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[原版] 《失眠/Sleepless》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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1983 年,意大利都灵,侦探尤利西斯·莫雷蒂调查谋杀现场,并告诉一个名叫贾科莫的小男孩,他会找到杀害他母亲的凶手,即使这要花上他的余生。十七年后。安吉拉是一名罗马妓女,她拒绝让一个男人对她做“恶心的事情”,他给了她钱并让她离开。在浴室清理完后,安吉拉听到那个看不见的男人在睡梦中咕哝着杀死“很多人”。安吉拉惊慌失措地跑开,撞翻了一张桌子(上面有几把刀),收拾好东西就离开了。在返回都灵的火车上,她发现自己无意中捡到了一份蓝色文件,里面装满了文章、死者照片以及约翰·麦肯齐的《死亡农场》诗。在回忆起过去涉及“矮人杀手”的谋杀案后,安吉拉用手机给她的朋友阿曼达打电话,告诉她有关文件的信息,并说在火车站与她见面。但一分钟后,凶手给安吉拉打电话,称她为小偷并威胁要杀死她,因为他在火车上。安吉拉沿着火车走廊奔跑,直到找到售票员并请他陪着她直到到达目的地。她回到小屋拿东西,听到一声响动,然后就跑了。她遇到了晕倒的售票员。她试图躲进另一个空车厢,但看不见的杀手抓住了她,并将她刺死。 阿曼达到达火车站,环视火车,发现了蓝色档案。她回到停车场的车上,但凶手就在那里等着她,并刺伤了她的脖子,杀死了她。当停车场服务员贝佩看到凶手拿着蓝色锉刀下车时,他在地上发现了一支金笔。不久之后,曼尼督察和其他警察到达现场,调查两起谋杀案,售票员告诉曼尼,安吉拉提到了杀人矮人。第二天早上,曼尼去看望莫雷蒂,莫雷蒂正在炭火中。他在 1983 年讲述了这起案件,他谈到了一名侏儒嫌疑人在因杀人而被逮捕之前被发现因涉嫌自杀而头部中枪的“悬而未决”的情况。莫雷蒂已经 70 多岁了,早已从警察队伍退休,他告诉曼尼,他的记忆力已经不如以前了。 在城镇的另一边,梅尔是一位年轻女子,她穿着紧身“小猫”服装在当地一家夜总会跳舞,当灯熄灭时,她去更衣室准备离开。她听到猫的嚎叫声,被保镖马可吓到了,马可告诉她保险丝盒短路了。他离开后,梅尔走上黑暗的楼梯到达出口,在顶部她看到一个穿着黄色夹克的人影。她以为是马可,直到这个人影转过身来,戴着兜帽。凶手抓住了她,但梅尔奋力反抗,抓伤了凶手的脖子,但被打倒了。凶手把她拖到维修室的一桶水里,淹死了她,然后她剪掉了指甲,以免留下皮肤 DNA 证据。曼尼和警察随后到达现场,并在梅尔的尸体附近发现了一只猫的尸体。曼尼向莫雷蒂通报了这起最新的谋杀案,年长的侦探告诉曼尼,凶手在 17 年前的“侏儒杀手”案件中曾留下过动物的剪纸。 与此同时,在罗马,莫雷蒂发誓要帮助他找到他的小男孩贾科莫杀害母亲的凶手正在当地一家中餐馆做服务员,这时他接到了十年未见的儿时好友洛伦佐的电话,洛伦佐催促他回到都灵帮助解决家庭问题。他的。贾科莫到达,洛伦佐让他住在他的家里。贾科莫随后前往莫雷蒂所在的警察局,听到他与曼尼交谈,并记得贾科莫说出他母亲的名字:玛丽亚·加洛。重逢后,贾科莫和莫雷蒂谈论了他们第一次见面时 17 年来发生的事情,然后他们去了玛丽亚被谋杀的现场。贾科莫告诉莫雷蒂,他看不到凶手的脸,但他记得事后听到了“口哨”或“嘶嘶”的声音。那天晚上,贾科莫与洛伦佐的家人一起吃晚饭,但他的父亲贝蒂先生找不到他的金笔。后来,洛伦佐向贾科莫讲述了他严厉的父亲希望他成为一名运动员并把他送到国外不同学校的事情,而贾科莫则谈到了与虐待他的父亲作斗争。贾科莫去看他的老同学格洛丽亚为歌剧院的观众演奏竖琴。之后,他、格洛亚、洛伦佐和他的女朋友,以及格洛丽亚的男朋友福斯托,一起去当地的一家夜总会参加聚会。福斯托谈到了最新的杀戮事件,认为矮人杀手文森佐·德·法布里蒂斯(又名:约翰·麦肯齐)是凶手,并表示他不认为这个人已经死了。第二天,贾科莫和莫雷蒂去了法布里蒂斯别墅,贾科莫认为他在窗户里看到了文森佐。他们遇到了一个名叫莱昂内的被遗弃者,他背诵着一首熟悉的诗句给莫雷蒂写了一首诗,但他说他不记得了。与此同时,贝佩与隐形杀手会面,提出归还他的金笔,并希望勒索金钱让他闭嘴。凶手给了贝佩一叠现金,贝佩把笔还给了凶手。但随后凶手在贝佩的手上写了一些东西,然后突然多次将笔塞进贝佩的头上。几分钟后,贾科莫和莫雷蒂到达现场,注意到贝普手上写着“我是坏男孩”。他们报了警,曼尼对他们两人试图自行调查谋杀案感到不安,并告诉他们退后一步,让警察做他们自己的工作。贾科莫和洛伦佐在酒吧遇见了他们的朋友。当他们回到餐桌旁时,洛伦佐不小心喝了贾科莫的啤酒,注意到一种奇怪的味道,然后倒下了。在医院里,贾科莫说毒药是为他准备的,洛伦佐的父亲贝蒂先生到达并告诉贾科莫要停下来。你远离他的儿子。贾科莫离开了,格洛丽亚跟着他跑了。因失眠而深夜醒来的莫雷蒂,回忆起这首童谣的另一节经文,相信凶手正在谋杀这首童谣。 第二天,朵拉,当地一家快餐店的女服务员,她的朋友们称她为“” “小兔子”因为门牙很大,正在工作,而看不见的杀手看到了她。那天晚上,多拉下了班,坐上火车,走到外面的公寓楼。当凶手跑过来袭击她时,她刚开门就走了。朵拉奋力反抗,用她巨大的兔牙咬住了凶手的手臂。但她被制服了,凶手将她的脸撞到墙上,打掉了她的兔牙。凶手在她的尸体旁边留下了一只兔子的剪影。莫雷蒂告诉贾科莫,文森佐说一份手稿被偷了,他相信凶手正在用它来杀人。在家里,他们遇到了文森佐年迈的母亲劳拉,他们问她关于他的书。格洛丽亚打电话给贾科莫,告诉他当晚他即将表演的《天鹅湖》。莫雷蒂发现了一本儿童读物《动物农场》,其中有几页缺失,他认为文森佐向凶手隐藏了原文的页面。他查看了乔治·奥威尔的旧书《动物农场》,找到了缺失的几页,其中包含童谣。最后一节经文,在一只猫和一只兔子死后,提到了杀死一只天鹅。贾科莫迅速开车前往天鹅湖演出并跑到后台,发现格洛丽亚还活着,而且安然无恙。但一分钟后,他们发现随着格洛丽亚的竖琴音乐跳舞的芭蕾舞演员玛拉已经死亡,并在更衣室里被斩首。 在当地的墓地,文森佐的棺材被挖出来,但尸体已经不见了。劳拉去莫雷蒂家里看望他,并表示她不​​希望谣言再次出现。她说她知道她的儿子已经死了,因为她不想让他因为自己没有犯下的谋杀罪而入狱,亲手开枪打死了他,并使其看起来像是自杀。莫雷蒂告诉她,所使用的枪从未被发现,劳拉告诉他她有这把枪。劳拉回到庄园,从一个隐蔽的地方取回手枪。她看到黑暗中一个矮小的身影向她走来,她向后退了一步,然后从栏杆上摔下来身亡。那天晚上,莫雷蒂给贾科莫打电话,并在格洛丽亚的答录机上留言。就在这时,电话线断了,然后灯灭了。莫雷蒂看到一个小人从黑暗中走出。莫雷蒂从办公桌抽屉里拿出一把手枪,连续射击,但那个人影不断靠近。突然,莫雷蒂捂住胸口,倒地身亡。第二天早上,在与格洛丽亚度过了一个充满激情的夜晚后,贾科莫终于在格洛丽亚的机器上听到了消息,其中莫雷蒂谈到了 1983 年在一个小社区发生的谋杀案,而现在这些谋杀案在 2000 年发生在整个城市,此外莫雷蒂还提到了他的座右铭中的“差异”她的杀戮和贝普手上的笔迹。随后曼尼打电话告诉贾科莫,莫雷蒂死于心脏病。贾科莫和格洛丽亚钻进她的车,载了流浪汉莱昂内一程。他被送下车后,贾科莫下车给了他一瓶留在后座的葡萄酒。在文森佐庄园的棚屋里,他看到莱昂内和一个木偶矮人,他跑回车上告诉格洛丽亚。贾科莫和格洛丽亚跟随莱昂内来到一栋公寓楼,格洛丽亚开车去报警,而贾科莫爬上栅栏走进去。