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[原版] 《沉默证人/Mute Witness》(1995) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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1993 年,莫斯科。在一座古老的电影制片厂大楼里,一位美国制片人正在拍摄一部低成本恐怖片。导演安迪·克拉克(埃文·理查兹饰)与女友凯伦·休斯(费伊·里普利饰)担任助理,女友的妹妹比利·休斯(玛丽娜·祖迪纳饰)担任 FX 化妆师。比利是一个非常漂亮的年轻金发女孩,但她没有说话的身体能力,甚至不能发出最轻微的声音。但她并不聋。除了这三个人之外,其余的船员都是俄罗斯人。其中,年轻英俊的助理摄影师廖沙(谢尔盖·卡连科夫饰)在他的灯光工程师朋友阿卡迪(伊戈尔·沃尔科夫饰)逗乐的目光下,试图与比利调情。所有演员也是俄罗斯人。其中一名本应被刺死的女演员,由于表演过度,打破了片场的几件道具。工作室已经快关门了,没有时间修理道具,安迪决定回家了。在停车场,安迪和凯伦提醒比利,她被邀请到他们的公寓吃晚饭。然后比利想起她忘了带一个她必须修理的面具,然后回到大楼,而所有其他汽车都在离开。回到她的车间,比利没有找到她的面具,但是,透过她的窗户,看到看门人(尼古拉·帕斯图霍夫饰)准备关闭并锁上大院的大门。她敲击窗栏以吸引他的注意,但没有成功。她冲下楼,却发现大楼的门已经锁上了。比利给她姐姐打电话。她可以通过点击听筒的麦克风与姐姐交流。比利告诉她发生了什么事。挂断电话后,比利冲下楼,因为她听到其中一个片场传来一些声音。她在没有被注意到的情况下进入了片场,Lyosha 正在那里拍摄一部色情电影。一名丰满的裸体金发女郎正在与一名戴着面具的半裸男子发生性关系。比利有点尴尬又好笑。布当蒙面男子拔出一把大刀开始刺伤女子并最终杀死她时,她不再感到好笑。这两个人正在制作一部所谓的“鼻烟电影”,这是一部真正有人被杀的电影。在地下世界,这样的电影应该以非常高的价格卖给非常有钱的人。比利开始用完片场,但她撞倒了一个帽架,将一张软盘放在一个木制衣柜下面。廖沙听到了帽架倒下的声音,开始追赶比利。比利躲在长长的走廊里的自动售货机后面。当廖沙(Lyosha)搜查通往走廊的一间房间时,比利(Billy)偷走了走廊尽头紧急门的钥匙。但她没有时间打开紧急门,因为廖沙又回到了走廊里。比利躲在走廊上的一个房间里。她从一个房间走到另一个房间,到达一部故障的电梯,并开始使用 eme 沿着电梯井爬下去。政府阶梯。与此同时,阿尔卡迪在走廊里遇见了他的朋友廖沙。然后我们了解到阿卡迪就是杀死这个可怜女人的蒙面男子。比利用牙齿咬着紧急门的钥匙,但她把它掉了。它落入竖井底部的机舱。比利爬下竖井,透过屋顶上的铁丝网往舱内看。她看到小屋的门大开着,钥匙不在小屋内,而是在靠近门的外面,在地下室层的平台上。阿卡迪和廖沙走进来,手里拿着大塑料袋,他们把塑料袋推到机舱下方的竖井底部。钥匙和袋子一起掉了。当他们离开后,比利到小屋下面去找她的钥匙。她不仅找到了钥匙,还发现袋子里是那个可怜的被谋杀妇女的遗体。她开始跑回紧急门,但被廖沙和阿卡迪发现了。尽管如此,她还是到达了紧急门,门被打开了。但是,在她把门锁回去之前,莱奥莎猛烈地把门推开,比利从外面的紧急走廊跌落到一大堆用过的胶片盒上。在莱奥莎杀死比利之前,凯伦、安迪和看门人找到了她。当安迪和看门人去找医生时,廖莎握住比利的手,阻止她解释她姐姐的遭遇。他假装她不能动,否则她可能会瘫痪。 稍后,在该女子被谋杀的场景内,两名身穿制服的警察在凯伦的帮助下审问比利。但廖沙和阿卡迪向警察解释这是一起“假谋杀案”,并向他们展示了一把带有可伸缩刀片的假道具刀,上面附有一袋假血。他们甚至把自己的一部电影送给了警察。然后他们都到地下室去查看电梯井底部的塑料袋。但袋子里除了垃圾什么也没有,比利、凯伦、安迪和两名警察离开了工作室。 在地下室巡逻,看门人在焚化炉中发现了正在燃烧的头骨,但他被阿尔卡迪杀死了。与此同时,凯伦、安迪和比利正在一家餐厅吃饭。凯伦仍然相信她的姐姐说的是实话,即使与给她的所有“证据”相反。 在工作室大院的院子里,Lyosha和Arkadi正在等待他们的大老板,称为“收割者”(亚历克爵士)吉尼斯),他开着一辆黑色豪华轿车进来,周围是其他汽车,里面满是他的保镖。死神告诉他们,除非杀死比利,否则他们不会得到报酬。安迪的父亲是一位高级政客,他打电话给美国大使秘书洛维特先生(斯蒂芬·布瑟饰),洛维特先生立即见到了高级政客亚历山大·拉森(奥列格·扬科夫斯基饰)。警官,扮演卧底侦探,追踪以死神为首的犯罪组织的活动。 与此同时,比利回到了她的公寓,在那里她可以通过一台电脑与她的妹妹交流,电脑将她输入的内容翻译成中文合成口语与此同时,拉森和洛维特正在观看阿尔卡迪和廖沙送给警察的影片。其实,这不是Lyosha拍的那部鼻烟电影,而是Andy拍的电影,里面那个笨蛋女演员破了一半片场。晚上晚些时候,洛维特打电话给安迪,告诉他“好消息”。睡觉前,凯伦打电话给她的妹妹,检查她是否还好。当他们说话时,有人按响了比利公寓的门铃。阿卡迪试图进入比利的公寓,但她成功地当着他的面把门关上。不幸的是,阿卡迪开始用电钻拧开门锁。听到声音后,凯伦立即决定去她姐姐那里,这样比利就不能再叫她回来了。比利试图通过接线员报警,但接线员听不懂合成语音机所说的内容。当她最终找到一个英语说得很好的人时,阿卡迪成功地进入了比利的公寓,并且他扯断了电话线。比利从她的厨房拿了一把大刀,她试图让阿卡迪远离她。他们在公寓里到处打架,摔坏东西,最后比利把一个大花瓶撞到了阿卡迪的头上。比利把自己锁在浴室里,而廖沙则在她的公寓里走来走去。阿卡迪试图砸开浴室的门,当他最终成功时,却掉进了装满水的浴缸里。比利将电吹风扔进浴缸,阿卡迪触电身亡。她试图冲出公寓,但被廖沙抓住。他希望她告诉他正在寻找的一张重要软盘在哪里(实际上,当比利撞倒片场的帽架时,我们在大衣柜下面看到了这张软盘)。他给了比利一支笔让他写下来,但她用笔猛烈地刺进了廖沙的腿。但是,在他对比利采取任何行动之前,他被拉森击倒了,拉森迅速将比利带出了公寓,进入了他的房间。车。拉森的车后面跟着沃特舒克的车。沃特舒克(亚历山大·皮亚托夫饰)是死神的得力助手,也是他唯一真正信任的助手。 拉森和比利离开后不久,凯伦和安迪进入了公寓。他们发现公寓被毁,阿尔卡迪的尸体在浴缸里。由于害怕廖沙,他们把自己锁在一间卧室里。沃特舒克派来的两名假警察走进公寓,杀死了廖沙,将安迪和凯伦带出了上锁的卧室,并开始询问他们丢失的软盘的情况;与此同时,拉森在他的车里向比利解释说,丢失的软盘包含关于死神犯罪组织的非常重要的数据。比利突然记起了软盘在哪里,但当她听到拉森对着对讲机用俄语与瓦特舒克交谈时,她对他产生了怀疑。为了迫使他停车,她打了他的私处,然后用她在停车场找到的手铐将他的手绑在方向盘上。ve隔间。她下了车,开始朝沃特舒克的车跑去。但她犹豫了一下,停下来,回到了拉森的车里,拉森在沃特舒克的追随者抓住她之前开走了。与此同时,两个假警察仍在试图让安迪和凯伦告诉他们丢失软盘的事情。