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[原版] 《小木屋的圣诞节/Christmas at the Chalet》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2023-11-27 11:20:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

尽管近二十年没有担任广播娱乐记者,莱克斯·莱利仍然保留了作为广播体育主播查尔斯·哈蒙德的妻子的名人地位。这就是为什么他们最近的离婚如此引人注目,他们的分手是因为他们的生活渐行渐远,莱克斯在家庭生活中感到舒适,而查尔斯则渴望名声带来的兴奋。虽然查尔斯有他的广播平台向世界展示他的表现有多好,但他们年轻的儿子乔治·哈蒙德希望莱克斯增加她的社交媒体形象,向世界表明她也没有因离婚而崩溃,特别是当查尔斯已经开始和他年轻得多的经理 Liese 约会。此外,尽管莱克斯和查尔斯同意圣诞节将是查尔斯和乔治在一起的时间,乔治还是在最后一刻鼓励她和他们以及莉丝一起去阿斯彭进行圣诞滑雪度假。莱克斯的圣诞节情况在最后一刻发生了变化,她接受了乔治的提议并获得了预订位于同一高档度假村 Chalet des Neiges。然而,当她抵达阿斯彭后,她发现她的预订没有成功,由于假期,阿斯彭任何地方都没有空房。她最终选择了唯一可用的东西,在木屋的员工宿舍里,作为一名木屋女孩工作——尽管存在性别限制,而且她不再是一个女孩——她的职责很像她在家里所做的事情。她继续遵循乔治的建议,在社交媒体世界中展示自己,并热情地记录自己作为“木屋人”的生活。 The Chalet 是一家家族企业,由出生于美国的法国人埃里克·特伦布莱 (Eric Tremblay) 经营。埃里克·特伦布莱 (Eric Tremblay) 的姐姐曾帮助经营该企业,但他的姐姐突然去世,他进入该企业是为了帮助他寡居的母亲席琳·特伦布莱 (Celine Tremblay)。当莱克斯和埃里克共度时光时,他们可能会帮助彼此找到各自下一个人生阶段想要的东西。当他们开始爱上彼此时,一条通往幸福生活的道路受到了查尔斯的威胁,他你发现他草率离婚的决定是错误的。——雨果

Despite not having worked as an on air entertainment reporter for close to two decades, Lex Riley has retained her celebrity status as the wife of on air sportscaster, Charles Hammond. That's why their recent divorce was so high profile, their split due to their lives drifting apart with Lex comfortable in her domesticity while Charles craves the excitement that fame brings. While Charles has his on air platform to show the world how well he's doing, their young adult son George Hammond wants Lex to increase her social media presence to show the world that she too is not crumbling under the divorce, especially as Charles has started to date his much younger manager, Liese. Also despite Lex and Charles having agreed that Christmas would be Charles' time with George, George encourages her at the last minute to join them - and Liese - on their Christmas ski getaway to Aspen. With a last minute change to Lex's Christmas situation, she accepts George's offer and is able to secure a reservation at the same upscale resort, Chalet des Neiges. However upon her arrival at Aspen, she finds that her reservation did not go through with no rooms available anywhere in Aspen due to the holidays. She ends up taking the only thing available, in the Chalet's staff quarters working as a chalet girl - despite the gender constraint and she no longer being a girl - whose duties are much like what she does at home. She continues with George's advice to put herself out there in the social media world as she documents her life as a "chalet person" with gusto. The Chalet is a family business run by American-born Frenchman Eric Tremblay, who came into the business to help his widowed mother, Celine Tremblay, upon the sudden death of his sister who previously helped run it. As Lex and Eric spend time together, they may help each other find what they want in their next respective phases of life. As they start to fall for each other, a path to a happily-ever-after is threatened by Charles, who may have found that his hasty decision to divorce was a wrong one.—Huggo

《小木屋的圣诞节/Christmas at the Chalet》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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