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[原版] 《婚姻场景/Scenes from a Marriage》(1973) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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第一集:“纯真与恐慌”该系列节目以约翰和玛丽安在镜头前接受采访,谈论他们看似幸福而稳定的婚姻开始。当他们与摄制组交谈时,我们了解到约翰是一位成功的学者,玛丽安是一位离婚律师。然而,当镜头关闭后,我们看到他们的关系并不像看上去那么完美。约翰透露自己不忠,玛丽安感到非常沮丧。 第 2 集:“清理地毯下的艺术” 约翰和玛丽安与几位朋友一起参加晚宴,其中包括一对有婚姻问题的已婚夫妇。当约翰和玛丽安倾听朋友的烦恼时,他们反思了自己的关系以及彼此隐瞒的秘密。聚会结束后,约翰向玛丽安承认他爱上了另一个女人。 第 3 集:“宝拉” 约翰离开了玛丽安,并与年轻得多的女人宝拉开始了新的关系。玛丽安悲痛欲绝,挣扎着要恢复过来。约翰的不忠。她在工作中寻求慰藉,并开始质疑自己的价值观和信仰。 第 4 集:“泪谷”约翰和宝拉分手,约翰回到玛丽安身边。然而,他的行为变得越来越不稳定和虐待。他对玛丽安实施身体暴力,并用刀威胁她。尽管如此,玛丽安还是无法放下对约翰的感情,并留在了他身边。 第5集:“文盲” 当玛丽安生病,约翰被迫照顾她时,约翰和玛丽安的关系面临新的挑战。随着他们在一起的时间越来越多,他们开始面对婚姻的缺点以及彼此失败的方式。 第 6 集:“在世界某处的黑屋子里的半夜”约翰和玛丽安分居了,彼此分开居住。几个月后他们再次见面,他们的谈话表明他们都已经摆脱了这段关系并开始了新的生活。重建他们的生活。

Episode 1: "Innocence and Panic"The series begins with Johan and Marianne being interviewed on camera about their seemingly happy and stable marriage. As they speak to the camera crew, we learn that Johan is a successful academic and Marianne is a divorce lawyer. However, when the camera is turned off, we see that their relationship is not as perfect as it appears. Johan reveals that he has been unfaithful, and Marianne is devastated.Episode 2: "The Art of Sweeping Things Under the Rug"Johan and Marianne attend a dinner party with several of their friends, including a married couple who are having marital problems. As they listen to their friends' troubles, Johan and Marianne reflect on their own relationship and the secrets they keep from each other. After the party, Johan confesses to Marianne that he is in love with another woman.Episode 3: "Paula"Johan leaves Marianne and begins a new relationship with Paula, a much younger woman. Marianne is devastated and struggles to come to terms with Johan's infidelity. She seeks solace in her work and begins to question her own values and beliefs.Episode 4: "The Vale of Tears"Johan and Paula break up, and Johan returns to Marianne. However, his behavior becomes increasingly erratic and abusive. He becomes physically violent towards Marianne and threatens her with a knife. Despite this, Marianne is unable to let go of her feelings for Johan and stays with him.Episode 5: "The Illiterates"Johan and Marianne face new challenges in their relationship when Marianne becomes ill and Johan is forced to take care of her. As they spend more time together, they confront the shortcomings of their marriage and the ways in which they have failed each other.Episode 6: "In the Middle of the Night in a Dark House Somewhere in the World"Johan and Marianne have separated and are living apart from each other. They meet again after several months, and their conversation suggests that they have both moved on from their relationship and are starting to rebuild their lives.

《婚姻场景/Scenes from a Marriage》(1973) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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