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[原版] 《一天的女士/Lady for a Day》(1933) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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苹果安妮(梅·罗布森饰)是纽约市一位年老而可怜的水果小贩,她的女儿路易丝(吉恩·帕克饰)从小就在西班牙修道院长大。安妮总是写信给女儿,说她是纽约上流社会的一员,名叫E·沃辛顿·曼维尔夫人,住在马伯里酒店。当安妮收到女儿的来信时,她发现自己的谜语有被揭穿的危险。宣布路易丝将与她的未婚夫卡洛斯(巴里·诺顿饰)和他的父亲、西班牙贵族成员罗梅罗伯爵(沃尔特·康诺利饰)一起航行到纽约。伯爵想在祝福这桩婚姻之前先见见路易丝的家人。安妮几乎没有收到这封信,因为她依靠拦截她在马伯里酒店收到的任何邮件。酒店的管理层不喜欢她进来,而且由于那里没有一个叫E·沃辛顿·曼维尔夫人的人在那里登记,所以邮递员正准备退回那封信以寄出。呃。安妮在邮递员拿走之前就拿到了这封信。当她在酒店外面读到这封信时,她晕了过去。 安妮的顾客中包括赌徒戴夫(Dave the Dude),他相信她的苹果会给他带来好运,还有他的戴夫的追随者哈皮·麦奎尔(内德·斯帕克斯饰)。戴夫是地下圈子里的知名人物,所以当他得知她最近被警察从马伯里酒店护送回家时,他派人来找她。他即将进入某种高风险项目,他想确保安妮和她的苹果能带来好运。戴夫读了路易丝的信,然后耸了耸肩。安妮的朋友最终说服他尝试提供帮助。他有一个同事在马伯里酒店拥有一套空置的豪华公寓,用来招待访客,并说服他借用这套公寓几天。这家伙的女朋友密苏里·马丁(格伦达·法雷尔饰)是一位富裕的人。 -做夜总会老板谁Dude a寻求帮助。密苏里请来了一群私人助理来对安妮进行改造,将她从一个邋遢的街头小贩变成了一个优雅的贵妇。戴夫还安排台球骗子亨利·布莱克(盖伊·基比饰)冒充安妮的丈夫,尊贵的法官 E·沃辛顿·曼维尔。 那天,路易丝、卡洛斯和罗梅罗伯爵将乘坐杜德手下的一艘客轮抵达。警告他,当地报纸可能对与罗梅罗伯爵交谈非常感兴趣,这意味着他们自然会好奇伯爵为什么在那里以及他正在与谁会面。这家伙决定他最好亲自去码头确保没有出什么问题。他让一帮手下排成一排,让新闻记者远离伯爵和其他人。 安妮和路易丝在码头重逢,泪流满面,但又很幸福。当发现几个警察靠近时,伙计的手下被命令通过打斗来转移注意力。警察分散注意力当安妮、老兄和其他人开车离开时,他们正忙着打架。当一位社会记者出现在马伯里酒店时,老兄和哈皮在他采访安妮或伯爵之前护送他离开。该记者的报纸随后报道他失踪。另外两名社会记者也遭遇了同样的命运,因为他们对 E. 沃辛顿·曼维尔夫人感到好奇,但他们找不到有关她的任何公开记录。报纸编辑指责警察部门在没有线索的情况下无能。几天后,布莱克、曼维尔法官宣布,他计划在路易丝、卡洛斯和罗梅罗伯爵返回西班牙之前为他们举办一场盛大的招待会。戴夫对此一点也不高兴。他发现自己正在努力训练安妮的贫困朋友代表她的社会朋友。与此同时,警方正在向戴夫和他的手下施加压力,他们怀疑戴夫可能与失踪的记者有关。警察局长对他的手下没有线索感到不安,警察冰专员对酋长感到不满,市长对专员感到不满,州长(霍巴特博斯沃思)对市长感到不满。各级人员都威胁说,如果不尽快找到记者,他们的下属就会被解雇。 在等待客人到来和招待会开始时,伯爵与布莱克讨论了路易丝的嫁妆问题。这让布莱克大吃一惊,但他反应敏捷,决定抓住机会,不仅愿意为这对新婚夫妇捐献 50,000 美元,而且还愿意支付伯爵应得的份额。伯爵不肯接受,而是提出自己支付全部 100,000 美元。最终,两人决定玩台球游戏,失败者同意支付全部费用。布莱克轻松获胜。警察包围了密苏里州的俱乐部,犯罪团伙正在那里聚集进行最后的排练。因此,他们无法前往酒店,因此戴夫打电话给布莱克,向他告知他们的困境,安妮决定现在是时候了与此同时,戴夫和哈皮奉命被警察局长带到市长办公室,州长正在那里参加一个活动。他们希望找到失踪记者的解决方案。这家伙有一个建议。州长、市长和他们的随从意外地到达了招待会,打断了安妮向路易丝和伯爵表白,他们都走近安妮,向她、路易丝和伯爵介绍了自己,给大家留下了深刻的印象。记者们被救了,并被勒令说他们喝醉了。安妮又差点晕倒,她既震惊又松了口气,很高兴她的女儿很快就会嫁入西班牙贵族。

Apple Annie (May Robson) is an aging and wretched fruit seller in New York City whose daughter Louise (Jean Parker) has been raised in a Spanish convent since she was an infant. Annie has always written to her daughter that she is a member of New York's high society, named Mrs. E. Worthington Manville, residing at the Hotel Marberry.Annie discovers her charade is in danger of being uncovered when she receives a letter from her daughter announcing that Louise is sailing to New York, with her fiancé Carlos (Barry Norton) and his father, Count Romero (Walter Connolly), a member of the Spanish aristocracy. The Count wants to meet Louise's family before giving his blessing to the marriage.Annie nearly doesn't get the letter, as she depends on intercepting any mail she gets at the Hotel Marberry. The management of the hotel does not like her coming in there, and since there's no one named Mrs. E. Worthington Manville registered there, the mail clerk was preparing to return the letter to sender. Annie was able to get to the letter before it was taken by the postman. When she read the letter outside of the hotel, she fainted.Among Annie's patrons are Dave the Dude, a gambling gangster who believes her apples bring him good luck, and his Dave's henchman, Happy McGuire (Ned Sparks). Dave is a well-known figure in underground circles, so when he learns that she's recently been escorted from the Hotel Marberry by the police and sent home, he sends for her. He's about to enter into a high stakes project of some sort and he wants to be sure Annie and her apples are available for luck. Dave the Dude reads the letter from Louise and sort of shrugs it off. Annie's friends ultimately persuade him to try and help. He has an associate who owns a vacant luxury apartment at the Hotel Marbury that is used to entertain visitors, and convinces him to loan the use of the apartment for several days.Dude's girlfriend, Missouri Martin (Glenda Farrell), is a well-to-do