在楼上,他发现莱昂内头部中弹身亡,贝蒂先生出现在房间里,朝贾科莫的肩膀开枪。洛伦佐和格洛丽亚冲进来,敲打前门并大喊大叫,贝蒂先生突然开枪自杀。洛伦佐和格洛丽亚跑了进来,洛伦佐看到父亲死去显然心烦意乱,他开始过度换气并使用哮喘吸入器。当洛伦佐走出房间去报警时,贾科莫告诉 G洛里亚 莫雷蒂学到的东西。 1983年的杀戮发生在一个小范围内,因为当时凶手还是个孩子,而现在到了2000年,凶杀案遍布整个城市,因为凶手现在已经是成年人,可以去任何他想去的地方。此外,孩子会从字面上理解这句押韵,而没有意识到“乐器”指的是武器。就在这时,洛伦佐回到房间,用一种冷笑、狂野的语气祝贺贾科莫解决了这一切。贾科莫从洛伦佐手中拿走了吸入器,并说那是他听到的嘶嘶声,并知道贝蒂先生知道他儿子被杀的事情,并把他送走了,以防止他再次杀人。洛伦佐说自己一个人过得很好,并把贾科莫叫回都灵,因为他想在两人之间玩一场游戏,这样洛伦佐就可以被抓住,那天晚上他甚至故意喝了一口贾科莫的毒啤酒,以转移任何注意力。怀疑离他而去。莱昂内是洛伦佐的同谋,他利用矮人木偶使其看起来像现在所有的杀戮都是由矮人干的。洛伦佐突然抓起一把刀抵住格洛丽亚的喉咙,威胁要杀死她,以免贾科莫再靠近他。贾科莫问洛伦佐为什么这么长时间没有杀人,为什么 17 年后又开始杀人。洛伦佐回答:“谁说我停下来了?”他讲述了瑞士、巴黎、德国、英国、西班牙和美国的其他地方在过去 17 年里发生了数十起悬而未决的杀戮事件,并回答说“他们也知道那里的童谣!”洛伦佐退到窗户边,威胁让贾科莫观看,这时曼尼和警察赶到,看到洛伦佐在窗户里开枪数次,简直把洛伦佐的脸打飞了。贾科莫和格洛丽亚拥抱在一起,警察跑进公寓,把他们挤到安全的地方。

In Turin, Italy, 1983, Detective Ulysses Moretti investigates a murder scene and tells a young boy named Giacomo that he will find his mother's killer, even if it takes the rest of his life.Seventeen years later. Angela, a Rome prostitute, refuses to let a man do "disgusting things" to her and he gives her money and tells her to leave. After cleaning up in the bathroom, Angela hears the unseen man mumble in his sleep about killing "lots of people". In a panic, Angela runs, knocks over a table (that has several knifes on it), gathers her things and leaves. On a train heading back to Turin, she realizes that she inadvertently picked up a blue-colored file which is full of articles, photos of dead people, and a copy of 'The Death Farm' poem by John McKenzie. After recalling a past murder case which involved "the dwarf killer" Angela calls her friend Amanda on her cell phone and tells her about the file and says to meet her at the train station. But a minute later, the killer calls Angela, calling her a thief and threatening to killer her for he is on the train. Angela runs down the train corridor until she finds a conductor and asks him to stay with her until reaching her destination. She returns to the cabin to get her things, hears a noise, and runs. She runs into the conductor who is knocked out cold. She tries to hide in another vacant cabin, but the unseen killer catches her, and stabs her to death.At the train station, Amanda arrives and looks around the train and finds the blue file. She goes back to her car in the parking lot, but the killer is there waiting for her, and stabs her in the neck, killing her. Beppe, the car lot attendant, finds a gold pen on the ground as he sees the killer get out of the car with his blue file. A little later, Inspector Manni and other cops arrive on the scene where they investigate both killings, and the conductor tells Manni about Angela mentioning the killer dwarf. The next morning, Manni goes to visit Moretti, who was in charge of the case back in 1983, and he talks about "loose ends" of the dwarf suspect being found shot in the head from a suspected suicide before he could be apprehended for the killings. Moretti, already in his 70s and long retired from the police force, tells Manni that his memory is not what it used to be.Across town, Mel, a young woman who dances in a skin-tight "kitty" costume at a local nightclub, prepares to leave