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[原版] 《阿提拉/Attila》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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公元 400 年,颓废衰弱的罗马帝国仍然是地球上最强大的国家。但在东方,一个凶猛的新民族崛起了,那就是匈奴。一个古老的预言讲述了一位伟大的国王将联合匈奴人并挑战罗马对世界的控制权。年轻的阿提拉(罗洛·威克斯饰)从小就听着父亲蒙祖克国王(乔里恩·贝克饰)谈论未来匈奴人征服“西部土地”的故事。 。在他们的部落被另一个部落屠杀后,10 岁的阿提拉和他的哥哥布莱达由叔叔国王鲁阿(史蒂文·伯克夫饰)抚养长大。占卜师盖伦(波林·林奇饰)向阿提拉讲述了她的幻象,他是古代预言中伟大的国王。多年后,成年的阿提拉(杰拉德·巴特勒饰)与鲁阿并肩而行,颤抖的罗马依然屹立不倒,只是因为匈奴人不知道帝国已经变得多么弱小。为了应对威胁,普拉西迪亚太后(爱丽丝·克里奇饰)被迫求助于前陆军将军弗拉维乌斯·埃提乌斯(鲍沃斯·布斯饰)。他曾经生活在匈奴,知鲁阿。普拉西迪亚囚禁了埃提乌斯,因为埃提乌斯在她为儿子、现任无能的皇帝瓦伦提尼安三世(雷格·罗杰斯饰)摄政期间试图废黜她。现在她释放了埃提乌斯,埃提乌斯与女儿莉迪亚(凯特·史蒂文森·佩恩饰)高兴地重聚。阿提拉袭击了罗马领土内的一个村庄,并带回了几名俘虏,其中包括女人恩卡拉(西蒙·杰德·麦金农饰)。由于在突袭中没有看到任何士兵,他得出结论,罗马实际上毫无防御能力,攻克时机已经成熟。然而,鲁阿拒绝冒险唤醒沉睡的狮子。盖伦鼓励阿提拉坚持她对战神的愿景。经过一场艰苦的战斗,神睡着了,他的剑掉到了地上。谁找到了它,谁就统治了世界。布莱达(汤米·弗拉纳根饰)是无子嗣的鲁阿王位继承人,而阿提拉却出现在盖伦的幻象中。鉴于阿提拉的罗马战利品的第一选择,布莱达恶意地夺走了恩卡拉。盖伦敦促阿提拉保持耐心;他的时代将会到来。下 H按照传统,女人在生下孩子之前不属于男人,因此盖伦还帮助恩卡拉避免布莱达怀孕。匈奴人继续袭击罗马领土。瓦伦提尼安想要反击,但埃提乌斯建议,转移罗马有限的军事力量来阻止匈奴人会招致西哥特人的进攻。匈奴人首先让西哥特人反对帝国,导致分裂为瓦伦提尼安统治的西方和狄奥多西(蒂姆·克里饰)统治的东方。罗马必须避免同时与匈奴人和西哥特人作战。埃提乌斯策划并“挫败”了一次对瓦伦提尼安的暗杀企图,使之看起来像是普拉西迪亚为重新获得摄政王权力而做的。皇帝同意不会立即对他的母亲采取行动。埃提乌斯随后拜访了鲁阿,并告诉他西哥特人计划同时攻击匈奴和罗马。鲁阿向埃提乌斯讲述了阿提拉和布莱达的竞争,并指出了人民中的恩卡拉。 在埃提乌斯和阿提拉的领导下,罗马人与匈奴人在战斗中彻底击败了西哥特人。西哥特国王狄奥多里克(利亚姆·坎宁安饰)向宿敌投降后询问“女孩是否安好”。埃提乌斯拒绝透露有关莉迪亚的任何事情。阿提拉陪埃提乌斯回到罗马,瓦伦提尼安的妹妹霍诺丽娅(柯斯蒂·米切尔饰)不失时机地成功引诱了匈奴人。在罗马呆了几周后,阿提拉收到鲁阿去世的消息并返回家中。布莱达即将加冕为国王,阿提拉向他发起决斗。那天晚上,盖伦向阿提拉承认,布莱达强迫她在比赛中给他注射了一种无法检测到的毒药。第二天早上,当兄弟俩在马背上互相射箭时,盖伦进行了一个魔法仪式,将她的力量转移给阿提拉,同时她吸收了他受伤的影响。阿提拉因此两次被毒箭射中而幸存,并最终杀死了布莱达。盖伦去世,阿提拉夺取了王位,恩卡拉。阿提拉将各个匈奴部落统一在他的统治之下。恩卡拉去世于分娩。阿提拉在盖伦的坟墓里发现了传说中的战神之剑。他继续征服其他国家,包括东罗马帝国的部分地区。罗马仍然是自由的,但如果东部首都君士坦丁堡陷落,那么罗马将是唯一剩下的目标。埃提乌斯准备前往君士坦丁堡并亲自处理局势。霍诺丽亚被发现密谋反对瓦伦提尼安,瓦伦提尼安将她与埃提乌斯一起送往东方。艾提乌斯告诉莉迪亚,霍诺丽娅正在被流放。阿提拉的副官俄瑞斯忒斯(安德鲁·普莱文饰)告诉他的国王,匈奴人想知道为什么阿提拉不攻击罗马。有些人认为这是因为他害怕埃提乌斯。 在君士坦丁堡,一个令人惊讶的霍诺丽亚被送给了一座修道院。为了打破阿提拉对东帝国的控制,狄奥多西制定了暗杀他的计划。狄奥多西的女奴之一伊尔迪科(又名西蒙·杰德·麦金农饰)与已故的恩卡拉非常相似。埃提乌斯提出帮助她为匈奴人摧毁她的村庄报仇,但他们却溜了伪装成平民进入阿提拉的营地。狄奥多西的刺客任务失败后,埃提乌斯的存在被发现。埃提乌斯拒绝了阿提拉加入他的提议,阿提拉也拒绝了埃提乌斯提出的和平条约的请求。阿提拉将伊尔迪科视为他的奴隶。一段浪漫的爱情正在绽放,正当他们即将结婚之际,霍诺丽娅发来了一条消息。如果阿提拉将她从修道院中救出来,她提出嫁给他,并以半个西罗马帝国作为她的嫁妆。阿提拉现在有了进攻罗马的完美借口。狄奥多西高兴地送霍诺丽娅回国,并祝埃提乌斯在对抗匈奴时好运。 当阿提拉取道高卢向罗马进军时,埃提乌斯准备在罗马控制的高卢城市奥尔良进行抵抗。普拉西迪亚建议他制定应急计划,以防城市陷落。埃提乌斯驳回了与西哥特人结盟的想法,但普拉西迪亚知道毫无戒心的莉迪亚是狄奥多里克的女儿。阿提拉占领奥尔良,埃提乌斯请求莉迪亚与他一起前往高卢谷当普拉西迪娅带着霍诺丽娅来请求她哥哥的原谅时,恩蒂尼安正在洗澡。将妹妹送回监狱后,他就暗杀企图与母亲对峙。母子俩随后意识到埃提乌斯是如何操纵他们的。 罗马和西哥特军队在高卢会师。正如所料,狄奥多里克希望他的女儿回来,以换取与罗马结盟。埃提乌斯最后的恳求失败了,他把莉迪亚送回了多年前他偷走她的父亲身边。 匈奴人在查隆斯村附近与罗马人和西哥特人交战。当匈奴人即将获胜时,心烦意乱的埃提乌斯宣布他将死在战场上,并在他的最后行动中命令他的副官杀死狄奥多里克。国王的去世激励西哥特人从失败中夺取胜利。狄奥多里克的儿子托里斯蒙德(马克·莱瑟伦饰),新任西哥特国王,随后结束了联盟并回国,保卫自己的王位,对抗他诡计多端的兄弟。但阿提拉却惊呆了,他的神圣誓言d在战斗中溃败,决定撤退。埃提乌斯回到罗马,受到英雄般的欢迎。阿提拉与伊尔迪科结婚,伊尔迪科为报复她,在新婚之夜在他的饮料里下了毒。阿提拉死后,瓦伦提尼安认为不再需要埃提乌斯并杀死了他。没有阿提拉,就没有人能够团结罗马边界之外的国家。没有埃提乌斯,就没有人有能力保护罗马。在一代人的时间里,西罗马帝国崩溃了,后来被称为黑暗时代的时代开始了。

In 400 A.D., a decadent and weakened Roman Empire nevertheless remains the greatest power on earth. But to the east a fierce new people has arisen, the Huns. An ancient prophecy tells of a great king who will unite the Huns and challenge Rome for control of the world.Young Attila (Rollo Weeks) grows up hearing his father King Mundzuk (Jolyon Baker) talk about future Hun conquest of "the western lands". After their tribe is massacred by another, 10-year-old Attila and his older brother Bleda are raised by their paternal uncle King Rua (Steven Berkoff). The soothsayer Galen (Pauline Lynch) tells Attila of her vision that he is the great king of the ancient prophecy.Years later the adult Attila (Gerard