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[原版] 《君子协定/Gentleman's Agreement》(1947) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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菲尔·格林 (Phil Green) 丧偶七年了,他用中间名“斯凯勒”·格林 (Schuyler Green) 作为笔名,主要撰写有关社会问题的评论,他刚刚与母亲和青春期的儿子汤米 (Tommy) 从洛杉矶搬到纽约。开始在他的公司《史密斯周刊》(一家全国性杂志)的总办公室工作。他的编辑约翰·米尼菲建议将反犹太主义系列作为他的第一个故事。他对这个话题并不着迷,他觉得这个话题已经被众多作家从所有相关角度涵盖了,直到汤米问他这个话题的全部性质,他不知道这一切意味着什么以及为什么。即便如此,斯凯勒在找到合适的角度方面仍然存在问题。但他确实提出了一个他认为是新鲜的角度:在撰写该系列期间,他将假装是犹太人,他恢复了听起来更犹太化的菲尔·格林作为他的名字,因此他将成为他自己的小白鼠。唯一知道他的人真正的非犹太人是他的家人,米尼菲,他的妻子,后来成为斯凯勒的女朋友,米尼菲的侄女,离婚的教师凯西·莱西,她首先提出了反犹太主义故事的想法。在这个过程中,“菲尔”会遇到很多种族主义,不仅针对犹太人,而且针对其他少数民族,而且来源意想不到。尽管他期待公开的种族主义,但那些袖手旁观却没有采取任何行动的人最终让他最烦恼。他预计这个过程会影响他自己的生活,他可以处理,但他可能无法处理它如何影响他周围的人,特别是他的母亲,她面临着一些健康问题,汤米和凯西,后者与关系也受到影响。他的老朋友戴夫·戈德曼(Dave Goldman)经常将其缩写为听起来不那么犹太化的戴夫·戈德(Dave Gold),他也许能让菲尔和他周围的人更好地了解正在发生的事情。——哈戈

Widowed now for seven years, Phil Green, who uses his middle name "Schuyler" Green as his pen name for the commentaries he writes primarily on social issues, has just moved from Los Angeles to New York City with his mother and preteen son Tommy to start work in the main office of his company, Smith's Weekly, a national magazine. His editor, John Minify, suggests as his first story a series on antisemitism. He is not enthralled with the topic, which he feels has been covered by all pertinent angles by a multitude of writers, until Tommy asks him about the entire nature of the subject, he who has no idea what it all means and why. Even then, Schuyler is having problems coming up with a suitable angle. But he does come up with what he believes is a new and fresh angle: he will pretend to be Jewish for the period that he is writing the series, he reverting back the more Jewish sounding Phil Green as his name, and as such he will be his own guinea pig. The only people who will know that he is really a gentile is his family, Minify, his wife and who becomes Schuyler's girlfriend, Minify's niece, divorced schoolteacher Kathy Lacy, who came up with the antisemitism story idea to begin with. Through this process, "Phil" will encounter much racism, not only against Jews but other minorities, and from unexpected sources. Although he expected open racism, it is the people who stand by and watch it happen without doing anything about it that ends up bothering him the most. He expected the process to affect his own life, which he could handle, but he may not be able to handle how it affects those around him, most specifically his mother, who is facing some health issues, Tommy and Kathy, the latter with whose relationship is also affected. His long time friend, Dave Goldman, who often shortens it to the less Jewish sounding Dave Gold, may be able to give Phil and those around him a better perspective of what is happening.—Huggo

《君子协定/Gentleman's Agreement》(1947) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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