when she goes to her dressing room when the lights go out. She hears the sounds of a cat howling and is scared by Marco, a bouncer who tells her that there is a short circuit in the fuse box. After he leaves, Mel goes up a dark staircase to the exit where at the top she sees a figure wearing a yellow jacket. She thinks it's Marco until the figure turns around, wearing a hood. The killer grabs her, but Mel puts up a fight, scratching the killer's neck, but gets punched out cold. The killer drags her to a tub of water in the maintenance room, where he drowns her, and then cuts off her fingernails as not to leave skin DNA evidence behind. Manni and the police arrive on the scene later and discover a cutout of a cat near Mel's dead body. Manni informs Moretti of this latest murder, and the elderly detective tells Manni that the killer used to leave cutouts of animals in the "dwarf killer" case 17 years earlier.Meanwhile in Rome, the young boy Giacomo, whom Moretti vowed to help find his mother's killer, is working as a busboy in a local Chinese restaurant when he gets a phone call from Lorenzo, an old childhood friend whom he hasn't seen in 10 years, who urges him to come back to Turin to help out with family problems of his. Giacomo arrives and Lorenzo lets him stay at his family house. Giacomo then goes to the police station where Moretti is there and hears him talking to Manni and remembers when Giacomo says his mothers name: Maria Gallo. Reunited, Giacomo and Moretti talk about what transpired during the 17 years when they first met, and they go to the scene of Maria's murder. Giacomo tells Moretti that he could not see the killers face, but he remembers a "whistling" or "hissing" sound afterwards.That evening, Giacomo eats dinner with Lorenzo's family where his father, Mr. Betti cannot find his gold pen. Later, Lorenzo talks to Giacomo about his stern father wanting him to be an athlete and sent him abroad to various schools, while Giacomo talks about fighting his abusive father. Giacomo goes to see his old school friend Gloria play a harp for a opera house crowd. Afterwords, he, Glroia, Lorenzo and his girlfriend, and Fausto, Gloria's boyfriend, go out to a local nightclub to party. Fausto talks about the latest killings and think that the dwarf killer, Vincenzo de Fabritiis (aka: John McKenzie) and says that he does not think that the man is dead. The next day, Giacomo and Moretti go to the Villa de Fabrittis and Giacomo thinks he sees Vincenzo in the window. They meet a derelict, named Leone, who recites a familiar verse of the poem to Moretti, but says that he cannot remember any more. Meanwhile, Beppe meets with the unseen killer about offering to give his gold pen back, and wants blackmail money to keep his mouth shut. The killer gives Beppe a wad of cash, and Beppe gives the killer back his pen. But then the killer writes something on Beppe's hand and suddenly shoves the pen into Beppe's head many times. Giacomo and Moretti arrive on the scene a few minutes later and notice the words I am a bad boy written on Beppes hand. They call the police, where Manni is upset that the two of them are