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[原版] 《莫斯科不相信眼泪/Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears》(1980) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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影片的前半部分以1959年的莫斯科为背景。剧情以三位年轻的俄罗斯女性为中心:卡特琳娜、柳德米拉和安东尼娜,她们从苏维埃俄罗斯周围的小城镇来到首都。他们被安置在工人宿舍里,并最终成为朋友。安东尼娜(赖莎·里亚赞诺娃饰)正在和尼古拉约会,尼古拉是一个内向但善良的年轻人,他的父母在乡下有一栋别墅。卡特琳娜(维拉·阿伦托娃饰)是一个严肃、正直的女人。她在工厂工作期间努力获得化学学位。她被要求在莫斯科富裕的亲戚(一位著名教授的家人)外出旅行时为他们看管一套公寓。在面包店工作时做丈夫,说服她在公寓举办晚宴,并假装她们是卡特琳娜教授叔叔的女儿,作为结识成功的莫斯科男人的策略。 在聚会上,柳德米拉遇到了著名的谢尔盖何ckey玩家,在发现她的出身真相后爱上了她并娶了她。卡特琳娜遇到了罗迪恩(尤里·瓦西里耶夫饰),他是一位能言善辩的人,在当地一家电视台担任摄影师。他们开始约会。在安东尼娜和尼古拉的婚礼上,柳德米拉和安东尼娜发现卡特琳娜怀孕了。当罗迪恩发现卡特琳娜欺骗了他并且不是教授的女儿时,他拒绝嫁给她,并认为她应该堕胎。卡特琳娜无法堕胎,因为她怀孕已到晚期,最终生下了孩子。影片中,卡特琳娜眼含泪水,在与女儿亚历山德拉(随后饰演)同住的宿舍里设置了闹钟。娜塔莉亚·瓦维洛娃 (Natalya Vavilova) 饰演一名成年年轻女性)。影片随后将时间向前推进 20 年,来到了 1979 年。片中卡特琳娜在自己公寓的闹钟声中醒来。她虽然还是单身,但已经不再是单身汉了她的大学生运气不佳,成为一家大工厂的执行董事。她有一个情人,一位名叫弗拉基米尔(奥列格·塔巴科夫饰)的年长已婚男子,但在他表现出懦弱和无礼后,她离开了他。尽管事业成功,卡特琳娜却没有成就感,并被深深的悲伤所压垮。她仍然是柳德米拉和安东尼娜的亲密朋友。此时,谢尔盖已经不再打曲棍球,成为一名酒鬼,并与在洗衣店工作的柳德米拉离婚。安东尼娜婚姻幸福,育有三个孩子。 一天晚上,当卡特琳娜乘坐 elektrichka(电动火车)从安东尼娜乡下的别墅回家时,她遇到了一个名叫戈沙(阿列克谢·巴塔洛夫饰)的男人,并开始与她对话。她看到他破旧的靴子,一开始对他不屑一顾,但对话仍在继续。不久之后他们开始见面。 Gosha 是一位聪明的工具和模具制造商,她认为女人不能比丈夫赚更多的钱。o 卡特琳娜没有告诉他她的立场。当他们的恋情开始时,罗迪恩出人意料地重新进入了卡特琳娜的生活,当时他被指派拍摄对她的采访,以报道她的工厂成功超额生产的情况。起初,他没有认出卡特琳娜,但当他认出卡特琳娜时,他想见见他的女儿。卡特琳娜告诉他,她不想再见到他。尽管如此,当卡特琳娜与戈莎和亚历山德拉共进晚餐时,罗迪恩不请自来地出现在她的公寓。罗迪恩将采访的内容告诉了戈莎和亚历山德拉,戈莎发现卡特琳娜是一名工厂厂长。他的自尊心受到伤害,不仅因为卡特琳娜的高职位和高薪水,还因为她以前欺骗和冒犯了他,他离开了公寓。卡特琳娜无法阻止他,对罗迪恩感到不满。她向亚历山德拉透露,罗迪恩实际上是她的父亲。戈莎从卡特琳娜的生活中消失了。她变得疯狂。柳德米拉、安东尼娜和尼古拉来了去她的公寓安慰她。尼古拉收集了卡特琳娜所知道的有关戈沙的少量信息,并开始寻找他。戈莎已经在家里酗酒好几天了,尼古拉在一次关于伏特加的“男人谈话”中为卡特琳娜辩护并说服戈莎回来。清醒过来的戈莎带着醉酒的尼古拉到卡特琳娜的公寓并要求吃晚饭。当他吃饭时,卡特琳娜看着他,说“我找你很久了”。戈莎回答说才几天,卡特琳娜含着泪水重复道:“我找你很久了……”

The first half of the film is set in the year 1959 in Moscow. The plot centers on three young Russian women: Katerina, Lyudmila, and Antonina, who come to the capital city from smaller towns around Soviet Russia. They are placed together in a workers' dormitory room and eventually become friends.Antonina (Raisa Ryazanova) is seeing Nikolai, a reserved but kind young man whose parents have a dacha in the country.Katerina (Vera Alentova) is a serious, upstanding woman who strives to earn her chemistry degree while working at a factory. She is asked to house-sit an apartment for her well-to-do Moscow relatives (a famous professor's family) while they are away on a trip.Lyudmila (Irina Muravyova), a flirty go-getter looking for a well-to-do husband while working at a bakery, convinces her to throw a dinner party at the apartment, and pretend that they are the daughters of Katerina's professor uncle, as a ploy to meet successful Muscovite men.At the party, Lyudmila meets Sergei, a famous hockey player, who falls in love with her and marries her even after discovering the truth about her origin. Katerina meets Rodion (Yuri Vasilyev), a smooth talker who works as a cameraman for a local television station. They start dating.During Antonina and Nikolai's wedding, Lyudmila and Antonina find out that Katerina is pregnant. Upon discovering that Katerina deceived him and is not the daughter of a professor, Rodion refuses to marry her and believes that she is to have an abortion. Katerina is unable to get an