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[原版] 《杀手鼩鼱/The Killer Shrews》(1959) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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我们以暴风雨的天空为背景,旁白告诉我们,“那些在夜间狩猎的人会告诉你,所有动物中最狂野、最凶恶的是小鼩鼱……三月,首先在阿拉斯加,然后稳步入侵向南有报告称出现了一种新物种,即巨大的杀手鼩鼱。 一艘补给船在公海上航行,索恩·谢尔曼船长(詹姆斯·贝斯特饰)和他的甲板水手兼机械师鲁克·格里斯沃尔德(亨利·杜普里法官饰)讨论天气和情况。即将到来的飓风的后果。他们还有几个小时才能到达目的地——一个由马洛·克雷吉斯博士领导的研究小组居住的小岛。这是谢尔曼第一次跑到岛上。他最近从前任运营商弗格森那里购买了特许权。他们把船固定好以防暴风雨,然后乘小艇划上岸并系在一个小码头上。在一个低矮的悬崖上,他们发现一小群人正在接近,谢尔曼观察到这似乎有些奇怪。谢尔曼和格里斯沃LD接近小组。谢尔曼立即被克雷吉斯博士的女儿安(英格丽德·古德饰)所吸引。克雷吉斯(巴鲁克·鲁美特饰)自我介绍并与谢尔曼握手。克雷吉斯询问前任队长是否给他们带来了物资,并被告知,“我不知道,我只是买了他的跑。”谢尔曼始终注视着安。他将清单交给了拿着猎枪的杰里·法雷尔(肯·柯蒂斯饰)。克雷吉斯在卸货后告诉谢尔曼,他想将女儿送回船上。令所有人惊讶的是,谢尔曼告诉他们今天不会离开,甚至不会卸货。即将到来的飓风将推迟一切。谢尔曼越来越怀疑,但无法真正确定他的担忧。他告诉鲁克,如果他稍后上岸,请戴上枪。包括谢尔曼在内的一行人返回了房子。谢尔曼对这座堡垒般的结构感到震惊。他注意到了无线电天线,并询问他们是否知道有关该批准的无线电报道。痛苦的风暴。他被告知收音机已经出故障一周了。就在这时,马里奥(阿尔弗雷多·德索托饰)打开了 10 英尺高栅栏上的门,欢迎这群人回来。安建议谢尔曼和他们一起喝一杯鸡尾酒。克雷吉斯告诉马里奥给他们调一些马提尼酒。谢尔曼接受了,他们走进去。他们进入庭院,然后进入房子,谢尔曼注意到杰里非常故意地关上、锁上门,并确认门已锁好。 在客厅里,安、谢尔曼和克雷吉斯博士享受着他们的马提尼酒。克雷吉斯告诉谢尔曼,他们是自给自足的:奶牛提供新鲜牛奶,鸡提供鸡蛋。安补充说,他们甚至还有鞍马。谢尔曼观察到他们选择了一个孤独的小岛。安下班去换衣服。谢尔曼告诉克雷吉斯,他怀疑出发的延误并不是唯一困扰安的事情。克雷吉斯还没来得及反应,他的研究同事雷德福·贝恩斯博士(戈登·麦克伦敦饰)走进了房间,全神贯注于他的研究。研究论文时,他不知道他们有客人。克雷吉斯把他介绍给谢尔曼。贝恩斯告诉克雷吉斯,两只新窝出生了,这支持了他们的理论。克雷吉斯为同事的奇怪行为道歉。他告诉谢尔曼,他很聪明,但心不在焉。谢尔曼询问他的专业,并被告知贝恩斯是一名生物学家,专门研究遗传学和遗传。他还告诉谢尔曼,作为实际研究,他们的目标是减小动物的体型,但保持较低的新陈代谢,这样现有的食物供应将进一步延长,寿命也更长。人口过剩是令人担忧的问题,不是现在,而是以后。安换了一身不那么正式的衣服,回来与她的父亲和谢尔曼船长会合。她要求在谢尔曼听不到的地方与她父亲交谈。谢尔曼喝完酒。他问克雷吉斯以前是否经历过飓风。克雷吉斯告诉他,他们只在岛上呆了九个月,在此之前,该岛已经多年无人居住。谢尔曼建议飓风准备工作,然后与安谈论天气。安告诉父亲她邀请索恩共进晚餐,这让他感到惊讶,因为他们没有进行过这样的谈话。当贝恩斯手里拿着一只泼妇走进房间时,谢尔曼拒绝了。克雷吉斯向谢尔曼解释说,他们是研究的对象。谢尔曼捡起它并评论说它“看起来像一只小老鼠,但闻起来像臭鼬”。当谢尔曼问,它们有多大?接下来是戏剧性的停顿,然后克雷吉斯告诉他这是一个成年人,但一看安就知道克雷吉斯并没有告诉他全部真相。当百叶窗撞上房子时,安尖叫起来。她非常想告诉谢尔曼整个故事。 在海滩上,我们看到鲁克带着船上的检查绳划回岸边。飓风已经接近该岛了。克雷吉斯解释了鼩鼱的行为,当饥饿时,它们会处理任何东西,无论大小。他们的新陈代谢是这样的,他们需要不断地进食,并且会变成c如果有必要的话,可以进行同类相食。安显然对这次谈话感到不安,打断了父亲,要求再喝一杯。马里奥护送谢尔曼去卫生间梳洗一下准备吃晚饭。马里奥问他明天是否要离开。安告诉杰瑞,他醉酒的愚蠢行为导致了他们现在面临的问题。杰瑞释放了一些泼妇,他们已经成长为现在威胁队伍的怪物。当谢尔曼走进客厅时,杰瑞离开了。他们订婚了,杰瑞怀疑安正在对谢尔曼产生感情。杰瑞回来了,他和安继续他们之前的争吵。鲁克带着检查线上岸,并将其绑在海滩附近的一棵树上。听到奇怪的声音,他发现了一些东西,拔出枪开了火。一群狗大小的生物追着他进了树林。他爬上一棵树,他们跳起来试图抓住他。他呼救,但风、雨和雷声掩盖了他的尖叫声。他所踩的树枝折断了,他掉进了狼群中干掉他。谢尔曼告诉安他要回他的船上了。她试图劝阻他,最终不得不拔枪阻止他离开。外面一群鼩鼱正在栅栏上跳跃。安告诉他他们研究的真相以及他们意外创造的巨大突变。 “那里有两三百只巨型鼩鼱,怪物的重量在五十磅到一百磅之间。”克雷吉斯博士进入房间并同意应该向谢尔曼讲述整个故事。六个月前,一窝巨型鼩鼱逃脱并开始繁殖。他们的食物供应几乎耗尽,这就是他们在房子旁边等待的原因。鼩鼱攻击谷仓并吃掉牲畜。谢尔曼走出去,因为他认为自己听到了人声,杰瑞尾随并攻击他,阻止他打开大门。一旦安全回到室内,他们就开始计划第二天早上的逃跑。他们必须先熬过这个夜晚。为了以防万一,他们决定在市里整夜巡逻房子。凌晨 3:00,马里奥结束了巡视,去接杰瑞去下一班。杰瑞喝得酩酊大醉,说服马里奥去轮班。一只泼妇通过厨房破损的百叶窗进入了房子。它在地下室里。马里奥注意到百叶窗坏了,并把它固定好,但意识到地窖里有一只泼妇。他去找谢尔曼,帮助他杀死泼妇。两人武装起来,搜索地窖,但马里奥没有看到隐藏在楼梯下的生物。它攻击并咬他。谢尔曼开枪射杀了它,但马里奥倒下了,显然是因为失血过多。谢尔曼匆忙用一些布和他的左轮手枪临时制作了一条止血带。安已寻求帮助,克雷吉斯和贝恩斯协助谢尔曼和马里奥。克雷吉斯宣布他死亡。贝恩斯提出了血液毒性综合症,克雷吉斯也同意,但他说尸检将确认死因。他们测试了动物的唾液,发现他们为了消灭巨型鼩鼱而放出的一种毒药被鼩鼱吸收了。这现在您意识到,任何接触它们的人被它们咬一口甚至抓伤都是致命的。安向谢尔曼解释说,她是一名动物学家,她也在研究中发挥了自己的作用,并对他们造成的问题负责。她的专长是饮食。鼩鼱找到了进入房子的入口。每个人都躲在客厅里。当他们用杀死马里奥的死鼩鼱在外面做诱饵,并且二十分钟内都没有动过时,他们觉得现在建议逃跑。谢尔曼和杰瑞离开了家。在他们走得太远之前,杰瑞用枪威胁谢尔曼。他很嫉妒,谢尔曼很快就解除了他的武装。他们走到海滩并呼唤鲁克。