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[原版] 《5天的战争/5 Days of War》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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在这部对战火中的勇气进行的充满人情味的描绘中,广受好评的导演雷尼·哈林(《虎胆龙威 2》、《悬崖峭壁》)将令人心碎的动作与真实的人性戏剧结合在一起,讲述了一名战地记者在 2008 年俄罗斯入侵敌后时被困在敌后的引人入胜的故事。乔治亚州。当一个国家为自己的生存而战时,由国际记者和当地格鲁吉亚人组成的勇敢而热情的联盟冒着生命危险讲述军事冲突给人类造成的真正代价。 《八月五日》在外地拍摄了六个星期,是一部引人入胜、充满悬疑的镜头,描绘了战火中的勇气。在巴格达的伊拉克伏击夺走了密友米里亚姆·艾斯纳(希瑟·格雷厄姆饰)的生命后,美国战地记者托马斯·安德斯(鲁珀特·弗兰德饰)寻求逃离过去的阴影,他的精神崩溃了。在俄罗斯入侵前夕,战争谣言把他吸引到格鲁吉亚共和国的军事热点地区。在格鲁吉亚首都第比利与一小群勇敢的战地记者重聚当天,安德斯带着他的摄影师兼公路战士同伴塞巴斯蒂安(理查德·科伊尔饰)向北行驶,前往分裂的南奥塞梯共和国,正好目睹了俄罗斯对和平村庄瓦齐亚尼的空袭。当俄罗斯炸弹如雨点般落下时,安德斯和塞巴斯蒂安大胆地记录了这场灾难,然后在勇敢而美丽的格鲁吉亚学校老师塔蒂亚(艾曼纽尔·施莱琪饰)的帮助下,将幸存者送往哥里的一家军事医院。安德斯和塞巴斯蒂安无法在俄罗斯宣传的喧嚣和因中国奥运会而分心的世界中讲述自己的故事,于是他们赶回战区,帮助绝望的塔蒂亚找到她失踪的家人。安德斯陷入全面战斗的交火中,并目睹了另一次俄罗斯袭击中平民被谋杀的事件,他记录下了震惊世界的证据。但在他采取行动之前,安德斯与塞巴斯蒂安和塔蒂亚一起被这些暴行的策划者、残忍的德米多夫上校(拉德)抓获。Serbedjiza)和他的雇佣兵杀手丹尼尔(Mikko Nousiainen)。就在一切似乎都已失去的时候,他们在一次大胆的突袭中被格鲁吉亚士兵雷佐上尉(乔纳森·斯卡奇饰)救了出来。安德斯和他的朋友们,包括厌世的荷兰人(瓦尔·基尔默饰),必须在哥里市的最后一战中为自由和事业而奋斗。最终,当萨卡什维利总统(安迪·加西亚饰)向盟友寻求帮助时,安德斯面临着最后的勇气考验,他努力牺牲除了真相之外的一切来拯救塔蒂亚斯的生命。

In this intensely human portrayal of courage under fire, acclaimed director Renny Harlin (Die Hard 2, Cliffhanger) combines heart pounding action with real human drama, as he tells the riveting story of a war reporter caught behind enemy lines during the 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia. As a nation fights for its very survival, a brave and passionate coalition of international reporters and local Georgians risk their lives to tell the true human cost of military conflict. Filmed for six weeks on location, 5 DAYS OF AUGUST is a riveting, suspenseful portrait of the courage under fire. His spirit broken after an Iraqi ambush in Bagdad takes the life of close friend Miriam Eisner (Heather Graham), American war correspondent, Thomas Anders (Rupert Friend), seeks escape from the ghosts of his past. Rumors of war draw him to a military hot zone in the republic of Georgia, on the eve of a Russian invasion. Reunited with a small, intrepid band of war reporters in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, Anders takes his cameraman and fellow road-warrior, Sebastian (Richard Coyle), on the road north, toward the breakaway republic of South Ossetia, just in time to witness a Russian airstrike on the peaceful village of Vaziani. While Russian bombs rain down, Anders and Sebastian boldly document the devastation, then shuttle survivors to a military hospital in Gori, with the help of a brave and beautiful, Georgian school teacher, named Tatia (Emmanuelle Chriqui). Unable to break his story through the noise of Russian propaganda and a world distracted by the Olympics in China, Anders and Sebastian race back to the battle zone to help a desperate Tatia find her missing family. Caught in the crossfire of full-scale combat and witness to the murder of civilians in another Russian assault, Anders records the evidence that will shock the world. But before he can act, Anders is captured, along with Sebastian and Tatia, by the architects of these atrocities, the ruthless Colonel Demidov (Rade Serbedjiza) and his mercenary killer, Daniil (Mikko Nousiainen). Just when all seems lost they are rescued in a daring raid by a Georgian soldier, Captain Rezo (Johnathon Schaech). Anders and his friends, including the world-weary Dutchman (Val Kilmer), must stand and fight for their freedom and their cause in a final battle in the city of Gori. Ultimately, while President Saakashvilli (Andy Garcia) seeks help from his allies, Anders faces one last test of courage as he strives to save Tatias life by sacrificing everything but the truth.

《5天的战争/5 Days of War》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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