一名警察用枪指着安迪的头,但凯伦非常谨慎地拉开了他脚下的地毯,警察摔倒了,无意中开枪杀死了他的同事。然后凯伦用电话听筒击打倒地警察的头部,将其击倒,然后用一把扶手椅砸在他的头上结束了他的生命。与此同时,拉森和比利已经到达工作室大楼。比利释放了拉森,他们走进大楼,并从里面锁上了门。瓦特舒克把车停在大楼外的院子里,周围是其他满载枪手的汽车。安迪和凯伦把车停在大院附近的街道上,翻墙进入。在大楼一侧,拉森在衣柜下发现了软盘,但瓦特舒克走进来,拉森扮演卧底特工的角色,首先假装站在瓦特舒克一边对抗比利,但随后用枪托击中了瓦特舒克的头部与此同时,安迪和凯伦成功进入大楼,但在进去之前,他们看到死神的汽车在院子里行驶。一进门,他们就看到拉森用枪指着比利带出了大楼。死神命令拉森射杀她,拉森照做了。比利倒在地上,浑身是血。收割者满意地命令所有枪手离开大院。当拉森走回大楼内时,凯伦狠狠地打了他一拳,然后走到她死去的妹妹身边,却发现她并没有死,而且只使用了一把她的FX小工具假装她被枪杀并浑身是假血。在大楼内,安迪试图用拉森的枪射击拉森,却发现枪里装的是空弹。拉森和安迪出去见比利,我们了解到比利已经爱上了拉森。拉森将瓦特舒克塞进自己的车里,他的嘴被堵住了,全身都被绑了起来。但沃特舒克惊恐的表情让比利感到担忧,因为他无法说话,但他比其他人更能读懂面孔。就在汽车爆炸之前,她让拉森从车里出来,炸死了沃特舒克,但拉森没有死。

Moscow, 1993. In an old cinema studio building, an American producer is filming a low budget slasher film. The director, Andy Clark (Evan Richards), is working with his girlfriend, Karen Hughes (Fay Ripley), as his assistant, and his girlfriend's sister, Billy Hughes (Marina Zudina), as his FX make-up artist. Billy is a very pretty young blonde girl, but she doesn't have the physical ability to speak, not even to utter the merest sound. But she isn't deaf.Beside those three, all the rest of the crew is Russian. Among them, Lyosha (Sergei Karlenkov), the young and handsome assistant cameraman, is trying to flirt with Billy, under the amused eye of his friend Arkadi (Igor Volkov), one the light engineers. All the cast is also Russian. One of the female actress, who is supposed to have been stabbed to death, is overacting her part and breaks several props on the set. It is almost closing time in the studio, and there is no time to fix the props, so Andy decides it is time to go home.On the parking lot, Andy and Karen reminds Billy she is invited for dinner in their apartment. Then Billy remembers she forgot to take a mask she has to fix, and goes back in the building, while all the other cars are leaving.Back in her workshop, Billy doesn't find her mask, but, through her window, sees the janitor (Nikolai Pastukhov) ready to close and lock the main gate of the compound. She hits the bars of the window to attract his attention, but doesn't succeed. She rushes downstairs, only to find the doors of the building already locked. Billy telephones her sister. She can communicate with her sister by tapping on the microphone of the handset. Billy tells her what happened. After she hung up, Billy rushes downstairs, because she heard some voices coming from one of the sets.Without being noticed, she enters the set, where Lyosha is filming a porn movie. A plump naked blonde woman is having sex with a half-dressed man wearing a mask. Billy is both slightly embarrassed and amused. But she stops being amused when the masked man pulls a huge knife and starts stabbing the woman, and eventually kills her. The two men are making what is called a «snuff movie», which is a movie where people are really killed. In the underground world, such movies are supposed to be sold to very rich people for a very high price.Billy starts running out of the set, but she knocks a hatstand down, sending a diskette under a