他们搜寻后只找到了几件衣服,得出结论:鲁克上岸后被杀并吃掉了。他们回到房子,后面跟着一群鼩鼱。杰瑞率先回来并关上大门,将谢尔曼困在外面靠近的狼群中。谢尔曼射杀了一只泼妇,然后翻过栅栏并攻击杰瑞。他狠狠地打了他一顿,然后把他抱起来,准备把他扔过栅栏扔到狼群里。他醒悟过来并把他放下了。回到屋里,他向贝恩斯和安解释说,杰瑞两次试图杀死他,但他成功了。他还告诉他们鲁克已经死了。克雷吉斯帮助杰瑞进去并把他放在沙发上。安打开厨房门煮咖啡,然后让一只泼妇进入客厅。它咬伤了贝恩斯医生,贝恩斯医生很快就患病并死亡。谢尔曼用左轮手枪击杀了它。杰瑞明显受到了震动,又开始喝酒。他拿起左轮手枪,开始向厨房门开枪,浪费了很多弹药。一只泼妇开始从墙上挖洞进入客厅。杰瑞现在喝得酩酊大醉,歇斯底里。现在很明显,唯一安全的地方是露台,屋顶是最后的避难所。在用墙围住房子时,他们发现了一些金属桶或金属桶。谢尔曼看到他们作为逃跑的手段。他提议把他们绑在一起,然后走进去,走到海滩,然后游到船上。他找到了焊枪,在枪管上打了眼孔。他们迅速将绳子系在门口,准备离开。杰瑞爬上屋顶并拒绝加入他们。当他们注意到一只泼妇从墙上挖到露台区域时,他们决定把杰瑞留在屋顶上逃跑。他们进入桶内并打开门。他们立即受到狼群的袭击。他们步行到海滩,然后进入大海。当水足够深时,它们会逃离桶并游到船上。一旦杰瑞不再看到泼妇,他就从屋顶上跑向海滩。当他被另一群狼群攻击并杀死时,他只跑了几百码。安、谢尔曼和克雷吉斯博士登上了船。克雷吉斯解释说,如果没有更多的食物,狼群就会自相残杀,最后一只狼就会饿死。安和谢尔曼接吻。

We open with a stormy sky as background and a narrator telling us, "Those who hunt by night will tell you that the wildest and most vicious of all animals is the tiny shrew...in March, first in Alaska, and then invading steadily southward there were reports of a new species, the giant, killer shrew."A supply boat cruises across an open sea, with Captain Thorne Sherman (James Best) and his deckhand and mechanic Rook Griswold (Judge Henry Dupree) discussing the weather and the ramifications of an approaching hurricane. They still have a few hours before they reach their destination--a small island inhabited by a research team headed by Dr. Marlowe Craigis. This is Sherman's first run to the island; he recently bought the concession from the previous operator, Ferguson. They secure the boat for the storm, then row ashore in a dinghy and tie up to a small pier. On a low bluff they spot a small group approaching, and Sherman observes that something seems strange about it. Sherman and Griswold approach the group. Sherman is immediately taken with Dr. Craigis' daughter, Ann (Ingrid Goude). Craigis (Baruch Lumet) introduces himself and shakes Sherman's hand. Craigis inquires as to the previous captain bringing them supplies, and is told, "I wouldnt know, I just bought his run." All the time Sherman stares, noticeably, at Ann. He hands the manifest to Jerry Farrell (Ken Curtis) who is holding a shot gun. Craigis tells Sherman after unloading supplies he wants to send his daughter back on the boat. To everyone's surprise, Sherman informs them that they are not leaving today or even unloading supplies. The approaching hurricane will delay everything. Sherman is growing suspicious, but can't really identify his concerns. He tells Rook that if he comes ashore later to wear a gun. The group, including Sherman, return to the house. Sherman is struck by how fortress-like the structure appears. He notices the radio antenna and asks if they were aware of radio reports about the approaching storm. He is informed the radio has been out of order for a week. At that moment, Mario (Alfredo DeSoto) opens the door on a 10-foot high fence and welcomes the group back. Ann suggests Sherman join them for a cocktail. Craigis tells Mario to mix them up some