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[原版] 《科罗拉多州长出了一棵圣诞树/A Christmas Tree Grows in Colorado》(2020) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2023-11-26 11:18:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

在科罗拉多州布鲁克林的山区小镇,艾琳·钱伯斯(罗谢尔·艾特斯饰)因裙带关系而在市长办公室担任社区发展总监。她的父亲雷蒙德·钱伯斯(彼得·布莱恩特饰)是市长。艾琳的任务是规划该镇的圣诞节,以促进假日旅游业,因为去年该镇因两家工厂的损失而经历了经济衰退。在市议会会议结束时,人们发现用于圣诞树照明的圣诞树患有根部疾病,实习生史蒂夫(马克·多兹劳饰)的任务是寻找替代品。艾琳在拜访朋友的菲比(劳拉·伯特伦饰)和汤姆·泰特(乔尔·史蒂芬森饰)的新家时,看到了一棵巨大的挪威云杉。艾琳还注意到一个名叫凯文·斯奈德(马克·泰勒饰)的帅气邻居和他可爱的女儿克莱尔(格蕾丝·苏纳尔饰)在他院子里那棵美丽的树旁堆雪人。克莱尔认为这棵树非常适合镇上的圣诞树。艾琳介绍了她自我并帮助凯文和克莱尔增加他们正在建造的弯曲雪人的稳定性。那天晚上,艾琳无意中在该市的主页上发布了这棵树的照片。市政厅的每个人都认为艾琳已经找到了完美的圣诞树,并且已经用它来宣传这座城市。艾琳到英俊的男人凯文的工作地点拜访他。凯文是消防局的中尉。他很困惑艾琳为什么要来拜访并想为市长砍掉他的树。凯文认为,市长的资源分配不善,因为他的消防部门刚刚经历了预算削减,这意味着他们将失去预期的设备和时间。凯文拒绝放弃他的树。凯文的同事米奇·科恩(马特·汉密尔顿饰)向凯文询问艾琳的来访情况,并宣传她是凯文个人生活的一个有吸引力的选择。晚餐时,市长向艾琳询问这棵树的收购事宜,并告诉她有一天成为市长是她的命运。凯文归还了艾琳留下的冬帽在他的办公室。他注意到树木照明展示的布局模型。它可能存在大量违反安全和消防法规的行为。艾琳将凯文赶出了家门,聘请他担任安全顾问。凯文同意提供帮助,如果他能与市长举行预算会议,艾琳放弃了使用他的树为镇上的树木照明的愿望。凯文和艾琳第二天早上见面,检查树木照明景观并调整布局以适应凯文的安全的担忧。凯文表示,他还没有找到办法与克莱尔分享节日的欢乐。艾琳建议该市计划举办许多不同的圣诞节活动。当凯文与公园和休闲中心开会时,他带着克莱尔作为他的副手。克莱尔和其他孩子一起制作雪天使,而凯文则告诉艾琳他是如何在克莱尔五岁时收养她的,以及他是如何被收养的。艾琳通过注射来教克莱尔正确的雪天使技巧,甚至凯文也尝试了一下。然后艾琳带克莱尔去了一家姜饼装饰公司ntest 由她的母亲玛丽(丽莎·休格特饰)主持,她是西布鲁克林小学的校长。艾琳与凯文的养女克莱尔成为朋友。凯文稍后到达并帮忙建造姜饼屋。当尼尔·斯蒂芬斯(杰森·麦金农饰)艾琳的同事兼市财务主管尼尔·斯蒂芬斯(杰森·麦金农饰)当着凯文的面挑衅她,用晚餐赌姜饼屋比赛的结果时,这段萌芽中的浪漫就戛然而止了。凯文和克莱尔邀请艾琳参加消防站圣诞晚会。凯文和米奇·科恩购买派对用品,而艾琳和尼尔则在周一晚上约会。艾琳和当地儿童之家的许多孩子一起来到消防站参加聚会。凯文聘请艾琳作为儿童之家计划的导师。艾琳和克莱尔联手进行三足赛跑,击败了凯文和他的搭档。凯文和艾琳之间的化学反应是不可否认的。凯文让艾琳坐在消防车的驾驶座上。他们差点在消防车里亲吻,但被打断了凯文过度热心地按喇叭。艾琳在凯文家门口停下来,当时他正拖着一棵圣诞树。艾琳、克莱尔和凯文在出发去拜访圣诞老人之前都装饰了圣诞树。艾琳在布鲁克林社交媒体页面上发布了凯文和克莱尔的照片。凯文不高兴。他在市政厅与艾琳对峙,艾琳带他进入办公室,在那里她解释了布鲁克林所处的财务困境,并正在利用社交媒体尝试同时帮助儿童之家和消防部门。当尼尔敲门提醒艾琳那天晚上他们的约会时,他们最终接吻了。艾琳在与尼尔共进晚餐时很紧张,因为她已经有一段时间没有约会了,直到尼尔宣布他是同性恋。第二天早上,艾琳向她的父亲承认,她无法与凯文就他的树进行谈判,市长很失望。艾琳邀请尼尔以朋友身份参加颂歌活动,但凯文还没有收到有关尼尔是同性恋的备忘录。在寻找一棵用于圣诞树照明的新树时,凯夫为亲吻艾琳而道歉,称这是一个“错误”。尼尔开始与他的同事兼同性恋消防员米奇·科恩在规划城镇广场的布局时见面。艾琳帮助小学的孩子们为城镇树制作装饰品,而她的父亲和凯文则对城镇广场进行改进装修计划。艾琳随后邀请凯文出去喝一杯。凯文建议艾琳,如果她父亲在政界的崛起不能让她开心,她就不需要跟随她,而艾琳则认为看到她父亲出去玩对克莱尔有好处。当地报纸向市长施加压力并以圣诞树为例质疑他是否有能力兑现对苦苦挣扎的布鲁克林的承诺。凯文 (Kevin) 碰见艾琳 (Erin) 外出圣诞购物。她建议为克莱尔的礼物准备一套魔法套装。艾琳同意照顾克莱尔,这样他就可以和孩子们一起出去玩。市政府给凯文写了一封信,表示他们将因为 e最小域。艾琳没有参与其中。克莱尔和艾琳一边照顾孩子一边做饼干。当凯文打开这封信并对艾琳隐瞒这封信感到愤怒时,这个夜晚被毁了。第二天,艾琳对她的父亲感到不满,因为她的父亲没有采取任何措施阻止市议会的行动。凯文的妈妈和爸爸来过圣诞节。他们提醒凯文,使用他的树是一种荣幸,他将成为帮助布鲁克林重新站起来的一部分。 市长助理玛吉过来,发现了她与艾琳分享的一个漏洞。凯文的土地是一个历史地标。砍树者及时停下来,砍伐树木的决定由凯文决定。艾琳到达城镇广场,看到树干上有一个心形标记,意识到这是凯文的树。她告诉父亲,她要辞去职务,并计划成为一名教师。市长去了凯文的家,并解释说艾琳对使用他的树的决定不负有责任,事实上,煽动遗产条款来拯救它。凯文观看艾琳在电视上发表演讲,讲述在圣诞节与亲人共度时光是多么重要。他冲到广场,为这对夫妇造成的许多误会道歉。凯文捐赠了这棵树,艾琳及时打电话阻止了砍伐树木。凯文很高兴这棵树给这么多人带来了欢乐。唯一给他带来快乐的是艾琳。当圣诞树被点燃时,他们亲吻了。

In the mountain town of Brooklyn, Colorado, Erin Chambers (Rochelle Aytes) works for the mayor's office as director of community development, due to nepotism. Her father, Raymond Chambers (Peter Bryant) is the mayor. Erin is tasked with planning the town's Christmas festival to promote holiday tourism since the town has experienced an economic downturn due to the loss of two factories the past year. At the end of a city council meeting, it is revealed the chosen Christmas tree for the Christmas tree lighting has root disease and Steve (Mark Dozlaw) the intern is tasked with finding a replacement. While visiting her friend's Phoebe (Laura Bertram) and Tom Tate (Joel Stephanson) in their new home, Erin sees a large Norway spruce. Erin also notices a hunky neighbor named Kevin Snyder (Mark Taylor) and his