trying to investigate the murders on their own and tells them to back off and let the police do their own work.Giacomo and Lorenzo meets their friends at a bar. When they sit back down at their table, Lorenzo accidentally drinks from Giacomo's glass of beer, notes a funny taste and collapses. In the hospital, Giacomo says that the poison was meant for him, and Lorenzo's father, Mr. Betti, arrives and tells Giacomo to stay away from his son. Giacomo leaves, and Gloria runs off after him. Moretti, up late at night because of his insomnia, recalls another verse of the rhyme and believes that the killer is murdering to the nursery rhyme.The following day, Dora, a waitress in a local fast-food restaurant whom her friends call her "little rabbit" because of her large front teeth, is working when the unseen killer sees her. That evening, Dora leaves work, gets on a train and walks outside to her apartment building. She just lets herself in the door when the killer runs up and attacks her. Dora puts up a fight by biting the killer's arm with her large front bunny teeth. But she gets overpowered and the killer slams her face into a wall, knocking out her front bunny teeth. The killer leaves a cutout of a rabbit by her dead body.Moretti tells Giacomo of a manuscript Vincenzo had said was stolen, believing the killer was using it to kill. At the house, they meet Vincenzo's elderly mother, Laura and they ask her about his books. Gloria calls Giacomo and tells him about Swan Lake which he is about to perform that night. Moretti finds a childrens book, 'Animal Farm', with pages missing., and he thinks that Vincenzo had hidden the pages of the original text from the killer. He looks at an old copy of George Orwell's book, 'Animal Farm', and finds the missing pages, which contain the nursery rhyme. The last verse, following the death of a cat, and a rabbit, mentions killing a swan. Giacomo quickly drives to the Swan Lake performance and runs backstage, and finds Gloria alive and well. But a minute later, they find Mara, the ballet dancer who danced to Gloria's harp music, dead and beheaded in her dressing room.At the local cemetery, Vincenzo's coffin is exhumed, but the corpse is gone. Laura goes to see Moretti at his house and says that she does not want the rumors to start again. She says that she knows her son is dead because, not wanting him to go to prison for murders that he did not commit, shot and killed him herself and made it look like a suicide. Moretti tells her that the gun used was never found, and Laura tells him that she has it. Laura goes back to the estate to retrieve the pistol from a hidden place. She sees a short figure approaching her in the dark, backs up, and falls off a railing to her death.That evening, Moretti phones Giacomo and leaves a message on Gloria's answering machine. Just then, the phone lines goes dead, then the light go off. Moretti sees a tiny person walking out of the darkness. Moretti takes out a pistol from his desk drawer and fires repeatedly, but the figure keeps on approaching. Suddenly, Moretti grabs his chest, and falls to the floor dead. The next morning, after spending