martinis. Sherman accepts and they step inside. They enter the patio compound, then the house and Sherman notices that Jerry very deliberately slams, locks and verifies locking the gate.In the living room, Ann, Sherman and Dr. Craigis enjoy their martinis. Craigis informs Sherman that they are self-sufficient: cows for fresh milk and chickens for eggs. Ann adds that they even have saddle horses. Sherman observes that they picked a lonely little island. Ann dismisses herself to go change clothes. Sherman tells Craigis that he suspects that the delay in departure isn't the only thing bothering Ann. Before Craigis can respond, his research colleague, Dr. Radford Baines (Gordon McLendon) walks into the room, so engrossed in his research papers, he is unaware they have a guest. Craigis introduces him to Sherman. Baines tells Craigis that two new litters were born and support their theory. Craigis apologizes for his colleagues strange behavior. He tells Sherman he is brilliant but absent minded. Sherman asks about his specialty and is told Baines is a Biologist, specializing in genetics and heredity. He also tells Sherman their objective, as practical research, is to decrease an animals size, but keep a low metabolism so an existing food supply will go further with a longer life span. Overpopulation is the concern, not now, but later. Ann, having changed into something less formal, returns to join her father and Captain Sherman. She asks to speak to her father, out of earshot of Sherman. Sherman finishes his drink. He asks if Craigis has ever been through a hurricane before. Craigis tells him they've only been on the island nine months and that prior to that the island was unoccupied for years. Sherman advises hurricane preparations, then talks to Ann about the weather. Ann tells her father she's invited Thorne for dinner, which surprises him, as they had no such conversation. Sherman declines as Baines comes into the room with a shrew in his hands. Craigis explains to Sherman that they are the subjects of the research. Sherman picks it up and comments that it "looks like a small rat, but smells like a skunk." When Sherman asks, how big do they get? There follows a dramatic pause, then Craigis tells him that it is an adult, but one look at Ann tells him that Craigis isn't telling him the whole truth. When a shutter crashes against the house, Ann screams. She is dying to tell Sherman the whole story.At the beach, we see Rook rowing back to shore with a check line from the boat. The hurricane is close to the island. Craigis explains the shrew's behavior, that when hungry, they'll tackle anything, regardless of size. Their metabolism is such that they need to feed constantly and will turn to cannibalism if necessary. Ann, visibly upset at the conversation, interrupts her father to ask for another drink. Mario escorts Sherman to the bathroom to freshen up for dinner. Mario asks whether or not he will be leaving