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[原版] 《少年天使歌唱/Teen Angels Sings》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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安布尔·波洛克 (Amber Pollock) 是一位卑鄙、势利、处女、受欢迎的高中生,她在毕业舞会上被任命为舞会女王,但在与男友的汽车发生事故后,她的王冠触电,最终去世。陷入困境时,一位名叫 J-3 的天使给了她一个任务,让她以鬼魂的身份回到高中,安排学校最不受欢迎的学生丽莎·索默斯在一周内的化妆舞会上取代她成为舞会女王。当丽莎成为舞会女王时,主管 J-3 将使安珀原谅她过去的行为,并将她送入天堂。主管 J-3 还告诉安珀,如果丽莎在截止日期前没有成为舞会女王,安珀将乘坐下一班前往地狱的班车。安珀被送回地球作为鬼魂,在那里她在追悼会上出现,并似乎丽莎后记,起初拒绝相信安布尔出现在她面前(注:流传的笑话是,除了丽莎之外,没有人能看到或听到安布尔)。安布尔设法向丽莎通报了她的情况但事情并没有按计划进行。丽莎解释说,她不想被加冕为舞会女王,也不想以任何方式受欢迎或受到关注。安布尔让丽莎相信她可以吸引她暗恋的尼克·拉姆齐的注意后,安布尔坚持认为他们应该去购物,为丽莎购买一些适合学校和舞会的新衣服。在疯狂购物的过程中,安布尔发现她可以通过祈求自己穿的衣服来神奇地改变自己的衣服。随着安布尔的前朋友卡丽塔·卡什决定参选并开始与尼克约会,丽莎竞选舞会皇后的计划变得复杂起来。 当卡丽塔决定举办家庭聚会时,安布尔和丽莎决定通过更改聚会日期来扰乱卡丽塔的计划,通过电子邮件将这一更改从学校计算机发送到高中每个人的手机。卡莉塔的派对计划被毁了,安布尔和丽莎计划当天晚上在丽莎家里举办派对,因为她的父母外出享受水疗护理。在聚会期间,安布尔得到丽莎上台演唱《Typical》,引起了尼克的注意。丽莎和尼克在表演结束后交谈,两人最终分享了一个意想不到的吻,尼克然后告诉她他将与卡丽塔分手。安布尔和丽莎很快从副校长理查森那里得知,丽莎的朋友拉吉库库里正在尝试在网上购买二手计算器时,在丽莎发送更改的聚会日期消息之前不小心忘记了在学校计算机上注销,拉杰应对卡莉塔家的损坏负责。由于丽莎很受欢迎,她最终向朋友透露了完成一部“粘土动画”猪电影的计划。 与此同时,安布尔的妹妹克莱门汀觉得她的母亲正忙着哀悼安布尔的去世,无暇关注她。安布尔亲眼目睹了这一点,帮助引导她的母亲在克莱门汀去世后更加关注克莱门汀。 丽莎的朋友赛琳娜得知鬼魂安布尔与丽莎的受欢迎程度有关,并决定使用黑魔法来阻止丽莎的走红。告诉安布尔不要打扰丽莎,但安布尔告诉她,她需要纠正自己做错的事情才能进入天堂。赛琳娜表示理解,但仍然恳求安布尔帮助丽莎恢复正常。安布尔与丽莎对峙,意识到自己让自己受欢迎无意中毁了自己的生活,于是跳进她的身体,开车送她去 7 号高速公路上的橡树泉(在一个偏僻的地方),这样她就无法回到镇上了。那天晚上的舞会时间到了。偶然发现弗洛伊德的鳄鱼肉干店,并用公用电话给所有朋友打电话后,丽莎未能搭车回城,直到到达赛琳娜。当赛琳娜(以及拉吉和科林)来接她时,丽莎意识到受欢迎并不像人们吹嘘的那样。她还得知拉吉被停职,必须进行社区服务来修理卡丽塔的院子。与此同时,安布尔向主管 J-3 报告了她的失败,并乘坐一辆着火的监狱穿梭巴士前往地狱。舞会之夜,丽莎向她的副校长和学校其他成员承认,是她向卡莉塔的派对发送了有关这一变化的大量电子邮件,而不是拉吉。然后她在台上发表演讲,要求每个人都应该打破受欢迎和不受欢迎之间的阶级障碍,投票拉吉为舞会之王,几乎所有学生都同意这一点。拉杰当选舞会之王后,安布尔从穿梭巴士上被送往地狱,以便获得翅膀进入天堂,因为最不受欢迎的学生被选为舞会之王。她最后一次出现在丽莎面前,两人拥抱在一起,安布尔承诺在丽莎离开之前会在天堂照顾她。卡丽塔(因为没有加冕舞会女王而生气)试图通过从舞台控制箱拉电线来停止音乐,在此过程中自己触电身亡。然后可以听到主管 J-3 的声音说:“我们又来了。”

Amber Pollock, a mean, snobbish, virgin and popular high school senior, dies after being named Prom Queen at her senior prom when her crown ends up electrified after an accident with her boyfriends car. While in limbo, an angel named Supervisor J-3 gives her the task of returning to her high school as a ghost to arrange that the school's least-popular student Lisa Sommers becomes Prom Queen in her place within one week at the makeup prom. When Lisa becomes Prom Queen, Supervisor J-3 will have Amber forgiven of her past actions and send her to Heaven. Supervisor J-3 also tells Amber that if Lisa doesn't become Prom Queen by the deadline, Amber will be on the next shuttle bus to Hell.Amber is sent back to Earth as a ghost where she materializes at her memorial service and appears to Lisa afterwords who at first refuses to believe that Amber is appearing before her (Note: the running joke is that no one, except Lisa, can see or hear Amber). Amber manages to inform Lisa about her situation but things do not go as planned. Lisa explains that she doesn't want to be crowned Prom Queen and has no desire to be popular or be noticed in any way. After Amber convinces Lisa that she can get her attention from her crush, Nick Ramsey, Amber insists they should go shopping to get Lisa some new outfits for school and the prom. During their shopping spree, Amber learns that she can magically change her own clothes just by wishing for the outfit she has on. Their plans for Lisa running for Prom Queen becomes complicated as Amber's former friend, Carlita Cache, decides to run and starts dating Nick.When Carlita