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[原版] 《禁区/Forbidden Zone》(1980) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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影片于“4 月 17 日星期五”下午 4 点在加利福尼亚州威尼斯开始。哈克贝利·P·琼斯(吉恩·坎宁安饰)是当地的皮条客、毒品贩子和贫民窟领主,他走进了自己拥有的一所空置房屋。当他在地下室藏匿海洛因时,偶然发现一扇神秘的门并进入其中,坠入第六维度,并迅速逃离。 取回海洛因后,他将房子卖给了赫拉克勒斯家族。在上学的路上,“法国人”赫拉克勒斯(玛丽·帕斯卡尔·艾夫曼饰)和她的弟弟弗莱士(菲尔·戈登饰)与斯奎兹特·亨德森(马修·布莱特饰)交谈,后者告诉他们,在被母亲暴力殴打时,他他的变性双胞胎妹妹雷内(也由布莱特扮演)的幻象,她从大力神地下室的门掉进了第六维度。弗朗奇回到家向母亲吐露心声,并决定在地下室的禁门后面“稍微偷看一下”。到达第六维度后,她被人抓获。永远裸露上身的公主,为第六维度的统治者、侏儒国王福斯托(埃尔维·维尔柴兹饰)和他的王后多丽丝(苏珊·泰瑞尔饰)带来了法国风情。当国王爱上弗兰西时,多丽丝王后命令青蛙仆人巴斯特·罗德将她关起来。为了确保弗兰奇不受伤害,福斯托国王让巴斯特·罗德带弗兰奇到 63 号牢房,那里是国王关押他最喜欢的妃子(以及雷内)的地方。 第二天在学校,弗莱士试图说服斯奎兹特帮忙他救出了雷内和弗兰西。当斯奎兹特拒绝时,弗莱士转而寻求爷爷的帮助。在第六维度,他们与一位犹太老人交谈,老人告诉他们如何帮助弗兰西逃脱,但他们很快就被半身像罗德抓住了。多丽丝女王审问弗莱士和爷爷,然后将他们扔进一个大化粪池。然后,她策划了对弗兰奇的报复,将 63 号牢房的所有居民转移到酷刑室。她让公主监督弗朗西的酷刑和处决,但是当保险丝熔断,酷刑被搁置,63 号牢房的囚犯被重新安置,以防止国王找到他们。逃离化粪池后,弗莱士和爷爷遇到了一名妇女,她告诉他们,她曾经与国王,直到多丽丝通过引诱她窃取了王位,“尽管她不是我的类型”。这位前女王在她的牢房里坐了1000年,为了保持理智一直在写剧本。 与此同时,赫拉克勒斯爸爸因在高度高压的大桶中不正确地熄灭香烟而发生爆炸,被炸飞到平流层。在拉布雷亚焦油坑工厂工作期间,他接触到了易燃焦油。重新进入后,爸爸从赫拉克勒斯家族的地下室掉入第六维度,并被囚禁在那里。弗莱士找到了手机,给家里的斯奎兹特打电话,再次请求他的帮助。最后,斯奎兹特同意进入第六维度帮助营救弗朗西和雷内(主要是为了逃离虐待他的母亲)当他把她抱在一个喝醉的水手(乔·斯皮内尔饰)的怀里时......他恰好是他疏远的父亲)。进入第六维度后,斯奎兹特很快就被撒旦(丹尼·艾夫曼饰)和他的长袍爪牙俘获,他与撒旦达成协议,将公主带给他,以换取撒旦帮助释放雷内和弗兰奇。 斯奎兹特完成这项任务后,撒旦告诉他在斩首之前,他不要担心他的朋友。多丽丝王后派巴斯特·罗德监视国王,并确保他不会发现她藏匿法国人的地方。福斯托国王抓住了半身像罗德,并强迫他带他去见弗朗西和雷内,并命令他们离开第六维度以避免女王的愤怒。然而,在逃往安全地带的途中,​​雷内遭遇了假性经期痉挛,他们再次被青蛙捕获。挤压被砍下的头颅,现在已经长出了鸡翅,找到了国王,并告诉他发生了什么事。在准备杀死弗兰奇时,多丽丝遇到了前任女王,两人发生了一场争斗,多丽丝最终成为胜利者。正当她准备杀死弗兰西时,福斯托国王阻止了她,并解释说撒旦的奥因戈布因戈神秘骑士正在扣押公主,如果弗兰西发生任何事情,他们就会杀死她。闪电侠和爷爷到达,闪电侠被爷爷击倒。赫拉克勒斯妈妈进来了,看到似乎已经死了的闪电侠,射杀了多丽丝女王。福斯托国王哀悼多丽丝,然后与弗兰西结婚,让她成为他的下一任王后。 影片以另一首音乐剧结尾,展示了幸存的角色展望美好未来,计划接管银河系中的所有人和一切。

The film begins on "Friday, April 17" at 4 pm in Venice, California. Huckleberry P. Jones (Gene Cunningham), local pimp, narcotics peddler and slumlord, enters a vacant house that he owns. While stashing heroin in the basement, he stumbles upon a mysterious door and enters it, falling into the Sixth Dimension, from which he promptly escapes.After retrieving the heroin, he sells the house to the Hercules family. On their way to school, "Frenchy" Hercules (Marie-Pascale Elfman) and her brother Flash (Phil Gordon) have a conversation with Squeezit Henderson (Matthew Bright), who tells them that, while being violently beaten by his mother, he had a vision of his transgender twin sister René (also played by Bright), who had fallen into the Sixth Dimension through the door in the Hercules' basement. Frenchy returns home to confide in her mother, and decides to take just a "little peek" behind the forbidden door in the basement.After arriving in the Sixth Dimension, she is captured by the perpetually topless Princess, who brings Frenchy to the rulers of the Sixth Dimension, the midget King Fausto (Hervé Villechaize) and his queen, Doris (Susan Tyrrell). When the king falls for Frenchy, Queen Doris orders their frog servant, Bust Rod, to lock her up. In order to make sure that Frenchy is not harmed, King Fausto tells Bust Rod to take Frenchy to Cell 63, where the king keeps his favorite concubines (as well as René).The next day at school, Flash tries to convince Squeezit to help him rescue René and Frenchy. When Squeezit refuses, Flash