tomorrow. Ann tells Jerry that his drunken stupidity has caused the problem they now face. Jerry let some of the shrews loose and they've grown into the monsters that now threaten the party. When Sherman enters the living room, Jerry leaves. They are engaged to be married, and Jerry suspects Ann is developing feelings for Sherman. Jerry comes back and he and Ann continue their earlier argument. Rook comes ashore with the check line and ties it to a tree near the beach. Hearing a strange sound, he spots something, pulls his gun and fires. A pack of dog sized creatures chases him into the woods. He climbs a tree and they jump trying to get him. He calls for help, but the wind, rain and thunder mask his screams. The branch he's on breaks and he falls into the pack, which finish him off.Sherman tells Ann he's going back to his ship. She tries to dissuade him, and finally has to pull a gun to stop his departure. Outside a pack of shrews is jumping on the fence. Ann tells him the truth about their research and the giant mutations they accidently created. "There are two or three hundred giant shrews out there, monsters weighing between fifty and and hundred pounds." Dr. Craigis enters the room and agrees that Sherman should be told the entire story. Six months before a litter of giant shrews escaped and began to breed. Their food supply is nearly gone, which is why they are waiting by the house. The shrews attack the barn and eat the livestock. Sherman goes outside because he thought he heard a human voice, Jerry follows and attacks him to keep him from opening the gate. Once safely back inside, they begin to plan their escape for the next morning. They must make it through the night first. As a precaution, they decide to patrol the house all night in shifts.At 3:00 a.m., Mario finishes his rounds and goes to get Jerry for the next shift. Jerry is very drunk and convinces Mario to take his shift. A shrew enters the house through a broken shutter in the kitchen. It goes down in the basement. Mario notices the broken shutter and secures it, but realizes a shrew is in the cellar. He goes to see Sherman to help him kill the shrew. Armed, the two search the cellar, but Mario doesn't see the creature hiding under the stairs. It attacks and bites him. Sherman shoots and kills it, but Mario collapses, apparently from blood loss. Sherman hastily improvises a tourniquet out of some cloth and his revolver. Ann has summoned help, and Craigis and Baines assist Sherman with Mario. Craigis pronounces him dead. Baines suggests hemotoxic syndrome, and Craigis concurs, but says that the autopsy will confirm the cause of death.Testing the animals saliva they discover that a poison they put out to eradicate the giant shrews was absorbed by the shrews. They now realize that a bite or even a scratch from one of them is lethal to anyone exposed. Ann explains to Sherman that she is a zoologist and that she also played her part