Butler) rides alongside Rua, and a trembling Rome still stands only because the Huns don't know how weak the Empire has become. To deal with the threat, Empress Dowager Placidia (Alice Krige) is forced to turn to former army general Flavius Aetius (Powers Boothe). He had once lived among the Huns, and knows Rua. Placidia had imprisoned Aetius for trying to depose her while she was regent for her son, the current incompetent Emperor Valentinian III (Reg Rogers). Now she releases Aetius, who is joyfully reunited with his daughter Lydia (Kate Steavenson Payne).Attila attacks a village inside Roman territory and brings home several captives, including the woman N'Kara (Simmone Jade McKinnon). Having seen no soldiers during the raid, he concludes that Rome is in fact defenseless and ripe for the taking. Rua, however, refuses to risk waking a sleeping lion. Galen encourages Attila to keep faith in her vision of the god of war. After a hard battle the god fell asleep and dropped his sword, which fell to earth. Whoever finds it will rule the world. While Bleda (Tommy Flanagan) is heir to the childless Rua's throne, Attila is in Galen's visions.Given first choice of Attila's Roman spoils, Bleda spitefully takes N'Kara. Galen urges Attila to be patient; his time will come. Under Hun tradition a woman doesn't belong to a man until she's borne him a child, so Galen also helps N'Kara avoid becoming pregnant by Bleda.The Huns continue making raids into Roman territory. Valentinian wants to strike back, but Aetius advises that shifting Rome's limited military forces to stop the Huns would invite a Visigoth attack. The Huns turned the Visigoths against the Empire in the first place, causing the split into the West ruled by Valentinian and the East ruled by Theodosius (Tim Curry). Rome must avoid fighting the Huns and the Visigoths at the same time.Aetius stages and then "foils" an assassination attempt on Valentinian, making it look like Placidia's doing to regain her former power as regent. The emperor agrees not to act against his mother right away. Aetius then visits Rua and tells him the Visigoths plan to attack both the Huns and Rome. Rua tells Aetius about Attila and Bleda's rivalry, and points out N'Kara among the people.Led by Aetius and Attila, the Romans and Huns soundly defeat the Visigoths in battle. After surrendering to his longtime enemy, Visigoth king Theodoric (Liam Cunningham) asks if "the girl is well". Aetius refuses to say anything about Lydia. Attila accompanies Aetius back to Rome, where Valentinian's sister Honoria (Kirsty Mitchell) loses no time successfully seducing the Hun. After several weeks in Rome, Attila receives the news that Rua is dead and returns home.Bleda is about to be crowned king when Attila challenges him to a duel. That night Galen admits to Attila that Bleda forced her to give him an undetectable poison for the contest. The next morning as the brothers shoot arrows at each other from horseback, Galen performs a magic ritual to transfer her strength to Attila while she absorbs the effects of his injuries. Attila thus survives being shot twice by poisoned arrows, and finally kills Bleda. Galen dies, and Attila claims the throne and N'Kara.Attila unites the various Hun tribes under his rule. N'Kara dies in childbirth. At Galen's grave Attila finds the fabled sword of the god of war. He proceeds to conquer other nations, including parts of the Eastern Roman Empire. Rome remains