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[原版] 《离这里很远/Away from Here》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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六年后,詹姆斯终于出狱,并决定返回家乡。抵达后,他从灯杆上取下一张传单,并在当地一家餐馆找到了一份洗碗工的工作。在那里,他与主人成了朋友,而主人恰好认识附近避难所的某人。下班后,他开车送詹姆斯去那里,然后让他向那里的人提及他的名字(他从来没有这么做)。房租是每周 100 美元*在某些地方几乎是房租*而且他似乎很奇怪地愿意支付这笔钱。后来詹姆斯被叫醒,并被告知有人要见他*我以为她认识他的老板?*他的老板很高兴开车送他去上班,并告诉他拿个闹钟*据我所知,他从来没有这样做*然后事情发生了顺利进行。他还开始与他在找工作时第一次遇到的一位女服务员约会。她非常可爱又孤独,因为她的母亲患有精神疾病,我们后来才得知。詹姆斯和莉莉进展缓慢但最终他们成为了半情侣。讽刺的是,正是他被指控强奸杰西卡的那个女孩。通过倒叙和我们得知的情况,杰西卡在詹姆斯审判期间被恐吓而撒谎,基本上让他听起来像个怪物。我们从她一开始就煽动事情以及他们两个如何自然地变得更加接近,看到了真相。后来,当莉莉发现自己非常愤怒和不安时,她敲响了他的门,要求知道发生了什么事。詹姆斯此时感到困惑和不确定如何继续他的生活,她最终也猛烈地殴打他,他摔倒了。他让她逃脱惩罚,但这只是表明每个人都有一些暴力,这就是电影的主题。无论是直接的还是间接的(注册表被用来折磨人)。杰西卡正在与父母共进晚餐,讨论过去的事情,而她控制欲极强的男友开始质问她那天为什么来到城里。然后他向自己和杰西卡道歉和她的家人坐在一起,而她的父亲质问她,就像一个小女孩因为没有生活而受到训斥一样。回家时,男友问杰西卡是否见过詹姆斯,她间接承认了这一点。你可以感觉到杰西卡在她空虚的生活之后感到非常空虚和孤独。后来詹姆斯找到莉莉,试图让她相信他不是她在城里发现的海报上描绘的那个人。早些时候,有人在城镇各处的灯杆上张贴了一张詹姆斯的照片,称他是强奸犯,如果发生任何争执,请拨打 911。当然,它并没有说“只有当他开始争吵时”,所以基本上有人可能会生气并开始惹恼他,然后拨打 911 说这一切都是他挑起的!杰西卡的男朋友决定离开,因为他不想陷入无爱的关系,这是正常的。与此同时,詹姆斯回到家,发现他的父母在镇上到处张贴强奸犯传单,并试图毁掉他的生活或他想要实现的目标。。他的父母显然否认某人可以在 15 岁时自愿建立恋爱关系(高中、欧洲国家等),但事实并非如此。后来詹姆斯老板认为他偷窃并解雇了他,但莉莉试图坦白,但她的老板不相信她。詹姆斯一头雾水,不明白到底是谁在偷窃,这是为了除掉已知性犯罪者的诡计吗?詹姆斯被解雇后,他不再有钱,也没有理由继续生活,他最终和莉莉一起回家,莉莉因对整个惨败感到完全困惑而无法控制地哭泣。然后我们看到杰西卡和她爸爸敲她的门,她没有回答,因为她在想过去。她终于屈服了,让他进来,他们现在实际上在他家里,很奇怪。不管怎样,她的父母都催促她给我以为是男朋友的人打电话,但结果却是她的丈夫。杰西卡真的不喜欢她嫁给她父母的那个男人,同时她的父亲去见詹姆斯并与他对峙,但事实是他欠他的道歉并应该公开这一惨败。保罗和杰西卡的父亲一起来到詹姆斯的公寓,试图迫使詹姆斯离开小镇。据透露,保罗很可能让詹姆斯的父母张贴传单。詹姆斯在这一刻透露了杰西卡,他相信他们在一起是上帝的计划。面对这个想法,保罗崩溃了,从楼梯上摔了下来,他正在崩溃,但还没有崩溃。与此同时,莉莉正在收拾行李,而詹姆斯则坐着喝咖啡、抽烟。她正在收拾她的东西,他也在收拾他的东西。詹姆斯迎来了一位新访客,她就是杰西卡!她对他家的样子感到惊讶,她现在也准备离开小镇了。她不知道自己要去哪里,詹姆斯也不知道。杰西卡看到他还保留着她的信,她对此感到非常不安,她知道自己仍然爱着詹姆斯,并感到被周围的每个人欺骗了。她问他现在是否有办法让他们在一起,她很伤心。他拥抱了她,那一刻她意识到她是多么想念他,一直生活在谎言中,她说“我应该让你走”。然后她说“再见詹姆斯”。他告诉她“你可以过你想要的生活。”这很奇怪,因为她走了出去,留下他一个人!莉莉把东西搬出了她的公寓,杰西卡离开了小镇。莉莉看到詹姆斯坐在那里等她,她走上前和他说话,他看着她,她也看着他,似乎在考虑她的态度。杰西卡登上一辆前往芝加哥的巴士,莉莉和詹姆斯一起出城,我们看到詹姆斯准备离开小镇,他的父母、保罗和杰西卡。我们看到了城市景观,电影结束了。

Available on Amazon.comJames is finally set free from prison after 6 years and decides to go back to his hometown. After arriving he pulls down a flier from a light pole and finds a job as a dishwasher in a local restaurant. There he makes friends with the owner who just so happens to know someone at a nearby shelter. After work he drives James to it and drops him off telling him to mention his name to the person there (which he never does). The rent is 100 a week *nearly rent in someplaces* and he seems fine with paying it oddly enough. Later James is woken up and told someone is there to see him *I thought she knew his boss?* His boss gladly drives him to work and tells him to get an alarm clock *he never does from what I can tell* and then things proceed smoothly. He also begins dating one of the waitresses there whom he first encountered when looking for work. She is very cute and lonely due to a mental illness her mother has which we learn of later. James and Lily are slow going but eventually they become a semi-couple. Ironically the very girl he was accused of raping Jessica. Through flashbacks and what we are told Jessica was intimidated into lying during James trial and basically made him sound like a monster. We see the real truth with her instigating things at the start and how the 2 of them become closer naturally. Later when Lily finds out she is furious and upset beyond words, she bangs on his door and demands to know what's going on. James is confused and uncertain how to proceed with his life at this point, she also ends up hitting him violently and he falls down. He lets her get away with it but it just shows everyone has some violence in them which is what the film is about. Whether it's direct or indirect (the registry being used to torment people). Jessica is having dinner with her parents and discussing the past while her very controlling