nightclub owner who Dude asks for assistance. Missouri brings in a group of her personal assistants to do a makeover of Annie, transforming her from a dowdy street peddler to an elegant dowager. Dave also arranges for pool hustler, Henry Blake (Guy Kibbee), to pose as Annie's husband, the dignified Judge E. Worthington Manville.The day that Louise, Carlos and Count Romero are due to arrive on a passenger ship, one of Dude's men warns him that the local newspapers are likely to be very much interested in talking to Count Romero, which means they will naturally be curious about why the Count is there and who he's meeting with. Dude decides he'd better go down to the docks himself to make sure nothing goes wrong. He positions a bunch of his men in an line to keep the news reporters away from the Count and others.Annie and Louise have a tearful and happy reunion at the pier. Dude's men are ordered to create a diversion by starting a fight when a couple of policemen are spotted approaching. The policemen are distracted by the fight while Annie, Dude, and the others take off in their cars.When a society reporter shows up at the Hotel Marbury, Dude and Happy escort him away before he can interview Annie or the Count. The reporter's newspaper subsequently reports him as missing. Two more society reporters suffer the same fate, after they become curious about Mrs. E. Worthington Manville, of whom they can find no public records. The newspaper editors accuse the police department of incompetence when there are no leads.A few days later, Blake, Judge Manville, announces he is planning a gala reception for Louise, Carlos, and Count Romero before they return to Spain. Dave is not at all pleased about that. He finds himself trying to train Annie's indigent friends to represent her society friends. Meanwhile, pressure is being applied to Dave and his men by the police, who suspect that Dave may have something to do with the missing reporters. The Chief of Police was upset that his men had no leads, the Police Commissioner was upset at the Chief, the Mayor was upset at the Commissioner, and the Governor (Hobart Bosworth) was upset at the Mayor. There were threats at every level to fire their subordinate if the reporters weren't found soon.While waiting for the guests to arrive and the reception to begin, the Count engages Blake in a discussion about Louise's dowry. That catches Blake by surprise, but he's quick on his feet and decides to take a chance by offering not only to match the Count's contribution of $50,000 to the newlyweds, but to pay the Count's share as well. The Count won't have it and instead offers to pay the entire $100,000 himself. Ultimately, the two decide to play a game of pool, with the loser agreeing to pay it all. Blake wins easily.The police surround Missouri's club, where the gang has assembled for a final rehearsal. Consequently, they are unable to make their way over to the hotel, so Dave calls Blake to advise him of their predicament, and Annie decides it's time to confess everything to Louise and Count Romero.Meanwhile, Dave and Happy are ordered to be taken by the Chief of Police to the Mayor's office, where the governor is attending a function. They want a resolution to the missing reporters. The Dude has a suggestion.The governor, mayor, and their entourages unexpectedly arrive at the reception, interrupting Annie's confession to Louise and the Count, and they all approach Annie and introduce themselves to her, Louise, and the Count, tremendously impressing everyone. The reporters are rescued and ordered to say they were out on a drunk.Annie nearly faints again, she's so shocked and relieved, happy that her daughter will soon marry into the Spanish aristocracy.

《一天的女士/Lady for a Day》(1933) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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