in the research and is also responsible for the problem they created. Her specialty is their diet.The shrews find an entry into the house. Everyone is holed up in the living room. When they bait the outside, with the dead shrew that killed Mario, and it remains untouched for twenty minutes, they feel a run for the boat is now advised. Sherman and Jerry leave the house. Before they get too far, Jerry threatens Sherman with the gun. He is jealous, and Sherman quickly disarms him. They walk to the beach and call for Rook. They search and only find a few articles of clothing and conclude Rook came ashore and was killed and eaten. They return to the house followed by a pack of shrews. Jerry makes it back first and slams the gate shut, trapping Sherman outside to the approaching pack. Sherman shoots and kills a shrew, then scales the fence and attacks Jerry. He gives him a severe beating, then carries him up and prepares to throw him over the fence to the pack. He comes to his senses and puts him down. Back in the house he explains to Baines and Ann that Jerry twice tried to kill him and he had it coming. He also informs them that Rook is dead. Craigis helps Jerry inside and puts him on the couch. Ann opens the kitchen door to make some coffee and lets a shrew into the living room. It bites Dr. Baines, who sickens and dies very rapidly. Sherman dispatches it with his revolver. Jerry is visibly shaken and starts to drink again. He picks up the revolver and starts firing into the kitchen door, wasting a lot of ammunition. A shrew starts digging through the wall into the living room. Jerry is now very drunk and hysterical. It is now apparent that the only safe place is the patio, with the roof as a last refuge.While barricading the wall to the house, they discover some metal drums or barrels. Sherman sees them as a means of escape. He proposes to lash them together, get inside and walk down to the beach and swim out to the boat. He finds a welding torch and cuts eye holes into the barrels. They quickly rig a rope to the gate and prepare to leave. Jerry goes up on the roof and refuses to join them. When they notice a shrew digging through the wall into the patio area they decide to leave Jerry on the roof and escape. They get inside the barrels and open the gate. They are immediately set upon by the pack. They walk to the beach, then out into the ocean. When the water is deep enough they escape the barrels and swim to the boat. Once Jerry sees no more shrews he comes off the roof and makes a run for the beach. He only gets a few hundred yards when he is attacked and killed by another pack. Ann, Sherman and Dr. Craigis climb aboard the boat. Craigis explains that with no more food the pack will turn on itself, and the last one will then die of starvation. Ann and Sherman kiss.

《杀手鼩鼱/The Killer Shrews》(1959) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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