a passionate night with Gloria, Giacomo finally hears the message on Gloria's machine where Moretti talks about the murders being in a small neighborhood in 1983, and they are now happening all over the city in 2000, plus Moretti mentions a "discrepancy" in his mothers killing and the handwriting on Beppes hand. Manni then calls and tells Giacomo that Moretti had died from a heart attack.Giacomo and Gloria get into her car and give the bum, Leone, a lift. He is dropped off and Giacomo gets out to give him a bottle of wine he left in the back seat. At the shed of the Vincenzo estate, he sees Leone with a puppet dwarf and he runs back to the car to tell Gloria. Giacomo and Gloria follow Leone to an apartment building, and Gloria goes to her car to call the police while Giacomo climbs a fence and walks inside. Upstairs, he finds Leone dead from a shot to the head and Mr. Betti appears in the room and shoots Giacomo in his shoulder. Lorenzo and Gloria rush in and pound and yell at the front door, and Mr. Betti suddenly shoots himself. Lorenzo and Gloria run in and Lorenzo is clearly distraught to see his father dead, in which he begins hyperventilating and uses his asthma inhaler.When Lorenzo walks out of the room to call the police, Giacomo tells Gloria what Moretti had learned. The killings in 1983 were in a small area because the killer was a child back then, and now in 2000, they are all over the city because the killer, now an adult, can go anywhere he wants. Additionally, a child would take the rhyme literally, not realizing "instrument" referred to a weapon. Just then Lorenzo returns to the room and, in a sneering, wild-eye tone, congratulates Giacomo of figuring it all out. Giacomo takes Lorenzo's inhaler away from him and says that was the hissing sound he heard, and knows that Mr. Betti knew about his sons killings and sent him away to prevent him from killing again. Lorenzo says that he was doing fine on his own and called Giacomo back to Turin because he wanted to play a game between the two of them so Lorenzo could get caught, and he even deliberately took a sip from Giacomo's poisoned beer that night to divert any suspicion away from him. Leone was Lorenzo's co-conspirator who used the dwarf puppet to make it look that a dwarf was doing all the killings of the present. Lorenzo suddenly grabs a knife and holds it against Gloria's throat, threatening to kill her of Giacomo approaches him any further. Giacomo asks Lorenzo why he did not kill anyone for this long and why did he start again after 17 years. Lorenzo replies: "who said I stopped?" He tells of other places in Switzerland, Paris, Germany, England, Spain and the USA where there have been dozens of unsolved killings over the past 17 years and replies "they know the nursery rhyme there too!" Backing up towards a window, Lorenzo threatens to make Giacomo watch, when Manni and the police arrive and seeing Lorenzo in the window, open fire several times, literally blowing Lorenzo's face off. Giacomo and Gloria embrace as the cops run inside the apartment and huddle them out to safety.

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