enlists the help of Gramps instead. In the Sixth Dimension, they speak to an old Jewish man who tells them how to help Frenchy escape, but they soon are captured by Bust Rod. Queen Doris interrogates Flash and Gramps and then lowers them into a large septic tank. She then plots her revenge against Frenchy, relocating all the denizens of Cell 63 to a torture chamber. She leaves the Princess to oversee Frenchy's torture and execution, but when a fuse is blown, the torture is put on hold and the prisoners from Cell 63 are relocated to keep the King from finding them.After escaping the septic tank, Flash and Gramps come across a woman who tells them that she was once happily married to the king, until Doris stole the throne by seducing her, "even though she's not my type". The ex-queen has been sitting in her cell for 1,000 years, and has been writing a screenplay in order to keep her sanity.Meanwhile, Pa Hercules is blasted through the stratosphere by an explosion caused by improperly extinguishing his cigarette in a vat of highly flammable tar during his work break at the La Brea Tar Pit Factory. After re-entry, Pa falls through the Hercules family basement and into the Sixth Dimension, where he is imprisoned. Finding a phone, Flash calls Squeezit at his house and again asks for his help. Finally, Squeezit agrees to go into the Sixth Dimension to help rescue Frenchy and René (mostly in order to escape from his abusive mother when he catches her in the arms of a drunken sailor (Joe Spinell)... who happens to be his estranged father). Once in the Sixth Dimension, Squeezit is quickly captured by Satan (Danny Elfman) and his robed minions, with whom he makes a deal to bring him the Princess in exchange for Satan's help freeing René and Frenchy.After Squeezit accomplishes this task, Satan tells him not to worry about his friends before having him decapitated. Queen Doris sends Bust Rod to keep an eye on the king, and to ensure he doesn't find out where she's hidden Frenchy. King Fausto catches Bust Rod and forces him to lead him to Frenchy and René, whom he orders to leave the Sixth Dimension to avoid the Queen's wrath. However, en route to safety, René is stricken with pseudo-menstrual cramps, and they are again captured by the frog.Squeezit's severed head, which has now sprouted chicken wings, finds the king and informs him of what has happened. While preparing to kill Frenchy, Doris is confronted by the ex-queen, and the two engage in a cat-fight, with Doris eventually coming out as the victor. Just as she is about to kill Frenchy, King Fausto stops her, explaining that Satan's Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo are holding the Princess hostage, and will kill her should anything befall Frenchy. Flash and Gramps arrive, and Flash is knocked down by Gramps. Ma Hercules enters and, seeing a seemingly dead Flash, shoots Queen Doris. King Fausto mourns Doris, then marries Frenchy to make her his next queen.The film ends with another musical number showing the surviving characters looking toward a great future as they plan to take over everyone and everything in the Galaxy.

《禁区/Forbidden Zone》(1980) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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