decides to throw a house party, Amber and Lisa decide to mess with Carlita's plan by changing the party's date and sending this change in an email from a school computer to everyone's phone at their high school. With Carlita's party plans ruined, Amber and Lisa plan a party at Lisa's house the same night since her parents are away at a spa treatment. During the party, Amber gets Lisa up on stage to sing "Typical" which attracts the attention of Nick. Lisa and Nick talk after her performance and the two end up sharing an unexpected kiss and Nick then tells her he will break it off with Carlita.Amber and Lisa soon find out from Vice-Principal Richardson that Lisa's friend, Raj Kurkuri, who was trying to buy a used calculator online, accidentally forgot to log off on a school computer before Lisa sent the changed party date message, and Raj is held responsible for the damages at Carlita's house. Lisa ends up passing on her friends' plans for finishing a 'claymation' pig film now that she is popular.Meanwhile, Amber's younger sister Clementine feels her mother is too busy mourning the death of Amber to pay any attention to her. Seeing this for herself, Amber helps guide her mother into paying more attention to Clementine now that she has died.Lisa's friend, Selena, learns about the ghost Amber's involvement with Lisa's popularity and decides to use black magic to tell Amber to leave Lisa alone, but Amber tells her she needs to right what she did wrong in order to get into Heaven. Selena is understanding but still pleads for Amber to help Lisa return to normal. Amber confronts Lisa and, realizing that she has unintentionally ruined her life by making her popular, jumps into her body to drive her out to Oak Springs on Highway 7 (out in the middle of nowhere) so she would not make it back to town in time for the prom that evening. After stumbling onto Floyd's Gator Jerky Shop, and calls all her friends on a pay phone, Lisa is unsuccessful in getting a ride back into town until she reaches Selena. When Selena (along with Raj and Collin) make it to pick her up, Lisa learns being popular isn't what it is cracked up to be. She also learns Raj was suspended and has to perform community service to fix Carlita's yard. Meanwhile, Amber reports her failure to Supervisor J-3 and takes a ride down to Hell in a flaming prison shuttle bus.After just making it to prom night, Lisa confesses to her vice principal and the rest of the school that it was her that sent the mass email about the change to Carlita's party, not Raj. She then makes a speech on stage that everyone should break down the class barriers between the popular and unpopular by voting Raj as Prom King which almost all of the students agree upon. After Raj is elected Prom King, Amber is transported off the shuttle bus to Hell to get her wings to enter Heaven as the least popular student was voted Prom King. She appears to Lisa one last time and the two share a hug with Amber promising to watch over Lisa from Heaven before she goes. Carlita (angry that she didn't get crowned Prom Queen) tries to stop the music by pulling wires from the stage's control box electrocuting herself in the process. Then Supervisor J-3's voice can be heard saying "Here we go again."

《少年天使歌唱/Teen Angels Sings》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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