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[原版] 《两千疯子!/Two Thousand Maniacs!》(1964) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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在片头,六名扬基游客组成了两对已婚夫妇约翰和比·米勒、大卫和贝弗利·威尔斯,驾驶着一辆白色凯迪拉克敞篷车,再加上一对未婚夫妇汤姆·怀特和特里·亚当斯驾驶着一辆红色敞篷车,他们被通过“乡巴佬”公民在通往虚构的南部小镇普莱森特谷的道路上放置了绕行标志,作为 1965 年 4 月百年纪念庆典的“贵宾”,纪念联邦军队在战争结束时摧毁该小镇的两天内战。三对夫妇会见了镇长约瑟夫·巴克曼(Joseph Buckman)和他的两个得力助手鲁弗斯(Rufus)和莱斯特(Lester)(放置假绕道标志的人),以及店主哈珀(Harper)和他的女朋友贝特西(Betsy)。游客们最初受到了热情的款待,并在当地的 Hunter Arms 酒店获得了房间。 然而,那天下午,在与丈夫发生争执后,Bea 和 Harper 一起去了一片树林里独处,Harper 在那里展示了他的小刀,但然后切片离开她的右手拇指。哈珀带着比亚来到巴克曼市长的办公室,鲁弗斯和莱斯特向她搭话,他们将她按在桌子上,用斧头活活肢解了她。 与此同时,汤姆试图向特里解释镇上发生的一些奇怪的事情,并试图联系向外界寻求帮助,却打不通。他尝试使用当地的公用电话告诉朋友他住在哪里。但汤姆不知道,电话那头的人是巴克曼市长。那天晚上,比亚被肢解的四肢在烧烤会上被烤着,镇上的人们都在场。离开聚会场所后,汤姆和特里发现了一块公园牌匾,上面写着“血腥百年”庆祝活动,他们将在这场庆祝活动中被杀。当大卫和贝弗利被带回酒店时,醉酒的约翰被镇上的人逮捕,并被迫参加一场“赛马”,他的身体被四匹不同的马肢解,四肢被绳子绑在他的四肢上。第二天,剩下的游客被迫参加各种残酷的游戏,最终导致血腥死亡。大卫被贝特西引诱到附近的一座山上,在那里他被强行放进一个嵌有钉子的桶里,然后滚下山。贝弗利被引诱到城镇广场,在那里她被绑起来,并被一块高高举起的巨石压碎,巨石装在一个类似嘉年华风格的灌篮罐的装置中。在发现镇上居民的邪恶计划后,汤姆和特里设法逃离了他们的酒店房间,哈珀在追赶。他们跑到附近的沼泽地区,哈珀掉进流沙坑里淹死了。在汤姆和特里带着比利作为人质/向导的小男孩的帮助下,他们设法找到了特里的汽车并开车出去被鲁弗斯、莱斯特和一群镇民追赶时离开了城镇。释放比利后,特里和汤姆到达附近的主干道并开车离开。后来,汤姆和特里到达当地警察局,在那里他们告诉不相信的警长关于他们的磨难。回到普莱森特谷,巴克曼市长命令他的人民摘下百年纪念横幅,并宣布庆祝活动结束。汤姆和特里与当地警察一起返回普莱森特谷,却发现小镇已经消失了。警察对他们关于凶残镇民的故事表示怀疑,但当他向汤姆和特里讲述 100 年前内战即将结束时,一群叛徒联盟的故事时,他开始认为这可能有一些真相。军队袭击了普莱森特谷小镇,两天多的时间里,屠杀了全部 2000 人,并将小镇夷为平地。但当地有传说称,该镇的鬼魂经常出没于该镇曾经所在的空地和树木繁茂的地区。离开该地区后,汤姆和特里终于意识到,他们接触过的欢乐谷镇上的所有居民都是鬼魂,他们每 100 年死而复生一次,杀死诺斯。电影以汤姆和特里开车离开而结束,鲁弗斯和莱斯特的复仇之魂看着他们离开,哈珀也从淹死的流沙坑中爬出来。鲁弗斯和莱斯特谈论了对 2065 年下一个百年纪念的期待,届时宜人谷将再次崛起,恢复对洋基队的仇恨,以及当他们摆脱困境时,他们期望为他们和小镇本身带来什么技术。哈珀、鲁弗斯和莱斯特走进附近的浓雾中消失了。

Over the opening credits, six Yankee tourists who make up two married couples, John and Bea Miller, David and Beverly Wells, driving a white Cadillac convertible, plus an unmarried couple of Tom White and Terry Adams, driving a red convertible, are lured via detour signs placed in the road into the fictional small Southern town of Pleasant Valley by "redneck" citizens, to be the "guests of honor" for the April 1965 centennial celebration of the two days where Union troops destroyed the town at the end of the Civil War. The three couples meet the town mayor, Joseph Buckman, and his two right-hand men, Rufus and Lester (the men who placed the phony detour signs), as well as shop owner Harper and his girlfriend Betsy. The tourists are initially treated with hospitality and given rooms to stay in the local Hunter Arms hotel.However that afternoon, after an argument with her husband, Bea goes off with Harper to a wooded area for alone time where he shows off his pocket knife, but then slices off her right thumb. Harper takes Bea to Mayor Buckman's office where she is accosted by Rufus and Lester who hold her down on a table and dismember her alive with an axe.Meanwhile, Tom tries to explain to Terry about something strange going on with the town and attempts to contact for help on the outside, but cannot get through. He tries using a local payphone where he tells a friend where he is staying. But unknown to Tom, the person on the other line is Mayor Buckman.That evening, Bea's dismembered limbs are roasted over a barbecue