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[原版] 《Wanko:我、我的家人和摇滚的故事/Wanko: The Story of Me, My Family and Rock》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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故事取材于三宅岛居民的真实故事,该岛于2000年爆发火山爆发,不得不撤离。松尾、贵子、松尾的母亲Fusako以及松尾和贵子的小儿子Shin一家人住在三宅岛上。三宅岛位于东京以南 200 公里处。他们一起经营一家为游客提供住宿加早餐的小旅馆,并养了两只宠物金毛猎犬哈娜和她的儿子洛克。 Shin每天负责照顾Rock,尽管Rock有一些典型的暴躁行为(包括多次在Takako身上撒尿),但他们过着幸福的生活。然而,花生病了,吸引了房子的注意力,岛上开始发生多次地震,导致游客取消了旅馆的预订。很快他们就找到了地震的根源——岛上的火山正在喷发。这家人最初​​并不想撤离,因为他们一生都住在岛上。但过了一段时间,整个岛屿都被火山灰覆盖,居民们开始为了保证孩子们的安全,我决定送孩子们去东京上学。申不想离开他答应与他们在一起的父母和洛克,但他别无选择。不久之后,花去世了,让房子心烦意乱。随着火山变得越来越严重,其他家人别无选择,只能撤离,这让贵子感到不安,因为她担心他们再也回不到岛上了。然而,他们收拾好行李,把洛克放在板条箱里,带上渡轮前往大陆。然而,就在被装上渡轮之前,洛克从笼子里挣脱出来,在渡轮离开之前,管理员无法找到他。很快,房子、贵子和松尾到达东京,发现洛克被落在了后面。松尾给进所在的宿舍打电话,告诉了他发生的事情,让进很不高兴。松尾说他不知道洛克是生是死,但承诺他们会回到岛上并尽一切努力去寻找。 Fusako、Takako 和 Matsuo 成立了一个小型 ro住在东京的公寓里,然后打工赚钱,等有空的时候就可以回三宅岛了。信利用空闲时间参观了三宅岛的动物救援中心,希望洛克能够出现。房子决定自己搬出去,这样申就有地方和父母住在一起,全家人都在努力适应东京的生活。 在三宅岛居民的街头集市上,申听说他们已经开始让一些居民短暂访问岛上,有人发现了一只可能是洛克的大狗。家人接到电话,说这只狗已被送往动物救助中心,他们去那里找到了洛克,它很脏,受伤,不省人事,但还活着。然而,由于他们住在这么小的公寓里,他们被迫把他留在中心,当洛克最初康复时,他因住在收容所狭小的空间里的压力而生病了。 Shin决心,当他们回到基地时,他们一定要把Rock找回来。岛,但其他从岛上流离失所的孩子对他们能否回去感到悲观。松尾被允许短暂访问该岛,并戴着口罩,检查他家人的家/床的损坏情况,并早餐。它部分倒塌,被火山灰覆盖了几厘米。与他一起旅行的另一位居民,一位名叫福的家庭朋友,在看到损坏情况时崩溃了,再也没有醒来。松尾现在不确定他们是否能够回去,但他向信保证有一天他们会回去。信决定他需要为洛克做正确的事,并允许救援中心为洛克找到一个新家,因为他们可能永远无法把他带回岛上。然而,在他签署了允许一对年长夫妇收养洛克的文件,然后离开后,他的父亲问这对夫妇是否可以只照顾洛克而不是收养他,希望他们有一天能把他带回来。火山爆发五年后,居民们被告知他们终于可以返回三宅岛了。申现在上初中了。松尾找到了动物救助中心的兽医,询问如何带回洛克。兽医告诉他,已经过去这么久了,夫妻俩改名为Rock,Rock还会记得Shin吗?松尾回答说,申确信洛克会记得他。他们安排了一次团聚,果然,洛克确实记得申。一家人回到三宅岛,发现他们的家仍然状况糟糕。电影以所有家庭​​成员幸福地修复他们的家,终于再次在一起而结束。

The story is based on a real story of the residents of the island of Miyakejima, which erupted in 2000 and had to be evacuated.A family, Matsuo, Takako, Matsuo's mother Fusako, and Matsuo and Takako's young son Shin live on the island of Miyakejima, 200 km south of Tokyo. Together, they run a small bed and breakfast for tourists and have two pet golden retrievers, Hana and her son Rock. Shin is in charge of taking care of Rock every day, and despite some typical rambunctiousness from Rock (including peeing on Takako on multiple occasions), they lead a happy life. However, Hana becomes ill, consuming Fusako's attention, and the island starts to be hit by multiple earthquakes, causing visitors to cancel their reservations at the inn.Soon they find out the source of the earthquakes - the island's volcano is erupting. The family initially don't want to evacuate because they have lived on the island their whole lives. But after a while, with the whole island covered in ash, the residents decide to send the children off to Tokyo for school to keep them safe. Shin doesn't want to leave his parents and Rock, who he has promised be with, but he has no choice.Soon after, Hana dies, leaving Fusako distraught. As the volcano gets worse and worse, the rest of the family has no choice but to evacuate, which upsets Takako because she is afraid they will never return to the island. They pack up, however, and put Rock in a crate to take with them on the ferry to the mainland. However, right before being loaded on the ferry Rock breaks out of his cage and the handlers are unable to find him