boyfriend begins questioning her about why she was in the city that day. He then excuses himself and Jessica sits with her family while her dad questions her much like a little girl being reprimanded for having a life. When going home the boyfriend questions Jessica if she's seen James at all and she admits to it indirectly. You can get a sense that Jessica is very empty and lonely after her empty life. Later James approaches Lily and tries to convince her he is not that person portrayed on the poster she found in town. Someone had earlier posted on light poles all around town a picture of James saying he's a rapist and to call 911 if any altercations occur. Of course it doesn't say "only if he starts altercations" so basically someone could come up irate and begin messing with him then call 911 saying he started it all! Jessicas boyfriend decides to leave because he doesn't want to be in a loveless relationship which is normal. Meanwhile James goes home to find his parents are the ones posting the rapist fliers all around town and trying to destroy his life or what he's trying to accomplish. His parents clearly in denial that someone could be in a relationship at 15 willingly (high-school, European countries, etc.) show otherwise. Later James boss believes he is stealing and fires him but Lily tries to confess instead but her boss doesn't believe her. James is confused and can't understand who is stealing, is it a ruse to get rid of a known sex offender? With James fired he no longer had money or a reason to go on living, he ends up going home with Lily and she cries uncontrollably for being utterly confused about the entire fiasco. We are then shown Jessica and her dad banging on her door, she doesn't answer because she's thinking of the past. She finally caves in and lets him in, they are actually at his house now weird. Anyways her parents are all urging her to call who I thought was a boyfriend but turns out to be her husband. Jessica really didn't like the guy she married her parents did, meanwhile her dad goes to see and confront James but the truth is he owes him an apology and should go public with the fiasco. With Jessica's dad Paul arrives to James apartment trying to force James to leave town. It is revealed Paul most likely got James parents to post the fliers. James reveals in this instant Jessica and he believed it was gods plan for them to be together. Confronted with this idea Paul collapses and falls down the stairs, he is breaking but not yet broken. Meanwhile Lily is shown packing while James sits drinking a coffee and smoking. She is packing her stuff up and he is packing his too. James has a new visitor, it's Jessica! She is surprised by his homes look and she is going to leave town now too. She has no idea where she'll go neither does James. Jessica sees he has her letters still and she is very upset by it, she knows she still loves James and feels cheated by everyone around her. She asks him if now there is some way they could be together, she is very sad. He hugs her and she realizes so much in that moment, how she missed him, has been living a lie, and she says "I should let you go". She then says "goodbye James." and he tells her "you can have the life you want." This is odd since she walks out and leaves him alone! Lily is shown moving things out of her apartment and Jessica is shown leaving town. Lily sees James sitting there waiting for her and she walks up to talk with him, he looks at her and she looks at him seemingly over her attitude. Jessica boards a bus to Chicago and Lily/James are shown moving out of town together and we see James is ready to move on from the town, his parents, Paul, and Jessica. We see a cityscape and the movie ends.

《离这里很远/Away from Here》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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