·卡尔曼,他穿着金色的紧身衣,一团猫毛从他宏伟的腹部的洞里伸出来,但主要是巴拉托尼·卡尔曼拉约斯卡——去掉了头和右臂,随意赤裸地站着,躯干缝合,看起来更像是一座古典希腊雕像,而不是一个自残的人。

The focus of Taxidermia is mood, tone and visuals rather than a specific plot narrative. The summary presented here relays the events in the film, but the manner in which they are presented in the film is equally if not more important that the events themselves. This summary should not be considered an adequate substitute for the experience of actually watching the film.Note: Hungarian names in the film and this summary are in "Eastern order" (family name first.)Morosgoványi Vendel (Csaba Czene) is a lowly soldier/orderly stationed at a remote Hungarian farmhouse in WWII. The farmhouse is occupied by Lieutenant Balatony Lajoska (Marc Bischoff), his obese wife (Viktória Kiss), and their two teenage daughters. Morosgoványi lives in a crude shed with pigs and spends much time having sexual fantasies about the young girls, typically while spying on them, masturbating or experimenting with his remarkable ability to shoot flames out of the end of his penis.Following the slaughter of one of the hogs, Morosgoványi is propositioned by Mrs. Balatony who pulls Morosgoványi down upon her in the wooden bathtub containing the pig carcass. They have vigorous and loud sex, with Morosgoványi fantasizing that he's actually screwing the Balatony daughters. Upon finishing, Morosgoványi falls asleep and it is apparent that he was fantasizing the entire encounter while actually copulating with the dead pig.The next morning, Lt. Balatony kicks open the door to the shed, and shoots the slowly awakening Morosgoványi in the back of the head, blowing his brains out. Mrs Balatony subsequently gives birth to a very large, fat baby. The lieutenant examines the boy lying in the wooden bathtub and discovers a pig-like tail on him. Without speaking a word, he retrieves a pair of pliers from the shed, calmly snips off the tail, and slaps the boy on the rump.Thirty years later Balatony Kálmán (Trócsányi Gergõ) still has his tail stump, and has grown into a hefty professional speed eater. In an stadium full of cheering fans, Kálmán and his friend Miszlényi Béla (Koppány Zoltán) compete for Hungary against the Russian team, shoveling huge spoonfuls of offal and other disgusting material into their mouths in an attempt to finish their enormous helpings first.Narrowly losing the initial round, Kálmán is berated by his uncle/coach for being distracted by Aczél Gizi (Stanczel Adél), the women's speed-eating champion who is present in the audience and cheering for both him and Béla, who also fancies Gizi. During the break between rounds, Kálmán and Béla trade jibes over Gizi while casually regurgitating the meal they have just gorged themselves.After wiping their mouths off, the competitors face up to the next round - chosen by the Russians to be a giant blob of gelatin/fat with various disgusting animal parts congealed within. Still distracted by Gizi, Kálmán suffers an attack of lock-jaw, and - unable to get the spoon out of his mouth - collapses backwards.Béla visits Kálmán, who is recovering in hospital with an enormous scar on his chest, Gizi by his side. Béla and Gizi blatantly flirt yet Kálmán appears not to mind, instead savoring the drop of sweat that falls onto his face from Gizi's hairy armpit. At his subsequent wedding to Gizi, Kálmán sings a folorn song about unrequited love while Béla convinces Gizi to "elope" with him. The "elopement" consists of taking her outside and drunkenly screwing her from behind while she looks through the window at her husband.We next see a sports factory where fat young boys are apprenticed to a government program to develop world-class speed eaters. Seated at an enormous trough of semolina, the stern coach blankets the trough with a few scoops of cocoa powder before starting the boys off on their training. In an office above the factory floor Kálmán is in training and is frustrated. Just at the time when he is attempting his professional comeback from injury, the International Olympic Committee has refused to recognize sport eating. While vomiting into a recycling machine, he complains to his coach.Gizi discovers that she is pregnant. Her and Kálmán's joy is obvious, but they are concerned by the Communist rules which require pregnant women to be reassigned to a particular factory which would negatively affect her calorie intake and thus her competitiveness in sport eating. They bribe the obstetrician, who gives them a choice between "cyst" and "myeoma" as a diagnosis which will apparently enable special treatment.While on holidays at the seaside, the famous Kálmán and Gizi are playfully suggesting names for their child when they are "invited" aboard the yacht of a visiting Russian dignitary. Before boarding, a flunky explains that they are expected to give a demonstration of their sport. Specifically, this involves eating 45kg of caviar (with a few bacon hocks thrown in) within 20 minutes. Gizi clearly struggles, perhaps concerned