before the ferry leaves.Soon, Fusako, Takako, and Matsuo arrive in Tokyo, to find out Rock was left behind. Matsuo telephones the dorm that Shin is staying at and tells him what happened, greatly upsetting Shin. Matsuo says he doesn't know if Rock is alive or dead, but promises that they will go back to the island and do everything they can to look. Fusako, Takako, and Matsuo set up a small one room apartment in Tokyo, and get part time jobs to earn money to go back to Miyakejima when they can. Shin spends his free time visiting a rescue center for animals from Miyakejima, hoping that Rock will turn up. Fusako decides to move out on her own so that there will be room for Shin to live with his parents, and the whole family tries to adjust to Tokyo life.At a street fair for the residents of Miyakejima, Shin hears that they have started to let some residents make short visits to the island, and that someone found a large dog that might be Rock. The family gets a phone call that the dog has been taken to the animal rescue center, and they go there to find Rock, dirty, injured, and unconscious, but still alive. However, since they live in such a small apartment, they are forced to leave him at the center, and while Rock initially recovers he gets sick from the stress of living in the small space at the shelter. Shin is determined that they will get Rock back when they go back to the island, but other kids who were displaced from the island are pessimistic that they will ever be able to go back.Matsuo is allowed a short visit to the island, and while wearing a face mask, reviews the damage to his family's home/bed and breakfast. It's partially collapsed and under several centimeters of volcanic ash. Another resident who has made the journey with him, a family friend named Fuku, collapses when seeing the damage and never wakes up again. Matsuo is now unsure that they will ever be able to go back, but he promised Shin that they would one day.Shin decides that he needs to do the right thing by Rock, and allow the rescue shelter to find a new home for Rock, because they will probably never be able to take him back and go back to the island. However, after he signs the paper allowing an older couple to adopt Rock, and then leaves, his father asks the couple if they could just take care of Rock instead of adopting him, in the hopes that they can one day take him back.Five years after the volcanic eruption, the residents are told that they can finally return to Miyakejima. Shin is now in middle school. Matsuo finds the vet who was at the animal rescue center and asks how to get back Rock. The vet tells him that such a long time has passed, and the couple renamed Rock, and would Rock remember Shin? Matsuo replies that Shin is sure that Rock will remember him. They arrange a reunion, and sure enough, Rock does remember Shin.The family goes back to Miyakejima, to find their family home still in horrible condition. The movie ends with all the family members happily repairing their home, together again at last.

《Wanko:我、我的家人和摇滚的故事/Wanko: The Story of Me, My Family and Rock》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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