adorable daughter Claire (Grace Sunar) building a snowman by the beautiful tree in his yard. Claire determines the tree would be perfect for the town's Christmas tree.Erin introduces herself and helps Kevin and Claire add stability to the crooked snowman they are building. That night, Erin accidentally posts a photo of the tree on the city's home page. Everyone at city hall thinks that Erin has found the perfect Christmas tree and is already using it to promote the city. Erin visits the handsome man Kevin, at his place of employment. Kevin is the lieutenant at the fire station. He is confused about why Erin is visiting and wanting to cut down his tree for the mayor. Kevin believes the mayor is poorly allocating resources, as his fire department has just experienced budget cuts meaning they will lose expected equipment and hours. Kevin refuses to give up his tree.Kevin's coworker Mitch Cohen (Matt Hamilton) questions Kevin about Erin's visit and promotes her as an attractive option for Kevin's personal life. At dinner, the Mayor presses Erin on the tree's acquisition and tells her it is her destiny to become the mayor one day. Kevin returns Erin's winter hat she left in his office. He notices a mock-up of the layout for the tree lighting display. It potentially has numerous safety and fire code violations. Erin chases Kevin out the door to hire him as a safety consultant. Kevin agrees to help if he can get a budget meeting with the mayor and Erin drops her desire to use his tree for the town's tree lighting.Kevin and Erin meet the next morning and review the tree lighting sight and adjust the layout to accommodate Kevin's safety concerns. Kevin expresses that he has not found a way to share holiday merriment with Claire. Erin suggests the many varied Christmas events the city has planned. When Kevin has a meeting with Parks and Recreation, he brings Claire along as his deputy. Claire makes snow angel with other kids while Kevin tells Erin how he adopted Claire when she was five and how he was also adopted. Erin injects to teach Claire the proper snow angel technique and even Kevin gives it a try. Then Erin takes Claire to a gingerbread decorating contest hosted by her mother Mary (Liza Huget), the West Brooklyn Elementary School principal. Erin makes friends with Kevin's adopted daughter Claire. Kevin arrives later to help with the gingerbread house. The budding romance is stopped cold in its tracks when Neil Stephens (Jason McKinnon) Erin's co-worker, the city treasurer, hits on her in front of Kevin by betting dinner on the outcome of the gingerbread house contest.Kevin and Claire invite Erin to the firehouse Christmas party. While Kevin and Mitch Cohen shop for supplies for the party, Erin and Neil make a date for Monday night. Erin arrives at the firehouse for the party with many children from the local children's home. Kevin enlists Erin as a mentor for the children's home program. Erin and Claire team up in a three-legged race and defeat Kevin and his partner. The chemistry between Kevin and Erin cannot be denied. Kevin lets Erin sit in the driver's seat of the firetruck. They almost kiss in a firetruck but are interrupted by overzealous horn honking Kevin.Erin stops by Kevin's house as he is hauling in a Christmas tree. Erin, Claire and Kevin all decorate the tree before they are off to visit Santa. Erin features a photo of Kevin and Claire on