wooden wardrobe. Lyosha, who heard the noise made by the falling hatstand, starts running after Billy. Billy hides behind a vending machine in a long corridor. While Lyosha is searching one the rooms that opens on the corridor, Billy steals the key of the emergency door at the end of the corridor. But she doesn't have time to open the emergency door, because Lyosha is back in the corridor. Billy hides in one of the rooms opening on the corridor.Going from room to room, she reaches an out-of-order elevator and starts climbing down the shaft of the elevator using the emergency ladder. Meanwhile Arkadi meets his friend Lyosha in the corridor. We then understand that Arkadi is the masked man who killed the poor woman.Billy has the key to the emergency door between her teeth but she drops it. It falls down into the cabin, at the bottom of the shaft. Billy climbs down the shaft and looks inside the cabin through the chicken wire on the roof. She sees that the cabin door is wide open, and that the key is not inside the cabin, but just outside near the door, on the landing of the basement level. Arkadi and Lyosha walk in, carrying large plastic bags, which they push under the cabin into the bottom of the shaft. The key drops with the bags.When they are gone, Billy goes under the cabin to find her key. She not only finds her key, but also discovers that, inside the bags, are the remains of the poor murdered woman. She starts running back toward the emergency door, but she is spotted by Lyosha and Arkadi. Nevertheless, she reaches the emergency door, which she opens.But, before she can lock it back, Lyosha violently pushes it open and Billy falls from the outside emergency gallery down onto a huge pile of used film boxes.Before Lyosha can kill Billy, Karen, Andy and the janitor find her. While Andy and the janitor go get a doctor, Lyosha holds Billy's hands to prevent her explaining what happened to her sister. He pretends she mustn't move or she could get paralyzed.Slightly later, inside the set where the woman was murdered, two uniformed policemen are questioning Billy with Karen's help. But Lyosha and Arkadi explain to the policemen it was a «fake murder», and show them a fake prop knife with a retractable blade and a pouch of fake blood attached to it. They even give one of their films to the policemen. Then they all go down in the basement to look at the plastic bag in the bottom of the elevator shaft. But there is nothing but rubbish in the bags, and Billy, Karen, Andy and the two policemen leave the studio.Patrolling the basement, the janitor finds a skull burning in the incinerator, but he is killed by Arkadi. Meanwhile, Karen, Andy and Billy are eating in a restaurant. And Karen still believes her sister is telling the truth, even against all the «proofs» that were given to her.In the yard of the studio compound, Lyosha and Arkadi are waiting for their Big Boss, called «The Reaper» (Sir Alec Guiness), who comes in a black limousine, surrounded by other cars, full of his bodyguards. The