free, but if the Eastern capital of Constantinople falls then Rome will be the only target left. Aetius prepares to visit Constantinople and deal with the situation personally.Honoria is caught plotting against Valentinian, who sends her with Aetius to the East. Aetius tells Lydia that Honoria is being exiled. Attila's lieutenant Orestes (Andrew Pleavin) tells his king that the Huns are wondering why Attila doesn't attack Rome. Some believe it's because he's afraid of Aetius.In Constantinople a surprised Honoria is given to a convent. To break Attila's grip on the Eastern Empire, Theodosius has devised a plan to assassinate him. One of Theodosius' slave girls, Ildico (also Simmone Jade McKinnon), closely resembles the late N'Kara. Aetius offers to help her avenge the Huns' destruction of her village, and they slip into Attila's camp disguised as commoners. After Theodosius' assassin fails in his mission, Aetius' presence is discovered. Aetius declines Attila's offer to join him, and Attila declines Aetius' request for a peace treaty.Attila sees Ildico among his slaves. A romance blooms, and they are about to marry when a message arrives from Honoria. She offers to marry Attila if he'll rescue her from the convent, with half the Western Roman Empire as her dowry. Attila now has a perfect pretext to attack Rome. Theodosius gleefully sends Honoria home, and wishes Aetius the best of luck against the Huns.While Attila marches on Rome by way of Gaul, Aetius prepares to make a stand at the Roman-held Gallic city of Orleans. Placidia advises him to have a contingency plan in case the city falls. Aetius dismisses the idea of an alliance with the Visigoths, but Placidia knows that an unsuspecting Lydia is Theodoric's daughter. Attila captures Orleans, and Aetius asks Lydia to travel with him to Gaul.Valentinian is relaxing in a bath when Placidia brings in Honoria to beg her brother's forgiveness. After sending his sister back to prison, he confronts his mother about the assassination attempt. Mother and son then realize how Aetius has manipulated them.The Roman and Visigoth armies meet in Gaul. As expected, Theodoric wants his daughter back in exchange for allying with Rome. A last-ditch plea from Aetius fails, and he returns Lydia to the father he stole her from years ago.The Huns engage the Romans and Visigoths near the village of Chalons. When the Huns are about to win, a distraught Aetius declares he'll die there on the battlefield, and as his last action orders his lieutenant to kill Theodoric. The death of their king galvanizes the Visigoths into wresting victory from the jaws of defeat. Theodoric's son Thorismund (Mark Letheren), the new Visigoth king, then ends the alliance and heads home to defend his crown against his scheming brothers. But a stunned Attila, whose holy sword was shattered in the battle, decides to withdraw. Aetius returns to a hero's welcome in Rome.Attila marries Ildico, who takes her revenge by poisoning his drink on their wedding night. With Attila dead, Valentinian decides that Aetius is no longer needed and kills him.Without Attila, there was no one capable of uniting the nations outside Rome's borders. Without Aetius, there was no one capable of protecting Rome. Within a generation the Western Roman Empire fell, and the era later known as the Dark Ages began.

《阿提拉/Attila》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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