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[原版] 《达马尔/Dhamaal》(2007) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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Deshbandhu Roy 又名 Roy (Riteish Deshmukh),他相信自己生来就是世界上最好的侦探;马纳夫·施里瓦斯塔夫(贾韦德·贾弗里饰)实际上是世界上最大的白痴,但他幸福地没有意识到这一点,而他的哥哥阿迪蒂亚·施里瓦斯塔夫又名阿迪(阿沙德·瓦尔西饰),他对一切事物的百科全书般的了解只会增加伟大的白痴。该小组的专业知识;其中的最后一个组成部分是害怕一切的博曼·承包商先生(阿什什·乔杜里饰),他最害怕的是他的父亲纳里·承包商(阿斯拉尼饰)与一位宽容的女房东同住一个房间,后者最终放弃了他们并将他们赶了出去。经过一系列骗局后,该团伙被警方逮捕,但在乡村被释放。此时,他们目睹了一辆汽车从悬崖上坠落,车上唯一的乘客是黑社会老大博斯(普雷姆·乔普拉饰),他在临终前告诉他们,他在圣塞巴斯蒂安花园里藏了1亿卢比现金,果阿 如果他们找到了一群人开着承包商偷来的车朝果阿奔去,几乎不知道他们的计划很快就会被警察督察卡比尔·纳亚克(桑杰·杜特饰)挫败,尽管这很搞笑,他对警察局不欣赏他的诚实感到愤怒,并通过将他转移到亚瓦特马尔来惩罚他。博斯(Bose)在一笔资金诈骗中偷走了一亿卢比,卡比尔(Kabir)追捕了他十年。博曼(Boman)偷了他父亲的车,让一行人前往果阿,但由于卡比尔(Kabir)的路障,他们绕道丛林迷路了。纳里去警察局报案,并遇见了卡比尔。他们在丛林中追踪该团伙。卡比尔想把现金据为己有,并用枪指着他们从他们身上提取信息,然后把他们留在丛林里。他们追上卡比尔并强迫他分享潜在的战利品,并告诉他这会告诉他的老板。但朋友们无法决定如何分配钱并开始争吵。他们决定冲向战利品并起飞,但都遭遇了事故。纳里追上博曼并希望他用战利品支付汽车费用。罗伊跳进一辆被劫持的公共汽车,并被绑匪巴布海引诱。最终,为了挽救自己的生命,罗伊必须告诉巴布巴希有关 10 克战利品的事情。卡比尔偷了一辆载着婴儿的汽车并被耽搁了。阿迪和马纳斯可以搭便车,而博曼和纳里决定与一名醉酒飞行员一起飞往果阿,飞行员在飞机飞行时昏倒了。阿迪、博曼和罗伊在花园见面,但找不到战利品的位置。当他们抢夺战利品时,卡比尔到来并让他们为如何分配战利品而互相争斗。他们最终登上了“帮助孤儿”音乐会表演的舞台,并最终将全部款项捐给了慈善机构。

Deshbandhu Roy aka Roy (Riteish Deshmukh), who believes that he was born to be the best detective in the world; Manav Shrivastav (Javed Jafferey), who actually happens to be the biggest idiot in the world, but is blissfully unaware about it and his elder brother, Aditya Shrivastav aka Adi (Arshad Warsi), whose encyclopedic half knowledge about everything only adds to the great expertise of this group; the final component of which is Mr. Scared of everything, Boman Contractor (Aashish Chowdhury), whose greatest fear is his father, Nari Contractor (Asrani) share a room with a lenient landlady, who eventually gives up on them and kicks them out.After a number of con tricks, the group are arrested by the Police, but released in the countryside. At this point they witness a car plummet down a cliff, with it's sole occupant, Bose (Prem Chopra), an underworld don, who, before dying, tells them that he has hidden 10 Crore Rupees in cash in the St. Sebastian's Garden, Goa, and if they find it, it is their's to keep.The group race toward Goa in Contractor's stolen car, little knowing that their plans will soon be foiled, albeit hilariously, by Police Inspector Kabir Nayak (Sanjay Dutt) , who is angered at this Department for not appreciating his honesty, and is instead penalizing him by transferring him to Yavatmal. Bose had stolen the 10 Crore in a chit fund fraud & Kabir was after him for 10 yrs.Boman steals his father's car to get the group to Goa, but due to Kabir's roadblocking, they take a jungle detour & get lost. Nari goes to the police to report theft of his car & meets Kabir. They trace the gang in the jungle. Kabir wants to keep the cash for himself & extracts the info from them at gun point & leaves them in the jungle. They catch up with Kabir & force him to split the potential loot by telling him that would tell his boss. But the friends cant decide how to split the money & start fighting. They decide to race to the loot & take off & all meet with accidents. Nari catches up with Boman & wants him to pay for the car with the loot.Roy jumps into a hijacked bus & gets sidetracked by Babubhai, the kidnapper. Eventually to save his life, Roy has to tell Babubahi about the 10 cr loot. Kabir steals a car with a baby in it & gets delayed. Adi & Manas can hitch a lift, while Boman & Nari decide to fly to Goa with a drunk pilot who passes out while the plane is in air. Adi, Boman & Roy meet in the garden but cant find the location of loot. As they the loot, Kabir arrives & makes all of them fight each other on how to divide the loot amongst themselves.Fighting each other they end up on the stage of "help Orphans" concert show & end up donating the whole amount to charity.

《达马尔/Dhamaal》(2007) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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