Brooklyn social media page. Kevin is not happy. He confronts Erin at city hall and she takes him into her office where she explains the financial desperation that Brooklyn is in and is using social media to try to help the children's home and the fire department at the same time. They end up kissing when Neil knocks reminding Erin of their date that night.Erin is nervous at dinner with Neil, not having been on a date in a while, until Neil announces he is gay. The next morning, Erin admits to her father that she has been unable to negotiate with Kevin for his tree and the mayor is disappointed. Erin invites Neil to a caroling event as friends, but Kevin hasn't gotten the memo about Neil being gay. While searching for a new tree for the Christmas tree lighting, Kevin apologizes for kissing Erin, calling it a "mistake". Neil starts hanging out with his co-worker/gay firefighter Mitch Cohen after they meet while planning the layout for the town square.Erin helps kids in the elementary school create ornaments for the town tree while her father and Kevin make improvements to the town square renovation plans. Erin then invites Kevin out for a drink. Kevin offers the advice that Erin doesn't need to follow her father's rise in politics if it doesn't make her happy while Erin thinks it would benefit Claire to see her dad going out and having fun.The local newspaper puts pressure on the mayor and questions his ability to keep his promises for struggling Brooklyn using the Christmas tree as an example. Kevin bumps into Erin out doing late Christmas shopping. She suggests a magic set for Claire's present. Erin agrees to babysit Claire so he can have a night out with the boys.The city sends a letter to Kevin stating they are going to take the tree due to eminent domain. Erin is not involved. While babysitting Claire and Erin make cookies. The night is ruined when Kevin opens the letter and gets angry at Erin for keeping it from him. The next day, Erin gets upset with her dad who is not doing anything to stop the city council s action. Kevin's mom and dad arrive for Christmas. They remind Kevin that use of his tree is an honor and he will be a part of helping Brooklyn get back on its feet.Maggie, the mayor's assistant, comes through and finds a loophole that she shares with Erin. Kevin's land is a historical landmark. The tree cutters stop just in time and the decision to cut down the tree is left up to Kevin. Erin arrives at the town square, sees a heart-shaped marking on the trunk, and realizes that it is Kevin's tree. She tells her father that she is resigning from her position and plans to become a teacher instead. The mayor goes to Kevin's house and explains that Erin was not responsible for the decision to use his tree, and in fact, incited the heritage clause to save it.Kevin watches Erin give a speech on TV about how important it is to spend time with your loved ones at Christmas. He rushes down to the square and apologizes for the many, many misunderstandings the couple has had. Kevin donated the tree and Erin did put the call in in time to stop the tree cutting. Kevin is happy the tree is giving so many people joy. The only thing that gives him joy is Erin. They kiss as the Christmas tree is lit.

《科罗拉多州长出了一棵圣诞树/A Christmas Tree Grows in Colorado》(2020) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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