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[原版] 《谋杀2/Murder 2》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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阿琼·巴格瓦特(艾姆兰·哈什米饰)是一名贪图金钱、卷入犯罪的前警官。作为一名无神论者,他定期去教堂为孤儿捐款。普莉亚(杰奎琳·费尔南德斯饰)是一名模特,她与阿琼的关系充满激情,但又令人困惑。普莉亚爱上了阿琼,阿琼对她产生了欲望,并将她用作性玩具。阿琼与黑帮兼皮条客萨米尔达成交易,以解开他的妓女不明失踪的谜团。在调查过程中,阿琼发现了与失踪女孩有关的电话号码。他告诉萨米尔派一名妓女到该号码。萨米尔决定派瑞什玛(苏拉尼亚·帕尼格拉希饰)来,她是一名 17 岁的大学新人,为了养家糊口而进入卖淫行业,但对他们保密。瑞什玛被送到迪拉杰·潘迪(普拉尚特·纳拉亚南饰)的家中,他实际上是一名精神变态的杀人犯,对折磨和杀害失踪的妓女负有责任。他决定对瑞诗玛做同样的事情,并将她扔进黑暗中好吧,目的是折磨她直到她死。Arjun 发现 Dheeraj 就是凶手,并告诉了警方。迪拉吉被关押在监狱期间,专员请精神科医生逼迫他招供。迪拉吉告诉医生,他杀死女性是因为他认为她们利用了男性。他还透露,他在一位太监兼大政客尼尔马拉·潘伟迪的帮助下,为了戒除性瘾而阉割了自己,并成为一名太监。迪拉吉最终在尼尔玛拉·潘迪特的影响下被释放。与此同时,瑞什玛从井里逃了出来,并试图在森林里找到出路。阿尔琼见到了迪拉吉的家人,他们透露迪拉吉曾经殴打他的妻子。接下来,他遇到了一位私人舞者索尼娅,她也曾受到迪拉杰的折磨,但设法逃脱。随后,阿琼遇到了一位曾经与 Dheeraj 一起工作的偶像制作者。制造者告诉他,Dheeraj 过去常常制作魔鬼的偶像而不是神灵,并杀死了试图阻止的工厂主。他。督察萨达(Sudhanshu Pandey 饰)告诉阿尔琼,Dheeraj 已经自由,警方试图尽快找到他。尼尔玛拉和迪拉吉进入瑞诗玛藏身的同一座神庙。尼尔玛拉和牧师都不知道迪拉吉的真实本性,因此被迪拉吉杀死,但在此之前,牧师透露瑞什玛就在那里。迪拉吉发现了惊恐万分的瑞诗玛,并残酷地谋杀了她,并在阿琼和警察到达之前逃脱。 Arjun 发现了 Reshma 的尸体,崩溃了,他感到内疚,并对她的死负有责任。Dheeraj 接下来瞄准了 Priya,他要求她拍照并试图折磨她,但 Arjun 救了她,并在警察出现时与 Dheeraj 打斗。他们请求阿琼不要杀死迪拉吉。随后,迪拉吉播放了他折磨瑞什玛时录制的磁带。听到瑞诗玛的哀求,阿尔琼因她的死而痛苦不堪,并为此自责,他愤怒地杀死了迪拉吉,一劳永逸地结束了他的恐怖统治。当电影结束时剧中,Arjun 与 Priya 一起参观教堂,暗示他对上帝有信仰,而 Priya 的濒临死亡让他意识到了自己对她的爱。

Arjun Bhagwat (Emraan Hashmi) is a money-hungry ex-police officer involved in crime. An atheist, he regularly visits church to donate money to orphans. Priya (Jacqueline Fernandez), a model, is in a passionate but confused relationship with Arjun. Priya is in love with Arjun, who lusts after her and uses her as a sex toy.Arjun makes a deal with a gangster and pimp, Sameer, in order to solve the mystery of unexplained disappearance of his prostitutes. While investigating, Arjun finds a phone number linked to the missing girls. He tells Sameer to send a prostitute to the number. Sameer decides to send Reshma (Sulagna Panigrahi), a 17-year-old college newcomer in the business, who has entered prostitution to feed her family, though keeps this a secret from them. Reshma is sent to the house of Dheeraj Pandey (Prashant Narayanan), who is actually a psychopathic murderer responsible for torturing and killing the missing hookers. He decides to do the same with Reshma and throws her in a dark well, with the intention of torturing her till she dies.Arjun finds out that Dheeraj is the murderer and tells the police. While Dheeraj is held in jail, the commissioner calls a psychiatrist to extract his confession. Dheeraj tells the doctor that he kills women because he thinks they take advantage of men. He also reveals that he castrated himself and became a eunuch to get rid of his sex addiction, with the help of a fellow eunuch and big-shot politician, Nirmala Pandit. Dheeraj is eventually let out under Nirmala Pandit's influence. Meanwhile, Reshma escapes from the well and tries to find her way out through the forest.Arjun meets Dheeraj's family, who reveal that Dheeraj used to beat his wife. He next meets a private dancer, Sonia, who had also been tortured by Dheeraj, but managed to escape. Arjun then meets an idol-maker who used to work with Dheeraj. The maker tells him that Dheeraj used to make idols of devils instead of deities and killed the factory-owner who tried to stop him. Inspector Sadaa (Sudhanshu Pandey) informs Arjun that Dheeraj is free, and the police try to track him down as quickly as possible. Nirmala and Dheeraj enter the same temple where Reshma is hiding. Nirmala and the priest, who had both been unaware of Dheeraj's true nature, are killed by Dheeraj, but not before the priest reveals that Reshma is there. Dheeraj finds the terrified Reshma and brutally murders her, escaping just before Arjun and the cops arrive. Arjun finds Reshma's body and breaks down, feeling guilty and responsible for her death.Dheeraj targets Priya next whom he calls for a photo shoot and tries to torture, but Arjun saves her, engaging Dheeraj in a fight as police officers show up. They request Arjun not to kill Dheeraj. Dheeraj then plays the tape he recorded when he was torturing Reshma. Hearing Reshma's pleading cries, Arjun, tormented by her death and blaming himself for it, furiously kills Dheeraj, ending his reign of terror once and for all. As the film ends, Arjun visits a church with Priya, implying that he had a faith in God and Priya's near death has made him realize his love for her.

《谋杀2/Murder 2》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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