abortion because her pregnancy is in a late stage and ends up giving birth.The film shows Katerina, with tears in her eyes, setting her alarm clock in the dormitory room she shares with her daughter, Aleksandra (subsequently played as a grown young woman by Natalya Vavilova).The film then takes a 20-year leap forward in time to present day 1979. Katerina is shown waking up to the sound of an alarm clock in her own apartment. She is still single, but she has gone from being a down on her luck university student to becoming the executive director of a large factory. She has a lover, an older married man named Vladimir (Oleg Tabakov), but she leaves him after he shows himself to be cowardly and disrespectful. Despite her successful career, Katerina is unfulfilled and weighed down by a deep sadness. She is still close friends with Lyudmila and Antonina. By this time Sergei has quit playing hockey and become an alcoholic, having divorced Lyudmila, who is working at a laundry. Antonina is happily married and has three children.One evening, when Katerina is returning home from Antonina's dacha in the countryside on an elektrichka (electric train), she meets a man, named Gosha (Aleksey Batalov), who starts a dialogue with her. She sees his shabby boots and dismisses him at first, but the dialogue continues. Soon afterward they start seeing each other. Gosha is an intelligent tool-and-die maker who believes that a woman must not make more money than her husband, so Katerina doesn't tell him about her position. As their romance begins, Rodion unexpectedly reenters Katerina's life when he is assigned to film an interview with her to do a report on her factory's success at exceeding its production quota. At first, he does not recognize Katerina, but when he does, he wants to meet his daughter. Katerina tells him that she does not want to see him again. Nonetheless, Rodion shows up uninvited at her apartment when Katerina is having dinner with Gosha and Aleksandra. Rodion tells Gosha and Aleksandra about the interview, and Gosha finds out that Katerina is a factory director. His pride is hurt not only because of Katerina's high position and large salary, but also because she has deceived and offended him before, and he leaves the apartment. Unable to stop him, Katerina is upset with Rodion. She reveals to Aleksandra that Rodion is, in fact, her father.Gosha disappears from Katerina's life. She becomes frantic. Lyudmila, Antonina, and Nikolai come to her apartment to comfort her. Nikolai gathers what little information Katerina knows about Gosha and sets out to find him. Gosha has been binge-drinking at home for days, and Nikolai, during a "men's talk" over vodka, defends Katerina and convinces Gosha to return.Sobered up Gosha brings drunk Nikolai to Katerina's flat and asks for a dinner. As he eats, Katerina watches him, saying "I have been looking for you for so long". Gosha replies that it's been only a few days, to which Katerina repeats, with tears in her eyes, "I have been looking for you for so long..."

《莫斯科不相信眼泪/Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears》(1980) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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