for the baby. Beneath decks, Kálmán supports her by reminding her of her previous glories. Back upstairs they are expected to attend dinner, but Gizi is so sick that she passes out face-first onto her plate.Another thirty years pass. We see Balatony Lajoska (Marc Bischoff), - painfully thin - at work at his taxidermy business. Cluttered throughout with various animals, the workshop shows a man who is dedicated to his work. Lajoska leaves his shop and travels to the grocery store where he purchases a huge volume of butter and chocolate. He is obviously smitten by the checkout girl, who ignores his creepy attempts at making eye contact. Lajoska visits the apartment of his father Kálmán, who is now a ridiculously immense naked blob of shapeless flesh. The chocolate bars are for Kálmán, who boasts that by leaving the silver wrappers on he can increase his intake from 400 to 570 per hour. The butter is for Kálmán's super-sized cats, who lurk menacingly behind iron bars in their porcelain-tiled lair.Kálmán clearly despises his son, partly because of his profession ("carcass stuffer") but mostly because he is so skinny. Lajoska endures a barrage of insults from his father as he cleans the house and the cage. Kálmán is too fat to move and even needs his son to change his bedpan for him. Kálmán's life revolves around his enormous cats and his television, which he swears at while watching his former wife Gizi coaching an American champion speed eater.Back at his taxidermy shop, Lajoska is asked by a dapper businessman for his help regarding a special project. "Domestic or wild?" The businessman smirks and admits "Domestic". Peering into the customer's paper bag, Lajoska nods and accepts the work.Again at the grocery store, the same shopping list and the same uncomfortable stare at the checkout. At Kálmán's apartment, his father needles Lajoska with continued insults. When he calls his son "cyst", Lajoska angrily confronts him about how ungrateful he has been. The two get into a terrible argument, throwing chocolate bars at each other. Lajoska storms out suddenly, telling his father he can die for all he cares.Lajoska throws himself into his work. We see extreme closeups of his work under a magnifying class as he prepares various animals for mounting. Back at the grocery store a few days later, Lajoska is buying a small amount of butter and chocolate; the fight with his father was probably the latest in a long series. The female clerk is gone, replaced by a man.At Kálmán's apartment, Lajoska realizes something is wrong. Having left the cage open after their terrible fight, the cats have attacked and killed Kálmán, chewing a hole into his enormous gut. A string of entrails leads back into the cage where a pair of satisfied cats sit licking their chops.Lajoska embalms his father, stuffing straw into his stomach through the holes the cats gnawed. We next see him strapped standing into an elaborate contraption in the basement of his workshop. Pumps slowly sigh, liquid flows through clear tubes, syringes dive into flesh, and trays of scalpels and other vicious medical instruments move past on articulated arms.With the aid of mirrors, clamps and levers, Lajoska begins the exacting and painstaking work of eviscerating himself. There is no doubt as to his intentions and progress; we are shown in exacting detail scalpels slicing flesh, opening body cavities, removing organs. Lajoska guts himself in front of us.With trembling hands, obviously exhausted from his work, Lajoska finally sews up his own sweating torso. Completing the taxidermy, he pushes a button and we see a razor-sharp blade crank slowly around to the front his neck. After a few calm breaths, the blade is released and via a spring it whips around behind, decapitating Lajoska. A moment later, a saw falls on his right arm, blood gushing as it's severed just below the shoulder.We cut to the businessman returning to the shop. Unable to locate the proprietor, he goes into the back room and discovers, in the same paper bag, the completed work he requested of Lajoska: a glass globe containing a tiny human fetus. Satisfied, he is about to leave a stack of cash on the bench, when he changes his mind. Venturing further into the shop, he eventually makes his way down to the basement where he discovers Lajoska.We cut immediately to the same businessman at an avant-garde art gallery, lauding the artistic genius of Balatony Lajoska. The glitterati are drinking champagne and eating hors dourves from a porcelain pig.On display in the gallery are two exhibits: firstly: Balatony Kálmán, resplendent in golden tights with a snarl of cat fur protruding from the hole in his magnificent belly, but primarily Balatony Lajoska - minus his head and right arm, standing casually naked with a stitched torso, looking more like a classical Greek statue than a man who mutilated himself.

《动物标本剥制术/Taxidermia》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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