with the townspeople in attendance. Wandering away from the gathering, Tom and Terry discover a park plaque describing the "blood centennial" celebration in which they will be killed. While David and Beverly are taken back to the hotel, the drunken John is apprehended by the townspeople and made to participate in a "horse race", which entails his body being ripped apart limb by limb by four different horses who are roped to his extremities.The next day, the remaining tourists are forced to participate in various cruel games which lead to their gory deaths. David is lured by Betsy to a nearby hill where he is forcibly placed in a barrel embedded with nails and rolled downhill. Beverly is lured to the town square where she is tied up and is crushed by a boulder held aloft in a contraption resembling a carnival-style dunk tank. After discovering the nefarious plans of the townspeople, Tom and Terry manage to escape from their hotel room with Harper in pursuit. They run to a nearby swamp area where Harper falls into a quicksand pit and drowns.With a little help from a little boy named Billy, who Tom and Terry take with them as a hostage/guide, they manage to locate Terry's car and drive out of town while being chased by Rufus, Lester, and a horde of townsmen. After releasing Billy, Terry and Tom make it to the nearby main road and drive away. Later, Tom and Terry arrive at a local police station where they tell the disbelieving sheriff about their ordeal. Back in Pleasant Valley, Mayor Buckman orders his people to take down the centennial banner and declares the celebration over.Tom and Terry return with the local policeman to Pleasant Valley, only discover that the town has disappeared. The policeman is skeptic to their story about the murderous townspeople, but comes to think there may be some truth in it as he tells Tom and Terry the story that 100 years ago as the Civil War was drawing to an end, a group of renegade Union troops attacked the small town of Pleasant Valley and, over two days, massacred the entire population of 2,000 people and burned the town to the ground. But there are local legends that the town's ghosts haunt the clearing and wooded areas where the town once stood. After leaving the area, Tom and Terry finally realize that the all of the townspeople of Pleasant Valley that they interacted with were ghosts who come back from the dead once every 100 years into their contemporary time to kill Northern people as a blood vengeance for their deaths.The film ends with Tom and Terry driving away, while the vengeful spirits of Rufus and Lester watch them depart, along with Harper who emerges from the quicksand pit where he drowned. Rufus and Lester talk about looking forward to the next centennial in 2065, when Pleasant Valley will rise again to resume its vendetta against the Yankees and what technology they expect will be in store for them and the town itself when they emerge from their limbo state. Harper, Rufus, and Lester walk into a nearby fog and disappear.

《两千疯子!/Two Thousand Maniacs!》(1964) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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