Reaper tells them they won't get paid until they kill Billy.Andy, whose father is a high level politician, calls the US ambassador's secretary, Mr Lovett (Stephen Bouser), who immediately meets Alexander Larsen (Oleg Yankovsky), a high-rank police officer, who is acting as an undercover detective to track the activities of the criminal organization led by The Reaper.Meanwhile, Billy is back in her apartment, where she can communicate with her sister through a computer which translates what she types into synthetic spoken language.Meanwhile, Larsen and Lovett are watching the film that was given to the policemen by Arkadi and Lyosha. Actually, it is not the snuff movie made by Lyosha, but the movie made by Andy, in which the stupid actress is breaking half of the set. Later in the night, Lovett calls Andy to give him «the good news».Before going to bed, Karen calls her sister to check that she is okay. While they are speaking, someone rings the doorbell in Billy's apartment. It is Arkadi who tries to get in Billy's apartment, but she succeeds in slamming the door in his face. Unfortunately, Arkadi starts unscrewing the lock of the door with a power drill.When she heard the noise, Karen immediately took the decision to go to her sister's place, so Billy can't call her back. Billy tries to call the police through the operator, but the operator doesn't understand what the synthetic voice machine says. When she eventually gets someone who speaks good English, Arkadi has succeeded in entering Billy's apartment, and he tears the telephone cord off. Billy has taken a big knife from her kitchen and she tries to keep Arkadi away from her. They fight all around the apartment, breaking things, and eventually Billy crashes a big vase on Arkadi's head.Billy locks herself in the bathroom while Lyosha walks in her apartment. Arkadi tries to smash the bathroom door open, and when he eventually succeeds, it is to fall into the bathtub full of water. Billy throws the electric hair-drier in the bathtub and Arkadi dies from electrocution.She tries to rush out of her apartment, but Lyosha catches her. He wants her to tell him where is an important diskette he is looking for (Actually, it is the diskette we saw going under the big wardrobe, when Billy knocked the hatstand down on the set). He gives a pen to Billy to write it down, but she drives the pen violently into Lyosha's leg. But, before he can do anything back to Billy, he is knocked out by Larsen, who takes rapidly Billy out of the apartment, and into his car. Larsen's car is followed by Wartschuk's car. Wartschuk (Alexander Piatov) is The Reaper's right-hand man, the only one of his assistants he really trusts.Very shortly after Larsen and Billy's departure, Karen and Andy enter the apartment. They find the apartment trashed and Arkadi's corpse in the bathtub. Afraid of Lyosha, they lock themselves in one of the bedroom. Two fake policemen, sent by Wartschuk, walk into the apartment, kill Lyosha, take Andy and Karen out of the locked