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[原版] 《海贼王:电影/One Piece: The Movie》(2000) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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很久以前,有一个名叫乌南船长的海盗。他对黄金如此痴迷,最终获得了世界1/3的黄金供应量。并因此被称为黄金海贼乌南。多年来,热爱黄金的海盗很快就在世界上共存了。有传言说,伍南带着他的黄金消失在一个偏远的岛屿上。直到今天,其他海盗仍在寻找那个岛屿。在《欢乐时光》中,路飞和索隆都被饿死了。乌索普试图通过钓鱼获得食物,但根本没有上钩。而娜美却在抱怨船上食物供应不足。这时一群小偷来偷他们的财宝。路飞和索隆毁掉了他们的逃亡船,船上有一个被盗贼扣为人质的孩子。他的名字叫托比奥(Tobio),和他的祖父奇闻趣事(Gonzo)住在一起。奇闻趣事拥有一个漂浮的奥登看台。并将一生奉献给了奥登。路飞和索隆非常喜欢关东煮。但托比奥根本不是奥登的专家,他说这没什么特别的。他想成为像乌南一样的海盗,而不是像他祖父那样的奥登卖家。当路飞和索隆准备离开时,奇闻趣事告诉他们,这会让他们付出所有吃掉的奥登的代价。而且他们身上根本就没有钱。所以他们坚持了这个法案。盗贼(绑架了托比奥)为一个海盗团工作,该团伙由一个名叫埃尔·德拉戈(El Drago)的、凶猛的阿兹特克印第安人所领导。艾尔·德拉戈对黄金非常着迷,他决心找到乌南的战利品。他还拥有一张藏宝图,上面有乌南偏远岛屿的坐标。最终,我们的朋友“草帽海贼团”到达了宇南岛。路飞和索隆被锁在一起,托比奥想要找到乌南的宝藏,乌索普对艾德拉戈的船员撒谎说他知道宝藏是什么,而娜美也对宝藏感兴趣。尽管存在这些情况,我们的英雄必须阻止埃尔德拉戈偷走金牌。——J LeGault

Long ago, there was a pirate name Captain Woonan. He was obsess with gold so much, he eventually obtained 1/3 of the world's gold supply. And was nicknamed Great Gold Pirate Woonan because of that. Over the years the gold loving pirate soon co-existed in the world. Rumor has it that Woonan disappeared with his gold on a remote island. And to this day, other pirates are in search of that island. On the "Going Merry", Luffy and Zoro are starved to death. Usopp tries to get a meal by fishing, but no bites at all. While Nami is complaining about the ship's lack of food supply. Then a group of thieve came to steal their treasure supplies. Luffy and Zoro wrecked their getaway boat, which has a kid who was the hostage of the thieves. His name is Tobio and he lives with his grandfather, Gonzo. Gonzo owns a floating Oden stand. And has dedicated his life to making Oden. Luffy and Zoro enjoyed the Oden a lot. But Tobio, who's not at all an expert in Oden, says there's nothing to special about it. He wants to become a pirate like Woonan instead of an Oden seller like his grandfather. When Luffy and Zoro were about to leave, Gonzo told them that it'll cost them for all the Oden they ate. And they so happen to not have any money on them at all. So their stuck with the bill.The thieves(who kidnapped Tobio) worked for a pirate crew lead by a large,ferocious,Aztec Indian like man named El Drago. El Drago is so obsess with gold, that he's determined to find Woonan's loot. And he has in possession, the treasure map which has the coordinates of where Woonan's remote island is. Eventually our friends the "Straw Hat Pirate Crew" get to Woonan's island. Luffy and Zoro are chained together, Tobio wants to find Woonan's treasure, Usopp lies to El Drago's crew that he knows what the treasure is, and Nami is also interested in the treasure as well. Despite all these circumstances, our heroes must prevent El Drago from stealing the gold.—J LeGault

《海贼王:电影/One Piece: The Movie》(2000) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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