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[原版] 《太平洋/The Pacific》(2010) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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当地体育记者罗伯特·莱基加入了美国海军陆战队,并承诺给女邻居维拉写信。医生的儿子尤金·斯莱奇也想参军,但据父亲所说,他有“心脏杂音”,而他的朋友西德尼则没有参军。罗伯特和西德尼都被派往瓜达尔卡纳尔岛,在那里与日本人发生了激烈的战斗。美国海军陆战队士官约翰·巴西隆 (John Basilone) 因使用机枪而出名,他将机枪带到敌人攻击的任何地方,甚至不惜牺牲自己的手,必须用机枪抓住过热的枪管。战斗胜利后,海军陆战队员被送往澳大利亚休息和娱乐,在那里他们与当地女士发生性关系;然而,巴西隆却因英雄事迹而被授予勋章,并与其他人分开并被送回美国,以促进美国战争债券的销售。海军陆战队员们返回战场(莱基因阴雨天气而出现遗尿症,短暂地离开了他们),并且最终,斯莱奇加入了迫击炮班,他的健康状况表面上有所改善。斯莱奇与他的朋友短暂会面,然后后者返回美国。斯莱奇最终也和他的队友(绰号“搞砸了”)成为了朋友。海军陆战队登陆贝里琉岛并进行了一场残酷的战斗,莱基受伤并被疏散,还有许多人丧生。与此同时,巴西隆厌倦了作为战争债券努力的代言人过上流的生活,并返回训练营训练海军陆战队员。在那里,他遇到了一位意大利裔美国女军人(她是厨房里的萨金特),并最终与她结婚。后来,他的部队驶向硫磺岛,巴西隆很快在英雄主义的慢镜头中被枪杀,其他许多人也被枪杀。与此同时,斯莱奇成为一名专家战士,因为他的迫击炮小队现在正在冲绳岛。在那里,随着精神压力的增加和残暴行为的增加,有消息称“一种新型炸弹”被投向日本,日本内塞很快就投降了。莱基回到家并开始与维拉约会,他给维拉写了很多信,但从未寄出任何一封,因为他相信自己会死。斯莱奇服役 6 个月后回到家,患有创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD),而他的朋友西德尼调整得好多了,但仍然忠于他的朋友。

Robert Leckie, a local sports journalist, enlists in the United States Marine Corps, promising to write to a female neighbour, Vera. A doctor's son, Eugene Sledge, also wants to enlist, but he has a "heart murmur" as told by his father, and his friend, Sidney, enlists without him. Robert and Sidney are both sent to the island of Guadalcanal, where fierce fighting ensues against the Japanese. An USMC NCO, John Basilone, distinguishes himself by his service at the machine gun, carrying it to wherever the enemy attacks even at the cost of his hand, with which he has to grab the overheated barrel. After the battle is won, the marines are sent for rest and recreation in Australia, where they start sexual relations with local ladies; Basilone, however, is separated from the rest and sent back to the US to promote the sale of US war bonds, having been decorated for his heroism. The marines return to the fray (Leckie briefly leaving them as he develops enuresis from the rainy weather), and are eventually joined by Sledge, whose health has ostensibly improved, and who is in the mortar squad. Sledge meets up with his friend briefly, before the latter returns back to the US. Sledge also eventually befriends his squadmate, nicknamed "Snafu". The marines land on and fight a brutal campaign on the island of Peleliu, where Leckie is wounded and evacuated, and many others perish. Meanwhile, Basilone is tired of living the high life as the poster boy for the war bonds effort and returns to train marines at the bootcamp. There he meets and eventually marries a fellow Italian-American servicewoman (who is a Sargent at the kitchen). Later, his unit ships to Iwo Jima where Basilone is soon shot and killed among many others, in a moment of heroism and in slow motion. Meanwhile, Sledge becomes an expert warrior as his mortar squad now is at the island of Okinawa. There, as mental strain increases and brutality grows, news arrive that "a new type of bomb" was dropped on Japan, and the Japanese soon surrender. Leckie returns home and begins dating Vera, to whom he wrote many letters but never sent any, believing he'd die. Sledge returns home after 6 months more of service and has PTSD, while his friend Sidney adjusts much better, but remains loyal to his friend.

《太平洋/The Pacific》(2010) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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