bedroom, and start asking them about the missing diskette;Meanwhile, in his car, Larsen explains to Billy that the missing diskette contains very important data about The Reaper's criminal organization. Billy suddenly remembers where the diskette is, but when she hears Larsen talking in Russian to Wartschuk into a walkie-talkie, she gets suspicious about him. To force him to stop the car, she hits him in his private parts and then ties his hand on the steering-wheel with the handcuffs she found in the glove compartment. She gets out of the car, and starts running toward Wartschuk's car. But she hesitates, stops and comes back into Larsen's car, who drives away just before Wartschuk's henchman catches her.Meanwhile, the two fake policemen are still trying to get Andy and Karen to tell them about the missing diskette. One of the policemen puts his gun on Andy's head, but, very discreetly, Karen pulls the rug from under his feet, The policeman falls down and inadvertently shoots his gun and kills his colleague. Then Karen knocks the fallen policeman out by hitting him on the head with the telephone handset, then finishes him by crashing an armchair on his head.Meanwhile, Larsen and Billy have reached the studio building. Billy frees Larsen and they walk inside the building, and lock the doors from the inside. Outside the building, Wartschuk parks on the yard surrounded by other cars full of gunmen. Andy and Karen park in the street near the compound and enters it by going over the wall.Inside the building, Larsen finds the diskette under the wardrobe, but Wartschuk walks in and Larsen, playing his part as an undercover agent, first pretends to be on Wartschuk's side against Billy, but then hits Wartschuk on the head with the butt of his gun.Meanwhile, Andy and Karen succeeds in entering the building, but before going in, they see The Reaper's car driving in the compound. Once inside, they see Larsen bringing Billy out of the building at gunpoint. The Reaper orders Larsen to shoot her, which he does. Billy falls on the ground, covered with blood. Satisfied, The Reaper orders all his gunmen to drive out of the compound.When Larsen walks back inside the building, Karen punches him very hard and then walks out to her dead sister, only to find out she is NOT dead and has only used one of her FX gadgets to pretend she was shot and covered with fake blood. Inside the building, Andy tries to shoot Larsen with Larsen's gun, only to discover it is loaded with blank cartridges.Larsen and Andy walk out to meet Billy, and we understand that Billy has fallen in love with Larsen. Larsen puts Wartschuk, gagged and all tied up, in his car. But something in Wartschuk's frightened expression worries Billy, who, not been able to talk, reads faces better than other people. She makes Larsen come out of the car, just before the car explodes, killing Wartschuk, but not Larsen.

《沉默证人/Mute Witness》(1995) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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